200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    you know, maybe I should buy that costume regardless of the seller's response. That'd give me 2 months and a solid GOAL to work towards. Right now it feels like I'm exercising just to be exercising....not really working towards anything.

    unless its more like a 12/14. I really don't know if my boobs are going to shrink and they definitely won't even fit in a 16 at this point.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi Ladies!

    Rain - I'd never heard of PKU before, how interesting and what an unfortunate pain in the butt! Glad they're developing a semi-useful medication, and maybe when it's out on the market the price will go down. My most recent ex had a sodium problem, don't know what the actual condition is called, but his body can't process sodium, if he eats too much it affects his hearing and balance. So many odd conditions out there you never hear about.

    Venting session in 3...2...1...

    So irritated with my underling (I never know what to call people that report to you, this is my internal vocab) at work. Our entire group gets these meeting requests for a bi-monthly conference call. I know she gets them too, but for some reason never dials in. Yesterday, they actually brought her name up and talked about a project they're going to involve her in and she wasn't on the freaking call! AND SHE WAS AN HOUR LATE TO WORK with no explanation! Anyway, I casually asked if she got the meeting request, and she said "yes, does that mean you want me to be on the call?" "well, yeah." "Okay, I can do that."

    Then she walks off and comes back and stands in my doorway with her coffee and in a snarky tone says "Is there anything else I'm not doing right that I should be doing?" WTF?! So I immediately got heated and said "I'm sorry, did I cause some offense by asking you to be on the call?" And she immediately backed off and said "no, not at all." What the hell is wrong with this woman? Since the discussion yesterday, she's been a raging ***** to me.

    Let's not get into the fact that I can't give her ANYTHING to do because I have to redo it all myself. Ex: "hey, there are some things wrong with this spreadsheet, you need to edit it." "Oh, I thought you'd say that." Um... what? If you know there are errors in your work, why do you need me to bounce it back to you!?!?! Just effing fix it!!! She's completely unwilling to give training sessions, completely unwilling to fulfill her objectives, has monthly duties that always needs a reminder to do... But nobody is willing to fire her because she has a history of suicide in her family (mom, dad and brother), severe depression and financial problems, and I'm sympathetic to that... but damn. Quit trying so hard for everyone to see your incompetence!

    This is part of my hating my current job. Maybe I'm just a d i c k hyper-critical Virgo.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hello! Sorry I haven't been around the past few days. The Monsters have taken an especially hard toll on me the past few days. I took them to the Oregon Zoo yesterday and we were there for FIVE hours. We saw every animal and did every 'extra' the zoo has. I was wiped. The day before was simply a series of bad choices by the little one, including: kicking at me and spitting on me. I swear I'm not evil, but I'm thinking he might be.

    I splurged last night and went to happy hour with a friend at McMenamin's. I had the Original Spin Salad (spinach, hard boiled egg, slice of bacon, sliced mushrooms and shredded Parmesan) with no dressing, but then we split a Black and Tan Brownie. Lacey...you know what I'm talking about, yes? A little black square of HEAVEN in caram'ale' sauce. Y.U.M. I don't regret a bite of it. I put another mile on my route this morning and did one more level of 30 Day Shred to make up for it.

    Hubby is walking on Cloud 9 with his new job. He says he feels like he is standing in front of an information fire hose, but is so grateful to not be bored anymore. He is a totally different guy and the "low impact aerobics" have significantly improved. Sorry if that is TMI. :blushing:

    Lacey: I have been having headaches too and I don't drink a ton of coffee - maybe two cups/week. The humidity has been intense this past week and that may be a part of it.

    Kendal: i have been a Christmas present for Halloween every year since I've been fat. It's quite handy, hiding in a moving box with awesome red/white striped tights and a big bow in my hair. I am at a TOTAL loss for this year. I think I could start pulling off something cuter...but I'm afraid to look like "The Chubby Girl Trying Too Hard To Look Skinny." Not the costume I am lookin' for. Your guidance is requested.

