200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Rain - I'm sorry you've only lost .2 bs this past week..but look at what you've accomplished! You worked out, ate right and set such a good example for your mom that she's decided to join you. Thats pretty huge in my book. So take a deep breath and keep pushing at it.

    Sarahwnt - I got super lucky with my daughter on the potty training. There was a little boy at her daycare that was trying to learn so she just learned by watching him go into the bathroom and the woman helping them and ended up doing it herself in a matter of days. And actually was done before the boy. Boys seem to definitely take longer. Yeay though! No more diapers!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    One last post and then I'm done, promise!

    In honor of COLORful clothes, I ordered this from ideeli today:

    It just looks like Paris to me.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I love that dress, I think it's the stripes that say "Paris" (maybe that's just to me though). If you aren't gonna write anything negative, make sure you have some sort of negativity outlet. You can't let that crap bottle up. Write it down and then tear it up or something if you don't want to biznatch here. I DO agree that negativity breeds negativity and I will also make an effort to be more positive (a challenge for me as I've been going through some "blahs" for some reason).

    Sarah (WnT): I LOVE cooking because I can control the ingredients.I plug all of the things I cook into the recipe tool here on MFP and then I know that nutrition info on everything I eat (I am a bit obsessive when it comes to counting calories). You WILL enjoy the blackberry cinnamon rolls - they are amazing!!!!

    Sarah: Hey there! We miss you!!!

    I've had a bit of a "blah" day. I woke up with a headache and it has followed me through the day. I didn't feel like doing much but I'm gonna go do Kettleworx for a little exercise. I took some vitamin D to see if that might help me out. At one point I was vitamin D deficient but then I took supplements and spent a lot of time outside and I got better but since the surgery, I've mostly been inside (for about a month now) so I'm sure I'm sliding back into deficiency.
    rain: Do NOT give up! Every single one of us has gone through a phase where we did "everything" right and still didn't lose or didn't lose as much as we thought we should. Sometimes it just takes a couple of weeks for your body to adjust, sometimes you need to up your calories or play with what type of exercise you are doing. Search back on the thread for that post Lacey posted about plateaus - it had good info in it. But do not give up, whatever you do!!!

    Hailie: Yay for the weight loss!!!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    ACK! I forgot! I bought a raspberry-colored silk blouse yesterday in Seattle. $.22!! Yep, I got change back from a quarter! It was at Penny's on the clearance rack marked at $10.20. I had a $10 off any purchase of $10 or more coupon. $.20 +tax = $.22!! It is a beautiful color on me and fits like it was made for me -- in a Medium. Hands down, best part of the day.

    ETA: I am wearing it to church today, paired with the smallest pair of pants I own. I foresee shopping in my very near future. Wheee!!!! (Not major shopping, just a little shopping to get me through to goal weight. When I get there, Hubby told me I have $1000 to spend on my new wardrobe. I. Can't. Wait.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sarah (WnT): I wanna see what a $0.22 shirt looks like!! What an awesome deal.

    I did Kettleworx. I was really careful with my surgery-foot and everything was great. Then came the stretch at the end of the workout and I SWEAR I pulled my right hamstring. I'm icing it right now but how freakin' ridiculous!??!?!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - I have this black and white silk scarf that has this honeycomb (think basillica ceiling in Italy) pattern on it that I envision wearing around my throat with that dress..and I need to get a black thick belt to go with it because I have those black cagey wedges that I will wear with them because they are so comfortable. So quite the color contrast going on..lol, not sure if it will really work but thats what I see. At the least the black will work with it, maybe not the scarf.
    I also have the blahs. My body is hurting and I realize its my joints..Jeff and I've been taking glucosamine/msm liquid and I stopped because we ran out and I can totally tell the difference. I need to go get some more. I just need to do the whole turn frown upside down thing. Make a negative into a positive.

    Sarahwnt - thats a stellar deal for the blouse!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sarah (WnT): I wanna see what a $0.22 shirt looks like!! What an awesome deal.

    I did Kettleworx. I was really careful with my surgery-foot and everything was great. Then came the stretch at the end of the workout and I SWEAR I pulled my right hamstring. I'm icing it right now but how freakin' ridiculous!??!?!
    OH NO!!!!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I can see the black going with the dress. Glucosamine is awesome!!! I get it pretty cheap at vitacost.com (that's where I buy most of my vitamins). The leg is feeling better with the ice but it still feels tight. I'm gonna go lie down in a bath of epsom salts and see if that doesn't help. Here's my little piece of non-negativity for the day: I ordered a bunch of brightly colored flower hair clips to make my hair happy. Yay!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Amy: sorry to hear about your leg - hope it gets totally better soon but well doe for exercising within the limites of your surgery.

