200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Amy - THanks love! Yeah, we have pretty much been through that difficult "first year of marriage" already... we've done the figuring out how to communicate and getting used to each other thing... i just hope it means that when we're actually married everything will run nice and smooth! I am feeling much more positive, and now just enjoying having some time off to recharge. I haven't seen my parents since easter, and wasn't going to see mum until October, or my dad until the wedding! So this is a lovely surprise.

    RainSarah - Ohhh i hate it when scales play up! Ours have a place that they live and they NEVER move. Other Half has been at it with a spirit level and everything so that we know it's perfectly level!

    Lacey - Way to go!! There is certainly a difference there! I LOVE the reddy coloured dress! Your kid is adorable posibg in that pic!

    Kendal - welcome back! Hope you had a great time, and will have another awesome time with Mr Reunion this weekend :smile:

    Well, i had the best sleep i've had in SO long last night!!! 12 hours. I must have needed it. I now have my parents' house to myself for abother six hours until mum gets home. I'm going to go to the supermarket (the nearest is half an hour's drive and four towns away!) and i've told mum i'm going to make tea tonight. I have a great honey mustard slow cooked beef and mushroom recipe that i ADORE. so i'm gonna make that. It's gonna blow my parents' minds, they haven't witnessed me cook anything beyond meat and three veg before!
    Then i'll come back and take mum's silly god for a loooooong walk. This is so relaxing... I'm not obligated to do any cooking, cleaning... anything! so i only do what i WANT to do! I think i just need to recharge my batteries... i've already done all the soulsearching i think i have to do as far as the issue with the Other Half, so now i can just enjoy time with my parents.

    See, i've always had a rare relationship with my folks, so i really can't relate to any of these "stupid parents" stories... Even when i was a teenager my parents were my best friends... mainly because i didn't have any other good friends!

    Thanks everyone for your support and kind words. It really does make everything feel better, having you girls here to talk to!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Hello everyone. I played horrible golf but I had a blast. Besides drinking and eating well beyond excess and trying to holler at my ex because I miss him, the weekend was good. I felt like an idiot today when I read through my texts to him but there were some things I needed to get off my chest apparently. Oh well....such is life.

    Hope everyone has a good week and I hope my scale is a little more forgiving of my uberindulgence this weekend. I need to get my weekends under control!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Just checking in.

    I have done NOTHING today. I got up. Got coffee that I didn't drink. Moved to the couch...and I haven't moved since. All I've done is lay here and eat. all. day. This is the first day in 83 days that I haven't exercised for at least 75 minutes. And, it's my first day for going over 1200 cals...so I'm not going to feel guilty. Nope. No guilt. I don't feel guilty. I can have a cheat day. Right? Yes?

    I sure hope I don't pay too dearly for this on the scale...
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Just checking in.

    I have done NOTHING today. I got up. Got coffee that I didn't drink. Moved to the couch...and I haven't moved since. All I've done is lay here and eat. all. day. This is the first day in 83 days that I haven't exercised for at least 75 minutes. And, it's my first day for going over 1200 cals...so I'm not going to feel guilty. Nope. No guilt. I don't feel guilty. I can have a cheat day. Right? Yes?

    I sure hope I don't pay too dearly for this on the scale...

    Hey, if you have been working out for 75 minutes a day consistently for 83 days, I'm almost positive you know how to remedy any issues the scale might have with today. Enjoy your day off, just don't make it a habit ;-)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning Super Pals! I'll post my check-in numbers for yesterday later on as I haven't synced my BMF yet today,

    Sarah (wNt): I agree with Bobbie, everyone needs a day off. Your body is probably thanking you for it!

    Megan: I've never played golf, is it fun?

    Hosanna: WTG, getting some sleep! Have a great visit with your parents!!!

    Lacey: Gracie looks like a superstar in the pics - what a cutie!

    rain: apple turnovers sound so good right now! I've got some pumpkin protein donuts in the oven right now (I'm ready for autumn, I love pumpkin anything!)

    Victoria: I'm so glad I could give you a useful suggestion!

    Jenn: You'll be at 30 pounds lost before you know it, don't get disheartened!

