200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • hkallembach
    I AM ALIVE AND WELL! Ha, *kitten* happened at work and just shut me down completely. Also, I get a little challenged overwhelmed when the challenge first starts. Well, this girl is off to work a 12 hour shift life guarding and your regularly (yeah, it took me eight times to try and spell regularly correctly!) scheduled "hailie-sodes" will be back tonight! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! P.S. Amy, be prepared to be nice and tan by the end of tonight since you are living vicariously through me! :wink: What the heck, I can spell vicariously but not regularly, ummmmm.....all right.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Amy, be prepared to be nice and tan by the end of tonight since you are living vicariously through me! :wink:

    Yay! My tan has gotten pretty pasty since I got back from Italy, I need it renewed!!

    Kristina: I think you did an excellent job with the food considering your breakfast options. Keep it up, girlie!!

    Kendal: Enjoy your day with Mr. Reunion's kids!! I haven't been roller skating in forever but I did go ice skating in January and I was practically crippled after 2 hours of it. (I had fun though)

    rain: Good luck for your weigh in and enjoy the bouncy house. (The last time my son went to a party with a bouncy house I was ALL about bouncing in there, it's fun!)

    I've been productive today despite sitting on my booty. I made my menu and sent the Hubbs off to grocery shop (with a detailed list as he tends to gravitate toward whatever is cheap despite my tendency to buy the same brands over and over again for the past 10 years...grrr....men). While he was gone, I had The Kid vacuum the house and I booked my hotel for Bruges next month. Then I supervised as The Hubbs made some agave kettle korn and now I'm back to sitting on my butt, Today is the first day since surgery (8 days ago) that the area around my incision isn't swollen and I haven't taken any narcotic pain killers in 2 days so I know I'm on the road to ditching the crutches (please, God, soon). Have a good one ladies!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just checking in quickly with today's weigh in: 206:2. My ticker is moving again! Goodbye vacation gain :D. I'll try to post more later today or tomorrow - heading in to work some OT in a few minutes.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I don't know whether to thank you or curse you for turning me on to ideeli.com. I bought really nice Columbia wind breakers for the fam for a steal (it was, like, $70 for all 3 of us to get jackets!), but now I can't stop looking at the site!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    *huffing and puffing* I am totally out of breath reading and catching up on the posts to this thread!!! The video card is dead in our computer, so I only have wifi on my phone. I have been trying to keep up, but typing totally sucks. Hubby has a laptop that he uses for work and I have access tot hat on the weekends.

    There is NO way I can catch up on the posts to this point, so I will just weigh-in at 194.8 and tell you all that I am lurking...just not responding.

    Update: Hubby officially got the job and the raise...he starts on 9/1. He gets an extra week of vaca per year, 11 holidays, a week of sick time, they match up to 4% of 401K and the benefit package is $500/month less than we are paying now for much better benefits. The raise is 102% of what is making now. This. Is. A. Gamechanger. If you want to know a little bit about our situation, you can check out my blog (that I haven't posted to in a very long while.) http://practicallyfrugal.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/16/

    Amy: I am glad you are healing well from your surgery. You have been in my thoughts and prayers.

    Lacey: why didn't I realize you are in Eugene? Goodness, girl...we are so close!!

    Sarah: Great job on getting rid of the vaca weight!! You are doing awesome.

    Kendal: Good luck with the skating. I am excited to hear how that goes. I went about a year ago and it almost killed me but went again a month ago and rocked it!

    Hailie: Step away from the drama at work...there is no place good for that to go, sista!

    Ok....Jillian is waiting to kick my @$$, so I'm off. I have to do Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism AND No More Trouble Zones today because I punked out on my 7 mile run. My partner bailed on me and I didn't have the guts to run in the dark by myself in the woods. Actually, now that I put it that way, it sounds smarter.... hm.

    Anyway. I'll check in with you later...assuming Jillian doesn't kill me.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Darn you (strike that out) Thank you Lacey (and Amy) for pointing me again to ideeli. This is going to be extremely dangerous for me.

    Checking in for the day. Again, not the best day in terms of eating (it was too carby, and more than I needed), but MAJOR improvement over what I was eating.

