200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    omg....11 more minutes till I leave work. counting down the minutes and they are NOT moving fast enough. ..........
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just LoooooooOOooove when a size L = a size 10 on ideeli. Really?? :grumble:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I just LoooooooOOooove when a size L = a size 10 on ideeli. Really?? :grumble:

    On another note - I had sushi for lunch. It was okay. Either my cooking is way better than all the restaurants I've been to lately or I really am getting over all meat. uh oh..
  • KatheryneLynne
    I'm so silly. At work I keep the message board minimized on my screen so when I take a mini break I can check and keep up on the daytime posts. Easy easy on slow days, busy days it's just a waste of time even opening it 'cause I never get a chance to look. Anyway. At my morning break there were no new posts, at lunch there were no new posts, at afternoon break there were no new post. I was wondering where everyone is...my problem...we had moved to page three so when I hit refresh it kept showing me the bottom of page two (the last post I had read.) Sometimes I can be a complete idiot. :smile:

    Amy...I love the dresses. The purple one is so cute, but then green is my fav color. So i can't decide which i like better. Very nice.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I have a blog where I talk about couponing and how/why to do it. www.practicallyfrugal.wordpress.com It is very informative and a little funny.

    If you read that, it will tell you what you need to know and then I am here for questions. I have been teaching classes on subject for about 2 1/2 years.

    Amy: The blue one is my favorite. Hands down.
  • hkallembach
    Gosh, working doubles rock because I make bank ($1000+/paycheck which is more than most people I know my age make). Downside is my mother and I wanted to rip each other apart last night and this morning therefore I've been eating like nobody's business. It's only 6:07 p.m. and I am all ready 600+ calories over for the day. I have a craving for some c25k currently.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy guess what I just pulled out of my cheese drawer?? Bellavitano sartori

    Also my kid just went to the store with one pink Emu boot and a black with colored stars Vans slip on on the other foot.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok I have a busy couple of days and you all go post-happy on me, turning over threads and all. I wish I could take the time to read a and really catch up, but I'm too busy trying not to be depressed about my car being packed with the reality that my girls are leaving tomorrow morning. I can't even count the number of times my eyes have started to sting and I've had to hold back the tears today. I have been somehow managing to stay under calories because I've forced myself to go to the gym, but my choices havent been very healthy, especially not sodium-wise.

    I did want to share my fav foods:
    #1: chicken...I don't care how it's made!
    #2: ice cream...it is NEVER too cold for ice cream, and it has to be soft serve or extremely creamy!
    #3: kielbasa, saurkraut, and mashed potatoes...this is my fav comfort food because it reminds me of my grandma.
    #4: tomato sandwich...on white bread with real mayonnaise
    #5: fruit...I like most except watermelon, pineapple, and papaya

    I hope everyone has had a great week and plans to have an even better weekend.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Oooh, TOM has arrived and reared it's ugly head!

    Good thing: She showed up which means that going on the birth control has begun to regulate my hormones to do what my body is supposed to do.

    Bad Thing(s): I want to eat everything in site; I feel bloated; I started as I was putting the new ring in this morning so it's all just UGH! {TMI probably!}

    Well anyways, I do hope to continue toward my goal this Saturday of getting to 30 lbs lost. I have been working hard to stick to my goal of 300-500 calories below my allowance for the day to jump start things. Yesterday and today I was right at my limit so tomorrow needs to kick butt!

    I have a gathering tomorrow night for Close to My Heart so I will be walking around like a nut for this and know that will help with the burning of calories. :)

    Hope everyone else is doing well. School starts back on Monday and I will get into a routine once again. LOL!
  • qofsheba
    qofsheba Posts: 72
    Maybe it is the moon--but irritation and depression seems to be the mood. I've only been doing this for 10 days and found myself being irritated tonight that it is "taking so long when I am trying so hard." Like I got to 200 lbs in 9 days. At 61 I have learned to not be my weight. But that doesn't mean the weight doesn't influence lots of things. So I am committing to do this for 1 year, to exercise 8 times a week (an arbitrary number I know) and to be grateful for all that is good in my life. I really appreciate reading all your posts.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - if my run is over 4 miles, I try to eat 1/2 hour before running. The longer the run, the more I eat. Hard boiled egg and a banana, string cheese are my go to foods. 200 to 250 cals or so. Sometimes, I'll sub peanutbutter on toast. Going 10 miles in 2.5 hours fisrt thing in the morning with no food was bad. I did drink 6 cups of water on the run. I'm going to tape a note on the door next Wed night. This really was the first time I've forgotten to eat. Only 3 more long runs before my 1/2.

