200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - don't know if this link will work or not...

    I also ordered these shoes:

    And this dress too:

    I just love that ideeli site.

    I will find something a little more fancy for Paris. I was surprised for some reason taht there was a dress code at Moulin Rouge! Not sure why, but i was lol.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kerry- I know that has to be incredibly frustrating to deal with. My only thought it this....the kids will use Becky and their father's relationship as a basis of knowing how to be in a relationship. They will see if there is love and they will see if it's lacking. I know my sister's final straw with her now ex husband was when their 3 year old daughter told my sister that she couldn't wait till she grew up so she could tell daddy not to talk to her mommy that way. Like everyone said though, the only thing you can do is provider support, whether Becky decides to stay or leave. I really like Lacey's idea of counseling. (no I don't know if that's spelled correctly). Maybe Mark doesn't think Becky's feelings are legitimate? ya know? Maybe he doesn't realize that she's thought of leaving?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I hit reply and now can't see all the messages...

    Bobbie - to reply to everyone, I have to bd on the computer and open a second window. If I'm on my phone like now, I only reply to a few.

    For all with sore muscles. Foam rollers rock but if you don't have one, a rolling pin works great for self deep tissue massage esp for side of hips (TFL) or front shin ( ant tibialis) muscle For people with plantar (bottom) foot pain a frozen water bottle to roll foot on is good. I also read about frozen golf ball foot self massage but haven't tried it...
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I hit reply and now can't see all the messages...

    Bobbie - to reply to everyone, I have to bd on the computer and open a second window. If I'm on my phone like now, I only reply to a few.

    For all with sore muscles. Foam rollers rock but if you don't have one, a rolling pin works great for self deep tissue massage esp for side of hips (TFL) or front shin ( ant tibialis) muscle For people with plantar (bottom) foot pain a frozen water bottle to roll foot on is good. I also read about frozen golf ball foot self massage but haven't tried it...

    Thanks...I've done that with homework before, but never thought about it for this.

    Also, thanks for those ideas...not sure about the frozen feet though; I think I would spend the whole time jumping...lol
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Bobbie: I do the same as Victoria (hit reply in new window on my laptop). When I'm on my phone or ipad, I just respond to what I can see.

    Victoria: I have this thing I got at a foot store that looks like a small, bumpy football that I freeze and then rub my feet over it when the fasciitis is acting up. It. Is. Awesome.

    Lacey: Yay a new site to drop my money at! Those dresses and shoes are totally cute. I really don't know how fancy you need to get. I read on the Moulin Rouge site that they don't require men in coats they just don't allow jeans and sneakers (which I hear is pretty common for everywhere in Paris at night anyway).

    Kristina: Good for you for logging your ice cream even though it put you over (by a tiny bit). AWESOME! (I'll just put my weigh in here to make sure that you see it when wading through all of our posts - I'm at 194 this week)

    Welcome to Katheryne & Stacey! Jump on into the conversation!

    Checking in for Thursday: 1996 calories burned/ 1483 calories consumed/ 513 calorie deficit. And I guess the whole dieting alone thing actually works cuz I'm weighing in at 194 this week (which is a whole pound down from last week). :happy: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    My poor dogs are getting fat though. The Hubbs doesn't walk them daily and I feel like a schmuck telling him to walk the dogs on top of everything he's doing for me (seriously, he's doing EVERYTHING from carrying my pillows/books/computer/whatever to making me food). I just feel bad for the doggies.

    Have a good Friday ladies!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to the new ladies!!! We look forward to getting to know you.

    My bike ride was cancelled so I moved a Sat client to 8am today. I hate starting that early. Check-in for Thurs 3578 burned (that's why I love long runs), 2938 consumed, and ex was 9 mile run... TGIF!!! I love having the weekend off.

    Amy - I'm impressed!!! WTG with losing a pound with no ex plus being mercy of others for food..