    1328 eaten / 273 exercise calories / 145 under

    Also, skinny cow, cookies and cream ice cream sandwiches, where have you been all my life? I had to pry myself away from the freezer to not eat multiple today.
  • DeterminedMomNeb
    Checking in girls for Saturday 6th.
    Calories 1236/1432
    exercise 32/30

    and weight for the week is 223
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Im alive! Business trip went.....alright. we drank a lot. Im going to weigh in when I get back to my house. Im staying at my parents house for the last leg of my trip. Ill assess the damage done when I get back to my scale!

    Can't read the 7 pages of updates since im on my phone but just wanted to check in!
  • hkallembach
    Amy: I feel like I am "accountable" when I weigh-in daily. Sometimes I get caught up on the weight fluctuation day to day. Is it easy for you to travel through out Europe? I know I am late on saying this but I LOVE YOUR DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the compliment on my profile picture! I could never leave you ladies. As far as tanning goes we got nice and tanned tonight (yayyyy for a really long shift with only two twenty minute breaks!) except we need to figure out how to tan the under side of our arms and the side of the suit where our chest shows on the side. Hahaha, I hope this makes you smile! :tongue:

    Katie: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Lacey & Amy: Soooooooooooooooooooo jealous of your paris trip!

    Lacey: How often do you weigh-in during the week? I find it so hard to not stay off the scale. Dude, I hate spelling. I think counseling is spelled counseling? Ha.

    Karen: Hahaha, I backed away from the scale but wanted to throw it like yours. Thanks for the hugs!

    Pam: Scales are evil, very, very evil. Let's have a national holiday---"we hate our scales" day! What ya think? :laugh:

    Kerry: I know this is REALLLLLYYYYY late but I hope everything works out for the best for you (worrying, head hurting), your sister and her husband. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    LadyG: Your picture is so pretty!

    Victoria: TOM should be coming any day....but then again for the FIRST time ever I got it the "regular 28 day cycle" last month. So who knows if TOM is coming soon or not. Usually, it's every six weeks so once/challenge. Yes Ma'am, I am snapping it together! I seriously don't know what I would do without you wonderful ladies!

    Sarah(thes): Gracias! I go for a spa day (even though I am the furthest thing from girly girlish) every so often as a reward. All my profile pictures on here, except for one of me in a pink dress, are taken as soon as I get home from the spa. It's so cool looking back at the progress!

    Sarah(wiggle): You are so right about work and drama, pointless.

    Kendal: Hope skating was great!

    As far as me.....................

    I am in the 250's this week (NOT my official weigh-in). *sighs* Earlier this week it was HIGH 50's and now it's low 50's. I would like to go be back in the 40's...my ending weight for the previous challenge but it will happen! I weighed-in this morning but I wasn't to happy with the weight. I post my "official" weight on Monday morning.

    As far as life and such..........

    -BM issues are sort of coming back. :mad:
    -I am tan as H E L L!
    -I am going to start C25K in the near future. Ladies, help! I HATE RUNNING! HOW WILL I DO THIS!? Now if it was swimming instead of running than I would be good!
    -I realized every time I "break" into a new 10's....going from 60's to 50's to 40's.....for my weight it usually takes a week or two to stay in that area for good and keep it going down.
    -I have Graves' Disease.
    -OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU LADIES SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME BE THE BABY OF THIS GROUP AND DEALING WITH MY RAGING HORMONAL CRABY EMOTIONAL TEENAGED ATTITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • KatheryneLynne
    I've been lurking for almost a week now, and I already feel like I know you. ITS GREAT!!!. Anywho...

    I walk to and from work each day (works out to about 3 miles round trip), so by the time I get home I'm almost too exhausted to do anything else. Which unfortunatly, includes cooking a healthy dinner. (This is probably the reason I've been at 280 for a freakin' YEAR. ERG. (Weigh in for this week 280.4...)

    Should at least burn some extra cals this weekend since i'm cleaning the house from top to bottom... DH and I are going to Vegas in two weeks and the pet sitter is going to be stopping by a few times until then. (my neurotic cat goes crazy at the thought of strangers).

    Hailie...two years ago when i did the first three weeks of C25K before I changed exercises. I live in Southeast Alaska where it rains ALL the time, so I couldn't do it outside, and didn't have a treadmill so I couldn't do it inside. What I did was, while listening to my favorite tunes, ran/jogged in place. I worked reception in a medical clinic so I just took my lunch break and hid in one the empty exam room. It probably wasn't as effective as running outside but it was deffinatly a step in the right direction, and didn't even feel like I was jogging my big butt around. This also made my stamina better for when, a couple of weeks later, i switched to using the the gym at the rec center.

