200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    OH EM GEE.

    VitaTops. Deep Chocolate.

    Why have I never heard of these before???? SO GOOD!!!

    100 cals
    1.5g fat
    1g sat fat
    0 cholesterol
    140mg sodium
    26g carb (wow, ok, so that's high)
    9g fiber
    4g protein
  • Kwick2010
    Kwick2010 Posts: 20 Member
    MFP Starting Weight: 235.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 232.4

    Today's/Current Weight: 231.6

    Six Week Goal Weight: 220
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145

    A loss of .8 pounds, which I am honestly surprised that I even did that! Repeating my goals below and adding in a new one, because I didn't hit many of them at all! This week was chaotic and full of stress. For me stress equals eating stuff you know you should limit or not eat at all. I didn't keep track of my food intake as well as I should have. But tomorrow begins a new week, and I can start over again!

    1. Update MFP Daily (New Goal)
    2. Drink more H2O.
    3. Exercise at least 3 days per week.
    4. Curb the carbohydrates - I'm a sugar and salt junkie.
    5. Find creative ways to deal with stress - I'm an emotional eater.
    6. Lose about 2lbs per week to reach my short term goal.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for today:
    1265 eaten / 333 exercise calories / 268 left.

    Pretty good eating, calorie-wise, but I could have used a few more veggies.

    Crazy week ahead. Tomorrow isn't going to be a great eating day... I know this. Catered lunch and then team dinner. Yikes! Will try and make the best decisions I can. Work is going to be very busy. I'm getting settled into the new office okay, but I have tons of things on my to-do list for the week and Mon/Tue we have a collaborator coming into town, which means I'll be in a lot of meetings, instead of doing the work I need to.

    Just a reminder to get your weigh-ins in by tomorrow morning. I'd like to post the chart tomorrow evening. I'm going to do the call out now, because I don't know if I'll have time in the morning to do so.

    These people haven't posted yet:
    Sarah (rainvc)

    Get 'em in ladies!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Ok girls. I just hit the scale.....214. Im ok with that considering I have been out of routine for 5 days now. Im hoping I can be at 210 by friday. Im HOPING the most of this is water weight, business trip, and TOM. Regardless, I will hit my goal by challenge end.

    On a happier note, I met a boy when I was out last week. We will see where that goes. He seems nice enough. Ill keep you posted.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Heyooo, quick weigh-in post. No change from last week. Bleh. 223.

    That's actually not bad considering I had Cici's Pizza (must have been a Cici's kinda day) yesterday and IHOP for breakfast.

    Will post more later, sorry for being so absentee this weekend!

    PS... Eatingwell's Chilaquiles Casserole is amazing, and I added 90/10 beef to it. If my calculations are correct, it's 290 calories for 1/12 a casserole and a little extra cheese. And it's super tasty and filling because it's chock full of beans and veggies.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies. Camping was pretty good. There were a few sulky mom moments where it looked like things might blow but all in all a good weekend. She also took Gracie school clothes shopping and I managed to buy two pairs of super cute jeans and two dresses. One of which I am on the fence about but am going to keep right up until I go to Europe.
    This is the one I'm on the fence about..mine is grey background with pansy looking flowers in reds and purples:

    And this one I totally love. It would be cute with black leggins or the skinny jeans I just bought..and can be tossed in a suite case and not to be worried about:

    I went to Maurices and bought two pairs of jeans. Size 18s...sigh. But one pair looks like I've had them forever and they just feel So good when I put them on. The other pair is a skinny type jean and is almost a tad too big and gaps at the top of the butt but they didn't have a 16 and I think they will shrink down a bit when I wash them. If you guys are looking for good jeans, the Silver brand at Maurices are super super trendy cute and run form like a 7 to a 24. http://www.maurices.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=10846309

    Okay and now another post to repsond...you gals were busy this weekend :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Welcome Nellie! You can totally do this and we are here to help!!

    Hosanna - I used to have to work every Saturday, so six day weeks for almost six years. I do it now and again now but bleh. Working weekends totally blows, so I feel for ya. I hope it went well.

