200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    weigh-in...ugh....203 this week....I've been off track for over a week now and the scale is starting to show it. I'm creeping further and further up. :/
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - thanks for that. I will go tonight and walk/run just for you. I'd like to get a tattoo that says "there is no try, only do".

    I made the long talked about overly procrastinated appointments for both a physical with my regular Md and then the annual exam with my OB if the Md doesn't cover it. First appt is on the 9th. So I am making a list on my phone of things I want to discuss with her.. like the fact that two plus weeks of the month I feel like a cloud is over my head, exhausted, no sex drive, weight loss issues, etc.
    I'm wearing my BMF today and am simply going to shoot for a 500 calorie defict per day through food and exercise until my trip.

    Wiggle - yeay for sticking up for yourself and your kid to your SIL. It takes a lot for me to get to that point too, but man when I do? Watch. Out.

    Kristina - I cringe at hearing about peoples flights canceled. I had that happen once and it was such a flucking nightmare..I dread anything like that happening when I am in Europe. Knock on wood and whatever else I need to do to prevent it. Pray, rub the rabbits foot, etc. Yeay for more dresses coming in. I am sure you will find one!

    Katie - enjoy your computer time :)

    Welcome Jen, jump right in!

    Laura - nice to hear from you again :) You can get back on track. Do it with me.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Ugh... NO energy today. Caved and bought a pack of skittles from the snack machine. I suppose there are worse things...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Sarah (WnT), I understand how shocking it could be for him. I have family in London that I love, but he seriously would have nobody but me and no job. He even said "I'll just have to come to terms with being your b**h for a while." lol

    We've already discussed options though, like if I go in October, he'd stay here till New Years to save up some extra money before having to quit his job and such... He keeps reading websites about how much more difficult it is there v. the US and every time he tells me about it I'm like "are you having second thoughts?" and he says "no. I still want to go to england and marry you and have babies." :laugh: It's reassuring.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Nava- tell him you want to turn him into your "trophy husband" LOL I told Mr. Reunion that one time and he quite liked the idea. HAHA

    Sarah (wnt)- GOOD FOR YOU for standing up for yourself and your kid! Hopefully your evil SIL will think twice before making off handed comments anymore. I'm the same way though....I let snide comments slide. And slide. And slide. Until finally the next tiny snide comment I yell back and though some may call it "over reacting," I call it standing up for myself.

    Lacey- YAY for finally setting up your dr appointments! You've been talking about that for quite some time now.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nava - my husband was a "house husband" for 3 years while I worked as a traveling therapist. He did all the cleaning, cooking and shopping. We enjoyed our free evenings and weekends to site see. I hope it all works out so you can go. It will be quite the adventure for both of you.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    I thought that this was an interesting read, so I thought I'd share. She puts getting over a plateau into simple terms with good suggestions on how to do it.

    Its interesting that she mentions lack of energy, ability to concentrate, etc. I've felt like that for days now. I am eating over 2000 calories a day. You'd think that is enough right? Wonder if I should increase my cals and see if that helps.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    DAMNIT!!! I've been sitting here for an hour writing a post and the internet cut out just as i was posting it!! :explode:

    So here's the abridged version that i can remember:

    Kendal - YAY for a smaller bill! That must make you feel a little more relaxed!

    Nava - How exciting about the London possibility. It's so awesome that Joe is supporting you! I can't wait to hear how this unfolds!

    Jenn - Welcome! These girls are awesome. I've only been here since the start of this challenge, and i don't know where i'd be without them!

    Katie - Welcome back!!

    Karen - So glad to hear Mellie is getting better!

    Laura - You're still so close to Onederland! Hang in there!

    I'm having a lovely time with my parents. I took their daft dog out for a walk yesterday, and got rather lost... so was walking 30 mins longer than expected.
    Mum and i are going down to Hobart thursday and Friday, and then all three of us are going away for the weekend and i'm heading home probably Monday.

    Thank you all so much for your support... This has been really hard, but now things are looking up again. I don't reckon there was ever a chance we were going to give up - as mum said, if we hadn't discovered these issues until we were married, giving up wouldn't be an option. We already have a commitment to one another, and we have a life together and a future planned - We're already married in every way except the official piece of paper. So we work through it, and we come out stronger on the other side.

    I'm looking forward to seeing my man and my pups again!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Woohoo! I'm glad Lexi is so whiney when she wants to go for a walk. She makes this noise that's half monkey/half Tim "The Toolman" Taylor.