    I'll write more later, the Monsters are killing each other... Not on my watch...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I can soooo see you as the Ref. Blowing a whistle and telling Mr Reunion that he needs a time out with you!!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    haha, low impact aerobics. Love it.

    I loooooooove Halloween and have no idea what I'll be this year. Last year was the cupcake, and the year before I dressed up as my friend Brad... I was going to be a lumberjack, but I realized that without the suspenders, unbutton the flannel and put a t-shirt under, I look like my friend Brad. So I borrowed a flannel and his favorite t-shirt, drew in sideburns, got an old pair of my glasses and took the lenses out, wore a silver ring backwards to look like a wedding band, ripped up jeans, chucks, wallet chain and voila. Dressed like a dude who's dressed like he's still in the 90s grunge era. haha

    Amusing Note: that's the night I met Joe. Ever so briefly, for like 2 minutes when he came to snag my friend's brother. When we first started dating he said "I thought you were cute even though you were dressed like a hobo." lol!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I have been lurking like crazy - I want to catch up with everyone and I just haven't had the time to do so. I'm trying now for sho.

    Kendal, the ref costume is ADORABLE and I think you would look amazing in it. I for sure think you should buy it and then have that as a Halloween goal. And you must must must dress up Lexi. That would be the greatest.

    Annette, glad to hear the dog is doing better! And as far as going out to eat and such, enjoy it! Just try to make an effort to choose healthier options and don't clean your plate, you'll be fine.

    Victoria, HOLY CRAP I had no idea your race was coming up so quickly. That is exciting! How long is it again? I know that a while back you had said you were gonna try to start cooking at home more - how is that going?

    Hosanna, I feel ya on it being weird to go places alone. I've never been very good at that. I just always assume that everyone is staring at me. I hope you are still enjoying your time with your mom though. Sounds like fun!

    Rain, how sh*tty of your sister to say that to your mom about running. Not cool. You can tell your mom that I think any amount of running is a massive accomplishment and something to be proud of. And you can tell her that we all started right where she is. That's great that she's going to the gym with you - look at you being an inspiration to her!

    Amy, I hope the kid's attitude has improved today. And I hope the weather has also improved. I think we've had this conversation before, but I remember being in Germany and having it be like 85 outside, and all they wanted to serve me to drink was room temperature. WHAT THE H IS THE DEAL WITH THAT? Seriously, you should ask why they are so opposed to cooler temperatures. I don't get it. Oh and all the dresses you bought? Gorgeous. And you look gorgeous in them. And also, that effing blows that the hubbs is going out on assignment again. You are way tougher than me. I'd be losing my mind by now I think. Then again, Chris and I haven't spent a single night apart since March of 2006. We're pathetic like that.

    Kristi, I'm sorry you are dealing with bronchitis. Glad you found us and get well soon!

    Lacey, that adventure series thing looks freaking sweet (or as my husband would say right now, "that's the tits." Seriously. He's trying to bring it back. Its been going on for like 2 weeks. I think he needs an intervention). You MUST do it. And I agree with Amy on the headache/coffee stuff. I used to get migraines ALL the time - like calling in to work at least once a month, and then I cut waaay back on my coffee and caffeine and started drinking a ton of water, and bam - no more migraines. I haven't had one since January.

    Pam, that is an awesome question - I hardly have any frame of reference for this as usually when I work out at night its to counteract the fact that I am over on cals for the day. I think the biggest thing to remember is that weight loss is about 80-90% what you eat. The reason you are working out is for toning your body and also the increased level of health that it brings. If you want to make sure you're getting a work out in, maybe try to eat more earlier to plan for it? Or I agree with Rain, have a protein shake. It will do you all kinds of good!

    Megan, oh man girl, you are preaching to the choir on the drinking over the weekend. The only thing that really gets me through is the fact that I have set myself up for my long runs (so my biggest calorie burn of the week) to happen on Saturday. What that does for me is helps me reign it in on Friday night, cuz I don't want to feel like crap while running on Saturday, and then it gives me a good 600-800 calorie cushion for Saturday fun. I really find that its best to just make sure I get a workout in on days when I'm gonna have booze. Beer is seriously the nectar of the gods in my opinion.