    Hailie - I get that way too. I call it hormones. Just check in and do what you can to not pull too deep into the turtle shell and you will be okay.

    Welcome Ros!

    Kendal and Hosanna - I totally 100% the donut thing. I cannot stay away from maple bars if they are in my presence. Or krispy kremes. I do not hold myself accountable. I seem to vaguely remember the bright light alien tractor beam they emit that sucks me forward until I am licking the final bits of frosting off the napkin and my fingers before I remember myself.

    Sarah - P90X really wears you down. I notice a lot of people get sick doing it, so keep getting lots of rest like Amy said and if you arent consider some sort of protien shake or yogurt or something after to help you recover.

    Amy - YEAY for catching up to the Hubbs weight! Also Ideeli? I had to make myself stop getting on there for months...but lately because of the trip I've been scanning their deals, and also their vacation stuff. Have you checked that out? Wow, great deals on trips/hotels.

    Kendal - yeay rollerskating! I worked for about a year during college at a kids science museum here doing birthday parties and the summer camp classes, it was a total blast. SO glad you guys had such a good time and that everyone liked each other so much. Also about the tampon string, I've had to adjust them before...lol.

    Kristina - good job walking in the sticky with your group. Skinnny Cow - YES, I log one when I am on that phase of wanting them every day first thign in the morning as my evening snack so I have it to look forward to all day..it keeps me good and sane.

    Sarah (WnT) - YEAY YEAY YEAY on the hubs job! WOOHOO!!

    Megan - Glad you made it back alive and with your liver intact lol. YEAY for a new boy (toy)!

    Hailie - I have a suggestion about running and exercise in general...its just my opinion and some may not agree. Try the C25k but don't force yourself to do it. I tried it, I didn't like it, but tried to grit my way throught it. I DO like walking however.(also I hope I'm not soudning like a debbie downer here, not meaning to) I like P90X. What I've come to realize through doing P90X is that if you dont like the exercise you are going to make yourself miserable trying to force yourself to do it. You may try C25k and end up absolutely loving it, so definitely try it. Luckily there are lots o' girlies in this group who loving running long time and they have lots of suggestions and pointers to get you going. You can totally do it, that much I definitely know!!

    Katheryne - where are you staying in Vegas? Somehow I missed that..

    K2 - Subway is fast food. Its just the lesser evil of the fast foods. I usually end up getting it about once a week or so..although I too have made a vow to not eat out at lunch and am on week two of doing so.

    Kendal - you can get the vitatops on their website for a "better" deal once in a while.

    Yeay I got everyone!
  • This weeks weight: 280.4

    I'm staying at the MGM . Hubby and I are going for his grandparents 65 wedding annivasary, they live in Henderson. So we're flying down on Friday, spending Sat with the family, then Sun and Mon having a little vacation. We picked the MGM because they have three pools. I miss swimming. We don't get to do that up here, living in Alaska and all. The only problem is going to be the food. We have a total of Two fast food resturants here in Juneau (Subway and McDs) so avoiding fast food has been relativly easy for the last three years. So that's teh solution ladies...move to Alaska...no more worries about Dunkin Donuts, IHOP, O'Charlies, Burger King, etc. Now, for me... I'm afraid what's going to happen with variety (i so miss arby's)

    Amy, congrats.. I would so love to catch down to my husband's weight...But I'll get there someday.

    Kendal...rollerskating sounds like so much fun.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Katheryne I've stayed at MGM. The pools are the bestest. There are a ton of great restaurants in vegas and you should be able to eat yummy but healthy stuff easily. Having Arby's one time won't kill you either :). Enjoy the glorious sun and heat!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    RainSarah- Bouncy castles are WAY more exercise than you'd expect! I went to a wedding earlier this year where they had a bouncy castle (yes, it was awesome!) But we were all exhausted by the time we got off it!

    Hailie - There is no shame in not being able to spell regularly... i still struggle with biscuit, restaurant and License. I checked each of them on google before typing them here.

    WiggleSarah - Great to hear about Hubby's new job! It's life-changing when you get into a better position!

