200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    weigh in for today is 211.4. I'm definately up this week. I'm having a tough time staying on track for more than a couple of days at a time. Then i don't do so hot for a couple of days. Then i'm back on track for a couple. Today is a new day.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Megan: That happens to all of us for some reason. For me, it tends to happen after I've had a while of the scale just not moving for me and then I lose my motivation and start eating crap. Today's a new day, u can start over.

    Victoria: Your chili sounds good (in a meat-eating kind of way). Thanks for smacking me. My problem is that I am the most impatient person on Earth and if I can walk down the stairs, I think that I can dance. I wanted to walk my poor, pathetic dogs yesterday and, lucky for me, The Hubbs was around to tell me how insane that was. And I DO want to be in tip-top walking health on the Paris trip (in less than a month) - maybe that motivation will keep me from doing anything too stupid in the meantime.

    Rain: Congrats on the epic exercise win today! Just getting to the gym (or getting in the workout clothes) is often the hardest part for me. Once I'm ready to go, I'm generally pretty motivated.

    I think the guy the Hubbs shares an office with is retarded or something. He called me yesterday looking for The Hubbs and then made it sound like The Hubbs hadn't shown up to work all day (which worried the hell out of me as it was nearly 2pm). Eventually, it got straightened out but then today I called for The Hubbs at work and the guy was all, "try him on his cell phone cuz he left for the day." I know danged well he hasn't left for the day at 1pm but how do you argue with an idiot?
  • hkallembach
    I haven't posted since page 6! Hahahaha, like you people noticed I was gone! :smile:

    Karen: I like photobucket too. I am so addicted to picnik though, look at my facebook for evidence!

    Nava: The black dress you wore for the wedding sounds amazing! Wow, that job in London sounds amazing. Great picture of you!

    Lacey: I hate calling dr's! It seems the appointments are always booked out very far and nothing can ever open up quickly! You make a good point about depending on what college you attend, I can't wait for 'real' college. That article on plateaus during weight loss was an interesting read.

    Kristina: You are super amazing for doing the charts for us!

    Amy: I hope everything works out the best for The Hubbs, the kid, and you either going to D.C. or not. I feel stupid asking but what does 'Super Pals' mean? What is Halloween like at Disney? HOLY BUCKETS! YOU LOOK SO DIFFERENT IN YOUR PICTURES! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Sarah(wiggle): I am going to a community college for free right now since I am a second year senior in high school. I am looking forward to no student loans! :smile: You look amazing in your photos!

    Hosanna: I am happy things are looking up and ya'll won't give up!

    Katie: I am confussed, I thought you quit your job?

    Kendal: I love the Halloween costume! Wow! I can see a difference in your pictures!

    Kerry: I am really sorry to hear about the sister and her husband sort of drama. Hahaha, you rock for being a baseball 'nerd'! :drinker: Sorry to say, I am a HUGE Twins fan! :laugh: I am happy there is no such thing as TMI here! You and the Hubbs are so cute together! I love all the pictures you posted!

    Rikki: Hope you had a fabulous birthday!

    Victoria: I love Christmas more than Halloween too!

    I love all the S.O. stories! Soooooooooooooo adorable! Since I'm (ALMOST 18---Labor Day weekend!) 17 I don't have one of those cute adorable stories! :ohwell:

    As far as me....

    Sorry for being gone for the week but I went into my shell again. I seriously don't have friends around anymore and I tend to keep things bottled up. Is it pathetic I count you ladies at my friends?

    I work 70 hours this week and next week. boo.

