200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy! What a difference!

    I'm going to have to go home and dig up photos from me at my heaviest. I obviously don't have them on any social networking sites to pull from at the moment. I topped out at 267 in 2005. When I started with MFP I was 241, but even my full body pic on my profile is about 235.

    And Sarah, you look so great!

    You ladies are so inspiring.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Amy: You look amazing!! Wow!! Just...wow.

    Nava: I can tell the difference in your face just between your profile pic and your recent dinner pic.

    Ok, girls. Let's see em.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    just some head shots....the blue shirt was October 2009 around 260, the pink shirt was me on New Years this year

    this was in April '11
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I am LOVING all the pics! So fun!

    Amy - Oh. my. goodness. You look a bajillion times different! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. You are so gorgeous! Yay!

    Nava - that pic of you and Joe is just precious. You guys look so happy. I would kill for your complexion. Stunning.

    Sarah(wiggle) - I agree with Kendal, you have come a long way in a short time. Super impressive! This may sound weird, but you look just like what I thought you would! That never happens. Usually I have an idea of how someone would look and I'm totally wrong.

    Katheryne - I don't have a nose ring, but I used to. And I'd still have it if it wasn't against policy at work.


    (ps I think I use caps too much. lol)

    Victoria, you continue to inspire me with your runs. Love it. Right Brain had both a standard IPA called Dead Kettle that was super yummy, and a black one called Black Eye.P.A. that I freaking loved. Their standard pale ale is called WillPower and I could drink it all day long. I also found out that I like sour beers on this trip. Who knew? Oh and they also were brewing a bacon beer while I was there that the bartended let me try. It was smokey and bacony and delicious.

    I slammed my finger in my desk drawer at work today. Don't ask me how, I'm a total effing clod. I think I'm gonna end up with one of those black nasty spots under my fingernail. Boo!

    I am slated to run 7 miles on Saturday. I keep thinking about it. I'm nervous and excited.

    Ok, all I've got time for is that. Thank you all for the complements - you are the sweetest and I adore you.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Kendal, you are seriously the cutest thing ever. I love that your awesome/hilarious/sweet/tough personality totally shows through in your smile.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Good Evening Posting Crazy Ladies!!!!

    SO many things to respond to - will probably miss some but here goes:

    The Dog has deteriorated again and went to the vet today - has had anti b shot and got some meds. Need to collect three samples and they may xray tomorrow. He's lost over a kg in the week (went last week as he had scratched his eye running through brambles) and seen as he is only 12kg - that's loads. He has eaten some today but he's not in a happy mood - oh, nor was the dog who kindly came a bit me yesterday after I had knocked at someone's front door to request they move their car that was totally blocking a road - it got itself out of their backgarden and jumped up, biting my shoulder blade - luckily it is only a small bite but what the.....

    Kendal, Amy, Sarah: absolutely love the before and after shots - you are doing so so well, such a dfifference in all of you and you are all gorgeous.

    Nava, Kerry: can't remember seeing 'before' pictures but again - both gorgeous and doing sooooo well

    You have all so got to keep it up.

    Sarah: really pleased hubby's job going well - it is lovely when they are relaxed and happy. Not too log now with the local monsters in tow - start the count down and you can go back to enjoying your peace. I agree with the 1/2 cup before making up, nt after

    Kerry: love your planning to keep self in check - and it works so well (hence your gorgeous slim pics).Not so sure about bacon beer however!!!.

    Kendal: so think you should go Viking Warrier Princess - it sounds as if it has been made for you and makes up for not being able to do warrier dash this year. Also, love your positive outlook i.e. response to anyone can wear costume - need for confidence and looking for best bits.

    Kathryne: thanks for info re poke. I am constantly fascinated as to how our ancestors worked out what plants we could/could not eat - especially when the proterties change at different points in the life cycle or dependent on how they are treated!!!

    Lacey: sorry to hear hubby's abit short lately - it can be so frustrating when you can see their pain but have no idea where it comes from or how to help. I am currently trying to work on the basis that if I needed to know he would tell me, other than that I'll just work on keeping things positive.


    Amy: you make me smile sooo much - 'locking child in closet until home leaving' and Hubbs being incapable of walking two dogs - so real and able to relate. Your honesty is really appreciated - thank you

    Rikki: Happy Birthday, and no, calorieis do not count on such a day - enjoy

    The lady going to Cambodia - have a great time.

    Vicotria: totally in awe of your running - your are fab. nad congrats on the increased home cooking - is going well.

    All of you: talk to me about halloween - it's roots in your culture and how come it has developed into such a 'big thing'.

