200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Good morning, all!

    Kerry, you look fabulous!!!

    Victoria, I saw your run on facebook and I am just in awe.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kerry- wow! You are so adorable and look really happy in those pics!

    Victoria- you are a freaking running machine! I am in awe as well.

    Bobbie- at least you are starting to realize the pattern. I have yet to find mine.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    With today being my Birthday, calories don't count right! It's a free for all and I'll still lose weight!!

    ^^ This is awesome. i didn't know that. I'm totally on board!!^^ ( I may have changed some punctuation...)
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Victoria!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Absolutely amazing. I have a 1/2 marathon on Oct 16 and I am only up to 8 miles so far. *GACK*
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning! 2861/2531/330 deficit. Over on sodium yesterday. No exercise. I am going to walk/run tonight even though it will be 90 and super super humid for Oregon. Its like breathing water out there right now. Ugh..but it must be done.

    I like halloween a lot but have never been one to dress up and go all out. One of these days we will have an adult halloween party and go all out on it, but not for a while yet. We take Gracie around the neighborhood and she gets her candy. She is going to be Princess Leah this year...big no surprise there since she is a Star Wars loving fool like her parents. In fact I'm buying her Star Wars pancake makers from Willaims-Sonoma for her birthday, and a lunch box with star wars sandwich cutters in it.

    Sheba - what are you going to Cambodia for??? Wow, I am SO jealous! I'm excited to go to Europe, but honestly, if I had a choice, I'd hit up Thailand if I could. All of those amazing Buddhist temples and the food? OMG. I think that many people lose weight when they go to Asia because the food is SO different, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. When my guys at work go, they bring protein bars by the box with them so they have something to eat.

    Amy - I'm refusng the scale this week for that same reason. I'm eating more, feeling better (no headaches in two days) but just know that despite the freaking deficits I will be up in weight.

    Hosanna - I buy these clear acrylic nose studs (L shaped ones) from Europe - they have stones in them so all you see is the stone and not the metal around it. Plus they never ever bother my skin or get infected like any of the metal ones would. They are more discreet and super cute. Have you seen them? Definitely want pics of the new clothes!

    Kendal- stupid scale. As I mentioned above, I am staying clear.

    Kerry - you look fantastical girl!!! Your hubs is cute! Jeff has a Kangal hat like that and I love it when he wears it.

    Rain - good job going to the gym and getting it done despite the ick weather.

    Rikki - Happy Birthday!!! I kind of feel that birthdays are a day to do as you wish. I bet you will find yourself in more control than last year though in regards to food choices, and thats bout the best gift you can give to yourself.

    Victoria - WOW, you rock girl!! Again, you make running sound so fun..which is why I keep trying :)

    Quiere - that is about it with the scale..right on the nose. Stupid things.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Two things: (for my third post in 30 minutes...)

    Lacey: Damn you for Ideeli.com. I had some time to kill so I checked it out. *GRRRRRRR* (I do have a super cute dress in mind though...)

    And, how do I post pics? I have some "before" and "recent" photos to post but I'm the anti-computer girl. (Which is one of the reasons I married a geek.)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I just don't have anything useful to contribute right now. But I wanted to say "hi". So....hi.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member

    With today being my Birthday, calories don't count right? It's a free for all and I'll still lose weight? Sigh, if only.

    I wouldn't even know what a calorie was on my birthday. it's your day....enjoy it however you please!!! happy birthday!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member

    I hope this works...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Worked, but is teeeeeeeeeee tiny.

    Rikki, happy birthday! Spoil yourself :D

    Okay, I looked at the Peas and Thank You website at the crack wrap, and I must say... it looks too damn good. This may need to happen.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for the support everyone. I was telling my running partner that these distances are crazy and that we'll keep the distance between 4 and 8 after the race. She and the dogs stopped after 8 miles and my pace slowed down for the last 3. If this race wasn't soooo close, I'd have probably stopped too. It was 60 and raining for the run. Last night I actually worked out with mom - 30 min of low impact aerobics!!! We haven't done anything since mid July. Our plan is 5 days a week until after my race. I've never been a fan of Halloween. But, Christmas - I love....

    How did I meet my SO... We meet in high school 10th grade though drama club friends. We had a big group of mutual friends including my brother. DH had a car and drove us to school. We actually double dated to senior prom with different dates. In college I had this epiphany - why am I dating other guys when I know this nice looking guy and like him? The rest is history and we've been relatively happily married for 20 years.

    Sarah(wnt) - you will be fine. If you run 8 this week, 9 the next 2, then 10 for 2, and then 11 for 1. If you can do 10, it's only a 5K to complete the 1/2. If you've been running 8 for a few weeks, run 9 the next 2, then 10 for 2, 11 for 1 and 12 for 1. Remember it's the distance not the time for training. So slow down and walk if you have to, in order to get the distance in. Your speed and energy will be up on race day. Which race and where are you running?