    I think I ended my comments to everyone with an exclamation point. Well, I'm in the middle of Gabe's school day so I better get back to teaching math or history or whatever it is that we're doing. I could do with another few weeks of summer break. sigh.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG, I just made the pumpkin protein donuts found here: http://peasandthankyou.com/2011/03/25/mine-all-mine/ They. Are. Awesome. They are around 120 calories a piece and they are friggin' fabulous!!!! I had low hopes for them as there isn't any sugar in the recipe (just stevia or splenda) and when I tasted the batter before baking them, it really didn't taste good. But once they were baked with the chocolate drizzled on top - WOW!!!! I added 1/4 tsp of ground cloves to the spices and used 2 packets of splenda. You MUST try them if you like pumpkin or donuts. Yum-o!

    Check in for Sunday: 2421 calories burned/ 1596 calories eaten/ 825 calorie deficit.
  • hkallembach
    Sarah(thes): Yay for having a family doctor you're pretty happy with! :smile:

    Amy: Drama is drama, I guess I look at is a 'live and learn' experience. I love your boots! AND 0.2 pounds totally count towards weighing less than The Hubbs! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Rain: Thank you and I think you are doing well too, look at your ticker! :flowerforyou:

    Lacey: I can tell a difference in your pictures and I love your pictures-it's extra cute with your daughter in 'em! What's your tats of on your back?

    Kendal: I bet the beach was fun and enjoy the mountains!

    Jenn: Enjoy the first day of school!

    And now it's 5:20 and I have class in less than four hours....'yay' *sarcastic* for college class not at the U of M-AA! *grumbles* I got the letter on SATURDAY that I passed that stupid test I had to take, it couldn't come earlier/the test couldn't of been taken earlier? :sad: Ok, enough TOM induced venting, now it's off to the world of overly opinionated college professors who do not even have a Master's degree (I thought you needed AT LEAST a Master's degree to teach in college?) Sorry, for those of you who are teachers this isn't directed at you, I actually always wanted to be a teacher until I mean Satan's offspring last semester. Anyways....it's time for me to shower and get ready now....catch up with you lovelies later! :bigsmile:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey howdy hey ladies!

    I'm back from my mini vacation! We had an amazing time, weather was great. I ate and drank soooo much. Seriously. Like whoa. All will power/control out the door. But it was super duper fun, and now I'm all kinds of ready to eat super clean and fix what the last 4 days did....

    Kristina, I'm weighing in at 174.4. Oi. I am in my pre-TOM week which is usually my worst week, and I'm sure some of that is just water, yada yada yada... but crap, I did some damage.

    Amy, how much fiber is too much fiber? If I go too far over, is that going to be causing bathroom problems too? I'm just trying to figure out what my body is doing all of sudden - I'm normally pretty regular, but the past 2 weeks or so its been, ahem, pretty backed up.

    Ok, sorry this is so short and completely random. I have to get ready for work, but just wanted to make sure I weighed in for the week. Even though I pretty much hate my scale right now. Grr.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: Too much fiber is kind of a subjective thing. If you've been eating a lot of processed foods (which are generally pretty low in fiber) and then start eating 25g of fiber a day all of a sudden, then you might get backed up. I was just looking at your food journal and you maintain a healthy fiber intake and not too many overly-processed foods. I don't think fiber is your issue. There are many other causes of constipation: increase in dairy consumption, increased stress, disruption to your routine (can be caused by travel), increased antacid consumption, low water intake as well as a number of medical conditions. Now that you're back from vacation, go back to your regular routine and see if the issue doesn't resolve itself. If it doesn't, you really should seek medical assistance.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning! I'm feeling great today. Woke up at 5 and hit the gym before work. Its supposed to be a c25k rest day, but I wasn't feeling like resting completely. So I hopped on the elliptical for the first time in a while and did 2 miles in about 20 minutes. Not bad. I did some weights too. Easy workout day.

    Today is my sister's birthday, and my other sister's birthday is on Thursday. We are supposed to go out as a family for dinner tonight. Venue is yet to be determined. I wish someone would decide, so I can go in with a healthy plan.