    Weighing in at 192 today. Down 2 pounds from last week. Yeah.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I just had this for lunch: http://peasandthankyou.com/recipage/?recipe_id=6000552&prev_term=hummus
    It's called a "Crack Wrap" and it is from the Peas and Thank You blog. It's basically a tortilla (or wrap) filled with hummus (she has a super-easy hummus recipe in her book - which u should buy cuz it's awesome), and some cheese (vegan cheese or real cheese - whatever floats your boat) grilled in a pan and eaten warm and gooey. The Hubbs hates hummus. He freaked out when I said we'd be making hummus. (Once upon a time, he learned Persian Farsi for the military and once upon a time he had to eat Middle Eastern food that he hated - he hasn't gotten over it) But - we made hummus anyway. He ate some with a carrot as our crack wraps were cooking and grudgingly said it was "ok". He then proceeded to INHALE his crack wrap at the speed of light. So did The Kid (who watched his father's carrying on and weirdness over the hummus and decided that HE doesn't like hummus either although he's never tried it). You should try it. Easy, low-cal, full of protein and fiber and freaking AWESOME!!!!!

    Victoria: WooHoo on the weight loss this week!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled program....
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    :sad: :cry: All I want is to be successful. All I want is for my efforts to mean something. I make sure I have all low cal, healthy food at work. I get to the gym most days of the week and work hard. I don't go home and just sit on the couch, but feel like that would be just as effective on the scale as what I'm doing now. I just don't see the point when I step on the scale and I have GAINED 2lbs this week. I mean really? I don't mind getting up at 5 am and getting to the gym before work, if all the work I put in shows. Hell, I'll take a half lb a week at this point. I just don't understand. I do have treats, but I log them. How am I supposed to "stay positive" when everything is pushing me down? My husband says, "you look great." Um, well I'm sure I am only 8 lbs from my highest weight when you said I looked miserable. I just want to go to my bed and cry.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    LadyG: I took a look at your dairy for the past week and I noticed a couple of things that might help you out. 1) You aren't tracking sodium but you eat processed foods and fast food which contains a ton of sodium and can lead to a gain on the scale that isn't necessarily "real". 2) You were over your calories every day that I looked at your diary which can definitely lead to a gain. I would recommend that you definitely eat back any exercise calories you earned but try not to go over your calories allotted more than one day a week. But don't fret, I'm sure those 2 pounds aren't "real" - they are probably mostly water retention from sodium. They could also be due to PMS.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks. I mean I know I went over, but I also know that I was eating at least 3000 calories before so I am still eating less. I guess I just want to go to bed and wake up thin. I know that in my dreams I am thin so....... I'm pretty sure that can transfer right over....right? I know sodium is a bit of a killer but Ialso drink water like it's going out of style. I shall cut back and watch those calories and next friday will be better. It will be better. It will be better.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    LadyG: You're doing good. This is a lifestyle change and it takes time. You're conscious of the calories you're consuming and you are eating less than you used to. It's a HUGE step in the right direction. Remember that small changes stick better. Don't get down on yourself and just keep on keepin' on! :flowerforyou:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OMG! Thread insanity, I'll never catch up! Thanks for the running advice ladies, I didn't run last night, but I did push Mellie around in her stoller for a bit during Casey's soccer practice...but I had Wendy's, so my calories were over! Then I stayed up reading...and ate some tortilla chips I was dumb enough to have by my bed. Not a good day for food! And this morning has started off with Burger King...so yeah. I'm almost thinking my week "off" was bad for me, b/c now I want crap food! BUT, I was eating it before hand too, just in smaller amounts. I'll get back on track, eventually! :o)

    Welcome to Katheryne & Stacey! We always enjoy new members! These ladies are wonderful & will talk about anything! It's awesome! :o)

    If I'm on the computer, I have 2 windows open to try & reply to everyone (at work, I actually have 2 monitors, if the boss is gone & I can really have time to answer it's awesome!), but on the phone, I get what I can remember, which isn't much somedays! LOL!