    The problem is I was already over on sodium by lunchtime today but I still have 600 cals left at this point (its 9:45pm).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay 3.3 miles in 54 minutes, food logged, exercise logged and now working on making sure I am chugging enough water tonight. Oh and I ices my feet with the frozen water bottle and am getting ready to massage some minty lotion into them. Gotta take care of the feets since my trip is less than a month away.

    Kendal I hate days like that when sodium is so high.

    Hosanna glad to hear you are having a good time. As long as you know your marriage will have ups and Diana sn major ups and downs and lotsa goodtimes in between you will be ok. I think people have problems when their idea of marriage isn't living up to what it's really like.

    Jeff and Gracie are watching Scott Pilgrim movie. It's sooo effing stupid. But they love it. I will go read more of the new Terry g
    Goodkind book. Yeay!

    Oh and I made the bomb chicken enchilada soup I found on foodgawker today. It was awesome!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Kendal - My pups make that noise!!! It's great motivation to get off my butt and take them out. It turnds it from "Ugh i should go out and have a walk so that i can burn calories and lose weight... blerch....." to "Well, if i go out and take them for a walk, they'll calm down and they'll be all chilled out and relaxed this evening and we can have a nice quiet evening without them bugging us for attention! YAY! (oh... and i can burn some calories too...)" I love it!

    Lacey - yep, we're under no illusions about what marriage is going to be like. We've already seen each other at our worst with mental health issues for both of us, unemployment for him, a month off injured for me, learning how to live with each other and comprimise on pretty much everything... I think we've both grown up majorly in the last year, and we've become a much stronger couple too. :ohwell:

    Just been to the bakery with my dad for lunch. I was very proud of myself - "would you like one pie or two?" "One please!!"
    I should have added pies to my favourite food list. Sucker for a good pie!
    I've also been having my coffee with skim milk today.
    And i WILL be taking the dog for a walk... later... It's just so windy out there...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    this week's chart: (name/ starting/last week/this week)

    Kristina 190.4 191.2 PASS
    Victoria 194 192 194 (+2.0)
    Kendal 212.6 212.4 pass
    Lacey 211.6 Pass 210.6 (?)
    Amy 195 193.6 191 (-2.4)
    Sarah 208.6 204 204.8 (+0.8)
    Kerry 173.9 169 174.4 (+5.4) <-you'll be back down next week!
    Hailie 249.8 251.8 250.7 (-1.1)
    Karen 220 215.2 218 (+2.8)
    Nava 223 223 226.2 (-0.8)
    mrslrichard(laura) 203 203 203 (0)
    megruder (katie) 235.4 233.8 234.2 (+0.4)
    gonnadoitjenn 310.4 308.9 310.1 (+1.2)
    Lauren 177.2 175.2 pass
    Pam 221.2 219.4 218.8 (-0.6)
    wigglentwink 195.7 ? 191.2 (?)
    silver02bullet 210.8 210.4 208.8 (-1.6)
    Bobbie (k2quiere) 333.6 329.6 323.2 (-6.4)
    Hosanna (babyworms) 220 217.2 216.1 (-1.1)
    ladyg0915 276 281 274 (-7.0)
    Sarah (rainvc) 242 241.2 237 (-3.8)
    Stacey (sgc2005) 211 208.6 pass
    qofsheba 200 197 197.5 (+0.5)

    This week's winner? ladyg0915 with 7 pounds lost! Bobbie is a close second with 6.4. Wowsas, ladies!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    way to go everyone!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    this week's chart: (name/ starting/last week/this week)

    Kristina 190.4 191.2 PASS
    Victoria 194 192 194 (+2.0)
    Kendal 212.6 212.4 pass
    Lacey 211.6 Pass 210.6 (?)
    Amy 195 193.6 191 (-2.4)
    Sarah 208.6 204 204.8 (+0.8)
    Kerry 173.9 169 174.4 (+5.4) <-you'll be back down next week!
    Hailie 249.8 251.8 250.7 (-1.1)
    Karen 220 215.2 218 (+2.8)
    Nava 223 223 226.2 (-0.8)
    mrslrichard(laura) 203 203 203 (0)
    megruder (katie) 235.4 233.8 234.2 (+0.4)
    gonnadoitjenn 310.4 308.9 310.1 (+1.2)
    Lauren 177.2 175.2 pass
    Pam 221.2 219.4 218.8 (-0.6)
    wigglentwink 195.7 ? 191.2 (?)
    silver02bullet 210.8 210.4 208.8 (-1.6)
    Bobbie (k2quiere) 333.6 329.6 323.2 (-6.4)
    Hosanna (babyworms) 220 217.2 216.1 (-1.1)
    ladyg0915 276 281 274 (-7.0)
    Sarah (rainvc) 242 241.2 237 (-3.8)
    Stacey (sgc2005) 211 208.6 pass
    qofsheba 200 197 197.5 (+0.5)

    This week's winner? ladyg0915 with 7 pounds lost! Bobbie is a close second with 6.4. Wowsas, ladies!

