200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: You should totally try that recipe I posted for the Black Bean Brownies, they're really quite good! I didn't have hazelnuts so I substituted the same amount of chocolate chips (I told you, it was a PMS-fueled chocolate craving so more chocolate is better IMO). Gabe even liked them!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy hump day!!! Thankfully the rain held off for our whole bike ride this morning. I only have 6 clients so my day won't be to bad. Bookclub is tonight and I'll try to keep to small tastes of the goodies. I know I'll burn it all off in the morning with my 10 mile run.

    Hosanna - you're wedding sounds fantastic.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Chobani vanilla Greek yogurt, a banana and 1/2 serving natural peanut butter 285 cals and a delicious high protein breakfast.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just stopping by to bump the new thread while I can.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- I'm totally rockin the chobani vanilla and banana this morning (sans the peanut butter, but that sounds yum)!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    goodness. I was totally lost here for a bit trying to find ya'll. ....needless to say, i was getting anxious trying to find it!

    hope everyone has a happy hump day.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    The depression monster is on the loose today. I just don't feel like pushing through to smile....for anyone. I walk past a mirror and I want to cry. How could I be so disgusting? Why is my husband still with me? Bless his heart, he says I'm beautiful, as do many of my friends. They all say that I'm a wonderful person...blah blah. How can you accept these compliments when you hate everything you see? I love who I am as a person, I just hate the package. I know that I am doing better, and doing the right thing by making better choices, but I just want to be able to see weekly results. Is that so much to ask.. People say, "you didn't gain it over night." The hell I didn't. I go on vacation for 4 days and gain almost 10 lbs....tell me thats not over night.

    Well, when I feel, I write. I don't normally share what I write, for fear of people seeing the real me inside. If I don't share, I feel that that you won't really be able to help me get through this funk. (I am medicated for anxiety and forgot the past 2 days, so probably a huge factor!)

    The Feeling

    I know this feeling all to well
    They way it takes me over
    And runs my entire life
    Where is my four leaf clover

    I don’t want to get up
    I don’t want to do anything
    I’ve lost my will to smile
    I can no longer sing

    I will never win this battle
    I’ll lie here and suffocate
    Don’t bother trying to save me
    Your efforts are way too late

    I give up on trying
    I give up on myself
    In fact I already have
    I’ve turned to that shelf

    I’ll swallow every pill I have
    And still there is no relief
    I have begged Him for healing
    I’ve lost all of my belief

    I’d sell my soul to Satin
    For all the pain to be gone
    I’d give everything I have
    What have I done wrong

    It doesn’t matter what you say
    I can not keep going like this
    To hate everything you see
    To long for a single moment of bliss
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Rikki- This too shall pass. Perk up, gf! You got this!

    on a side note, i just ate popcorn for breakfast. Let's hope this day doesn't turn into a food fiasco! haha (I have my lunch here at work and it is a healthy one...just hoping I can NOT snack on bad things today.)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Sorry I've been kinda MIA. I missed the thread flip, so I've not got much to respond to. *sigh* It's been a rough couple of days. Melodie is just not getting any better. Lacey-we're giving her slippery elm & it's helping a little, so thanks for that! We've switched to almond milk to try to just cut out any dairy. I'm keeping a food log of what she eats. And I've given up on all ointments & creams. Corn starch only on her hiney right now. And our appointment with the specialist is tomorrow. Get to work half a day then take her down to Vanderbilt in Nashville.

    I didn't run Monday. I've been eating like crap b/c I just feel horrible. I know I didn't do this to her, & I know I've done all I can...but I just feel so bad b/c I can't fix it! So that's my life for the past few days. Still attempting to eat OK during the day, it's when I get home at night that I do so badly. I've not gone over by more than 3-400 calories any one day, so I'm hoping it doesn't throw me off too much, but right now, I just want to focus on her. I'm not giving up! Still logging what I eat, even if it's bad. And I'll keep all of you updated! *hugs* Glad you're all such wonderful people! Thanks!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    I found it! Yikes, I was lost.

    Rikki, chin up girl. Don't hate what you see, becuase you are beautiful. This will pass, and thre will come a day when you are comfortable in your own skin!

    I was pretty well behaved at the baseball game last night. I had a gyro and caved and had some Dippin' Dots, but stayed within my calories, yippee!!

    Still battling this awful headache, but so excited because I get to go to the gym after work today!! Hooray!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rain: I hope your headache goes away quick! Enjoy the gym!

    Karen: I'm so sorry for Melodie. Hopefully the specialist will be able to help her out.But don't forget to take care of you! I know you want to focus 100% on her right now (and who wouldn't feel that way) but you can still work towards your goals by eating foods that will nourish and fuel you. (i'm getting off my soapbox now)

    Megan: I've eaten popcorn for dinner before (more than once).

    Rikki: You are not your weight. You are not what you look like. You are an amazing and sweet woman and THAT'S why your friends and husband love you. I think that sometimes we think that we'll be a better/smarter/happier person once we lose the weight. Trust me, you'll just be you...only smaller. Don't be so hard on yourself. Over time, the weight will come off. (((((HUGS)))))

    I am in such a bad mood it's disgusting. I had to drive The Hubbs to the base to pick up his car and then he & The Kid wanted to get gelato (I abstained as I already had a brownie- yay me) but walking from the parking lot into the store KILLED my foot. By the time I got home, my foot hurt so bad that I was really ANGRY to have to make dinner (The Hubbs wasn't home yet as he had to get gas in his car). I'm doing slightly better now but I am still quite pissy. Grrr. :grumble:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I could absolutely cry.