    Now class starts in 30 minutes and I have to go finish stuff before then so toodles for now!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hailie: If it's pathetic that you count us as friends, then go ahead and count me as pathetic too. I love the ladies here and I'm honestly more open with everyone here than I have been with some of my real life "friends" (you know those friends who only talk about themselves or only call you when they need something, I've got a couple of those and I don't really share much of my life with them). I just use Super Pals as something to call the ladies here. (As in they're super and they're my pals) Halloween at Disneyland is super cool. They have Mickey Mouse shaped pumpkins everywhere you look, they did the Space Mountain roller coaster up all scary (projecting really creepy-looking ghosts all over the place), they make The Haunted Mansion (my Uber-favorite ride in all of Disneyland) all Nightmare Before Christmas-y (one of my favorite movies of all times). There's also way less people there in October than in summer, the temperature is better and - it's my birthday, which makes is the bestest.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I think the guy the Hubbs shares an office with is retarded or something. He called me yesterday looking for The Hubbs and then made it sound like The Hubbs hadn't shown up to work all day (which worried the hell out of me as it was nearly 2pm). Eventually, it got straightened out but then today I called for The Hubbs at work and the guy was all, "try him on his cell phone cuz he left for the day." I know danged well he hasn't left for the day at 1pm but how do you argue with an idiot?

    Does this guy know that stupidity like that can destroy a marriage. I mean, any level of distrust amongst you and he could have you going all thin-line spycho and stuff wondering where he is and who he's with. God, some people just don't think before they open their mouths.

    Hallie, dear...welcome back! Good luck with your classes, and we just take friends where we can find them :-)
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Well, my birthday was nice. I got some great gifts from my office mates, and flowers from my sister. Tons of FB, txt, e-mail, and voice mail birthday wishes. Now for the bad part.....I decide to sleep in instead of going to the gym for my birthday, and that was not such a good idea. I had some cake and went about 500 calories over my goal. So I am going to wait until Sunday morning to post this weeks weight. I hope I can drop just a bit from what it said today and I will be good. So today and tomorrow are going to be huge water and activity days!!

    I will have to dig for a pic of me at my highest, and then one now. Not too much different in my opinion. I was 283 at my highest and I'm only 10 under that now. I meant to take my measurements this am but I forgot...imagine that.

    I hope you ladies have a great day. I get to bake my sons cake tonight, then construct it tomorrow for his BIG 5 on Sunday!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Dude! My dog has a binge eating disorder. I made banana nut muffins today and came downstairs to discover that the dog at 4 of those bad boys!!! (He also ate half of a granola bar)

    Rikki: I would definitely wait a couple of days before recording your weight this week but don't get down on yourself over it - it was your birthday!!! Birthdays are awesome!! (I may be an 8 year old at heart)

    Bobbie: You're right about the retard being able to do damage to a relationship but, lucky for me, I trust The Hubbs and I completely believe that his office mate is a little lame. (The Hubbs did eventually come home this afternoon, he had been at lunch with his boss - he hadn't left for the day)
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, I think the binge eating is called "being a dog." hehe Seriously, if I leave anything out... it's gone. Except for her actual dog food as she'll let that sit forever. When I first got her 4 years ago, I'd thrown away a big bag of twizzlers and went out. When I came home, the trash was knocked over and there were twizzler remnants everywhere. Darn dogs...

    Okay so, not doing an extensive post, but oh em gee... seeing everyone's pictures has really inspired me to get back on the wagon. Everyone knows I've had a hard time with it the past oh... month. But I really need to do this. I just need to remind myself how much better I feel at 45 pounds less than my heaviest (wow, that's interesting to see in actual text) and how things can only get better. Mind you, I'm already going to lunch with a group to a burger joint, so that's kinda defeating the point of this post, but that's only one meal and one meal doesn't have to ruin the whole day, or weekend, or week...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Also... totally relevant Natalie Dee comic: http://www.nataliedee.com/082111/
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- dang thats a LOT of chili!!!

    Lacey- good idea to keep your mouth shut. I'm that way too. If I'm pissed off, give me space till I calm down and can speak to you rationally or else you might not get treated like a human being.

    Nava- you look so fabulous!!!

    Annette- sorry about the sick puppy. :frown:

    Amy- school started back yesterday for teh kids around here. Not soon enough in my opinion. dang teenagers with their loud music thumping and hogging all the outside tables at Cookout and being all loud and obnoxious.....*sigh* no respect I tell ya!