    Rain: giving up is NOT allowed. Any loss is a loss

    Sarah: that bargain shirt is a must see - picture please!!!

    As for me - decided I could (should) avoid the scale no longer and weigh in at 182 - way up on my last weigh in and an honest reflection on how bad my intake and lack of exercise has been. BUT back on the wagon from today and Sunday will become new weigh in day.

    I have always been lucky in that I could stop/start exercise as wanted with no ill effect but I am having to concede that age is begining to have some impact on my abilities.....withthis in mind am feeling I should look at doing things right. In short, can anyone help me get to know about eating right for exercise. Is it protein that I need to concentrate on or carbs. If it is carbs - which sort? Feel I should really know this stuff but a geting myself in a bit of a tis and really do want to crackthe whip on myself for the rest of the year.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Amy - A proper pixie cut probably wouldn't work in my hair - too much crazy wave in it. This way is much easier, with the fringe i can pull to one side :smile: AND there's been another UFC? Isaac will probably have gotten hold of it by the time i get home. Looking forward to the Anderson Silva fight, they're always good!

    WiggleSarah - Awww thanks love! :blushing: Also, YAY for 22c clothes!!

    Lacey and Amy - What does glucosamine do? (clearly i SHOULD know, being a nurse and all... but i don't...)

    I don't have that many colourful clothes, so it's a nice change for me! all the other tops i got were shades of brown...

    I am SOOOOO freakin excited about going home today!! I get to see my man, and my pups, and be home!!
    Totally not thrilled to be back at work tomorrow, but that, after all, IS life.
    I hopped on my parents' scales this morning. i know they're different to my home scales, but according to them, in the time i've been there, i'm only up 200g. I'll be interested to see what my scales say at home tomorrow!

    Oh i'm looking forward to home!
  • qofsheba
    qofsheba Posts: 72
    Hard weekend eating wise. We had the hurricane, loss of power for awhile, getting ready for the trip...but really it was just like I had the eating crazies. Compared to weekends of the past, this was trivial... but i didn't exercise and found myself trying to "cheat" when I logged in food. Who I wonder am I cheating. Anyway, I love reading about everyone's success and I'm happy when I'm feeling that way! Tomorrow is another day. I'll be back on track.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend! I, of course, went over but im doing great today! I walked as well as keeping my food at its goal. I made "chicken chili taco" in the Crockpot today. I got the recipe off skinnytaste. Its pretty good. I have to add a lot of spice to it but it was easy and tasty.

    As for my personal life, looks like me and the ex are going to try and work things out again. He admitted he made a huge mistake by letting me go. We both have things to improve and we are going to see what happens. Unfortunately I also had to tell the new guy I had been dating that we couldn't see each other anymore. It sucks because he did everything right and I really like him and enjoyed his company. I also would not be doing him a favor leading him on when I know im still in love with my ex. He will make some lady a very happy person....just not me. I felt like a bia when I told him. I also told my ex all about the new guy and I hope im making the right choice. My parents will not be pleased with my decision so im gonna wait until I know things are going to work before I mention this. Ha

    Time will tell.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Believe it or not I am alive. Thanks to those who reached out to me after I disappeared for several days. My dog Emma was pretty sick and it through me for a loop and she was pretty much all I was thinking about, and wasn't around much online or anywhere. Eating was not great. Working out was non-existent. Not what I need with an upcoming wedding to attend this weekend.

    I'm doing my weight call out early this week. I didn't go back a lot of pages-- just from Friday morning on, so these people I either missed your weight or still need it:

    kristi (last chance)
    joann (last chance)
    katheryne (last chance)
    ros (last chance)
    islandjacquelin (last chance)
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Megan - Good luck with the ex. Your situation is EXACTLY like mine when i broke up with the Other Half to go back to the ex, way back at the beginning. As long as you feel you're doing the right thing, that's all that matters, and whatever is meant to be is meant to be! I hope it works out well for you!

    Kristina - I'll let you know my weigh-in tomorrow!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kristina, I posted mine, but we go through so many pages a day, it's not surprise you didn't see it. I'm gonna stick with Friday's weight, even though it is down even more now: 321.4. I have a goal to be under 300 by New Year's, but at the rate I'm going, it may happen before Halloween :drinker:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I've decided I need to keep posting to this thread at least 2-4x per week because when I don't, I totally let my food get away from me :(. I've had a few binges with ginger snaps recently that I kind of regret. Posting here helps me stay a bit more accountable than just logging (which I have been doing).

