200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Weigh in: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 189.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HELLO 180's!!!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey guys! Real quick post to weigh in - 169.8 (and hopefully for sure now good riddance to 170s). That's still up from what I was before the 4 day weekend, but with TOM looming, I'll take it.

    My coworker is on vacation from noon today until the day after Labor Day, so if I'm MIA, its just because I'm insanenly busy. Know that I'll be lurking as often as possible to keep up on things.

    Congrats to everyone who has got awesome weight/workout victories rockin' right now!

    Ok... work work work work work here I come. Boo.
  • KatheryneLynne
    OFFICE RANT: Somebody in my office decided to be nice to me while I was on vacation, so they watered all of my plants...which would be great...except they tried to drown them and now I have a million fungas gnats. ERG...this will take forever to get rid of of. It would be one thing if I had asked someone to water for me. But i didn't, I knew how long i was going to be gone. I knew my plants wouldn't die in one week. I also know someone had to have "helped" me since the soil was wetter when I got back than when I left. Likewise, I'm CONVINCED they (the evil companies) ship crappy soil up here to Alaska. I've never had to worry about contaminated soil while i lived in the lower 48. I've yet to buy any up here that doesn't have fungas. It just ticks me off. ERRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG. RANT OVER...

    Rain....let me tell you I about spit water all over my comp. screen laughting at your comment about "date night". I too get excited for DH and mine's shopping date each payday. We don't currently have a car so unless it's within walking distance of the house we don't go. So that pretty much means we "date" by going to Fred Meyers about twice a month. Buss ride there; taxi ride home. So, if your date night makes you pathetic, I'm equally so.

    I'll be weighing in sometime over the weekend. I hope to drop a little more of my salt enduced weight before then.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Katherynne - I had a girlfriend watch some of my plants when I took a five day trip one time. I had had this succulent plant for over 5 years when I took it to her house. It had been with me through house buying, moving 300 miles away, etc. etc. It was like MY plant. She totally over watered it and it was drooping when I picked it up. Needless to say it died. Died died died from overwatering.

    My random rant to the stickynotes makers: Thanks for the coolest pieces of paper ever. I use them all. the. time. However, it would be nice that when I finally go to take the sticky note off the surface of whatever I stuck it to that the stick would also leave and not be stuck so I have to wipe and wipe and wipe at it to get it off. Stickynotes are not compatible with plastic or rubber surffaces for more than an hour before this happens.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Still no time for a long response! Auuugggghhh, crazy work week.

    Just wanted to say that you all look FANTASTIC!! Seeing your pictures is huge motivation. You all kick some serious butt.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    So, this morning my apartment complex management was handing out breakfast tacos and bottles of water to the residents as they were leaving for work. They also had a 5 hour energy rep there handing samples of that out.

    I always get what I call the "3:00 sleepies" at the office, but they came on at about 2:15 today so I thought "hmm, maybe I'll try this 5-hour energy thing."

    Holy jeebus that stuff works. I just read the nutrition label and it says it has 8333% of the daily value for Vitamin B12. LOL! Whee, hyper! Good thing I only had half so far.
  • KatheryneLynne
    TOM turns Katheryne into a grub munchin' zombie with a really crappy disposition. God perserve my husband and the kitchen cabinets in their time of need...
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    10 more minutes until they go home...10 more minutes until they go home. I can do it for 10 more minutes.

    Nava: I am scared of that stuff. I got a bunch of it for free couponing one day and it is sitting in my cupboard. Maybe I should give it to the kids I am sitting right before they go home? I dunno.

    Lacey and katheryne: I don't own plants because I am the one that kills them. I killed an aloe plant. No kidding. dead. *hangs head in shame.* I do, however, have a zucchini growing in my 'garden.' That's right, I have fruit from my labor...we'll see how it tastes.

    Amy: We had a dog that ate rocks. That's right. She left the food alone, and ate...rocks. Not just one or two, and not little ones, but a lot of big rocks. After her sixth surgery, we told her...you eat another one, you die. Well, she went after Wiggle when he was just 4 months old, so she found another home anyway. Be glad that the canine eats like a canine and not a rock monster.

    Kerry: I want to be you when I grow up. Seriously.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    TOM turns Katheryne into a grub munchin' zombie with a really crappy disposition. God perserve my husband and the kitchen cabinets in their time of need...