    Qsheba- I wouldn't worry too much about going over on protein unless you have a medical condition that requires you to watch your limit. Amy (anvy) can give you more information about it since she's going to school for nutrition, but the protein level that MFP assigns you is low according to her.

    rain- fabulous job getting on the treadmill and motivating yourself to do more! You are doing so awesome with c25k!!

    Megan- My suggestion is to work towards being good mon-fri and give yourself slack on the weekends. If you have having 2-3 good days and then 2-3 bad days, that should give you a small goal to work toward, knowing you are going to give yourself slack later.

    Amy- is it possible for you to walk one dog at a time at a VERY SLOW PACE? You know, when I was camping last weekend, I saw a golf cart drive by and the people had their dog running beside it. Know anyone with a golf cart or scooter? LoL

    Hallie- you said you post less when new people come along, so I figured you were lurking. I did notice, but didn't want to call you out for it. And if you can milk another year of free college out of not taking that one stupid test, then that's freaking AWESOME!!! TAKE ADVANTAGE and take as many of the basic courses as possible (the things that will transfer anywhere...english, math, foreign language, PE.....). And no, I consider all you ladies my real friends too. If we met in person, there would be no awkwardness at all, it'd be like hanging out with my bff and be totally relaxed. Wow!! You are working a LOT this week and next week!! WOOHOO FOR OVERTIME!!!

    Kerry- I was like that with my ex husband for a while. Flipping back and forth between leaving him and going to counselling and him going to counseling and any other arrangment I could think of. Obviously, after I thought about it, I left him. Your sister and I have COMPLETELY different situations though. My hope is that she will go to counselling with him and try to work it out, especially since she's willing to stay there for so much longer for the kids sake...what harm could counseling at the same time do?

    Nava- good luck at the burger place. Maybe just skip the fries??? LOVE that comic

    I severely overslept today (woke up at 8:01 and left teh house at 8:11, thankfully I took a shower last night before bed). And I ran out of the house and forgot my lunch. So I'm not sure what I will have today. Either Subway or a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich from chick-fila. It's hard to calorie count a salad since I don't know exactly what kind of dressing I have or exactly how much chicken I put in it. It's just a lot of guessing and I hate it.

    Sadly, I'm going to take today's weight as the gospel. 216.0. MAJORLY up from my last weigh in 2 weeks ago, but since I skipped last week, I didn't feel right passing for 2 straight weeks. Just cause I don't like my number doesn't mean I can ignore it. I ate right yesterday but I'm thinking its time I drop my cals back down. That will be so tough for me. I've gotten used to eating a lot. Hopefully I will have enough physical activity in the next 5 days to have a good weigh in next week. And again, I always gain during pre-tom and it's due next week.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Alright girls, I need your help.

    It's Friday, date night a.k.a. grocery shooping (lame, I know), but I always try to come up with a menu for the week. It helps me stay on budget and not buy junk. I need some new recipes though. I'm so bored with dinner lately.

  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I've been playing...what do you think?

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    rain: Normally I LOVE giving people meal ideas but I almost had a panic attack thinking about coming up with low protein meal plans for you. Do you guys eat a lot of salads? Last week we had taco salads, Greek falafel salads and Thai-style salads and they were awesome. You could even make sure that the protein sources (beans, falafel and tofu/beans) were kept separate so you could eat them and DH could be within his protein limitations. I also go to foodgawker.com, allrecipes.com and peasandthankyou.com when I need fresh meal ideas. Maybe you can find something on one of those sites.

    Kendal: Your talk about loud teenagers just made me feel old (cuz I think the same things when confronted with teenagers).

    Nava: OMG, that comic was perfect!!! I have TOTALLY done that to The Kid and The Hubbs!!! LOL.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Super Pals started as a nickname when this group was young 22 months ago. We liked it and it stuck. Holy crude - I've been hanging out with you for a looonnnngggg time.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Amy, I just have to say that everytime I read one of your posts, I'm instantly drawn to the quote in your signature. I don't know what it is, but something about it just calls for my attention.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    We eat a lot of salad and vegetable stir fry haha.