    Kristina..I agree completly that the skinny cow ice cream sanwiches are the absolute best thing ever. My fav snacks are those, and Blue Dimond Almonds with Wasabi. Yum Yum Yum.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    OMG His girls are freaking beautiful and so well behaved. It was the best day ever. We first went to McDonald's and by the time we got there, they both held my hands as we crossed the parking lot and both girls wanted to sit beside me. :bigsmile: I didn't have anything to eat because I had had my omlette about an hour and a half earlier. Yay for sitting in the lion's den and not giving in to free food (cause yeah, Mr. Reunion demands to pay for everything)! (ok, I did steal about 3 fries, but that doesn't count.) Then the girls played in the play area for a few minutes.

    So then we went to SciWorks and had a freakin blast. There are so many science stations where you touch/feel/do something and learn something at the same time. They had a huge huge room that had a race track and roller racers. Guess who got on the roller racers??? All 4 of us! I was, by far, the slowest racer but at least I got on it lol. We probably spent 4 hours there at least, walking around constantly. It closed at 5pm and that's when we left.

    The skate place didn't open till 7pm so we decided that it would be a good time to get dinner. We went to Cici's Pizza. I ate too much (but still less than what I would have normally eaten in the past). I'm honestly not worried about it since I hadn't had anything else but that omlette and a bag of white cheddar popcorn.

    Skating was fantastic! The girls were slow and clung to the bar along the side the whole time, so it was an EXCELLENT excuse for me to go slow and hold on to the bar too. lol. I was shakey, but I never fell. After about an hour I finally got more comfortable on my skates and was slowly skating backwards (while keeping a hand on the bar) to watch the girls skate and I could skate forward pretty good too. Two and a half hours of skating later, we finally left. We came back to my house and the girls played with Lexi for almost 2 hours.

    It could not have gone more perfectly.

    'but now I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed.

    and here comes a random, super TMI note of the day......my dang tampon string was in a bad place when I took Lexi for our walk this morning. I'm not liking this feeling. Especially since I had to continue walking and moving for the rest of the day.
  • hkallembach
    It is 4:34 am......I can't sleep! HELP ME!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Honey, I can't help you when I too have been up since 4:30 for no good reason whatsoever. I'm considering getting up to clean since it seems sleep is not interested in me anymore.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hailie & K2: I'm sorry you guys are having the insomnia. I take melatonin when I can't sleep and I have a relaxation playlist on my iPod that I play. Good luck to you guys.

    Kendal: I'm so glad you had such a great time with Mr. Reunion's kids. It's a definite good sign when they want to sit next to you!!

    Katheryne: Yay for your Vegas trip! I, too, have a neurotic cat. He freaks out whenever we go anywhere and hides from anyone we ask to check on him while we're gone. (He also escapes for weeks on end and wakes me up daily around 3 am, just cuz - he is the epitome of evil)

    Hailie: It is super easy to travel in Europe from here. It's only a 3 hour drive to get to Austria or Switzerland from here and France and Luxembourg are even closer. The train system is ridiculously easy to use and we are always finding pretty decently priced flights to the UK or Italy. Also, the language barrier is not a big deal as English is the language spoken in most touristy places (along with whatever the host nation's language happens to be). People are also really nice and helpful - especially if you learn a few phrases in their language. It's super-cool. The only hindrance to our traveling is getting a dog sitter every time we go away, which can be a pain in the butt. Is the Graves Disease diagnosis new? What is the treatment for it?

    Megan: Welcome back from your trip!

    Kristina: I live on those Skinny Cow things. I think they're made of voodoo due to the reasonable calorie content and yummy tastiness. I am totally diggin' the ideeli site. I ended up with a Columbia jacket, a pair of Puma running shoes and a cute dress that I totally don't need but was only $30 yesterday. I'm gonna stay away from the site until my credit card gets a bit thicker. LOL.

    Sarah: I cannot believe you typed out that entire post on your phone. You are a better man than I, I don't have the patience for that. I think you made a good call by NOT running in the dark woods alone. We have woods about a half mile away and I never go by myself (although the Germans seem to not have a problem with it - they're less paranoid than I am) but I do go alone if I have a dog with me. I don't go in the dark though as there is no lights out there and I KNOW I'd kill myself.