    Rikki, congrats on the HUGE loss and way to go on keeping your cals at Red Lobster. Once those stupid cheddar biscuits are in front of me, I'm a total goner. So I just don't go there.

    Katie, your story about the temperature thing made me very frustrated for you, but also cracked me up. Seriously, could that have been any more ridiculous? Here at Home Depot, our store's temperature is controlled by corporate in Atlanta. Which makes no sense whatsoever, because I'm in Michigan. Atlanta has no idea what's going on up here. So its either ridiculously hot or ridiculously cold in here all the time. Stupid corporate America.

    Ok, I went back a ways and I'm callin' it good.

    Remember the drama with my sister and her husband? Well, she told him she wants to leave him. And he has had this amazing "ah ha" moment (that of course he couldn't have had all the times earlier that my sister told him she was miserable and that he needed to step up his game) and now he's telling her that he can be better, that he wants to try, that he'll go to therapy, do anything she wants him to, that he just wants to make their marriage work. Which you would think would make my sister happy. But apparently not. She's just annoyed by it, feels that its contrived, and that it won't last. As of right now, she is basically saying they are separated by they are going to stay in the house together until this school year is over for the kids. WHAT THE HECK?! Seriously. I don't even know where to begin to tell her all the things that I think are wrong about this. I've suggested they go to therapy together, and my sister is basically saying there's no hope, its over, she can't do it anymore. So she's going to be miserable for 9 months and then move the kids to a podunk town with crappy schools. Urgh. Family is so frustrating!

    As for me, the excess weight from the weekend is slowly coming off, so I'm happy about that. I want to post a couple of pics for you guys, so hopefully I can figure that out within the next couple of days here (PS Amy thanks for the mini tutorial you gave earlier on how to do that. I know people always have trouble with getting pics to post). The only other fun news I have is that I won tickets to a Detroit Tigers game for the Friday of Labor Day weekend at work. Chris and I somehow haven't been to a game yet this year, and we are playing the White Sox (who along with the Cleveland Indians we're in a penant race with), so I'm really stoked about it. (have I ever told you guys I'm a huge baseball fan. HUGE. Like watch every game/can name our entire roster and their batting averages huge).

    Okay. Work time. Love to all of you!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Nava we posted at the same time! Your meeting Joe at Halloween story is so cute!

    Anyone else want to share their "how I met my significant other" story? I think those are fun.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I have a question about oatmeal: (I never thought I would write that sentence...)

    Anyway, when the carton says a serving is 1/2 cup for 150 cals...is that a 1/2 cup prepared, or 1/2 cup raw oats. I ONLY ask because the carton also says, down on the bottom, that to prepare 1 serving, you use 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup raw oats.

    I have been eating 1/2 cup prepared and telling myself that's enough - but really, I'm lying. If it IS only 1/2 cup prepared, I need to find something else to eat that isn't going to kill my calorie intake for the day.

    What is the consensus?
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556

    Hubby is walking on Cloud 9 with his new job. He says he feels like he is standing in front of an information fire hose, but is so grateful to not be bored anymore. He is a totally different guy and the "low impact aerobics" have significantly improved. Sorry if that is TMI. :blushing:

    No such thing as TMI on here. That's awesome and adorable.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nava - 3 words for you - corrective action plan. Is she a salaried professional or hourly? Either way, you deserve to work with competent people. When I had trouble with employees, we would do the plans giving them 90 days to get up to speed. The consequences could include salary reduction and up to termination. Her mental status should not affect her being fired. If you are her direct boss, you should be able to consult with HR on how to do a plan. I'm assuming you work in a big company. If you're not her direct boss, talk to her manager. My favorite boss always told me to never redo people's work - it makes them lazy. If you keep making the redo it correctly, they will catch on and it saves time in the long run. Her other fav sayings, you tell me what's wrong with it and you tell me how to fix the problem. At one time, I supervised 17 employees - that was stressful. Good luck.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Nava: I so sorry for your work drama. Incompetence is infuriating regardless of your sign, Virgo or not. I have to totally agree with Victoria. When I was supervising, I had to keep immaculate notes when working on a CAP. I only had one person require dismissal, everyone else shaped up...mostly. I am convinced that some of that is genetic.