    I did eat some good and really good (aka bad food) today wrap with grilled veges and chips for lunch, side of raw baby carrots, banana, apple, large salad with 70 cals lite ceaser dressing and dinner was deluxe blue cheeseburger and fries. I didn't count cals since 2 meals were take out food. I'm at 3300+ burned at 10 pm, I think I'm pretty good today. I've only had water to drink - about 15 cups...

    Sarah - I'll gave to check your blog out. I don't buy any papers but my MIL and several friends clip coupons for me and I send the rest to Amy. If you send them to her, don't forget the customs form... I tend to buy bulk since the cheaper stores are an hour away from me.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Kendal - By the start of the third lap they were looking at me like "are you SERIOUS???" I thought i'd have to carry them!!

    Karen - Congrats on the house!!!

    Karen and Amy - I found pretzel M&Ms at the candy shop around the corner from me, and i was SUPER excited - because i LOVE different M&Ms... but then i was very disappointed. i tried one and ended up tossing the rest of the pack out. Not a fan :( I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the peanut butter ones!

    Amy - ADORABLE!!! You look awesome!!

    Well, last night's shift went ok, except we had a false fire alarm at 5:40 this morning, and i was terrified it would wake all our demented patients... surprisingly it didn't, so crisis averted.

    I woke up after five hours sleep and just can NOT get back to sleep. this is a BAD thing. I'm gonna have to go back and try again. I'm SO hungry, but haven't yet had my weigh-in today... stupid night shift!! I need to wait another couple of hours so it'll be accurate. Pleh.

    I missed my meds yesterday... night shift just throws everything out of whack for me! I started feeling pretty crappy around 5am... but i'd say that's because the 'issue' with the other half came up in conversation with the women i was working with, and that ALWAYS makes me feel dreadful. I was better after i snuck off to the loo to have a quiet cry. I look forwaed to the day that this issue resolves itself!

    Anyway, off to attempt to sleep again. I hate sleeping during the day!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning Super Pals! Happy Friday! Checking in for Thursday with 2389 calories burned/ 1532 calories eaten/ 857 calorie deficit. I am also weighing in at 191 this week!!!! I lost 2.6 pounds this week!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy: I'm so close to the 180's, I can taste it!

    Hosanna: I'm glad the fire alarm didn't wake your old codgers...so curious about your "issue". I'm sorry you had to have a quiet cry. Maybe some sleep will help you to feel better. :flowerforyou:

    Victoria: I hate logging food that I don't make myself because I have absolutely no idea what the calories should be and that drives me frickin' nuts (I might be a bit of a control freak). Thanks for the info on what you eat before your runs, I hope to need that soon.

    qofsheba: I think your goals are awesome!

    Jenn: I hope your TOM issues go away soon. What's Close to My Heart?

    Bobbie: I'm sorry you're going through the bitter-sweet time of sending your kids off to college. When I left home (I moved from California to Kansas), my mom lost it on my last Thanksgiving at home (I left shortly thereafter for a job in Kansas) - she drank her way through a bottle of tequila, started reminiscing EVERYTHING about me and then ended up weeping hysterically. My cousin thought it was funny so he video taped the whole episode. I do NOT recommend you do anything close to that.

    Lacey: Have you had the raspberry Bellavitano? It. Is. Amazing. (The Bellavitano is freaking good too and I'm totally jealous, BTW) Oh, and meat totally icks me out. (I only eat fish occasionally)

    Hailie: Me and my mom were at each other's throats for most of my teen years. It got better once I moved away.

    Sarah (WnT): I'll have to check out your blog, thanks!!

    Do any of you have advice for how to get rid of ragged skin around the cuticles? I've been moisturizing at night and wearing cotton gloves (totally hot, I know) and the skin is softer but still kinda ragged.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Haven't managed to get any sleep.
    Been too upset.
    Not going to work tonight... Have doctor's appointment in an hour.