    Holey Moley, Lady G and Bobbie!!! Great work everyone!! I am so impressed with this group!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya Super Pals! Checking in for Monday with: 2283 calories burned/ 1576 calories consumed/ 707 calorie deficit and for once I made it through the weekend without going nuts. I was rewarded with the same number on the scale on Monday as I had on Friday.

    Bobbie: WOW! Congrats on the great loss!!

    Hosanna: I love pie.

    Lacey: Thanks for running for me - you rock!!! That article on the plateau was a good read, thanks for posting it!

    Kendal: Sofie grumbles like and irate Ewok and Loki half howl/ half whines. Dogs are funny.

    Laura: We all fall off track, just get back to it!

    Sarah (WnT): how was your hubby's first day at his new job?

    Kristina: I hate sleeping in hotels, the bed is always uncomfortable or the room is too hot/cold/noisy/smelly/whatever. I have a hard time sleeping even when I'm home though.

    Katie: Hiya!

    Karen: WTG getting back on track!!! When I get stressed out, I tend to eat like crap and stop exercising too. I've finally learned that this is the absolute wrong way to deal with stress. Exercise and healthy food helps to reduce stress. I swear it does.

    I just found out that The Hubbs is off to England for another week about a week before I leave for Paris. Sigh. I know he really loves his assignment here but I am honestly so effin' sick of this, it isn't funny. And he can't understand why. Why doesn't he understand why????
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Hosanna - I feel you on trying to eat well while working night shift. I recently got off the night shift and the only reason snacking wasn't a problem was I wasn't allowed to leave my room/desk. So, if I didn't bring it I didn't eat it. It did make it difficult if I forgot food. Woohoo - someone else that calls them cheese toasties!!! People think I'm a freak when I a grilled cheese a cheese toastie. I'm glad to hear things are on the mend with the hubby-to-be.

    Kerry - I love the husband's sleep talking. The wife does it as well but it's usually about something she can't find or work stuff and doesn't entirely make sense. I, too, try talking to her and eventually she wakes up after I start laughing my head off.

    Kendal - The doctor's bills can really add up. Last year the wife had to do some physical therapy and the facility didn't keep track of the number of visits and one of them didn't get covered by the doctor's order so we were charged for the full price of like $600 for 30 min. We are still paying on that and several other doctors and hospital bills. I would call the doctors' offices and talk to them. Usually they are really understanding and will work with you on a payment plan.

    Rikki - ((HUGS)) I've dealt with depression AND anxiety in the past and I know how frustratingly hopeless things can seem sometimes. Just remember that we are all here for you and feel free to vent any feelings you are having. I'm dealing with my own set of mental health problems and these ladies have been wonderfully supportive.

    Karen - Woohoo on the house! I'm glad to hear that Mellie's problem isn't serious and seems to have a fair easy fix.

    Amy - All the dresses are gorgeous. I especially like the purple one. Recently I've been thinking about purchasing a petticoat, but I need a dress to wear it under first. Just curious... where did you live in Kansas? WTG on weighing less than The Hubbs!

    Megan - Way to go on not eating the donuts last week!

    Hailie - I'm sorry to hear things are not going well with your mom. My mom and I didn't always get along while I was living at home. I hope that you are able to find some sort of a middle ground with her.

    qofsheba - Don't get discouraged. Sometimes it takes the body a bit to figure out what is going on and sometimes the body doesn't respond as quickly as we would like. I've found that my body "holds on to" weight for about 2 weeks out of each month. It sucks when I don't see a drop but I know that if I do what I know works my body will catch up with itself. Just keep at it.

    Sarah (thes) - I think that maintenance is smart if there are other things to worry about. I hope that everything is okay and know that you are in our thoughts.

    Lacey - I can definitely see a difference between the then and now pics. Way to go! I love the dresses.

    Nava - Fingers crossed that the England job works out! That would be totally awesome!

