200+ Haulin' Off The Weight

Hello ladies!

It's time for a new 6-week challenge for the group!

Here's some info for people interested in learning more about how our challenge works/would like to join:

Some general info:
-This challenge lasts 6 weeks
-We weigh in Fridays-Monday mornings, please post to the thread
-I'll post everyone's weights by Tuesday and announce the week's biggest loser!
-Some of us have been together for over a year and a half!
-We always welcome new members. We just ask that you introduce yourself, tell us a little about you, goals, etc. And just right into the conversation. Please post a starting weight for the challenge.
-Let us know what your goals are for this challenge. They don't have to be weight-related.
-If you miss two weeks (either don't weigh in, or let us know you won't be), I'll take you off the list-- it's too hard to keep up with everyone!


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    And here are our results from our six-week "Fryin' the Fat" challenge (I'm just doing the whole challenge, not weekly-- don't worry if this week was a bad week (i'm looking at Lacey with her sodium fiasco), it'll drop off quickly):

    Name / starting challenge weight / ending challenge weight (difference in pounds, % body weight)

    Victoria / 190 / 194 (+4.0)
    Kendal / 214.8 / 212.6 (-2.2) (1.02%)
    Lacey / 209.8 / 211.6 (+1.8)
    Amy / 199 / 195 (-4.0) (2.01%)
    Sarah / 208.4 / 208.6 (+0.2)
    Kerry / 187.7 / 173.9 (-13.8) (7.35%)
    Hailie / 258.4 / 249. 8 (-8.6) (3.68%)
    Nava / 222.6 / 223 (+0.4)
    Laura / 210 / 203 (-7.0) (3.33%)
    Katie / 240.6 / 235.4 (-5.2) (2.16%)
    gonnadoitjenn / 317.5 / 310.4 (-7.1) (2.24%)
    Lauren / 184.2 / 177.2 (-7.0) (3.8%)
    Pam / 229 / 221.2 (-7.8) (3.41%)
    wigglentwink / 212.9 / 195.7 (-17.2) (8.08%)
    k2quiere / 335.6 / 336 (+0.4)

    All i have to say is, us oldies have to get it in gear, yo!

    This challenge winner is wigglentwink, with a massive 17.2 pound loss, losing 8.08% of her body weight AND we welcomed her to ONEderland! Talk about a triple win!

    Second place was Kerry with an also massive 13.8 pound loss, 7.35% of her body weight gone, which is even more impressive considering how tiny she's getting. *wink*

    Third place was a Pam losing 7.8 pounds (3.8% of her body weight!)

    So proud of all you ladies!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey hey :)
    I'd love to join in!!
    My name's Hosanna, and i'm a nurse from South Australia.

    I'm getting married on the 14th of January, and over the last year i have probably lost about 20kg, but i keep gaining it back on, as i have had a few personal issues arise in the last 12 months.

    However, now it's down to business. My wedding gown has now arrived, and so i can't keep pretending i've got ages to lose the weight before the big day.

    Here's my stats:

    Starting weight: 105.3kg (232lb)
    Goal weight: 80kg (175lb)
    Current weight: 99.8kg (220lb)

    That works out to about a kilo (or two pounds) i need to lose per week to reach my goal by the wedding.

    So yeah, i'd love to join in a challenge, it would be great motivation to get my butt in gear!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • hkallembach
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Yay, new topic! Are any of you ladies having trouble logging exercise today? Treadmill... no results found. Walking.... no results found. Wafuh?

    NM... it's working again. MFP has been all sorts of buggy today.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    And welcome, Hosanna! You've picked a great group! Best ladies on MFP ever!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    HOLY COW, Sarah (wiggle) and Kerry, you guys kicked some serious butt!! This will sound cheesy, but thank you for being so awesome. :smile: Seeing your status updates and your progress is so motivational. You guys rock! And the same to everyone else in this group! You all have motivated me like crazy!

    For this next challenge, I want to make sure I keep drinking tons of water....I've just recently started getting all of the water I'm supposed to and I want to make sure I continue. I also want to finish 30 Day Shred, work up to being able to run 15 minutes without stopping, and add something new and exciting to my exercise routine.

    It's going to be a great 6 weeks!!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    ready for this! last challenge was so motivating and this is going to keep it going. i love these challenges and i'm so happy to have gotten a glimpse into everyone's lives. you're all so amazing <3
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    {Moved from former post to post on this one and add to it}

    Kendal- Love the new pic and happy to hear that the wedding went well!

    Victoria- I like Losing it for Labor Day and Sexy for September both!

    Hailie- More power to you sister for putting those pictures out there. I am going on a retreat the 12-14th and we have a pool and spa at our leisure and I don't know if I even own a suit that will fit much less look decent while in the water.

    Laura- Congrats on the weigh in! You are so close to Onederland!

    Sarah- Thanks for the compliment. You are doing great yourself.

    Amy- That is a kick-a costume!