    We eat meat 3-4 times a week. Usually boneless skinless chicken breast. Occasionally we'll have steaks, but its rare as the protein is high and I don't care for steak anyway. We don't eat any other type of meet and hubs eats no seafood (obviously).

    I'm pretty much fresh out of ideas for cooking chicken breast. I want some meatless recipes for his non-meat days too, but he's so damn picky.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OK, Rikki-Happy Late Birthday!

    Those were some awesome before & after pics ladies! Wow! Loved them!!

    Amy-no overworking yourself like that! Silly lady!!

    Rain-I'm hopeless at menus in advance-I do good to make it through dinner most nights!

    Victoria-wow at the run!

    Hailie-glad you're back! Disney is AWESOME!! But I'm talking FL, not CA, so maybe Amy's opinion will differ from mine. As October is also Food & Wine Festival time at Epcot...which was GREAT when I was pregnant with Casey...Hubby drank, I ate, all was good! LOL! And October is the best time, but I also have that thing with it being my around my birthday...Libra's are just cool like that! :-)

    And NO, NOTHING on the house yet. This is the SSLLOOOOOWWEESSTT bank ever! If I have Labor Day weekend off & can't work on that house, I'm gonna really not be a happy camper! :-P But at least I guess I'll get some packing done! :o)

    I'm sure there's more I could respond to, but I'm at work & this is gonna be a busy weekend. I have a kickball game tonight, a walk race & at least one kickball game tomorrow. And possibly a kickball game on Sunday. But it burns almost 700 calories per game! Woo hoo! OK, gotta run! *hugs* (And Amy/Hailie-I'm "pathetic" with you, cause you ladies are my friends I tell it all to!!)
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Ok, Victoria. I am doing nine miles tonight with a friend. We are trail running and I am pretty excited about it. I got my four miler in this morning and it felt awesome. I did four miles last night too (unplanned) due to tension.

    Speaking of tension: I only have half a day with The Monsters today, a full day on Monday and half a day on Tuesday and I am D O N E with them. Finished. Thank. God.

    Yesterday, the little one decided to channel his inner Sailor and start in with the language. I tell ya, I'm old, and I have never heard some of these words. So, since he's not mine and I can't beat him, I set him down with a pencil and paper and told him to write an entire page of "I will not use foul language." Well, that brought out his inner WWF wrestler and he threw my dining room chairs, tossed my dining room table, turned my coffee table upside down, along with the six loads of freshly washed and folded laundry on it, destroyed three library books, broke my lamp, and ripped (yes, really) my cabinet door off in the kitchen. When he was done, he said, "What do you think of that?" I looked at him and asked, "Is that the best ya got? I thought you could do better." He said, "I just destroyed your house. Why aren't you mad?" And I simply responded, "Well, because, nothing in this house is more important than you." And he started sobbing -- uncontrollably -- for like 5 full minutes. Then he started picking up his mess. His mom paid for the library books and was 'really sorry.' At this point, I don't believe anything she says. I just want her to love her kids and start parenting them. Six is too young to raise yourself. /endrant

    Rain: I've got nothin' for ya, girl. We eat meat, carb, veg at almost every meal. I am so un-creative while on this weightloss journey. Once I get to my goal and maintain for a coupla months, I'll start adding interesting things back in, but I don't want to be in "weight-loss" forever, so we are pretty boring. It provides motivation for me. For example, almost every one of my running routes takes me by the Old Spaghetti Factory at some point -- usually near the end, and I think, "I am running so I can someday eat here without guilt."

    Karen: She is awesomely adorable. What a CUTIE!! but now you've opened the door... prepare for kid pics.

    Kendal: I am super-impressed with the 10minute -bed to door time. That has to be some kind of record. And I am in agreement, the sooner school starts, the sooner I can regain my sanity -- or what is left of it.

    Lacey: My plan of attack with the sulking: ignorance. That's what they do. They don't notice when we are all sullen and sad...so why should I notice? (only when it is uncalled for, though. Otherwise, i am the doting wifey.)