    I know it's almost a week later, but I just had to add my top 5 favorite foods:
    1. Chocolate (in just about any form, also the darker the better)
    2. Steak (the rarer the better)
    3. Homemade tacos with chips and salsa
    4. Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream (especially the German-chokolatekake)
    5. Yeasty, white breads

    OMG - I've sat here for six hours and my eyes are blurry from trying to read over 10 pages of posts. I tried to respond to some, but I gave out after a little while. I finally quit reading halfway down page 7, everything was running together. I haven't been up this late in a month and I now remember why I quit this job... It sucks! Every 15-20 minutes for the past 7 hours I have received an automated call (with an extremely long delay to begin playback) telling me the "Cancer Care Center Server Room temperature is ___ degrees" followed by a request to enter a PIN number to acknowledge I've received the call but I have no PIN number so IT KEEPS CALLING ME. Plus, the temperature keeps going up and the UNBELIEVABLY stupid and extremely obnoxious maintenance guy keeps calling me and asking me if the temperature that I texted him was correct. No dumbass I just made it up. WTF he is calling me from the frigging server room. I'm in a completely different building. ACK! Really, REALLY! This is the level of stupidity I was dealing with and is the exact reason why I left. Why, oh why, did I agree to work FIVE days in the next week? *facepalm* Plus, there are four night shifts on the next schedule that my boss has posted as covered, but there is no name next to those shifts. Oh, did I mention that the automated message couldn't decide whether it wanted to report temperatures in Celsius or Fahrenheit? This place is just ROYALLY f-ed up. And, I need to shut up because I'm extremely tired and I'm rambling.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Katie - smile... Do your time and be happy you're not there permanently!!! You can borrow my mantra "just say NO!!!". It's hard for me to turn people down or delay their therapy but I need to put me first and make sure I don't overbook myself. What in the world did a therapist do for 30 min that cost $600? I need to start doing that. Medicare and BlueCross reimburses about $100/hr and most places charge more but accept what those companies say is reasonable.

    Life cont to be busy. My husband asked if he could join the Michigan Hosta Society. He's become obsessed with gardening this year. I'm hoping to run hills tonight :( Only 3 1/2 wks until this trail race.

    Amy - guys are clueless. He may get a better understanding if you went away and left him in control of Gabe and the house for a month.

    Congrats to all who lost.

    Kendal - Lexie sounds cute. At least she doesn't wake you up at 6:30 on the weekends by headbutting you and whining until you get up and give her kitty treats. My cats don't get that weekends are for sleeping in...

    Kristina - thx for doing the chart. I know how hard, time consuming it can be. Did you do Insanity last night?

    Hosanna - glad things seem to be working out for you. Enjoy your time with the parents.

    Time to do the work thing. Sorry to those I've missed, I'll try to get you next time... Have a fantastic Tuesday!!!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Katie~ Thank you. My husband suffers from PTSD as well so we are working through a lot of emotions together. He finally knows how I feel sometimes as far as not being able to control your anger or sadness. I hate that he does know, but at least he now has an empathy that he never would've had.

    WHOOO HOOOO for all that lost. Now please keep in mind that I gained most of that 7 lbs while on vacation so I busted butt to get it off when I got home. In reality, it's probably a 2 lb lost.

    In other news, we went to Red Lobster last night and I have done the best yet. I only had half of a cheddar biscut, a salad, and 6 fried shrimp, and maybe a 1/4 cup of the shrimp linguine (sp). I gave my potato and my shrimp scampi to my husband (I usually do.) I only went over 130 cals for the day and If I don't eat my excersize calories for today, it should all even out....right?

    My son has his orientation tonight and I'm already a hot mess about it. I am not worried about him. He is very loving, adaptable, and bright. I am having a hard time letting my baby boy be a young man. He is what changed my life and he will never understand that until he has kids of his own......OMG......if I ever let him out of my house!

    I hope all of you ladies have an amazing day and keep on track with your goals. Take it little by little!! We can do it. By this time next year, we will be hot to trot and loving it!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Just wanted to say hey. VERY IMPRESSED by the large weightloss numbers this week! Rock on!

    It seems I keep losing the same pounds over and over. I have a horrible time on the weekends....i think i just need to quit drinking. But beginning all of this, i quit drinking during the week (unless it's a special occasion and i have a couple beers with dinner) so I went from drinking 4-5 days a week to 1-2. Why is beer so good, but bad?! haha. oh well...have a happy tuesday!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    this week's chart: (name/ starting/last week/this week)

    Nava 223 223 226.2 (-0.8)