200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - poor dog!! But I have to laugh at your husband. I can just so totally see that happening. I've never used a shock collar but have considered it when we had a german shorthair pointer for a year...especially after she took off out into a reserve to chase a duck, and then proceeded to chase said duck across one of the busiest streets in Eugene (four lanes of traffic) into a senior trailer park before Jeff caught her. I was laughing so hard at the whole situation I couldn't help get her. Plus I was pregnant.

    Okay to finish off my me stuff...my dad has a angiogram scheduled for Monday and if they find a blockage in his heart they will fix it right then and there. And I have to go to Target here in a minute to get my stuff for Jeffs birthday and dog food. And I need to find some sort of printable cutesy "one night of hot sex" coupon that I can give him tonight in his card.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I'm looking out for u here: http://www.withluv.com/adults/adult-love-coupons.aspx
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I'm a little behind at work so I still don't have time to catch up with everyone (still, I'm sorry!), but thanks for all the advice about the calories and working out. Funny, I never thought of eating less and exercising as two different things to do for two different reasons, but that makes a lot of sense.

    Amy, are you the one who posted the recipe for the "Vegan Crack" wrap? I made it last night for dinner and HOLY DELICIOUSNESS!

    Quick story about how my bf and I met: We actually met for the first time when I was 16 and dating the guy who I would eventually marry (and divorce). My boyfriend at the time was a drummer in a punk rock band and Tim, my bf now, was a drummer in a metal band. The two bands played a show together once and I COULD NOT STOP STARING at Tim. There was something about him...he was just so cute! I never felt more drawn to anyone as I did when I saw him that first time. We met, and then never saw each other again until about 15 years later (!) when we met again and became good friends.

    Here's the extra fun part: The reason we became friends 15 years later is because I had moved in with one of my best friends named Tif and her husband Eric while I went back to school finish my degree, and Tim is Eric's brother! Tim lived 3 hours away in Morgantown, WV, but he'd come visit for fun game nights and hanging out. We became good friends and there was a huge attraction there, but he was married (to a horrible wife) and I was dating someone else, so we stayed just friends. Then he divorced but I was still dating someone else, but a year later I broke up with that guy and soon after started dating Tim (even though he lived 3 hours away). We saw each other every weekend, and within 8 months I moved out here to West Virginia, and things just keep getting better every day!

    So apparently there was a reason that I couldn't take my eyes off of him when I was 16. :smile:

    Okay, now I really have to get back to work! Boo!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Thanks Girl! I made one for him and printed it out!
  • KatheryneLynne
    Wow, I leave for a few days and have nearly 10 pages to read when I come back.

    Amy--my husband also calls my cookbooks/cooking sites/food network "food porn"

    Hossana/Amy--I also really like the UFC trainer. We play it on our PS3, and I think they may have it on Wii as well, so if you have any of those gaming consoles you should be able to find it.

    Annette--poke is a green (i.e. kale/spinach). It grows wild all over eastern Kentucky, where I grew up. From a naturalist standpoint they are really quite interesting. You have to pick the leaves when the plant is young, as they age the stems harden up and the plant begins to take on a reddish color and they are no longer eatible, and the plant becomes poisonous. The berries, which are also poisonous can be used as a dye (as children we would use them like paint--it stains everything purple/red) After you pick them they have to be washed really really well, then boiled to remove any other toxins in the leaves. after they are drained you add a little bit of bacon grease and serve.

    so--i missed this past weeks weigh-in since I was in Vegas sans computer. For the most part it was a blast. We spent about half the time with my husband's family. I managed to avoid getting sunburned. and i ate more beef over the last five days than i have in the last year (total) I'm really paying for it now. I'm bloated, and I am sure I'm retaining a ton of water from all the salt. I only gained two pounds though, so I'm hoping when i detox from the salt i actually have lost weight.

    Keeping in mind that I have lived in Southeast Alaska for the last four years, the temp. in Vegas was nearly unbearible. It was 110-115 the whole trip. Though it did drop to 98 at 1:30 a.m. on Saturday.

    As for how husband and I met...

