200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bloody hell you guys are fast tracking this thread today! I am going to have to get back on here later and reply.

    The one thing that sticks out to meI want to respond to right away:

    Rain - be very careful if you are getting shin splint pain doing C25k. Amy, Kendal and I all have foot issue stemming from running and once you get that kind of stuff it is super hard to heal. I would defintiely do the running store treadmill and have them recommend shoes to buy, don't walk around barefoot and wear shoes with good arch support and heel support all the time. If you are having pain, back it off a bit and don't run as much until your feet/shins get used to it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy- whenever I try to pull up that link, it takes me to some default jcrew page. Whats the name of the dress you're looking at?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: It's the Zadie Dress in Silk Chiffon

    Karen: Especially since you are just starting out running, I would rest at least one day in between runs. It's GOOD that you aren't sore. You want to ease your body into it. Do something non-running today and do C25K again tomorrow.

    Lacey: Hiya!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Pam, BACK AWAY FROM THE SCALE! I know everyone else has said it, but seriously, that .8 pounds is NOTHING, and you don't need to stress it. As for your weight loss, I think that probably 1/2 of us in the group lose the same way, and I think it is all due to TOM. The week before, I either gain a little or don't lose at all. The week of, I lose like .3 pounds or something. And then the week after I lose a little bit more, and then that last week I lose a bunch. Like 3-6 pounds. So its probably just your body's rotation. I started to kind of keep track of it, so that way I know when its coming and I don't lose my mind when I step on the scale during the week before TOM and one day it says I weigh 6 pounds more than it did the day before. Seriously!

    Rain, I know everyone has already said it to you, but BE CAREFUL with running. I never run without a proper warm up and cool down including stretching. When I warm up, I usually jog in place inside for a minute to get my heart rate up, then do 3 yoga sun saluations, then stretch my hamstrings, quads, and calves. The stretches I do beforehand, I make sure I can do standing up. When I'm done running, I usually walk for a bit (anywhere between another .2 miles to 1.5 miles) to slow my heart down, and then I stretch again when I get home. I usually do seated/laying down stretches when I get home. Have you checked out runnersworld.com? Its FULL of information and could help a bunch.

    Lacey and Amy, I have massive amounts of travel envy with all the Europe talk. I kinda hate you both right now, just because I'm so stinkin' jealous that you're going to hang out together AND be in all kinds of awesome places. Jealous, jealous, jealous!

    Karen, Don't run again tonight! Seriously, the biggest mistake runners make is too much too soon, and that's where injuries come from. Pace yourself. If you feel good, save it for the next day.

    Victoria, that run was AMAZING. You are so awesome and I am so proud of you!!!

    Kendal, I completely agree that cooking Mr. Reunion dinner is a good idea. I hope you guys come up with an awesome backup plan for the weekend- that's so exciting that you're meeting the kids! Good luck!

    crap boss just walked in... gotta go more to come later. xoxo
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy-OOOHHH!!! pretty!! I like!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Amy-OOOHHH!!! pretty!! I like!!

    Yay! Me too. (But you know how u always want a second opinion?? Yeah, you guys are my second opinion)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    k2q - baahahaha, never even realized that I typed spay.

    Karen - I saw you finished C25k day one on fb. Yeay!! Take it slow and keep it up!

    Amy -that french toast sounds awesome!! I've ordered a few dresses to try on...I have to have one for a cocktail party (not so formal one) for Italy and have a pair of black cagey looking wedges I'm bringing, so hoping to find something I can use for both nights. I need to find a small bottle of laundry soap or something. I can wear pants twice or three times but I have a major hard time wearing shirts and dresses more than once before they are washed for some reason.

    Victoria - nine miles is nothing to you girl! Kick that kids *kitten*!!

    Joann - you got this! Keep up the exercise girl, good job!!

    Kendal - that blows you work for an ins. co and your plan blows like that. How ironic. How ****ty.

    Rain - I replied to you about your feet/shins...just remember too that as long as you get right back on the horse the next meal, the next planned exercise time, etc. As long as you consistently do that, you will be okay.

    Pam -think of your weight loss like this...generally when people see a spike of 4 lbs one week they won't lose for a few. So your average of over a pound a week is damn good. And more than most lose in that time frame. Be proud that you are doing it girl!!

    Nava - I also want to buy some of that pearly sugar when I am there too. I'm sure I could find it here somewhere but it would be fun to bring it home...I have a recipe saved on foodgawker to make them. I bought kindereggs last time I was in Toronto. Also, forgot to mention as well..it is cool you and your boyfriend and doing a trial run at living together. How is it going?

    Amy - that dress with the ruffles right? (Girls look up item # 38661) Super cute! I will have to find a more formal dress. FUN!

    Karen - agreed. Run every other day or every two days.

    Kerrie - hi!!