    This made me blow chips and salsa all over my monitor. Thanks. :laugh:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I rearranged how I pay my bills today..and now will be buying groceries every two weeks instead of on a weekly basis. Should I just make a two week recipe plan or should I make a one week plan and buy a gift card for the second weeks groceries? (I cold leave the $ for it in the bank too I know)..Why does this seem more daunting??

    I am SO ready to get out of here today.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Nava I've never used that 5 hour energy stuff. It kind of scares me for some reason too. No bad side effects? I can't get people who drink rock stars either..so yeah. But that might be because I had a little too much fun when I was 22 years old in a bar with rock stars and vodka and orange juice I think? I remember flashes of me and my guy friends dancing in this club that was packed like sardines in a can, us walking down the street with them trying to flip an old vw (they couldn't even lift it Thank God looking bacK), one of them jumping off the balcony back in the bar naked, me showing my bra to the whole of the bar, parts are black. So that stuff scares me now lol.
    I can laugh at myself thank goodness. I would die if I acted like that now. Which brings me to the other point I forgot to mention. I am SO totally old. Because yeah Amy and Kendal? Teenagers blowing their airhorn in the evening down the street got me yelling back at them a few weeks ago and I HATE when I want peace and quiet and their music is turned up. Sigh.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    I've actually been a bit frightened of them myself, but this was free, and why not. I'm definitely awake but kinda feeling fidgety.

    I don't think I'd make a habit of taking these. Also, it tasted awful.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    More playing! LOL!

  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    aaaaaaaaand, I'm already falling asleep at my desk again. So much for that.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    aaaaaaaaand, I'm already falling asleep at my desk again. So much for that.

    Five Hour Fail!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My senior year in college, I stayed up late to finish work many times, but only had to pull one all nighter. I got off work at 11pm and started writing the big, end of the semester, counts for 33% of your grade, should be at least 15 pages long and include works cited type of paper. Back then there was an energy drink made by Mountain Dew called MDX and it tasted like carbonated green jello. IT WAS AWESOME. But I had so many that night ( I think it was 3...20 oz bottles) when I was in class (I think it was a 9 or 10am class), I could not sit still. My feet were bouncing everywhere and I could not stop talking. As in my tongue would not quit moving and my vocal chords had to produce noise. Mostly "be boo bop de boo bop bop bop deeee" type stuff (but times 1000). I'm sure I looked like a crazy person.

    I skipped the next class and absolutely crashed after that lol
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    aaaaaaaaand, I'm already falling asleep at my desk again. So much for that.

    Five Hour Fail!

    Well, she did say she only drank half...so 2.5 hours is all that's guaranteed...lol

    I remember that when I was a teenager, the thing to drink (other than whatever was in the family liquor cabinet) was Jolt Cola...twice the sugar and 4x the caffeine. You felt like you'd never have to sleep again, ever!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Well, I'm on my way to go replace my broken lamp. His mother gave me money today to do that. Really glad I didn't have to ask her to and that she just ponied up the cash. YAY for a new lamp. My cabinet door will be reattached this evening. The boy's father is coming over to do it. He is going to have to sand and repaint too, since he ripped huge holes in the casing. They both admitted that he has done this at their homes too. *sigh* Unfolding the laundry is what made me the most angry. I hate doing laundry as it is, let alone TWICE. grr. /endrant

    OK, so tomorrow I get to go to Seattle :happy: with the in-laws :sad: and we are eating here: http://www.ivars.com/index.php?page=menus_salmon-house for dinner. :love: And, we are not paying!! (What? We always pay!) I know, right?! Exciting.

    I am going to run again tonight after dinner just to get the calorie burn since I won't get to do it tomorrow. Six hours in the car with two kids under five and another 6 hours with the family...Rage calories, but no real cardio.

    Bobbie: I remember Jolt!! I wonder if it can still be found?

    Kendal: MDX was a major FAIL by Mountain Dew. It tasted like carbonated horse urine and created zombies. Aye yie yie.
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    I am new to the website and looking for a support group would lit be ok to join you. I did not read all your posts but it looks like how I like to post when I was on a support group before. I just need to learn how to do it on my phone so that I can post and read more often - if that is possible,

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Welcome to the group mepeiffer!! We are always welcoming new members!

    Sarah- You are the calmest person in the world not to yell at the kid, but also the most compassionate. That kid needs some serious therapy. And you are so wrong about MDX! I loved it!! lol :tongue: I hate they took it away.