    As far as the family history, that can't be a deciding factor in a corporate situation. I don't want to sound callus here, but really, if she can't cut the muster in her position, perhaps a demotion, a transfer, or a dismissal is in order. This is a tough economy with many, very qualified people looking for work. This is not the time to be slacking in the job you HAVE unless you want it to be the job someone ELSE has very soon.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2657/2174/393 deficit. I didn't work out yesterday. Got a ****ty peach cobbler made that SUCKS, completely a waste of good peaches that were perfect and ripe. And made pizza dough so I can make Jeff's buffalo chicken wing pizza tonight for his birthday. And brownies. And then I repolished my nails iwth a dark berry color. I realize I have no summery colors. I need to go buy a few.

    I will be back later to respond to everyone!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal: i have been a Christmas present for Halloween every year since I've been fat. It's quite handy, hiding in a moving box with awesome red/white striped tights and a big bow in my hair. I am at a TOTAL loss for this year. I think I could start pulling off something cuter...but I'm afraid to look like "The Chubby Girl Trying Too Hard To Look Skinny." Not the costume I am lookin' for. Your guidance is requested.
    Girl you need a good dose of confidence!!! That's the BEST accessory you can add to a Halloween costume or any outfit for that matter. What do you like about your body?? Now let's flaunt it!!! For me, it's my boobs and above. I try to minimize my mid section and then have a short skirt to show off my legs (even though I'm not a huge fan of my legs, I think it draws the eyes away from my middle). Some costumes can be too tight or uncomfortable or can shift as you wear them, so you want to be sure you are confident in whatever it is you wear.

    There are all kinds of new costumes for bigger females these days. I tend to hit up ebay cause the prices are cheaper, but you have to thoroughly read the entire description for the size. Torrid.com also has some great costumes, but they run about $70 and that does not include accessories. Dressing up for Halloween is as good as getting all super dressed up for a fancy event for me.

    Ok, some ideas.....any female super hero (bat girl, super woman, ghostbusters, cat woman, wonder woman, robin), cop, prisioner, referee, firewoman, bumblebee, lady bug, minnie mouse, fairy tale characters (little red riding hood, alice in wonderland, dorothy, snow white), female Jason or Freddy, zombie prom queen (that one you could make at home with an old prom dress and lots of makeup and blood), maid, nurse, witch, greek goddess, saloon girl (also found one called "burlesque babe" that looks like a saloon girl/can can dancer), sailor, 1920s flapper, pirate, beer wench, cat, lion. OOHH! I found a Viking Warrior Princess outfit that's all kinds of HOT!!

    Just go to ebay and search for "woman plus costume" and you can get some ideas. Add stuff to your Watch List if it might be a possibility. You can think about it for some time, keep going back to your Watch List and once you finally decide what you want, search again for that specific "idea" to get different versions of the same thing. Say you decide you want to be a lady bug, then go back and search for JUST lady bug outfits so you can compare designs/sizes/prices. One word of caution about ebay pictures, they typically use non-plus sized models, so try to imagine how YOU would look in it.