    But you know what?

    I'm not going to let my stupid brain problems stop me from being successful just because they make me not want to do anything except lay in bed.
    I'm going to hold my head up as high as i can, and shout (silently) "SCREW YOU DEPRESSION!! I"M STILL MAKING PROGRESS!! YOU CAN"T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!"


    Oh, and i lost 1.1lb this week :smile:
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning gals!! I got my lazy butt out of bed early this morning and did my c25k run. I'm repeating week 3. Feeling better this time around. Heck, I may even repeat it again. I just want to make sure my body is comfortable before I move on. I don't care if it takes me forever.

    Hosanna: So sorry for the depression issues. Hope it will pass soon.

    Amy: Go get a good manicure. They will clean up your cuticles. Get a parafin wax treatment if possible. Your hands will feel great then you can maintain those healthy cuticles!! Mine are dreadful right now too.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - I liked all the dresses but the black, white and green one is my fav.

    Our waterbed has sprung a leak. Sighs. So far it's minor but eeek, I need to deal with it. Got my bike ride in this morning. TGIF!!! I love weekends.

    Hosanna - I hope things look better soon. Can you carry your meds in your purse with a timer/alarm? My dad had to take heart meds twice a day at 9 & 9. His timer went off to remind him. You need to take care of you.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Hosanna ~ I feel you on the meds dear. I went on vacation and things just got all messed up and I can tell the second day of a missed dose. I just get so down and out that I don't want to do anything but lay in bed. Then when I do take them it still takes a day to get me movin.

    Today the scale was, again, kinda nice. I mean it's no ONDERLAND, but it's going in the right direction. So, My official WI for the week is 274! :happy:

    My weekend is looking to be kinda open. I have a ton of cleaning to do for my son's big party next weekend. I need to make a practice cake and fondant to make sure I can do what I have in my head. So hopefully all of the cleaning and organizing will burn some serious calories.

    My birthday is the 25th and my sons is the 28th, so I really dont get a birthday anymore which is fine, but I asked my dad for a bike for my big day. Then I can hopefully get my son to learn how to ride his soon and the baby can ride in the chair on the back if she isn't to heavy...eek.

    I am going to dinner tonight with my BMF (best man friend) and a girlfriend and her kids. Kind of nervous. I usually order a beer and I am going to order water. I usually order something big, but Iplan on just a side salad and roasted veggies and maybe a baked potato. So hopefully my plan goes as planned and I'll be in the next decade by next week!!

    Everyone have a fabulous weekend and keep on working hard!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Weigh in for this morning is 208.8.

    Let me tell you that i've been surrounded by doughnuts for 2 days straight!!!!!!! Seriously, i sat in a meeting yesterday for 3 HOURS with them right in front of me. but the best part is I RESISTED! I was so proud. then i get to work and walk through our break room and there are another 3 dozen donuts!!! wtf! Let's hope the donut monster leaves me alone today. Instead of grabbing one, I came back to my desk and ate my 2 hard boiled eggs. :-/

    Also, i got my pair of new shoes last night! They are adidas jett and are metallic pink and VERY bright. I went to step and then went for a walk/jog after that last night to try them out. I love them...and nothing was hurting when i was done!

    I'm playing in my first golf tournament tomorrow. Wish me luck!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Megan: When you see/smell the donuts, just think of how CLOSE you are to Onderland. Dang girl, I know when I get that close, I'm going to become so irritated with myself and obsess over every ounce!

    I googled the sneakers, they look nice! I desperately need a decent pair of running shoes. What do the rest of you gals wear?
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Megan: When you see/smell the donuts, just think of how CLOSE you are to Onderland. Dang girl, I know when I get that close, I'm going to become so irritated with myself and obsess over every ounce!

    I googled the sneakers, they look nice! I desperately need a decent pair of running shoes. What do the rest of you gals wear?

    my goal is to be under 200 by the time this challenge is over! so close...yet so far away. lol

    and i like these shoes. I bought them at Academy Sports and Outdoors. Tax and all was $48. They have several pairs of shoes in that price range, but these were the only ones that A.) they had my size 11 B.) fit like they should. They are very light and comfortable.