200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm gonna attempt to reply to most everyone.. but first, here is me whining. I still feel like crap. Not sure why. Run down, super tired, etc. I noticed last week when I got the half an hour of legs/back done before I gave up (because of the hubs and daughter) that my heart was pounding and hurting. I figured it was because I hadn't done that program in so long and my family was really pissing me off. But now I'm super worn out and tired and am wondering if my heart has a hole in it or something lol. Last night it hurt a bit (always on the right side if that means anything) when I was working out and got my HR elevated. Good lord. Don't you just love when your mind wanders where it shouldn't? At any rate, I am going to make my annual exam appt finally and get checked out.

    I did manage to get through chest/back yesterday...it took an hour and a half (its a 58 minute program) and that is with me ff a few moves. I paused a lot. My husband and kid are going through a weird phase with each other so there was drama. Ugh. Bleh. I'd go home and sleep today if my hubs didn't have the day off and I didn't need to save my vacay time for Europe in four weeks (four weeks!)

    Nava - i also hate that about amazon shipping.

    Kristina - hold your head up. You've never stopped running or exercising despite Life getting in the way. So your habits have totally changed for the better. The weight gain is negligable and I bet it will be gone in a day or two.

    Annette - not sure where you saw that about baby Laceys. In three words: OH HELL NO! I am so freaking done having kids. One is more than enough for me. I went to see my best friend who has a two month old and my other close friend who has a one week old last weekend. Babies are not for me. I like your work out schedule. Keep it up girl!

    Laura - I know you will be sufficiently in onderland shortly :)

    Hailie - super cute pic!

    Hosanna - I've not read any of those things and just trying to think about them makes my brain hurt this morning lol. However, I am in desperate need for a good laugh so I will get on there later today.

    Sarah wnt - I'd get those kids out of my house if they were causing that much damage to furniture and have such bad mouths and no respect. Yuck! Props to you for putting up with it.

    Amy - the keyboard is small but works wonders so as soon as I get my bluetooth mouse work ordered for me I will be good to go and am now getting to avoid lugging that damn laptop all over Europe! I looked at that B&B and its super cute...

    Kendal - I'd suck down that kitkat if I was in the cube with you. Just for you. To help you out. LOL.

    LadyG - my daughter turns 5 Sept 7 - her first day of Kindergarten...we are doing a bowling birthday party on the 10th.

    Rain - congrats on being down 11 lbs!

    Katherynne - where are you going on vacay? Did I miss that?
  • KatheryneLynne
    Leave for Vegas on Friday morning. Have a flippin SIX hour layover in Seattle, erg, and don't get into Vegas until 11:30 that night. While that is extremely annoying, at least the sun will be down when we land and I will have a chance to get some SPF 1 Billion. I have extremely fair skin, usually when the Hubbs and I vacation in the southwest we go in late October early March. I'm afaid to see what will happen to my skin in August. (The first time I went to visit his family in Arizona, in March, I burned so bad I blistered--and was wearing SPF 50 at the time.)

    Anyway...Saturday is the Hubb's grandparent's 65 wedding annivasary, so we have an all day party. But the rest of the trip -- staying 'til Tuesday--is all for us. Looking forward to swimming and food ('cause it's not like the arctic waters up here are very pleasant this, or any, time of the year--and food options are extremely limited.)

    By the way, I'll be posting this weeks weight on Friday morning, early, before I leave for the airport.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katheryne: Wow, a 6 hour layover is a bit extreme. Are you gonna leave the airport and do something in Seattle to kill time? That's what I'd do. My friend came to visit me last Christmas and he had an 8 hour layover in Frankfurt, so he left the airport and went downtown to look around. Much better than hanging in an airport for all that time, I think.

    Lacey: Maybe you should take a rest, are you getting sick? Are you stressed out? I thought I was having heart issues last year and they did all the heart tests (echo, EKG and some monitor thing I wore for 24 hours) and everything was negative. It turned out to be panic attacks. I don't deal with stress well.

    rain: I hope you feel better soon!

    Rikki: A cowboy party sounds like a cool idea! Try this recipe for a super-tasty and yet, lower fat, 7 layer taco dip: http://allrecipes.com/customrecipe/61057907/healthier-seven-layer-taco-dip/detail.aspx I eat it with carrots but The Hubbs and The Kid eat it with bakes tortilla chips.

    Kendal: I've done that with my iPhone screen protector before. Those bubbles NEVER go away. I eventually got so sick of it that I replaced it with a different protector.