    We are going to Seattle tomorrow with the whole fam-damily. joy. My SIL is going to be there. She told me a couple of months ago that I think i am better than her because I am a better housekeeper, better daughter to her mom, more active, dress better, and a better parent. That was all news to me. But since I am already guilty of it, I am going to look AMAZING tomorrow. She hasn't seen me looking good since I started losing weight. The last time I saw her was immediately post run..and I was still drippy. (I am not usually vindictive, but something about her makes me want to win everything all the time. Maybe it's because she is the family pot-stirrer and I can never be safe from her tactics. I'll just be hotter. Bring it on, sister. You have met your match.) Did I tell you she wore her husbands slippers to my wedding...and his sweatpants? Yeah. Classy, right?

    Amy: I agree with Victoria. More Low Impact Aerobics. (teehee) I couldn't help it. i'm sorry. *hangs head in shame.* But seriously, if you don't heal, you won't be able to do much for much much longer.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Why are my posts always so damned long? I try to keep 'em short. Sorry. :-/
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning Ladies! Glad its Friday. Unfortunately I woke up still pissed off at the husband. I am glad he is going to Seattle early tomorrow morning for the night with his dad and won't be babk until late late Sunday. I think I am hormonal, which is highly irritating because hello! I just got done with my period last week. Grr. So its just an all around crap kind of week. I'm not wearing my bmf today. I am going to try to go walking/running this afternoon.

    Rain - definitely get on foodgawker.com. Scroll to the bottom and hit the links to search for groups/kinds of foods. Its an awesomely inspiring food site. Congrats on pushing through that running wall everyone needs to get over. I am hoping to get there myself one of these days.

    Queire - thats because the book Amy's quote came from totally rocks! I am looking forward to the movie.

    Karen - I like the pics.

    Kendal - I have such an amazingly hard time waking up in the morning, so I feel ya on the getting up late. I set my alarm clock to start going off at 5:15 to get up around 6. I get that deep deep sleep from 3am on until I wake up, so yeah.

    Nava- that cartoon rocks! and you're right, one meal doesn't ruin the day!

    Amy - if my dogs are allowed to eat that stuff that is all they would eat. Broccoli, watermelon, cookies, meat, whatever. Can you blame them though? Even the Blue Buffalo dog food which is said to be the best dog food and even smells like real food when you open the bag still has to taste like **** compared to a piece of cheese.
    And yeah the whole double standard just chaps my hide. I think he is having a super hard time with my going away from two weeks this time, and to Europe of all places. And not for just work either. But I gave him the option to come, told him we'd work it out somehow if he wanted to, and he didn't even want to attempt to ask for the time off. So it is what it is. And I can't control what kind of job he has, only he can. So if he wants a job that has perks like mine, he is going to have to get it himself. Rant over. Must. Make Myself Stop lol.
    Don't be bumming up your foot girl!! We've got lots of walking to do..though I'm not above paying pedicabs, etc. lol. Make your plan "being able to walk around Paris in one month" and form a work out schedule according to that.

    Rikki - glad to hear you had a good birthday.

    Hailie - I have this group of girls and another group of three girls that I met on thedailyplate.come (before it got bought out by livestrong and started sucking) that I talk to on a daily basis. The other three girls have all met each other, but I am the lone wolf on the west coast so its hard for me to see any of them..however, they and all of you are closer to me than even my BFF these days.

    Megan - me too girl. Me too. Willpower has left the building.

    Victoria - wow thats a lot of meat in chili but sounds fantastic!! I've grown up with chili meaning mostly beans, but in watching the food shows I think the Pac NW must have their own more bean chili recipes, since it seems like most people do meat only or very little beans. I'd love to try that recipe with the syrup and beer.

    Sheba - you are doing great. Putting your feelings into written words really does help one to see how silly they are once in a while right? I think I need to do that more often.

    Annette - I sure hope your dog is going to be okay!!

    Bloody hell. My MIL, the one who is coming to help take care of Gracie (since Jeff works at 3am in the morning) just texted me to say she broke her foot yesterday. Its just been one of those weeks.