    Looked at the EOB for my last podiatrist visit. Remember how the first two visits are $150 each? The 3rd visit, where I paid $100 deposit on the orthotics and had the casts made.....yeah.....that bill is $511 and that's after insurance. Plus I still have one more follow up visit.

    Plus the $270 I already paid to my regular doctor for the visits I had with them before they referred me to the podiatrist.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG Kendal, that absolutely sucks. Wow...there really are no words for how badly that sucks.

    I'm so sorry.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Good morning ladies, Two days and counting for Vacation. I started packing this morning before work; I'll probably change my mind ten times on what to take before I'm done.

    Amy...Black bean brownies rock. My mother has been making them (and sometimes red bean brownies, in her receipe the bean is mostly interchangable) for a couple of years now. A...M...A...Z...I...N...G.

    Hossana...The cruise sounds absolutely divine. I love boats, and being on the water.

    Victoria...what are you reading for your book club?

    Karen...I hope Melodie starts to feel better soon. Hopefully the specialist will have all the solutions lined up for you in one visit.

    Rain...Dippin' Dots---YUM

  • KatheryneLynne
    Good morning ladies, Two days and counting for Vacation. I started packing this morning before work; I'll probably change my mind ten times on what to take before I'm done.

    Amy...Black bean brownies rock. My mother has been making them (and sometimes red bean brownies, in her receipe the bean is mostly interchangable) for a couple of years now. A...M...A...Z...I...N...G.

    Hossana...The cruise sounds absolutely divine. I love boats, and being on the water.

    Victoria...what are you reading for your book club?

    Karen...I hope Melodie starts to feel better soon. Hopefully the specialist will have all the solutions lined up for you in one visit.

    Rain...Dippin' Dots---YUM

  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Wow, we already flipped the thread? I'll have to catch up in a bit :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies - I am going to the Dr at 10:45 today...yeay me. I think i am going to go home after that for the day. I think its a respiratory infection or something rather than my heart. The whole right side of my chest up into my sinuses feels like its under a ton of pressure today. Who knows.

    Karen - remember that it takes 4-6 weeks of not eating a certain type of food to see any difference and get it completely out of your system. Md's might tell you different but from my experience and advice from Nd's who really deal with the total body that was the advice I got and stick to. You can also buy aloe vera juice and it helps too..can't remember if I've told you that or not. Glad to hear the slippery elm is helping. Yeay!

    I will hop back on later!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Whoa thread flip. Just want to make sure I've got this so I can get back to you girls.

    Kendall, that really effing sucks about the Dr. bills. I'm so sorry. There's no way to put a positive spin on that. Its just crappy.

    Everyone else - we need some sort of ant-funk process, as it seems many of us have fallen into it lately. I've been managing to stay at my cals pretty well during the week, but I've eaten a BUNCH of gummy bears and cherry sour balls to fill up my calorie intake, so nutritionally I'm not doing the greatest. Boo.
  • hkallembach
    Hosanna: Wow! Your wedding sounds amazing! Stupid question, are you excited? I mean what are you most excited for for marriage? I hope that makes sense. :smile:

    Amy: Wow, 16 months--how long do you think you and your family will be there for?

    Kristina: Hahaha, well, Insanity is a good name for it. I was suppose to be on campus this week and living in a dorm. My high school is stupid and told me (in writing) that I didn't have to take the MCA's. (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments which tests the students to see if the teachers are teaching the students.) I went to college because I had a high GPA and hated high school, plus who could turn down free college(?). Therefore, they told me since I wasn't being taught by the teachers at my high school I didn't have to take it. Then this spring they told me I HAD to take the MCA's but it wasn't offered again until August....so I got screwed. I am p i s s e d because they held my diploma back and I can't attend the U of M-AA until I officially have my diploma. If I am lucky, I'll be attending the U in the spring. I have been crying because of this.

    I had personal training this morning, yes I did rock it if I do say so myself! :bigsmile:

    Now, I need to go SKYPE someone so I'll catch up with you ladies later!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kendall: Dr bills p i s s me off as well. Healthcare is awful. Staying healthy and preventive care is so expensive. Back in March, my husband had just lost his job (he is in retail management, and they closed his store and had no where to transfer him). So we lost our healthcare. We were able to get coverage for our son, but not us. Well fast forward to mid-march, we were leaving for vacation in Disney with my family and the morning we were leaving I fell down a flight of concrete steps at my mom's and landing face/arms first on the sidewalk. I had a huge lump and bruise on my forehead, which thankfully went down with lots of ice in a matter of hours. But I literally thought I broke both of my arms. The pain was unlike anything I've ever experienced. I tried to catch myself mid fall and ended in a contorted push up of sorts. I think I did some insane damage to my muscles. But, at the time, I really thought my arms were broken. I cried the whole plane ride from the pain, and was useless the entire trip. The slightest touch was horrific. Two days later my upper arms were covered in massive black bruises that eventually spread around my elbow over the course of two weeks! Two weeks! It took a long time to heal and everyone kept telling me to go for xrays. My mom even told me to file a claim against her homeowners insurance to get it covered. I told my husband (only half joking) that it would be cheaper to cremate me than to pay for xrays out of pocket. I ended up being okay after about a month and half of limited mobility and pain, but it was scary. I guess my point is that medical bills are so super stressfull, and they shouldn't be. Your health is important.