    I did my Wii EA Active workout standing up today!! Yay for being able to bear my own weight! We also took Loki in to get neutered and now he's bumping around the house like a drunk (he has one of those Elizabethan collars on to keep him from licking his stitches but a side effect of the collar is that he has absolutely no idea how big his head is now so he's constantly bumping into things). It's sad...but funny (I know, I shouldn't laugh at my crippled dog...but I do it anyway). Today has been a good eating day for me (finally). I kept under my calories, I drank tons of water and several cups of green tea and absolutely NO diet soda. One day at a time...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm having one of those days where I'm so frustrated the only thing I can do is laugh. Stupid stupid people in the company doing stupid things. People already working my assignments which is probably the fault of the guy who assigns our work, meaning he assigned them to both of us. Then the work items are all kinds of effed up. I'm going to run out of work simply because I have so much crap I can't do. Plus I have to work an extra 2 hours tonight. Not overtime though. I've been making up 8 hours so I can have Friday off to go to the beach.

    I ate half the kit kat and gave the other half away.

    Amy- you're doing great not to give in to diet sodas. I'm great while I'm at work, but as soon as I get home, I'm popping open a diet soda and drinking absentmindedly.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Katherynne- have you ever read any of the articles on what the numbers on the sunblock bottles mean? I only ever use SPF 30 because after I tried 70 and burned to a blistery crisp I finally looked it up and realized that sticking with 30 and reapplying often was right for me. The higher the number doesn't always offer the best protection.


    http://www.arizonasun.com/default.aspx - also if you can find this sunblcok, it is hands down The Best I've ever found. Its not sticky or greasy and lasts. I used it in AZ when we were there on vacay in June and didn't burn at all.

    At any rate, now I remember - enjoy the MGM. If you are looking for good steak dinner while you are there Craft Steak at MGM is pretty damn good.. especially if you do the tasting menu. Its expensive but the food just keeps on coming and coming and is worth the cost in the end.

    Amy - I've not had panic attacks before so I'm not sure..And I'd be laughing at the dog too. I cracked up when I brought my cat home and he walked sideways for a few hours until he recovered from the medicine.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Amy: Great job on the exercise!! Keep at it and you'll be back to normal in no time...better than normal becasue your foot will work as designed!! And, I remember when we had a rock removed from our dog's gut, I came home to Hubby wrapping the stupid dog, in the cone collar in MY robe on the couch. Why MY robe? Why not HIS robe? His answer...she's a girl. She wants a pink robe. Oye.

    Kendal: That is the reason, right there, that we don't have any diet soda in this house...I would much rather have soda than water any time of day. Sorry about the incompetence of your co-workers and the extra long day on top of it. Oye.

    Lacey: I second you on the Craft Steak recommedation. And as for the heart pain...um, yes. Please get that checked out. I am eagerly awaiting your update on that.

    Katheryn: I so wish leaving the airport was an option for you, but since Seattle Airport is actually stranded somewhere between Seattle and Tacoma, there isn't much there. :-/ It's a pretty nice airport, though. Some good restaurants... I don't know if they ar 6-hour good, though. :(

    So today is going much better. I have decided that the rules in this house don't change just because you are new here. I made the 11 yo clean up his mess around the toilet in the bathroom. 11 years old... he should know how to aim by now. My 4 yo knows better than to miss. The 6 yo told me he didn't want to eat his breakfast and I told him that's fine...I'll save it for your lunch. I'm not a short-order cook. He threw a fit and instantly found himself in a timeout. I put him in front of the oven -- which he proceeded to kick. When his time was up, I handed him the Windex and a cloth to clean his footprints off the glass door. He told me his mom does it for him. I explained that I didn't kick the door, why should I clean the footprints off? He did it without arguing further. Now, they are watching a show on Netflix and then I am going to brave Costco with them. Prayers requested. Will update later... In other news, Hubby came home with a violin for the 4yo last night. I don't know what made him think that was a good idea -- but here we go! Lessons scheduled starting in November. And...he told me he wants another kid. This is not the month to be asking me for that. Really. And finally, I have ZUMBA tonight. I can hardly wait. It's a great outlet for this pent up energy I have. I. can't. wait!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sarah - Right side of Costco near the beer and wine - duct tape in things of four. You can tape the two together and then pop a bottle of wine or beer to calm your nerves if they get too out of hand. You are one brave soul. Iwouldn't even attempt that without some sort of preloading of zanax and vicadin or something lol.

    Kendal - deep breathes girl. I am going the rounds with some one here at work all because their boss got in the middle of something that was nothing and made it a big deal before even looking into the matter at hand. Which was nothing. At all. LOL.