    Kendal - it's great to see you're getting on with the girls! That's so important in a relationship.

    K2 - Re: Subway - I kinda call it fast food, but i would not count it in your "no fast food" thing necessarily, as it has not been deep fried and there are lower calorie options. I tend to go for steak and cheese on wheat with sweet onion dressing... about 470cal for a six inch, which is not bad for "fast food"!

    Megan - Wicked to hear you met a boy! It's such an awesome feeling! :smile:

    I've had a loooooooooong couple of days at work. so glad to have at least one day off now, to regroup, tidy the house, and tomorrow i'm taking the pups for a walk with my friend and her dog. I had some chocolate at work today, but i was majorly craving it, and it was just a freddo frog - WAY not as bad as it would have been if i was still craving it when i went to the supermarket after work and had the whoooooole chocolate aisle in front of me! So i figure it was lesser of two evils, and now the chocolate craving has gone.
    So looking forward to my walk tomorrow, it's been ages since my friend and i have been for a walk together. I got my man to drop me at work this morning, and after work i walked to the shops and then home. SO i had about a 30 minute walk, 30 with groceries. pretty content with that for today.
    Haven't managed as much water today as i'd like, but it's too late in the day now to drink ALL the rest, since otherwise i'll be up allllllllllll night to the loo!!
  • sgc2005
    sgc2005 Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning all! Sorry I haven't been involved in the conversation this past week - just trying to catch up and get to know you all. It's so wonderful the support and motivation you give each other!

    My official weigh in this week - 210.2

    I had a pretty good week and excercised 6 out of the 7 days. My husband and I decided that we need to exercise more as a family, so on Saturday morning I did yoga with my 4 year old daughter and yesterday we went on our first family bike ride - for the first time on a bike in 10 years I did pretty good with the exception of one fall because I lost control on slippery wood planks.

    Also, I have a plug for a good healthy option at McDonalds - not my first choice of where to go, but we needed a quick lunch. I had the asian chicken salad - so good and low in calories!

    Have a good week everyone and I will try to post and not just be a lurker!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm feeling like a sloth. I went 3 days with no ex and it showed. My ave daily cal burn dropped to 2500 this week. TOM showed up this morning - 2 days early:( One of my kittens has a cold - with snot. Sighs. 2 others have reg yearly check-ups fri so hopefully I can sneak this one in too... To top my day off, I have to go to DHs work picnic. I have no idea what to wear. Yup - it's Monday!!! I was sluggish despite getting scolded to "pick up the pace" and we only made it 9.5 vs 11 miles on our bike ride this morning. Hmmm what else can I complain about? LOL..
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kendal: Roller skating sounds fun! Can't wait until my son starts doing all of that stuff! Hopefully, I'll be fit enough to join in! Kudos to you for passing on the McD's!

    Hailie: Hope you got some good rest. I hate when I can't sleep. But, it has been happening a lot lately. For some reason, I wake up at 4 am almost every day. Ew.

    Amy: I've heard melatonin works wonders. I'm sure getting my Nearly 3 year old out of my bed would work wonders too. The past few weeks he's been having nightmares or not feeling well and always finds his way to my bed in the middle of the night.

    k2: Meh. I don't think subway is that bad. I find that at least with subway I can track everything. There are healthy bread choices and if you get a turkey sub with no oil or mayo and don't go overboard with the cheese its a nice middle ground. I treat myself to it every once in a while. Just drink tons of water to get rid of all the sodium. I agree with what Amy said though, I consider all food I don't cook eating out. Which, I try to limit. And when I do eat out, I avoid fried foods at all costs.

    Lacey: I've been trying to get through c25k, but I think I hurt my shins. I"m not going to force it, either. So I've been walking briskly lol. I try to do 3.5 miles a day. When my body will let me, I WILL finish c25k haha.

    As for me, I had a pretty good weekend. I weighed in at 241.2...down a little over a pound. Yay! I let myself eat what I wanted yesterday, and while none of it was very healthy, I logged it all and stayed under my calories (barely). I had pizza for lunch (homemade) and a glorious chicken piccata dish for dinner. I never made it before, and it turned out amazing. I even had a reese's mcflurry while watching true blood (Holy calories, batman!) But, it was worth it. I needed some sugar lol.

