sgc2005 Member


  • Hi All - i have some quick time to check in and catch up on posts. Attempted to do Cto5K Week 4, Day 2 this morning - it was a big FAIL- well, half fail. I did 1/2 of it and ran 5 minutes straight which is probably the longest i've ever run consecutively in my life, but then i couldn't do the rest - but i did walk the…
  • Good morning all! I thought I'd try to catch up while everyone is still sleeping in my house. My weigh in for this week is 207! Nava - I've always wanted to try 5 hour energy, I actually have one that I carry around but have yet to try. Guess I need to time my "crash" with the end of the work day?!?!? I need to try and…
  • good morning all - i was out of town last week and took me some time to find the new discussion. anyway - since i was out of town - i'm hoping it's ok to take a "pass" on weigh in this week - hope everyone had a good week and i will try to catch up later.
  • Good Morning all - just a quick post with my weigh in 208.6. It's been a busy week/weekend and i'm off to Chicago this afternoon for a business trip.
  • Wow - great weight loss everyone! Lacey - I feel your pain - sounds like the story of my life. When I leave the house for an hour without the kids my husband needs a whole afternoon to recuperate, but if he is gone a half a day, he comes home and sits on the computer the rest of the day - GRRRRR. It's so frustrating. I…
  • Good morning all! Sorry I haven't been involved in the conversation this past week - just trying to catch up and get to know you all. It's so wonderful the support and motivation you give each other! My official weigh in this week - 210.2 I had a pretty good week and excercised 6 out of the 7 days. My husband and I decided…
  • Hi! Is it too late to join? If not, I'd love to be a part. My name is Stacey. I've been on a weight loss journey my whole life and this is the first time I am posting to any sort of group like this. My goal is to live a healthier lifestyle so I can teach my kids to grow up healthy and active so they don't have the same…