    Haven't got many photos - may take before and after shred (or not!!!) - may just do measurements - I don't know, the now is just so urghh.

    Kristina: where are you???

    Will slip in how I met hubby:

    Was looking for something challengin to do, so joined the TA. I was so 'female' that I didn't have a clue and on the first weekend when we got kitted out and had to sort said kit I was absolutely useless - needed help ironing creases in trousers / using starch and getting boots to shine. That was over 20 years ago and where I met hubby - he polished my boots on the first day I met him!!! \We were both involved in other relationships so nothing occurred (or was even considered). As we were in the same regiment we obviously met from time to time - but again nothing considered - then we were to travel together to a training fortnight - I nearly didn't go as I had such a foreboding that I should not travel with him. Well, two hours in the car with him wittering on about his recently ex girlfriend all the while I was increasingly realising how cute and gorgeous he was - was not the best of starts but things moved on from there. They almost didn't, however, when some time later we discussed age establsihing he was 19 (not too bad until you realise I was 26 at the time). Thankfully he soon had his birthday and convinced me age was irrelevent - just as well really as 20 years later - here we are - married for 14 ( I needed some convincing that age really did not matter) and still as much in lust/love as ever - long may it last I say!!!!!!!

    Post excessively long - sorry - but wanted to respond to as many as poss.

    Keep well

    Annette xx
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Sarah(wiggle) - I agree with Kendal, you have come a long way in a short time. Super impressive! This may sound weird, but you look just like what I thought you would! That never happens. Usually I have an idea of how someone would look and I'm totally wrong.

    Kerry: It's because I really DO look like Miss Piggy. I act like her too. She has been my role model growing up and my family thinks it is awesome that she is my profile pic. LOL! Thank for the props!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    oops...double post.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    I love all the pics!!! Everyone looks great! Ill see if I can get mine going at work tomorrow.

    By the way, im eating everything in sight today. Eeeek! Ill do better tomorrow.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Okay, dug up a pic at my absolute heaviest. Ugh. Please ignore my ex's severed arm on my shoulder. This is at or around 267... after I'd eaten nothing but crap studying for the bar exam.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Boss called at 2 and said girls get down here, we are drinking. So we left work and drank some lovely rose wine for a few hours. I called jeff to let him know I would be home by 5:30 so could he pick up Gracie like normal. I arrive home on time and he is all sorts of snotty with me. So I have decided that lest I give him a nasty piece of my mind that I not talk to him tonight. I rarely rarely ever go out and every single time I get this whether it's planned or not as if he cannot cook his own dinner. I have half a mind to go on dinner strike.

    Hopefully I will feel better about it in the morning. I won't be able to keeP my mouth closed for long so it's best if I wait until I'm not fuming mad. It doesn't help that work has been a PIA this week so I know I need tO wait till I am in a Better headspace. :huh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Love al the pics!!! You ladies look FAB!!!

    I'm just heading to bed after power Walmart shopping and making 5 gallons of awesome chilli!! I've already eaten 2 bowls full. I've got it stored in 2 crocks and a smaller pot. It should be perfect after simmering down tomorrow... My bike ride is cancelled for the morning and I'm hoping to get up and do Kenpo X...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Thursday: 2316 calories burned/ 1568 calories consumed/ 748 deficit and the scale still has me up a pound but it looks like it's coming back down so I'm going to give it a chance to go down before declaring my official weigh-in for the week. (I just refuse to take a gain even though I did everything right, dammit)

    Victoria: 5 gallons of chili is a TON! Do you freeze it and use it for lunches and what-not?

    Lacey: I'm with you on the double-standard from the other half. The few times I've had the audacity to have plans after work hours, he's gotten pissy about it when he has a tendency to play basketball with "the guys" for hours after work without even calling me to let me know (I'm only bringing this up as he's done this to me several times in the past couple of weeks and doesn't see a problem with it). The problem is: it's just effin' rude. Let me know where you are and when you'll be back so I can schedule dinner and know that you aren't dead.

    Nava: You've gotten sooo much skinnier, WTG!!

    Megan: Hi.

    Annette: I hope your dog gets better soon. I can't handle when the dogs or the kid are sick, it just breaks my heart.

    Kerry: Bacon beer sounds pretty darned vile. You go with your 7 mile run!! You are awesome. I hope you don't get a black thing under your fingernail due to the slamming it in the drawer thing. I hate those.

    Kendal: I completely 100% agree with Kerry - your personality shows in your AWESOME/fabulous/gorgeous smile.

    Sarah: Are you a diva like Miss Piggy? I dig that.