    LadyG-what Amy said! She says a lot of good stuff! LOL! But seriously, even though you've only lost a small amount according to the evil scales, how do you feel? How do your clothes fit? Do you have more energy? Less stress? That's what keeps me going. I want to be there for my kiddos later on & not a burden to them, so I keep pushing myself to be healthy now, while there's time to do something about it! The fact that you're aware of what you're eating is a GREAT start! I did that for a good month or two before I actually cut calories & started losing. I found things that made me full but were lower in calories & healthier choices. I still have my steaks, but with a small side of baked beans in stead of a huge potato with butter. I still have a burger when we go out, but I get apples or no side at all. Little things that saves me 2-300 calories a meal. And water is a big help with the sodim sticking around where it's not wanted! And celery is a natural dieuretic...but doesn't suck all of the potassium out of you, b/c it has some in it! Helps a bit! :o)

    Kristina-yay for logging even if over! Sucks, esp when you know others can see it, but you did it! :o) On to the next day!

    Amy-poor puppies, but wow for awesome DH!! :o)

    Kerry-your sister's situation is definitely not ideal (yeah, I know UNDERstatement!) but I have to agree with the others & say you being there to support her is the best thing you can do for her, no matter what choice she makes. And some guys just don't do kids when they're younger, but get into it as they get older. Just be there for her & hope for the best. At least you know the kids ARE loved! Esp by their awesome aunt! :o)

    And, I HAVE to get some work done now! Seriously, I've got ONE accident entered & it's 930! So sad! TTYL!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Thanks guys for all the awesome support/feedback on my sister's craptastic situation. I really just needed to vent, and you all have good advice. I thought about suggesting councelling, but I really don't know if Mike will do it/care. Becky has definietely vented her frustrations to him, and has told me that she thinks if she tells him she's thinking about leaving, he won't fight for her. So yeah. I really feel like the ONLY thing keeping them together is money. And that just sucks.

    Karen, what are you reading right now? I can't believe you have tortilla chips by your bed! That's an AWFUL idea! :wink: Seriously, I would eat them all the time AND my bed would be full of chip crumbs.

    LadyG, ditto to all that Amy said. Since MFP is telling you what you need to eat to lose, you really HAVE to stick to the calories that they tell you. I'm sure the 2 pounds is just water retention from the sodium, but you probably won't lose if you are consistently over on your calories. This is a huge lifestyle change/committment, and its a total pain in the butt sometimes, but trust me. The work pays off. I weighed 240 pounds in January of this year. Now I weigh 172.2 (CALLOUT TO KRISTINA! THAT'S MY WEIGH IN FOR THIS WEEK!). I think the really big changes that I've made that have helped are working out, packing my lunch, drinking a boatload of water all the time, upping my veggies (not so much fruits cuz I don't really love many of them), and monitoring my sodium. We are here for you and you can do this. But it ain't easy. :heart:

    Victoria, hellz yeah on the 2 pound loss this week! Look at you just shedding away that gain from last challenge! ROCKSTAR, that's what you are. I might try the rolling pin action on my right leg tonight - I've got some butt/hammy soreness that has stuck around for the majority of this week.

    Amy, hellz yeah to you too on the loss. You are doing freaking fantastic at staying under cals w/out exercise. You are officially still impressive and awesome to me while in full-on gimp mode.

    Bobbie, obv. everyone has already told you how to reply to everyone. I think its fun to connect individually, but we're all still pretty cool with the general comments as well. It just depends on the time you have to commit to this. We enjoy having you one way or the other!

    Lacey, OMG those dresses are awesome! And the shoes! So pretty! I agree with Amy, I have never heard of ideeli before today, and thanks for that. I'm gonna have to do some online shopping.

    Kristina, good job on logging and posting even if you were over. Just don't make a habit of it, you hear? (nudge nudge, whip crack.... .... ... okreallyi'mjustkiddingiadoreyouandyouaredoingawesome!)