    One of the companies in my building is doing a weight loss challenge. The reward is $2000 and some paid time off. Wish my company would do that!! Anyhow, the one girl I talk to just finished doing the master cleanse and lost 11 pounds in one week. Sick. She said she wishes she could do it again right away because she "feels so much better." I didn't want to tell her that she looks like death. She's been dragging all week and she looks so run down and tired. I also didn't want to tell her that now that she started eating solids again she will likely gain some back. Eeek. I couldn't do something like that and don't understand while people do it (sorry if any of you are cleansers, I don't mean to offend). I just couldn't suffer through the cramps and the headaches and ignoring my body begging me to give it food. She said she liked it because once she eats a little bit of something, she can't stop eating and overdoes it.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Good morning! I'll catch up with you all a bit later, but really quickly, here's my weigh in for the week: 218.8

    Can I just say how frustrating it is to gain during TOM and then have to lose that TOM weight back before you can work on losing actual weight? It happens to me every month so I should be used to it by now, but it still stinks. Ah well.
  • sgc2005
    sgc2005 Posts: 10 Member
    good morning all - i was out of town last week and took me some time to find the new discussion.

    anyway - since i was out of town - i'm hoping it's ok to take a "pass" on weigh in this week -

    hope everyone had a good week and i will try to catch up later.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Quick-BAD-weigh in-218! Blah! I has been a bad girl this past week!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ummm...yeah, I'm also going to pass on the weigh in this week. I ate so much junk over the weekend, we had sonic on saturday night and mcdonalds on the way home yesterday, and my weight is up this morning. Hopefully I will be able to get a better idea of my "real" weight tomorrow after I spend all day drinking tons of water.

    I don't want to show such a big drop on the next weigh in simply because I used today's weight for my weigh in....ya know? It wouldn't be a real loss.

    Still haven't had time to catch up on anyone's posts since Thursday afternoon. They've given us more overtime this week plus I will be packing again for my next camping trip. Going to be a super busy week.

    oh....and I finally got the bill from the podiatrist. They took off $210 for the orthotics since insurance didn't pay for it so the total I will have to pay is around $600. And since I've already paid $250, I only have $350 left. Much more manageable but still sucks when you consider I've also paid my primary care physician $270 (that was paid by my HSA though).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm alive. Had a crazy end of the week/weekend. I'll update hopefully this afternoon with the full details, but wanted to do my Monday morning call out. I had a few pages to skim through, so i might have missed someone.

    These are those I think I haven't heard from:
    Natalie (last chance!)
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Kristina: taking a TOM pass because the scale is asinine. Or you could go ahead and log 226.2 that way it'll look like a crazy loss? lol

    I think that may be a little unfair, though.

    Gonna catch up with everyone in a bit.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    this group is so hard for me to keep up with. so many new posts per day! i'm going to weigh in this friday. i had a crazy weekend this weekend and my body needs to readjust.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Mini-catch up...what I remember, so if I miss you, blame my crappy memory!!

    Lacey & Amy-love the pics!! :o)

    Hailie-I use photobucket.

    Hosanna-*hugs* hope all is working out for the best!

    Kendal-yay for a little bit off the bill!

    And that's the extent of my memory today, sorry! I'm pitiful, I know! Mellie is getting better, still not healed, but better. I'm ready for the paperwork to be done on my house so I can get to work. I need to get back to running. I took last week off, and I tell ya, it was sheer laziness! And I don't feel any better for it! And I have something to do every night this week! But, I'm half motivated, b/c there's new exercise equipment upstairs here at work, and I always like new toys, so maybe that'll get me going? LOL! I know, so sad that it takes a new toy. BUT, I'll be playing kickball Friday & Saturday & doing a walk race, so that's exercise. And a volleyball tournament coming up next month that I'll play in. And a 5K on 9/17. So it's something different that'll get me moving if I get "bored" which apperently is my issue with exercising. So...keep cracking on me & I'll get there. I've not eaten very well last week & esp over the weekend, but I realize, I didn't do as badly as I used to, so that's something, right? :o)
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Okay, all caught up!

    Rain, as for sneakers, I wear Nike check + running shoes that are super light and airy. I wish I knew the model number and all that because they feel like I'm wearing nothing. That master cleanse stuff is a joke. How can it possibly be healthy to not eat anything? Last year my company did a $10 per pound lost incentive, but of course, I didn't get my *kitten* in gear last year.

    Pam, I have a friend at the office who has a terrible towel at his desk! I thought it was just a silly thing till you explained. Congrats on the 9 minute jog! That's totally awesome. I can only do 1 minute before I want to keel over and die and the machine says my heart rate is in the 180s, so I figure that's not very safe. I dunno!

    Amy, those fireworks sound awesome! I haven't had a chance to watch the vids on FB yet. But it's funny that you said that about Germans and fireworks. When I lived in the Netherlands, it's like they did fireworks any chance they got! Friday at the beach? Fireworks... fireworks nuts, those people. And congrats on weighing less than the hubbs!!! Also, loving the boots. I have the same calf-related problem you do. It even impacts the jeans I can wear. For example: Old Navy's jeans are oddly tight in the calves of all places, but Gap jeans are fine.