    I realize you have kids so you probably won't be walking around looking like a s l u t on halloween, but maybe you can get one of the costume's that has a short dress and wear tights and tennis shoes while the kids are up. But once they go to bed, slip on some thigh highs and heels and have a Happy Halloween with the hubby :wink:

    ok yeah, that turned into a longer post than I expected LOL
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    How I met my husband:

    Well loooong ago we went to high school together. He said I was "stuck up" so he never got the courage to ask me out. He went of to the military and got married, and I went to college and had a....good time. I came home on holidays and breaks to work at the restaurant. I would see him come in with his wife and would just think, "he's so cute in his USMC greens." Well between my sophmore year and summer, I lost about 80 lbs and was working again at the restaurant. He apparently saw me though the drive-thru eindow and had to call his buddy to come into town so he could come eat inside. I waited on him and we casually mentioned that we were both single and he gave me his number. I really was kinda planning on a "hit n quit" because I was going to school 4 states away and that just wasn't going to work out. Our very first date, we went to the county fair and I grabbed his hand just as natural as I do 8 years later. I had never felt so comfortable with someone. A few weeks later I was getting ready to leave for school and he told me he loved me. I didn't answer him back, I just wore a cheesy grin on my face all night at work. I told him later that night as we were watching the stars by the river. We have been through alot in out short 8 years together, but Ilove him more and more every day.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rikki: I think your how you met your husband story is super sweet.

    Kendal: I completely agree with you on the Halloween costume thing. Halloween costumes are for everyone, not just those with perfect bodies. I think if I'm doing Halloween this year, I'm gonna find me a big red cape and be the chick from that Red Riding Hood movie that came out earlier this year- her cape was freaking awesome.

    Lacey: I hate when I make something that turns out crappy - it totally pisses me off.

    Nava: I agree with Sarah and Victoria - that chick needs some counseling from her immediate supervisor so she knows she can't continue to just be incompetent. It's not ok. When I was a manager, we did the 90 day action plan to not being incompetent that Victoria talked about. We'd meet weekly and discuss successes and things that need improvement and after 90 days the person either was ok to function, or didn't work for us anymore.

    Kerry: It's weird that your sister doesn't want to try counseling or anything but sometimes enough is enough and a person just can't handle it any more. Although, if she's gonna stay with her DH through the school year, she might as well try counseling.

    How I met my husband:
    I apparently met my husband a couple of times, I just didn't realize it at the time. We were both in the Air Force, in training in California. I was going through a divorce and was ONLY dating non-keepers. I was actually the Flight Commander for his flight and we lived in the same building but I never met him (er...I never remembered meeting him). The second part of our training, took us to the armpit of Texas (San Angelo) where we, again, lived in the same building and yet - never met. Trav's best friend/ roommate called me one night from the ONLY club in the town and asked me to meet him there for a drink to celebrate his 21st birthday (I had been friends with Trav's best friend for about a year at that point so I went down to the club). I met my friend for a drink and did the club thing and then found myself without the group of friends I had arrived at the club with (as in - no ride home). I ended up getting a ride home with Travis (as he was his roommate's DD) and he asked me to see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (which was an absolutely LAME @ss movie but we didn't know that at the time and I love Kevin Smith's movies). I found out later that Travis had known who I was since we were in California and had even been in my room (he proved this fact by stating that I had cow-print pajamas, which I totally rocked, all the time) and I had absolutely no memory of any of the times that I met him. As I'm re-reading this, it sounds like he was in my room for nefarious reasons - which is not true. I was a flight commander and people were always coming in and out of my room for various reasons all the freaking time. Just wanted to make that clear. Anyways, I always tell people that I picked Travis up in a bar (his Mormon parents ESPECIALLY love when I do that) - but you guys just got the long version. (I left out the part where I tried to drive him away when I realized he was "keeper" material - obviously it didn't work but he still gives me crap about it 10 years later)
  • malvakai
    malvakai Posts: 32
    The depression monster is on the loose today. I just don't feel like pushing through to smile....for anyone. I walk past a mirror and I want to cry. How could I be so disgusting? Why is my husband still with me? Bless his heart, he says I'm beautiful, as do many of my friends. They all say that I'm a wonderful person...blah blah. How can you accept these compliments when you hate everything you see? I love who I am as a person, I just hate the package. I know that I am doing better, and doing the right thing by making better choices, but I just want to be able to see weekly results. Is that so much to ask.. People say, "you didn't gain it over night." The hell I didn't. I go on vacation for 4 days and gain almost 10 lbs....tell me thats not over night.