    As fo rme. Check in for yesterday: 2976/1988/988. I feel as though I had a major NSV yesterday too. I went out to dinner after work like I said I would and had the garlic fries, cornbread muffin, salad, and half a bbq pork sand. And THEN I came home and did P90X!!!!! Not the ab raper part, not on a full stomach. But I did the Shoulders/Back/Biceps, rocked it, sweated like a freaking man and kicked its *kitten*. Normally I would get too full and go home to do nothing and feel like ****e the rest of the night. But nooo..I totally got on with my bad self. I may not be seeing any loss on the scale but every day I see improvements in my body. I am slimming down and it rocks.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Thanks, everybody. You've made me feel MUCH better about my scale worries. I will back away from the evil scale now. :smile:

    Nava, that shirt sounds so cool!

    Amy, I love that dress! So cute!! I've got to get a new dress for a wedding I'm going to in September, but I'm hoping if I wait until closer to the time that I'll be able to get one in a smaller size....fingers crossed!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Question: I just read on a blog a lady posted who has lost 250 lbs thus far on her own that if you have a tinny taste in your mouth you are in ketosis. Ketosis is either good or bad depending on the sitaution (Diabetes, etc -and yes, I'm dumbing it down for my own benefit here). So I googled it. The good ketosis is where your metabolism is in high gear, so you can get a tinny taste, bad taste, bad breath, etc. Well I have had bouts of this since I started P90x - super bad breath, dry mouth, etc. What do you guys think of this? Discuss.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I might not be popular for saying this but ketosis is bad for your body. I know there are a bunch of low-carbers out there who swear by it but it puts undo stress on your liver and can cause a wealth of problems (not to mention make you retarded as your brain requires glucose to function and can't live without it). That said, I don't think you're in ketosis. You eat carbs. I would imagine that the funky taste in your mouth is probably from your increased protein consumption. Protein breakdown is a lot harder for the body to do than carbohydrate breakdown and the side effects of it can be icky (bad breath, more gas, etc).

    Pam: my dress is for September too, but since it has to get here before then, I can't wait any longer.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I figured it wasn't really anything good since its talked about on alot of the weight loss surgery sites, etc. LOL. Protein breath...ewwww. Well, At least I don't have anal itching. Which was also a side effect of ketosis. LMAO!

    Oh and dude, do you know what causes bad gas?? Liquid glucosamine. WOW. I didn't take it this morning so I wouldn't have to deal with myself in my office all day...but I have to take it tonight. :sick:
    Sorry, TMI LOL.

    Well I am going shopping for school clothes with my mom this weekend for Gracie. Maybe I will find a dress then. The thing is, I've got tattoos on my upper back and while I don't mind showing them to the world normally, for work I can't. So I need to find a dress that I can cover them up with. I have on order two super cute dresses but one is long sleeved and one is 3/4 length sleeve and I worry about being too hot.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG - ANAL ITCHING!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Gross. I didn't know that about the glucosamine. I've never taken the liquid kind though, just the pills. If I need to cover up my tattoos (I have an upper back tattoo as well), I wear a cardigan or a shrug. Maybe you can find a dress that works with a shrug or cardigan or wrap or something.

    ETA: Do you have links to the dresses u have on order? I wanna see.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Amy that dress is SOOO pretty. Love love love it and it will look great on you. Plus the price?! What a freakin' steal!

    Lacey, look at you being all rockstar awesome and P90Xing post bbq food. You are a bad@ss.

    I am fighting a killer, killer headache today. I just bought a Monster to curb it. My morning was all kinds of crazy because I had my sister and 3 little people in my house, so I came back in from my run (4.2 miles that was actually, dare I say it? Fun. Loved it. It wasn't hot or muggy, and my legs felt awesome. I could have not stopped. I thought about not stopping. But I want 5 miles on Saturday to be fun too) and I had 2 kids awake being all like "make us breakfast" so I did. And then I didn't eat or drink any green tea, which is how I've been satiating my caffeine addicition. So... headache. Boo. Hiss.

    Yesterday was an AMAZING day with my sister and the kids. They are turning into such incredible fun little people, and my 3 year old niece, Finlee, just kinda melts my heart. She calls everything beautiful right now. Its super cute. My nephew, Quentin, has the greatest mop of red hair on his head that gets super curly when its humid, which was adorable. And Gillian, who is 7, is just about the smartest/brightest/most strong-willed person I know. Its awesome. We had all kinds of fun at the zoo and then grilled out last night.

    (heads up, big/long/crazy rang coming... ... ...)