    Well, I survived the first week of the Kid being back in school. He has biatched and moaned his way though EVERY single day this week. It has to get better next week, or he might not survive 3rd grade. I also discovered that after I take my finals for my classes on the 8th, I get to start ADVANCED Biochemistry. Gah. I hated the regular biochemistry, advanced is going to be hell on earth.

    I feel like I'm just kind of floating around not following any kind of regimented exercise plan and it's driving me nuts! I can't do the jumping/running/pounding stuff required for P90X and Insanity (did you hear the P90X2 is coming out soon??? Yay!) so I'm thinking I might do Kettleworx and some kind of random cardio until my foot gets back to 100%. What do you guys think? I'm losing my mind without having a "plan".
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Dog back to vet - further injection and bloods - hopefully results today and visit again tomorrow....................

    Nava: you have lost so much weight - well done you and keep it up.

    Amy: hope The Kid's attitude improves - first week of any change is usually always the worst. Advanced Bio-chemistry - yuk but best wishes for the 8th

    Lacey: hope things settle. WIll soon be weekend and time to relax all together.

    Vicotira: love that when one thing cancelled you fill with something else - absolute commitment. What are you going to do with all that chilli!!!

    Megan: we all have days like that - each meal is a new beginning, take it in hand.

    Sarah: can imagine you impersonating diva attitude of Miss Piggy - your posts are always such fun.

    Off bowling and out for lunch - school hols are rapidly running out, when it will then be me skulking - I hate it when they come to an end.
  • qofsheba
    qofsheba Posts: 72
    Weigh in 195. FIVE lbs since beginning. I'm not hungry at all and I feel better. Yet still the little defeat tape runs on a regular basis--"this will take forever." " this is so hard" "this isn't fair." Then the ultimate: "this isn't worth it." So I'm putting the tape on public display--where it looks pretty lame as a set of excuses. I'm not eating that differently--just less dinner and controlled snacks at night. I do have a challenge staying under the protein, but not at or under the calories. This site is wonderful and this group amazing.:love:
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning gals! Not much time to respond individually, but I did read all of your posts. I'm loving the photos. You girls are all so beautiful and an absolute inspirtation to me as I am just inthe early stages of my journey. Thanks for letting me be a part of the group!

    I am having a totally amazing day so far, and it's only 8:10 am. Went to the gym this morning, feeling blah again. All the way there I was bargaining with myself...just walk, just do a mile on the elliptical, just do weights, just drive aroudn for a few minutes then go back home to bed. But, I got there and I stepped on the treadmill and said "You know what, get your a s s in gear and run."

    I've done week 3 of c25k for 3 weeks now, and I've been terrified to move on. Today, I did! And I pretty much killed it. I did the whole thing with relative ease. I did have to take a 30 second walk break in the middle of the last 5 minute run as I was getting a terrible side sticker. But I fought through the last two minutes and ran the rest out. I covered 1.91 miles, which is a new personal best for me, distance wise. I started c25k not being able to make it through a minute without praying the clock would countdown faster. Anyway, I'm on like an exercise/accomplishment high today. I may just reward myself by finally getting a new pair of running shoes tonight. For the first time, I really think me running a 5k one day is a reality. Just had to share with you girls!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Epic fail on the morning workout. I was up too late and chili was calling this morning. I actually pushed play but 5 min in stopped. I have an evening workout planned with mom.

    Weigh in for the week 193. Down 1 from last weekend.

    I will keep the chilli simmering in the crock all weekend for my company. 1/2 will probably disappear. I will freeze the rest in bigger containers (1 fills the crock) and pull it out the next time company is coming. 1 pound each bacon, ground turkey, and sausage... 3 lbs hamburg. Jar pure maple syrup, onions, guinnes beer, two hearted IPA, shot bourbon, and tons of spices, tomatoes, peppers and beans... Now I'm ready for another bowl. It really is good.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Somebody smack me the next time I even consider doing 50 minutes of Zumba. Seriously. I did 20 minutes of Kettleworx and it was all good. I felt like I needed more cardio so I popped my Zumba game in the XBox. Now I am sitting here icing my foot because it hurts so bad. Why do I push myself past my limits? Why can't I just sit on my @ss like a normal person recovering from surgery??

    Sheba: Congrats on the 5 pounds! Your are doing great!

    Annette: Enjoy bowling and lunch!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Rain - now you know why I run. The runners high rocks. Now I have to get past the first 2 miles for it to kick in. Then the rest is a breeze. Great job!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - smack, smack. I understand your frustration. You just want to be doing it. Take care of that foot so you can rock with Lacey in Paris. Next time, try lower impact aerobics.