    Well, when I feel, I write. I don't normally share what I write, for fear of people seeing the real me inside. If I don't share, I feel that that you won't really be able to help me get through this funk. (I am medicated for anxiety and forgot the past 2 days, so probably a huge factor!)

    I completely understand you. I'm bipolar and when I'm depressed I have the most hateful thoughts and I can't understand why I ever thought any other way, it seems so clear to me that this is the only reality that matters and I'm doomed.

    Then when I'm manic those thoughts are so far away it's like I'm another person with as different set of memories, and those depressed hateful thoughts have nothing to do with me.

    And missing any days worth of meds throughs me into a tail spin. You reminded me to take my pills this morning, thank you!

    The on thing I hold onto when I'm so depressed is "This too shall pass" because I know the depression will lift eventually, like a bad cold, I just have to wait it out.

    There are things I do to help. Bright lights; grow lights are good, outside is even better. Exercise; I know you dont feel like it but 15 minutes of moving will help your mood more than you would believe right now. Letting it all hang out; sometimes I just put in the saddest movie I have (Fried Green Tomatoes or Steel Magnolias works nicely) and just let myself cry till I'm exhausted, then I shower or nap and feel better.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG, I gotta rant here for a sec. The Hubbs has the patience of a 4 year old. My poor dogs have not been getting walked regularly since my surgery because The Hubbs really doesn't like doing it and I can't walk very far. So, tonight he decided that they needed some walking and so he harnessed them up and eventually got them out the door. They came back 5 minutes later and my big Bernese mountain dog ran in the door and up the stairs and under my feet all panting and crazy (she's a bit of a nut anyway, but this was extreme even for her). The Hubbs comes in and says he shocked her a lot and now she's freaked out. (She wears a remote control shock collar but I've only ever had to use it once or twice and that was to keep her from chasing down a horse and even then I only used the warning beep setting without actually shocking her) I asked him what she did that warranted multiple zaps with a shock collar and he said, "she was running away from me to get back home." Well - DUH, she was freaked out cuz you were yelling at her and shocking the crap out of her, OF COURSE she ran home!!! So he says, "I just can't handle both of these dogs at the same time." It's funny, cuz before my surgery I handled them both JUST FINE. You can't yell and scream at a dog and expect them to function the way you want them to. AAAAaaaccckkkkkk!! I gotta get this foot better so I can walk my babies they way they should be walked. Grrr.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Alrighty, makin the time to respond or I will get so far behind I won't know where to go!

    I met Jeff on match.com. I had been playing on there for about 6 months talking to various dudes around the world, two of which even were traveling near my neighborhood so I would set up dates and then bag out on them at the last minute because I was scared lol. Then Jeff said he was coming down (we lived 250 miles away) to see his mom and he wanted to take me out, that he'd stop by Victoria Secret to meet me. Couldn't get out of that could I? That was almost 8 years ago now.

    Sarahwnt - I think its half a cup unprepared. Water doesn't have calories, so if you only adding water to make it, then it must be unprepared. And YES know that salad and dessert, and their beer. My favorite thing there is their cajun tator tots.YUMM.

    Kerry - the sad fact of the matter is that most people aren't really willing to do that much changing if they can get away from it. So it doesnt' surprise me that when forced with a life changing situation, your sisters husband said he would make an effort. People get comfortable, they don't want to do it because its super hard. I can't blame your sister for her frustration at this fact, but maybe once she's had time to get over the shock of him wanting to try to change and make it work, she will want to try counseling also. My one motto for my marriage when things get rough is did I try everything I possibly could to make it work? If I can say yes I truly did and things still aren't better, then its time to leave.

    Nava - This is going to sound BAD, but here it is; it sounds just from what you've said that this girl uses her situation as a crutch to do a half @ssed job at work. Maybe she doesn't even realize she does it and just has such low self esteem that she does everything to the least of her ability. The fact that she anticipated you saying that to her regarding the spreadsheet smacks of laziness stemmed from some kind of issue. I like the action plan idea to get her up to speed. She should have fair warning, due diligence, etc. and you all should feel that you did the absolute best you could by her in an attempt to make her into the type of employee that can thrive at your firm before you make a decision to can her *kitten*.