    When I was in graduate school I was going through a really rough time. My best friend/roommate had to drop out because of a car accident. I was two hours away from any other friends or family. My mother's cancer was out of remission. I was lonely and extremely depressed (on top of the anxiety disorder I suffer from). Anyway, to cope I was spending a lot of spare time playing chess on-line. Because of my stress/depression/anxiety induced insominia I happened to be on-line at the same time as my future husband (who worked second shift in Arizona)--i just didn't sleep and he was winding down after work. anyway, we began playing daily. He asked for my phone number, which after a couple of weeks I finally gave him my office number (i was teaching at the University as part of my graduate program) then after a couple of more weeks I gave him my home number. Then he flew out to meet me in Kentucky (he worked for Delta Airlines at the time and could fly for free). It went so well that he began flying out every other weekend. Six months later he proposed and we've been together ever since. In fact, other than that first year apart, and six weeks of job training out of state a couple of years ago, we've never spent a night apart in almost a decade.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    KatheryneLynne... that is just so cool! I love all these stories :happy:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I will NEVER catch up! My memory stinks, so here's to winging it, so that I at least get SOME work done! LOL!

    Kendal-LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween-costume is too cute! I've been just doing a T-shirt & some pretty makeup for a few years at work & while doing a Trunk-or-Treat at church, but going all out on my kiddos! LOL! Maybe it's time to find one for me again! :o)

    Amy-poor doggies!! And how do you live w/out Halloween?

    Nava-hope your work situation gets better. You've gotten lots of good advice, so I'll just let you stick w/that! :o)

    And I tell ya, my memory stinks today! LOL!

    But, here's my hubby story...working at Disney World, Goofy comes up & gives me a hug. I think it's someone else, so I give him a great big hug back. Then I walk into the break room & my friend is sitting there. I have to ask who hugged me! We start hanging out and a year later, after he had too much beer at his b/day party, we ...well, the next morning we decided we should be friends instead. BUT, God had other plans for us, and Casey came along. We got married a month before I had him, and we've just stuck. Been through moving several states away, being dirt poor, and him being deployed to Iraq. Figure there's not much left to go through, so we should be OK. :o) He drives me bananas most days, but I love him.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kerry, you are so funny to me. Hubby needs an intervention...lol...priceless!

    Wow...all of these love-match stories are pretty amazing! It's amazing how our fates already seem decided no matter how much we try to fight it.

    As for Halloween...now THAT is the bomb-diggity!!! My favorite time of the year. I rarely dress up, and only have a party once every couple of years, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE haunted houses and trails. Wait, did I say I love them??? I wait all year for the season to start at the end of September and not a weekend passes when I don't go to at least one, sometimes 2 or 3. I sometimes say that I need to start a Christmas Club account just to fund my haunts. I started taking my girls when they were very small, and they are always just as excited as I am. It's gonna be a little sad this year that they won't be here every weekend to go with me, but luckily their fall break is in the middle of October, so we can do some serious damage the weekend before and after the break :-)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Bobbie- I am an observant person by nature and whoever designed that male/female thing at the bottom of your signature screwed up the lady's boob horribly!!! They didn't take into account that boobs bounce and at that exact moment in the stride, her boobs should be hitting her chin. And honestly, I hope her boobs are a littler perkier than that since she's so small and fit!! LOL


    I've had 3 separate posts on here with the word "boobs" in it today.
  • qofsheba
    qofsheba Posts: 72
    Husband meeting story: It was 1987 and I was a single mother with a 3 yr old and very little chance of meeting anyone. I responded to an ad in the Village Voice (before match.com). It was a witty, off beat ad. He called, we talked for four hours. Went out a week later. Got married a year later. Been together since--one more kid. Now we're empty-nesters and remembering why we liked each other to begin with.

    Question: Going to Cambodia next week for 10 days...won't have computer access. I want to stay on track. Suggestions?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sheba: HAVE FUN! Seriously, I have no advice for staying on track as Cambodian food is vastly different than Western food but my advice would be to try a bit of everything. Walking will help offset calories and enjoy yourself.

    Kendal: That comment about that animation's boob cracked me up!

    Bobbie: I am like you, I generally celebrate Halloween from September through October. It is seriously my favorite time of year. My favorite Halloween was when my mom took me & my fam to Disneyland for a combination birthday/Halloween thing (My birthday is Oct 18th and my niece's is the 15th). I didn't realize that Disneyland does Halloween in a major way. It was awesome.