    Sarah (WnT), your kids sound so friggin' cute! Also, I read through some of your blog, and it inspired me to want to pick up a Sunday paper at the store yesterday, but they were out! I may have to subscribe.

    Lacey, LOVE those dresses! The cream one is adorable, and I LOVE that green one. I'm totally envious that you can wear dresses like that. Every time I see a cute dress in that shape, I try it on and it looks like a total potato sack. Grr. Also totally jealous that some of you gals can go without A/C. Houston has hit a record for most consecutive days on 100+. Ugh...

    Hosanna, I was SO sad when I read your first post about you and Isaac, then SO happy when I read your follow ups! It sounds like you guys are on the right track to an open an honest marriage, and I hope everything works out!

    Megan, step away from the phone! No ex texts. I have an ex whose head I want to rip off so badly, and it's something that's probably going to be under my skin forever (the whole time we were together, I thought he was interested in one of my friends... he constantly denied it. Fast forward... now they're living together...) but it's totally not worth it. Stupid boys will never see your point of view!

    Let's see... as for me, I had to go to a wedding on Saturday. I managed to stuff myself into one of my old 14s. It's a black one-shoulder just below the knee job with kinda an empire waist. I got lots of compliments! It felt pretty good, despite the fact that I was a wholly uncomfortable stuffed sausage. As soon as I got back to the apartment (Joe didn't come with, and was still awake waiting for me at midnight despite having to be up at 4 for work) I was like "get up and get me out of this thing!" It's extra impressive that I could fit into it given all the TOM weight I'm carrying. UGH!

    Other sorta exciting news that I can't share with anyone except Joe, so I've gotta share it here... I've been offered a possible transfer to London for work! :happy: I'm trying not to be excited about it as the same opportunity came up for me a year and a half ago, and my *kitten* managers at the time prevented me from going after I'd already accepted. This time, the verbal offer came up again, I accepted, but I was warned that it hinges on a few approvals and finding someone to back-fill my position. So, I'm not getting all giddy like last time, because I was seriously broken-hearted.

    That being said, I think everything happens for a reason (sometimes! haha) and I met Joe three months after the whole thing fell through. And of course, before accepting, I wanted to talk to him about it. I had to hold it in the whole day because I wanted to tell him to his face, and as soon as I told him, I started crying my eyes out, because this move only works if he comes with me or we work some way to stay together. We'd talked about it before, but now the scenario is almost reality. So I cried the whole night because he looked shocked and was totally nonresponsive... I made him tell me that if this goes through I'm not going to lose him... cried myself to sleep. The next morning, I got a text message while in a meeting that said "Accept the job, let's go to England." We haven't quite worked out the logistics, but we'll figure it out if it happens... even talked about getting hitched at some point as the company will double my living allowance, arrange his visa to come over, etc.

    And I haven't told anyone else around me and it's killing me! I don't want to say anything till it's an actual reality as in, I have the paper offer letter in my hand. Last time I got too excited and told everyone. My best friend was crying for days, my mom was sad... UGH. At lunch the other day, my best friend even said something like "well, there was a point that you wanted to get out of the US... even wanted that job in england..." It was all I could do to keep from telling her it was happening again. Instead I said "first of all, I didn't just want to get out of the US, I was offered a job in England, which I love. And by the way, my company profile still says I'm fully internationally mobile, so it may happen again..." She was all sad and said "I know..." :sad: That's going to be hard.

    Anyway. I feel better to have spilled that info out! I'll keep y'all posted on whether or not it's happening.

    Long post... done now!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Kendal and Nava, you guys make good points on the weigh-in thing. Kristina, if you want to post me as a pass this weekend instead of basically a 5 pound gain (boo! hiss!) that's totally cool. I don't wanna be a cheater either way!

    Amy, thanks for lookin' at my diary, I just wanted to check. I'm gonna get back on schedule of eating the way I normally do for a week or so and if things are still not a-movin', then I'll head to the doctor. You're just so smart and handy to have around!

    While up in Traverse City I saw all kinds of flyers for a Zombie 5K on Halloween weekend. Everyone dresses up and runs it, and then Right Brain Brewery (my new obsession) has a party afterwards. It sounds awesome. Too bad my October is somehow already completely booked with plans, including Halloween weekend.