    Kendal - you could always buy the costume and let it out by adding an extra stripe of white or black into the sides.

    Amy - Gabe sounds like my husband. Very short lately for whatever reason. He says nothing is bothering him, so I am just dealing but really I want to push him in a closet until he comes out the patient man I love lol. Also, got the eurorail tickets today in the mail!! I'm not looking forward to the heat that we could be facing in Europe while there without a/c. From the looks of various weather reports, Paris and Italy could be in the upwards of 70-90 and Bruge will be fairly nice and cooler. It makes packing hard lol.

    Annette - yeay for a new dvd and going out to dinner. Keep chugging water and try to make as healthy choices as you can and you will be fine. Glad to hear your dog is feeling better.

    Victoria - Good job on the run/walk on the trail!

    Hosanna - I used to be afraid of going out alone, now I relish that time by myself toodling around without the fam. Enjoy it while you can. I go to movies by myself once in a while and its a little weird but once I sit down and realize I'm not the only person alone in the theater its all good.

    Rain - Its nice to hear your mom is making the effort to go with you. Every little bit helps.

    As for me. Let's see. I got a new printer in my office that does both black and white and color..however in order to share with my engineer and newbie sales guy I'm training in the office next door (that is seperated from me by a window) i switched around my office so one of my credenza things is on that side and now it feels all sorts of out of whack. I need to get some art or something up on these walls in here. I've been in here for nearly two yaers now. I'm the only girl in this back warehouse and as such have thus far got my own office.

    Will finish in a bit

  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Sarah, Victoria, Amy: We do have to have quarterly reviews of objectives before the big year end review, so that's where I've tried to focus on improvement... to no avail. Maybe I need to sit with HR and see if a CAP is an option for her. I'm her direct manager; inherited her when I got into this position. She actually was an admin for about 25 years, but then the guy in my position a few years back took a liking to her as a daughter figure and promoted her to a ridiculous title just so she could get a raise as she'd reached top pay for an admin. So she's salaried. And I still can't give her anything to do outside of "order a paper shredder for me" and trust that she'll do it well. The lady I replaced had completely given up on her and didn't even try to give her ANYTHING and warned me that I'll have to go over everything she does with a fine toothed comb.

    I have brought it up to both of my managers and they've given her more work to do and that's helped a bit, but they're tasks that have absolutely nothing to do with her actual function and the work I give her is still done really poorly. The other option I've discussed with both my managers is that she's been with the company long enough to qualify for early retirement, so we may bring that to HR's attention to see if they'd be willing to offer her a package. Bleh.

    I'm loving the "how we met stories"! Keep 'em coming. To expand on mine, when I met him, it was literally the day after my ex broke up with me. When I was introduced to Joe, he introduced both me AND the other girl (who I thought my ex was into and turned out right) at the same time and I thought "oh hell no, I'm not going through that mental crap again. She can have him."

    I didn't see Joe again for several months, and when I did he gave me a huge hug and we were flirting the whole evening... at a friend's birthday... in front of my ex who had ridden over with me (we were doing the "friends" thing) which gave me a tinge of satisfaction. Fast forward another few months, at another friend's party, a film-fest type thing, I came to the party late, and Joe was there. My friends had invited him and he'd apparently said "will Nava be there?" and agreed to come when they said I'd be there. Long story, short... he asked me out that night. In front of my ex who I was sitting directly behind and who turned around and gave me this weird wide-eyed look. I just looked back at Joe and pulled him into another hallway and told him he'd just asked me out in front of my ex. He laughed and said "should I feel bad? Because I don't." My. friggin. hero. The rest is history.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Nava- thats just awesome about Joe :happy:

    ETA: I am officially closing this window and won't be back until I get some work done today! lol