    After we put the kids to bed, my sister (Becky) and I stayed up until almost 1 talking about her marriage. She spent almost the entire month of July and now is spending 2 weeks in August at my Aunt's farm so the kids can ride horses and play outside/etc. Plus my sister is a total horse person - she's helping break a couple of horses for my Aunt and they're auctioning a couple off, etc. Mike, my brother-in-law, has not come up to visit once. Its about a 4 hour drive to get from their house to my Aunt Patty's. He also has an abusrd amound of saved up vacation and personal time (I'm talking TONS. Like, he could not work for 6 months straight and still be getting paid) and he won't take any to come up. Basically, he has told my sister that he loves her, but kind of hates being a dad. Which my sister accepts some fault for - she pushed kids on him, and he was pretty clear about not really being excited about it. But even without that, its like the two of them don't like any of the same things. He's a computer geek who wants to be inside, my sister has freaking figured out how to have chickens in her backyard in a suburb because she loves animals/farms/camping/the general outdoors. So... my sister is basically a single mom with a sugar daddy. And that completely does not suit her. He doesn't help with anything. He works, he comes home, he expects dinner cooked and laundry done and kids bathed and in bed all to be done by my sister. Even things that you would think stereotypically would be the man's job, like mowing the lawn or fixing anything on the house... he seriously does nothing. I always thought that my sister wanted it that way - that she was kind of a control freak and really just wanted to run everything and Mike was just doing what she wanted him to. She finally admitted to me that's not the case. She said that not only does she hate that he's not a part of the kid's life, but hates that he has basically taken that same apathetic/lazy approach to her. She has tried to talk to him about it, and he basically says that she is overreacting and obviously he loves her and she needs to relax about it. So... to sum it up, my sister has these 3 beautiful kids and she is an amazing mom and she has a total sloth piece of crap for a husband. BUT, its because of him that she can be a stay at home mom and do all the amazing things that she does for the kids. I really want to just tell her to leave his sorry @ss, but I have such a hard time with it because of the kids. I don't want them to have a broken family. I don't want my sister to have to go back to work. But she is miserable. And that sucks. It makes my heart hurt.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Karen - wait at least 1 day before running again... You could walk tonight but I'd recommend an activity that uses different muscles... I've been running for 20 months and rarely run on back to back days.

    Amy - the dress rocks!!!!

    Amy and Lacey - ditto what Kerry said!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: I am so glad you are having a good time with your visitors and I am SOOOO sad that your sister has a crap husband. I've had to deal with 2 of my close friend's marriages falling apart in the last couple of months and it is so hard to be there and listen to them and to not try and fix things. I don't think there's anything you can do to fix your sister's situation but you can just be there for her. If she decides to change her situation, you can be supportive and if she doesn't, you are still supportive and can even understand why she might stick around with her hubbs. I'm still so sorry. That sucks.

    Victoria: Thanks! (about the dress)
  • KatheryneLynne

    My name is Katheryne. I'm 32 next week and I've been working on creating a healthier me for two years now. I started at 330 lbs, and was able to lose almost 50 lbs in the first year. I've been on a plateau of 280-285 for a year now. Up until now I've tried doing it alone. Maybe, with the help of a group like this I will be able to finally make some headway.

    Weight as of last Saturday: 280.4
    Goal: to weigh less than the 280, maybe even make 275 for the first time in almost a decade :)
  • sgc2005
    sgc2005 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Is it too late to join? If not, I'd love to be a part. My name is Stacey. I've been on a weight loss journey my whole life and this is the first time I am posting to any sort of group like this. My goal is to live a healthier lifestyle so I can teach my kids to grow up healthy and active so they don't have the same weight challenges that my husband and I face.

    My starting weight last week was 211 lbs. Looking forward to getting to know everyone and get some inspiration and movtivation!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Welcome Katheryne and Stacey - jump right in!

    Kerry - that is heartbreaking about your sisters situation. Its hard to listen to my friends when they have issues in their marriages, I can't imagine it being a sibling. With her children being so young I can imagine why it would be hard to want to attempt any sort of change. When Jeff and I went through our whole thing in December it was super hard to deal with because we have a kid between us. I can say that the limited amount of counceling we went to really helped. All I can say is, she will know when she is ready to make a change..and you are good sister for listening and supporting her decisions either way she goes.

    How do you spell counciling? Counceling, counciling, counseling? They all look right to me. Gah!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies. Sorry I didn't get a chance to post earlier today. I also haven't read all the posts, but will! Moving day at the office was pretty crazy, but my office is pretty dang sweet.

    I just wanted to stay accountable, as I said I would and post my numbers from yesterday:
    1516 eaten / 214 exercise calories / 102 OVER. I had some ice cream when I shouldn't have. the important thing is that I logged.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hi everyone. I have a serious question: How in the world do you all keep up with responding to each of our posts? I read them all but then forget what in the world I wanted to say if I don't quote and respond individually. I don't want to completely fill up the thread, so I try not to do that, but then I don't feel like I'm being as supportive as I could be. Help?

    Check-in: Doing well with my goals this week: no fast food at all so far and I've been to the gym every day since Sunday. After two days in a row of being unable to stay under in sodium (and I blow up like a balloon), I'm going to add one more goal for this month and that is to stay under sodium at least 3 days a week. I couldn't possibly say everyday, but I can work for 3 days a week. My water is always great (at least 12 glasses), but I need to get this sodium in check.

    I hope everyone else is doing well with their goals in this first week of the month.