    Karen: I pout my way through October without Halloween. It sucks.

    Katheryne: I hope your Vegas trip was fun - those temps sound miserable though. Yuck.

    Pam: Yes I was the one who posted the crack wrap. I am now addicted to those things. They are so simple and yet so freaking fantastic. I'm glad you liked it.

    Lacey: You gotta think layers when packing for Europe. The weather tends to be nice during the day (but it will probably be hot in Italy while you're there as it was 70 when I was there in January of last year and near 100 when I was there this past July) and then cool off significantly at night. So, I'm going with sleeveless tops/dresses for day and add a cardigan for night (but I'll get a better pic of the weather once it gets a bit closer)

    Check in for Wednesday: 2145 calories burned/ 1633 calories consumed/ 512 calorie deficit. Despite having a deficit, my scale jumped up 2 pounds over night. I exceeded the sodium yesterday but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 2 pounds worth. I am having a fibro flare-up so maybe I'm just retaining water due to inflammation. It better go down by Friday or I will be pissed to have been exercising, eating right AND gaining weight despite my efforts. Grr.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    RainSarah and Annette - Thanks loves :smile: i had a great time on my own today, six hours of shopping! Was amazing!

    Kendal - OMG DRESED UP PUP!!

    Nava - That chick sounds awful!! I would be ready to punch her in the face.

    WiggleSarah - Bahaha, low impact aerobics... I don't think TMI exists on this thread... between grooming and FUPAs...

    Kerry - My dad's recent thing is to describe things as "pants" when they're bad - eg "that is so pants" or "Ooh, she's looking a bit Pants..." My dad is a dork. I love him!
    Also, sorry to hear about the *kitten* with your sister and her hubby... that sucks :frown:
    ALSO, my Meeting-The-Other-Half story is dull as ditchwater - we met on an internet dating site.

    Rikki - lovely story :smile:

    Amy - That story about the shock collar makes me sad :frown: My poor babies aren't getting walked much because OH is "too tired" when he gets home... sigh...

    Lacey and Katheryne- YAY for internet-begun romances!!

    Okay, FINALLY made it through everyone's super-chattyness!!

    After reading everyone's stories, i feel the need to elaborate on mine...

    I met Isaac online, having just split up with my Ex. Went out with Isaac a few times, and then ended up breaking it off to go back to the ex. Isaac moved away, and things finally finished how they needed to with the other one. I went into a bit of a downward spiral, and had just got my life back on track when Isaac popped up in my MSN messenger window. We started chatting again, and it was like it was never over. A couple of weeks later he drove the 450km to visit me for the weekend, and that was that. Three months later i went overseas for six weeks, and by that point i had already moved all my stuff to our new house in his town, with the plan in place that i would be coming home to living with him when i got back from PNG.
    And so it was.
    That was almost a year ago - i can hardly believe it. We've been through SO much in that time - and now our current situation! - and i'm confident that we are going to be absolutely fine for ever and ever. :ohwell:

    So. I spent a lovely day in Hobart. Five hours solid shopping, bags and bags of new clothes (had to buy a suitcase to get it all home!!), a haircut, and heaps of new hair accessories. I got a new nose-stud too. Bored of my old one, i'd had it in for over a year.
    I'll have to get some photos up at some point of some of the stuff i bought, it's so adorable!! Had such a great day. Tomorrow i'll probably go to the Museum of Old and New Art. Apparently it's absolutely MAD!
    I was naughty at tea time again, and had fish and chips... BUT! They're from Fish Frenzy, which i renenber having YEARS ago and it was the BEST fish and chips id ever had - they even serve it in paper cones!! and guess what - IT WAS AS GOOD AS I REMEMBERED IT!! SO totally worth the calories, and considering i walked around nonstop for almost seven hours today, i think That should be ok!!

    Anyway, i had a dreadful sleep last night, so i'll be hoping to sleep SUPER well tonight!

    Night ladies!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    let's see if this works... I'm so nervous!


    CRAP I need help. I tried to resize and its still the same size. Now I'm late for work. Boo.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My scale is bipolar.