    I had a bit of a scare related to the personal stuff I have going on after my P90X workout last Monday so I'm taking a bit of a break from the program. I fully intend to get back into it in a week or two, probably starting Phase 2 over again, but I want to wait a bit longer to make sure everything's okay before I get back into it.

    Also, I need a new bra :(. I got a new one a couple of weeks ago, wore it for the first time last Saturday, and now it doesn't fit. Grr.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Sunday: 2094 calories burned/ 1480 calories eaten/ 614 calorie deficit.

    Sarah(thes): Keep posting here, even if you are just maintaining your weight. We miss you when you're gone.

    Bobbie: You're doing so great, I bet you do get under 300 by Halloween!!!

    Kristina: I'm glad to see you back. I hope Emma is doing better. It's so hard to have sick puppies. :cry: I'm sticking with last week's weigh in (191) as I'm on my TOM and I'm slightly higher than that but I am NOT taking a gain without good cause (dangit).

    Megan: Good luck with the ex. I hope everything works out for you.

    Sheba: I occasionally find myself trying to "cheat" when I log food. It doesn't really matter what you write in your log because your booty knows whether you had one serving of onion rings or 3. I tell myself that when I find myself not wanting to log something.

    Hosanna: Glucosamine can help with joint pain due to worn down cartilage or osteoarthritis. http://www.webmd.com/osteoarthritis/news/20030127/glucosamine-for-knees----evidence-builds You have to take it for about a month before you start seeing any benefits though. As someone with a history of joint pain, I can say that it has helped me a lot.

    Annette: Generally speaking, the macronutrient breakdown that is the MFP default isn't bad. I think it is a little low for protein but it will work for weight loss. So I would instead focus on ensuring that you are eating enough vegetables, fruits and whole grain carbohydrates.

    My leg is still quite tight this morning. I think I'll take a day to rest and ice it and hope it is improved tomorrow.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Pleh. Two flights down, one to go. I've got a triple-shot latte with a caramel shot... i figure that you must burn calories with something to do with cabin pressure or something... no? ... Oh well, i don't care right now. And Other Half has expressed a desire to watch UFC tonight... which means there will probably not be a desire for anything 'else'. Pleh... OH WELL! As with anything, it will take some time to see any results, but we're on the right track!

    I don't think i've eaten toooo badly today... Turns out that i (unknowingly) booked tickets that included food on both flights. That was a lovely surprise, but i wish i'd known before i spent $9.20 on a caesar wrap at the airport cafe. Oh well, it was awesome, and i was super proud of me for choosing a caesar wrap instead of chips... which i really wanted...

    Then on my first flight i got ANOTHER wrap, with corned beef, cheese, mustard pickle and lettuce. Yummmm!!! And flight #2 brought with it cheese and crackers... so not BAD as far as food... and it was all really tasty.

    Both meals came with a chocolate bar - the wrap came with a lovely big thing of lindt, and the second came with a little cadbury thing. I put them both in my handbag for later. Or another day. I like having chocolate in my bag for emergencies... both of the Chocolate Craving variety, and the low blood sugar variety. I am awesome like that.

    Ok, i'm being SUPER amazingly rambly, but you've gotta understand - i've already been on two flights on my own and i'm about to be on ANOTHER! I'm going out of my mind!! I just want to be home with my man!
    (who is currently doing dishes - if that's all he's done since i've been gone, i'll be a happy woman - i hate dishes...)

    Oh yeah, and my coffee has four sugars in it... Needed extra sugar to counter the bitterness of the extra coffee shots...

    Now i'm just being annoying, so i'll go.

  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    I have the house to myself - weheee - they have gone out and I am supposed to be cleaning/tidying/ironing....

    Megan: hope things turn out as you hope.

    Amy: thanks for info and well done for resting your leg - can I have some of your perseverence and will power please?

    Bobbie: you go for it lady - keep the goal Christmas but should it happen earlier how exciting will that be???

    Hosanna: you is so excited it is wonderful - ramble all you like and enjoy your return to home.

    Sarah(thes): well done for listening to your body. Hope things settle soon and do keep posting. Miss you when you gone.

    Kristina: Hope Emma is better now??? Decided to bring myself to account and weighed yesterday - 182 - too many lbs up and need to start heading back down.

    On the radio today it announced that if you are over fourty and lose more than 10lbs you age by 4years at least - then more, the more you lose (mmm, I wonder if this is the excuse I need not to lose any more????).........
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Quick stop for official WI......Ugggg! 276 Thank you TOM and my son's birthday party Sunday. Now to catch up on all like 5 pages...geeeesh ladies!