    Okay, so seeing the last challenge's numbers, I am actually pleased because these past two weeks I have been continually working hard to move more and eat better. As soon as school starts back and I am in a regular routine, it gets so much easier for me. My goal when I left school was to hit 30 lbs lost by the time I started back. I am currently at 27 and I still have two weeks to go. I knew that when I set that goal I would be okay with it just being 25 but I know I can do this! Starting back in a new school year with 30 less pounds on this body will make me start off on the right foot in my mind and keep on going.

    My challenge for myself in this round is to get to the 30 lbs lost, keep it off and work hard to getting another 5 lbs off. I have to take it one step at a time and make it a baby step for me to make it work and it's showing. My clothes are falling off of me! Can't wait to go shopping on August 20th! My mom has an ongoing challenge in our family that for 25 lbs, you get $250 for clothes. She told me a few weeks ago that for ever pound over the 25 on that date she will chip in an extra $10. I can do a lot with $300 for back to school clothes! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hangs head in SHAME!!!!! I thought it was a 2 not 4 pound GAIN!!! I need to get my act in gear or be back over 200 soon... I know it's my food and drink... Sighs... No excuses - I'm the one to lift hand to mouth. My 1/2 marathon is the week after this challenge ends... I CAN do this and get back to the 180s... My goals for the next challenge:

    1) lose 5 pounds
    2) bump running up to 2 or 3x/wk
    3) cook at home 5+ nights a week and pack my lunch or eat at home 5+ days a week... breakfast hasn't been a problem.
    4) get back to tracking cals in... Sighs... I sooooo need to do this and will probably change my diary setting back to private so I'm more likely to do it and be honest with myself...

    This challenge ends the weekend of Sept 11th...

    I love that you ladies have been so supportive of me with my busy schedule and falling of the lifestyle change wagon... I've gained 12 pounds over the last 10 months... I really need to motivate myself to get back on the bus before it gets worse.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Found you guys! Im glad I have joined you all. Y'all are very supportive. Thank you all!

    My starting weight will be 210.8 (last Fridays weight). My goal is to be at 199 after these next 6 weeks. It would feel so good to be in the "onederland" club again. Im also going to try and bump up my cardiovascular to four days a week.

    Thank y'all again for letting me be a part of your group!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    i'm excited about this! Nothing like extra motivation!
    so, weigh in on Friday and post loss on monday morning?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy yes the trip is seven weeks away! Did Travis decide to go? I need to book the room in Bruges. I need book the room in Paris too, I keep looking at hotels and am just flabbergasted at the fact you can get a three star for between $90 and $250 all in the same area. I'm thinking going cheap on the hotel if they are all the same anyways. I want to get that Paris pass too. Yeesh. oh and the train from paris to Bruges. Good lord.

    Sarah YEAY for doing p90x. I still cant keep up with ab raper. Just keep pushing.

    Jenn you can totally lose that before school starts!!

    Omfg there is a cartoon on right now called Sealab 2020. Wow.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks, Jenn.

    I'll post my goals tomorrow. It is bedtime for me.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    i'm excited about this! Nothing like extra motivation!
    so, weigh in on Friday and post loss on monday morning?

    Welcome to the group. Post your weight from last weekend as your "start weight". Then this weekend, post your weight again for thd end of week one. People like to weigh-in on did days so we decided you could pick any day between Fri and Mon as your weigh-in day. Good luck.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    For the next 6 weeks, I will be recovering from surgery so I'm kind of at a loss for what my goals should be. I guess I'm gonna have to really STICK to my calories, drink lots of water and start walking once I get the OK from my doctor. I never, never, never hit my pounds lost goal but I guess I should set one anyway...my goal will be to hit 192 this challenge (it's only 3 pounds but I can only sit on my couch with my foot up for exercise for the next few weeks).
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So, my goals for this month...hmm...lose 10 pounds, avoid fast food completely, and go to the gym at least every other day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    It scares me to make goals. I never hit them. Megan and I are around the same weight right now and I have such a mental block on weight loss that I can't even fathom getting into ONEderland, especially in 6 weeks. Megan- you are so freaking brave. I don't know why this fear of failure is stopping me.


    I have tons of food at home. Healthy food. I stayed within cals yesterday and I will do it again today. Maybe it's time to lower my cal intake since I've been at 2000 for a month or two now.

    So, my goals:
    - FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS! (Halloween is quickly approaching!!)
    - Be better about logging all food and hit that "complete entry" button more often.
    -Add some low impact exercise somehow. Maybe start walking/jogging once I get my orthotic next week (will have to see how my foot feels about that).

    Amy- Yes, I was Alice in Wonderland last year (and the year before). I want to be something different this year, but its so hard to shop for costumes. The sizes are all over the place. What's XL at one store is XXXL in another. Some of the costumes I've been looking at (online): cop, fireman, ghostbuster, the female Freddy or Jason (that'd be ironic cause I've never seen any of those scary movies), referee, french maid costume, bumble bee (not sure how I feel about the wings though)....so yeah. There hasn't been any one costume that I REALLY want so far. I've even tried to tell myself I can lose enough weight by then to fit into any costume I want but that still hasn't help me find anything that screams at me.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    My goal is to be 170 by the end of this challenge! That's 7 lbs away from where I am now. WOO. My starting weight is 177.0 This is a 6-week challenge, right?