    I don't have my check in numbers from yesterday so I'll post them later. I'm pretty sure I had a deficit even though I had 3 peanut butter cookie dough balls (darn you Mama Pea and your yummy delicious recipes!!!). But I did have fewer veggies than I should have. Today will be better.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I have an opinion question: Do you all consider Subway fast food? One of my goals this month is to not eat fast food, and since the girls and I had decided on subs anyway, whether at an italian place or Subway, I though Subway was the better choice because I would get apples instead of fries. I actually didn't even think about it until I was responding to someone's post on the forums talking about sodium content, and Subway's sandwiches have a high sodium content.

    So what do you all think? Fast food or not? What do you consider fast food? I still think we chose the healthier option, but I'm curious to what others think.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ok, here are my numbers for Saturday: 1891 calories burned/ 1696 calories consumed/ 195 calorie deficit. I guess I'm happy that there was any deficit at all given the 3 cookies I ate. I am making better choices today.

    K2: I consider Subway to be fast food only because it's quick and relatively cheap. I have no doubt whatsoever that you made a good choice though considering the calorie content of other fast food places. I tend not to think about fast food versus restaurant food though. I consider anything I don't cook myself to be "eating out" and eating out food (no matter where it comes from) tends to have more sodium and calories and fat than the stuff I make at home. I try to keep eating out to once or twice a month (unless I'm on vacation).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    K2- I agree with Amy. It's "fast food" but it's better than other fast food places and the restaurant you passed up on. Don't they still do salads there too? I would think that unless you got meat or cheese in the salad, there shouldn't be a high sodium count. I don't know, I always get a sub when I go there. But yeah, not too often cause it's so high in sodium.

    Well, after my walk yesterday and roller skating last night the verdict is in. THE FOOT DOESN'T HURT!!!! I even jogged for a minute or so yesterday. My store bought inserts kept sliding forward in my shoe and I honestly didn't want to push it too hard since I haven't run in at least 2 months and I knew I'd be skating later in the day (plus it was 10am and hot, humid and muggy as crap since it had just stopped raining). I will say that I thought the bottom of my foot got a little tender at the end of skating cause there was no cushion whatsoever in the bottom of those rental skates.

    but yeah, I really wanna get back into skating. that was fun. There was this group of 50+ year old men who had lights on their skates (underneath and on the wheels) and they were so funny how they'd dance while skating. They were GOOD. lol They especially got down to the older music that was played.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    K2 - Fast food is however you define it. If your choice is better getting Subway than McDonalds, then count it. Small steps at a time, lead to better overall changes. I had a salad from Subway Friday and enjoyed it. I tend to eat to many pre-processed foods (bagged frozen meals) since I don't have time to cook.

    Amy - cookies sound good.

    I failed on logging calories yesterday. I'm sure it wasn't good but at least I cooked 2 meals plus made the best BLTs with a small stores homemade wheat bread and tomatoes from my garden.

    Kendal - Glad you had a great time with the girls and Mr. Reunion!!!

    I'm off to make lunch. Catch you ladies later.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Just checking in with the official weight for this week- 221lbs.
    I had a totally inactive day yesterday- couldn't get myself to move and felt really down in the dumps (I've had a lot of them lately :ohwell: ). Luckily I had joined the Slackers challenge- 600 kcals a day exercise over the weekend- and it made me shift my butt today. That, and that I'd promised my daughter we'd go swimming. So I've just come back from an hour at the pool with my husband and kids and I feel fabulous! I love the fact that they are old enough now and can swim confidently enough that I don't have to look out for them every second. I used to find it do frustrating when they were little because I love swimming and you just can't swim properly when you've got tiddlers. So I swam- breast stroke and front crawl- at a leisure pool (intermittent wave machine, slides for the kids etc)- and feel like I've got some exercise finally. I'm cooking on gas, too, as I've got my ballroom/latin class with my husband this evening. We've been going since September last year- inspired by Strictly Come Dancing, which is a bit of a cult in the UK. I don't know if Dancing with the Stars is such a big deal in the States. So that's a good 700kcals for the weekend- all today. Yay!

    I'm trying to catch up on who everyone is and what is going on for them at the moment. Looking forward to getting to know you all properly. Thanks for the welcome :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Ros x
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Well, yesterday i was over my calories for the first time in three weeks.
    I am totally ok with that.
    It was still less than if we had eaten take away for dinner instead of oven fries!

    I'll try and catch up with everyone's posts this afternoon, but for now i'm off to work!