    Monday I was 217.8 -camping trip sodium and overeating
    Tuesday I was 217.0
    Wednesday I was 213.8 -sodium finally fell off
    Today I'm 215.4 and I wasn't over on cals and not nearly as bad on sodium yesterday as I had been on previous days this week

    It could be pre-tom, but it's still frustrating.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Let's try this again... ... ...


    Its hard to tell, but that first pick I am running around on a fairway at a golf course at about 1 in the morning. Second one is from the first winery we went to. Last one is Chris and I at Right Brain Brewery with my sampler. They actually were my favorite. Even more than Short's, Victoria. The beers were so good!


    This first one is from after dinner in Bellaire, at Short's. The second one is us at the tip of Old Mission Peninsula, at the 45th Parrallel (you know, half the distance between the Equator and the North Pole? Yeah). The last one is us at our fancy dinner. That's the dress I got at Banana Republic that I was really super excited about. Its a size 10. Woot!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning gals. I'm feeling soooo sluggish today. These rain/hurricane may have something to do with it. I should have run today, but I just wasn't feeling it. I still drug my butt to the gym, but I did a nice walk for a mile and a half and called it a day. I dunno what it is....but I'm super proud of myself. I don't want to jinx it, but I've been to the gym every single day this week since Sunday. Hoping to make it straight through Saturday. This just never happens!

    As for the how did you meet your significant other...you all have such cute/fun stories. My hubby and I met at college. We were in the same club. We hated each other. We'd get into screaming matches and everything at meetings. Then one year at the homecoming dance everything changed and we've been together since. We are coming up on our 5-year wedding anniversary (8 years together) in November. My husband is a sappy romantic, and he likes to say we met sooner, like in 8th grade, when our schools played each other in a basketball tourney. I was a cheerleader. He insists it was fate. I think he's crazy.

    KatheryneLynne: So glad you enjoyed the trip. Holy heat! I bet you are glad to be back in Alaska!

    Kendal: Thank you Miss Booby Brain. I just spent 5 minutes of my life analyzing a cartoon boob. LOL.

    Sheba: Have fun and be safe. Just try to plan ahead and practice great self control!

    Amy/Pam: I missed the crack wrap....repost? Please? :flowerforyou:

    Kerry: You are gorgeous. That is all.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    ~Kendal , I am so with you. I started out the week at 273, Tue: 272, Wed: 274 Today: 275. The only day I went over was last night. I expect the flucuation but it is a bit nerve racking.

    With today being my Birthday, calories don't count right? It's a free for all and I'll still lose weight? Sigh, if only.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Rikki: That sounds right to me! Calories don't exist on birthdays!

    Hubby and I are having a Hurricane House Cleaning Party on Sunday. Hehe. We are goofs. But seriously, our house is in serious need of top to bottom cleaning. Like scrubbing walls and baseboards and the whole shebang (sp? is that even a word?). I can't wait to have a clean shiny house, but I dread the work. My husband wants to go out for hibachi/sushi afterwards. Can we say sodium overload? But it does sound delicious, and its been so long since we went out for hibachi. Hmmm.....
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Birthday Rikki!!!

    Kerry - love your pics!!! You look FANTASTIC!!! I haven't been to Right Brain's brewery yet but I but a cool tank with hops on it at the beer festival. It's hard to imagine them being better than Shorts... I'm an IPA addict...

    As for me - 11 miles done this morning at 14:25 pace. I power walked a bunch in the last 1.5 miles but the distance is done. Only 2 more long runs before the race on Sept 18. I'll be doing a trail half marathon (13.1 miles) which means off road with lots of hills. The race is part of the Northface Enduance Challenge. My cousin and his SIL will running with me. His wife and other SIL are doing the full marathon - their first full. My mom is going with since her sister will be there. DH has opted to stay home. I'm off to clean and soak in my hottub. We're getting more company tomorrow.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kendall, I was just talking about this the other day. My official weigh-in is on Monday, although I weight everyday. There is something that happens with my body between my Tuesday weigh-in and Friday weigh-in to add like 5lbs. By Monday I'm down from the previous week's weight, but it just makes little sense to me. It's like my body says "Must retain food and water from Wednesday and Thursday, but we will release it on Friday afternoon just to f**k with her head."