    Lacey - will you be my mom and buy me the Star Wars sandwich cutter? You rock.

    rain - cleaning does burn tons of calories. So does cooking. It amazes me to see the numbers on the Bugg with these simple tasks vs when I sit on the couch. Enjoy the evening out.

    Kerry - I have been cooking more and packing my own lunches more but we still eat out twice a week and DH brings me a wrap once a week from the health food store. It's better than the eating out 5 times a week and the wraps 3 days a week.

    Hosana - shopping - drools in jealousy. I love getting new clothes and can't wait for you to post pics!!!

    qofsheba - Cambodia sounds like a once in a lifetime experience. I'd enjoy it, taste the local culture and not worry about staying on track. You can get back on track when you get home.

    Karen - any word on the house? When can you start moving or fixing it up?

    Kristina - is Emma feeling any better?

    Well - my workday must start soon. Hugs to all and sorry that I couldn't get to everyone. I'm doing the best I can just reading it all...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Since picture posting is happening... and because I think this this is cute... me and the boy at Fogo de Chao for our anniversary at the end of June. Can't see much of all of me, but it's a good representation of how my face and arms have slimmed a bit.

  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    LOL it's huuuuuuuuuuuge! whoops.

    Okay, resized a bit.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Victoria, I am doing the Girlfriends Half Marathon in Vancouver, WA. I have done it once before, but it was in 2008 and I was in a different place then. I was just happy to finish it on foot at that point. Thanks for the encouragement on training. I know I'll get there, but I'm sitll a little nervous. My goal is to run 7 of the 13.1. If I can finish under 3 hours, I will feel like a rockstar.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Nava: what did you resize it to?? I am so not good at this.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Rikki--Happy birthday.

    Sheba--all I can say about Cambodia is WOW.

    Hossana/Amy--Sometimes I think I'm the only one without a nose ring. My sister wanted me to bring her back one from Vegas. I had no clue what i was looking for. She kept telling me to look for the corkscrew...I didn't see anything that looked remotely like a corkscrew, and when I asked the vendor he just stared blankly at me. When I told my sis about it later she laughed for like ten minutes on the phone. "You CALLED it a corkscrew" (shakes head saddly) I still have no clue what I was supposed to be looking for. Personally, if she wanted me to get her a specific thing she should had given me the correct name. Apparently she was trying to tell me what it looked like instead of what it actually was....I'm clueless. I bought a few and told her she just has to deal with it.

    Anyway... I am very happy to be back in the cool wetness of Alaska. Just waiting now for the salt to work itself out of my system.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Sarah, if you hover over the picture click on other resize options or whatever the bottom tab is, then just make sure "maintain proportions" (I think) is checked, and you can slide that little scale around. No need to repost, it'll automatically resize when you reload in here.

    In photobucket, I mean.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member

    HA! hAHA!! I DID IT!! HA HA HA!!!

    Ok, the "before" was taken at the end of May, right before I started this journey. the "Recent" was taken after my run...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Wow Sarah!!! You've made a lot of progress in a short time! You look great!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sarah: You have had some awesome results!!!

    Katheryne: I actually don't have a nose ring (Lacey does though) but I want one! I have tattoos and pierced nips but no nose ring.

    Nava: You look so cute! (and happy too!!!)

    Victoria: WTG on cooking your own meals!!! I know that's really hard for you as you're so busy.

    Lacey: Star Wars pancake maker? What shape does it make your pancakes in?

    Rain: You wanna hurricane clean my house while you're at it? My house hasn't been properly cleaned since I had surgery (I think that's 4 weeks ago). For some reason, neither of my guys can manage to mop a floor or scrub a toilet. Here's the link to the crack wrap: http://peasandthankyou.com/recipage/?recipe_id=6000552&prev_term=wrap Don't let it being vegan fool you - IT.IS.AWESOME. (and you can totally make it with "real" cheese if soy cheese isn't your thing)

    Rikki: Calories do not count on your birthday or on Christmas (at least that's what I've been saying for the past year)

    Kerry: OMG - you and Chris are the cutest things ever!!!! Absolutely gorgeous, lady!!!!

    Kendal: My scale is retarded like yours. Boo!

    Hosanna: We was pics of the new clothes!!!!

    So, I like looking at pics and I LOVE progress pics so I'm gonna give you my progress pic to date:
    In the first pic, I was about 245 pounds and about 2 weeks away from nearly dying in the hospital with blood clots in both lungs. When I was making this collage, The Hubbs' mouth nearly fell off his face with how far his jaw dropped. He said, "I don't remember you being THAT big!!" Yeah, me neither - but I have photographic proof right here.