    Hello hello to Katheryne and Stacey, this thread is insanely busy and you'll probably be a little overwhelmed at first, but stick with us, take the time to get to know us, and you'll love it. We're kind of a big deal. I can't imagine not having these girls for support, in all areas of my life actually.

    Chris has the day off today, and it took everything I had in me to not just sleep in this morning with him and then call into work. I was supposed to do Kenpo this morning, but figured all that kicking wouldn't be so much fun due to the aforementioned buttcheek/hammy soreness, so I did Cardio X instead. That workout is fun. I dig it.

    I actually have hardly any plans for this weekend? Say wha? Yeah. I'm super duper excited about it. I'm hoping it means a fun night with the hubbs tonite, a big ole run tomorrow, and a big ole bike ride on Sunday. We shall see.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning - weighing at 207.2 this morning. That is .4 from my lowest weight from last challenge of 207.6. Thats cool. Now to try to eat decent this weekend camping with my parents and Gracie. Eating vegetarian most of the time during the week is paying off. I did have meat twice at night, but both times it tasted like ick.

    I am all sorts of irritated this morning. Firstly I recognize this week that I am having hormonal bs happening and it makes me pull into myself at home to both protect my fam and myself from my wrath..I need to work out more so I get those good endorphins going. I worked out three days this work week. Last night I walked. Sunday I need to do legs and back and really hit the P90X hard next week.
    Secondly, my husband has been wishy washy in his plans this weekend. First he was going to be gone both Fri/Sat night. Then he would be home Sat night so I could leave the dogs at home instead of take them with me. Back and forth for weeks and then finally settling on being home Sat night. Did I mention how much I hate last minute changes? Like it throws me for a total loop unless I am on vacation. So last night I got G and I all packed up and ready to roll. I get up this morning and he's left me a note saying things changed while we were asleep and now he wants to stay both nights at this festival, what did I think. As a woman, do I need to tell you girls what the eff I was thinking?? I think not.
    At any rate, he called me this morning, he is sticking to his original plan of being home Sat night. It doesn't help that I feel a bit like a jerk making him come home, but that is how it is. I really didn't want to have to bring the dogs. My parents two will be there and I am worried about Vinny being all skittish in the woods because we just so recently got him back from being lost.

    Edit: I have now sucked down a low cal soy white choco latte and feel better..but I have a feeling its a two latte morning. :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Yay for losing weight! I am sorry you've been dealing with wishy washy DH. I hate last minute changes too (which is why I was annoyed when The Hubbs couldn't decide if he and The Kid were gonna meet us in Bruges or not - grr...make a decision already, I've got crap to do!). I honestly think the male mind is just different. The whole "planning" center just doesn't really exist in them (or at least the ones I've lived with anyway). And it isn't just big things either. I cannot tell you how many times The Hubbs has made midnight chocolate chip runs because he started making cookies before he checked to see if he had all the ingredients. (yes, The Hubbs IS in the habit of making cookies in the middle of the night - and somehow he isn't fat at all - grrrr)

    Kerry: Your "We're kind of a big deal" comment cracked me up!!! Do the rolling pin thing that Victoria said (or go out and get yourself a foam roller cuz it's TOTALLY worth it) for your hammy. It works sooooo well. (I heart me some advice from Ms. Victoria)

    Karen: I'm like that when I eat crap food...it becomes a crap food spiral and it's hard to get out of it. You can do it though! Every thing you put in your mouth is a chance to start over. You don't have to wait for tomorrow, do it now. And drink butt-tons of water.

    I did my chair aerobics (woohoo!) and made tortilla pizzas for dinner so my calories are totally where they need to be for the day! Yay! The Hubbs is in the process of moving all our storage junk (like Christmas decorations and stuff) from the first floor spare bedroom to our new "storage area" in what used to be Gabe's room on the 3rd floor (Gabe moved to the other bedroom on the 1st floor). I don't know why they choose to do weird things like that when I'm all gimpy and can't help but part of me suspects it's so that The Hubbs can throw crap away and I can't rescue it (he's already tossed a bunch of stuff). But I guess I should be happy that all I have to do is watch and yell at him not to throw stuff away.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Awesome idea on the two tabs open! Doing it right now!