    Alas I am not a soda drinker. At all. Iced tea is my thing. No sugar.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Sarah-Good for you disciplining him like that! I feel like too often I see kids running around doing whatever they want, with no regard for anyone around them, and the parents (or person taking care of them) acts like nothing is wrong. Great job!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Speaking of kids running amok. I was kind of shocked to see the amount of kids at the Alberta Street Fair in Portland this weekend running around with no parents in sight. they were around 8-10 years old I would guess. They were fairly well behaved but definitely no parents around because I saw them all over the place.
    For those of you who haven't been to Portland, especially Alberta St...well it used to be straight up ghetto. Literally. And now its being refurbed though I would still consider the area up and coming, five years out sort of deal. I wouldn't let my kid run around that area doing that *kitten*. Well I don't even let her in the front yard unless we are out there with her, so...
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    I'm alive. Haven't had time to respond or even read. Hopefully, I'll get a chance later this evening. Thinking of you all.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katie: Hiya!

    Lacey: I'm like you- I had a tendency to keep Gabe in my sight most of the time. That kind of changed once we moved to Germany though. German kids will walk around (to the park, to school, to the freibad, to their friends' houses) from a super-young age (like, 5 years old). It took me a while to get used to it. Gabe has a 7 year old German friend that lives on the other side of our town (about a 10 to 15 minute walk from here) and that kid makes that walk alone. Gabe freaked out the first time I told him he could go walk over to his friend's house. It's a different cultural mindset here. And there's not a lot of crime. And what crime there is, is never EVER aimed at kids.

    Sarah: Did you mention to us why you are watching these hellions? Are they family or are you doing someone a favor or something? Bless your heart for doing it, I cannot stand to watch other people's kids. I'm so glad that both me and The Hubbs are on the same page of not wanting any more kids.

    Kendal: I'm sorry work is sucking for you today. Good job giving away half the kit kat.

    I saw someone talking about the oil cleansing method for cleaning their face somewhere on the MFP boards today and so I thought I'd try it. Here's some info about it if you are like me and had never heard of it before: http://www.acne.org/messageboard/OIL-CLEANSING-METHOD-Hi-t141871.html - So far my skin feels really soft and moisturized but not greasy. We'll see how it goes as time goes along.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - I'd love to live in a place like that where Gracie could walk around and not be in danger. I'm doing the oil cleansing method. I still have to put some oil mix on my face after the shower, but my skin feels good and WAY less greasy on the forehead which is totally cool!
    I'm using 10% castor and 90% evoo..what did you end up with?

    Everyone should make my salad:
    blanched french green beans
    cherry tomatoes
    feta cheese
    greek olives
    steamed cooled lentils
    a mix of olive oil, white balsamic vinegar and champaigne vinegar, italian spices, salt and pepper

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: You had me at feta cheese. I seriously love anything with feta cheese.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy I've been making Gracie this salad two days now for lunch and finally decided to try it myself. She eats it by the bowl full. I love that kid and her penchant for fruits and veggies and cheese. She rarely ever eats meat. Its inneresting.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I must make these this weekend, but with peach instead of apple. I can totally see one dolluped with some greek yogurt and honey for breakfast:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    O.M.F.GOD There is a Biscoff cookie SPREAD NOW???

    Amy have you seen this spread in Germany?? I MUST, I repeat, MUST, bring some home with me.

    I am like a rabid dog when the airlines hand those out going to Canada. I will steal them from other people if I can.

    EDIT: I ordered some of the spread and the cookies from amazon. YEAY!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Just getting into my actual office today. Had meetings at another building all morning. Me and 6 men who love to hear themselves talk. Yeeeesh. Also, WHY do men have to sit with their legs SO FAR APART?! I saw so much junk this morning that I had no interest in seeing.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Nava - I have one newer customer treating me like a Girl today. I want to nut punch him.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: I believe they sit that way to display their junk (either consciously or subconsciously) - it's gross.

    Lacey: I've seen the cookies but not the spread. I'll have a look for it at Real (it's like Target), that sounds good. That breakfast bake looks too good not to make. Yay!

    So I was sitting here at my computer being grumpy (as I am totally PMSing) when The Hubbs comes over and smiles that "I want something" smile (you people with significant others know the smile I'm talking about - it's the one they hit you with before they buy a new car or something) and then, noticing my grumpiness, he asked what was wrong. I told him I was grumpy. He said - and I quote: "Oh...I can fix that....take your pants off..."

    Boys are funny.

    ...it worked though. :wink:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Last night I was woken up by Chris at about 3 am by him shaking me uncontrollably and yelling "Honey! Get up! Your turtle got loose!" He then proceeded to jump out of bed and say "I'm going to turn on the lights so we can find him."

    We have no pets. I told him to come back to bed, and he did.

    The joys of being married to a sleep-talker. :smile:

    Love to you all, you guys crack me up and I adore you. And for the random people who asked, I'M NEVER LEAVING THIS GROUP. You guys are my inspiration and my friends.

    And now you can go about your days again, just like I have to. 3 day work week means I am hella-swamped.