    Back to work, blech. Off tomorrow, hubby is having surgery. I hope he heals quickly, I hate to see him suffer.

    Talk to you girls later!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    I'll catch up later, but a quick check in to post my weight this week:

    Weigh in: 218.6

    Down 2.6 pounds from last Monday! I can't believe it! I had been weighing in on Saturdays and was thrown off last weekend when I was out of town and didn't have a scale...I planned on going back to a Saturday weigh-in this week, but I'm going to be without a scale this upcoming weekend too, so I thought I'd just stick to Monday for now.

    I'm SHOCKED by my weigh-in. All week the scale told me that I'd been either staying the same or even gaining, and then BOOM, it showed a loss all at once. The really weird thing is that I haven't been eating well this weekend -- WAY too much sodium -- haven't exercised as much, and didn't drink all my water. And yet I lost weight after that? I don't understand the scale, but I'll take it.

    Yet another reason to step away from the scale and stop weighing daily. :smile: If I hadn't been weighing all week and just stepped on this morning, I would've avoided a whole week of scale disappointment!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi there! It's almost 3 pm here and I am finally doing my "morning" check in. (My schedule has gotten so screwed up since having surgery) Check in for Sunday: 1943 calories burned/ 1449 calories consumed/ 494 calorie deficit.

    Victoria: I think it's awesome that your no exercise calorie burn is around 2500 per day. My no exercise calorie burn is around 2000, so I think you're doing great!

    sgc: I think it's awesome that you are getting your family involved with the exercise. Me and my 8 year old do yoga together, mountain bike and run and I feel so good setting an example for him. Great job!

    Hosanna: Way to go with your walking!

    Lacey: I think both of those dresses are super-cute! I also totally dig the jeans. I'll keep Maurices in mind for when I need to buy a smaller size jean (as I totally can't justify owning another pair of jean right now).

    Nava: You had me at "chilaquiles"

    Megan: Yay for meeting a boy! Drink lots of water and I'm sure your weight will stabilize.

    Kristina: Good luck with your busy-ness!

    Kwick: a 0.8 pound loss is great! Keep it up!

    Kendal: I've heard of Vitatops but never encountered them in real life.

    Ros: Ballroom/Latin dancing sounds like fun. I don't know if my Hubbs would go for it though.

    I did my chair aerobics and I did Ab Raper. I plan to be quite sore tomorrow. I haven't done Ab Raper in a while (as I was doing Insanity when I fell injured) and you really lose the ability to do all 25 reps if you don't keep at it for maintenance. Stupid Tony Horton! (who I love...and hate.)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Holy Lots of Posts, Batman! I really wish I had time to reply, I'm in a super chatty mood this morning, but sadly, I have no time for it. I will simply say that I am weighing in at 213.0 this morning.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Thank you! It was actually part of a boudoir session I had done for my hubby's B-day. I was of course wanting to wait until I was thin and hot, but I wasn't going to wait forever!! I actually had a blast doing them and I think every woman should do it. It was very liberating!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Quick check in...217 today. :-P No time to read, will catch up later! *hugs*
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Oh my gosh I am so far behind. Sorry everyone. Don't even have time to catch up I don't think. Ah. I'll start from here. I haven't weighed in yet this week. Horrendous weekend. Nervous about the scale. And I don't think my weigh in will be accurate because TOM has started. Blah. I'll weigh in one week from today. August 15.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Weigh-in for this week is 201.5. Getting SO close to onederland....maybe next week. The kids and I just got back from 2 weeks of visiting with the Grandparents. So proud of my 4 year old. We participated in a bike race this past weekend and he was able to ride for 4.5miles all by himself. He just got his training wheels off 3 weeks ago. He is excited and wants to do the full 10 miles of the family fun ride next year. :)

    Gotta run and get the kids to their first day of swimming lessons. Hope I goes well since I'm not supposed to be in the water with them.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
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