    I took some time of from running to let my legs rest. I just went out on the trail on my lunch break and walked 1.25 miles though, at a nice steady pace.

    Oh and huuuuuuge NSV for me today. I am currently wearing a pair of size 18 capris that my sister gave me. I've been bouncing between a 20 and 22 for as long as I can remember. I'm thrilled.

    Karen: Not only do I not keep snacks by my bed, but I avoid the kitchen at all costs lol!

    Kerry: It was awesome to read that you were 242 in January..that's where I am now. I have set my goal to 185 for now. You give me hope that it is possible. I started MFP 55 days ago at 255. Yuck.

    Lacey: More weight lost! You go girl! Anddd....that latte sounded delish. Jealous.

    Sorry I didn't get to everyone, I will get better! Hope everyone has a great weekend, I can't wait to weigh in on Sunday!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    OK, so another question. I see all of the post "tracked and was under goal calories." I assume this is a good thing to be under what you are given and obviously not over. How do you decide how much under is ok.

    And my WI for this week is 276

    Also, when ya'll post your numbers/number/numbers......Please fill me in on what this is.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    LadyG: I think that you should get as close to your calories allotted for the day without going over. It personally irritates the hell out of me when I hit my calories allotted exactly and the update posted is the same as if I went over. It's a personal pet peeve and I'm sure it doesn't really matter in the long run. You just want to try and get close to the calories allotted you. Some people have success cutting their calories hundreds below what MFP allots them and, more power to them. I'd just try to get as close as possible and see how that works for you. As for the numbers we post daily: Lacey, Katie, Victoria and I all have Body Bugg or Body Media Fit monitors and we post how many calories it says we burned in the previous 24 hour period along with the calories we've eaten and whether or not we had a calorie deficit for the day. We post it here for accountability purposes. Some others (like Kristina) post how many calories they've eaten and then how much they burned from exercise and whether they were over or under their calories allotted. We find that we do better with the daily accountability. Feel free to post your numbers if you like.

    rain: Congrats on your NSV!!!

    So I was just sitting here typing up my response to you guys when it started to rain like hell outside (not really unusual for Germany). The unusual part was that The Kid stripped down to his underwear to run around outside in the downpour like a weirdo. He was giggling like a school girl and prancing like a pony. I have no words.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay I was fine with the two soy white choco lattes because I used 60 cal soy milk. However, I opened up my snack drawer for a pack of gum and spied the kti kat in there. It was so good, but only lasted 2 minutes tops. I am going to do a spiral today with food if I don't eat something healthyish for lunch because of all the sugar I've consumed this morning.

    I also propose that candy makers should make time released candybar contraptions to help alleviate obesity in the US and yet still have the ability to sell their deliciousness. They should make candy that only allows one pieces of the thing every three minutes so you don't inhale it and be all like "did I even taste that?" and make it last longer. So ha!

    Amy - that cracks me the Eff up about Gabe!! I might have to inspire Gracie to do it next time it rains here..which will probably be a week from now. I think Germany and Oregon are very similar in weather patterns.

    Okay ladies, I'm off here in about 45 minutes and supposedly don't have cell service where we are camping. Please pray for me that I don't unleash my holy fury on her mom if she opens her mouth too much with her opinions about my life. I want a nice weekend with the folks and kid. And there is no alcohol because they don't drink. :wink:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Camping without alcohol is like....fishing without alcohol. (tee hee, random South Park reference there) Good luck with your mom. And I am TOTALLY down with the time-release candy. Genius. Gabe really enjoying running around in the rain au natural (he actually pulled his underwears down so he could "feel the rain on his butt". You should totally inspire Gracie to give it a try (I would recommend the BACK-yard though.