200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    grr coputer had a spaz and posted a half finished post!

    Pam - $90??? Mine costs $35! You should move to australia! :tongue: Glad you had fun at the wine tasting!!

    RainSarah - Usually about two weeks before there's any noticable regrowth. It's recommended to do it every 3-5 weeks. If you get it done that regularly it actually hurts less! it's usually 6-7 weeks before it starts to look... well... like it was never 'groomed'! hahaha!

    Ros - That's so awesome about the spreadsheet!! Great idea! Embrace the inner nerd :smile: Babyworms stems from when i was in utero, and i was a wriggly little thing, so my parents just referred to me as "wormy". It has, amazingly, stuck right up to now, my parents still call me Worms. When i was 13 and trying to come up with an email address, my mother suggested babyworms. So i used it. I still use that email address, and it's hilarious trying to use it for official grown-up purposes!

    Jacquelin and Pax - Welcome!

    Katie - I like hearing that this is a particularly chatty board this challenge. Chatty is the way to be! And thanks for the breakdown on the cool/uncool sides of being a lesbian! haha! I had a friend who i lived with for nearly three years, and our TOMs synched up, and it was not a happy house for about a week out of the month!

    PHEW! I think that's nearly everything! Sorry if i missed anything!!

    We had a LOVELY weekend away! We took our pups, and it was so much fun now that they don't need to be on leads and we know they'll stay with us. I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the weekend as much as we did! We went for good walks every day together and chilled out at the cottage we stayed at, played a lot of scrabble, ate awesome pizza at the pub, and drank plenty of wine, and gin and tonics. So as much as i DID try and be relatively good, i decided not to beat myself up over food choices. we took all our own food apart from dinner the night we had pizza, so we were able to watch what we were eating on that front.

    Unfortunately i start night shift again on wednesday night. I hate night shift... not for the work - i actually LOVE working nights - but for the fact that the only way to get through a night shift without falling asleep is to eat. Everyone takes in yummy packs of chips and chocolate and stuff... last month i was pretty good, and just took mixed nuts, sugar-free chocolate and a proper meal of spaghetti bolognaise... all measured out and calorie counted. it worked pretty well, but it's SO hard to resist the yummies on the table! grrr!!

    Anyway, gonna go and enjoy the rest of my afternoon with the Other Half now :ohwell:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Haven't got time to do more than check-in my weight, but it's 217.5 for this week! 3.5 lbs down- Yippee :)

    Hope everyone has a good day

    Ros x
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats to who lost. I survived my company. Today its back on the wagon. I'm not cut out for late nights and early mornings. We watched "Inception". Very different. I want to see it again before I mail it back. I think it's time to go back to bed. Enjoy your Sunday.
  • qofsheba
    qofsheba Posts: 72
    Question: since starting (and drinking almost all the water daily) I have had "dry mouth" most of the time. Is this about the body readjusting to how much water it wants/needs? Also: weekends are my downfall. I'm all or nothing, and I need to change that.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    It's funny that our bodies are very adaptive. When we don't give it enough of what it needs through nutrition and water intake, it finds ways of getting those things from places already on our body. The fact that you've increased your water intake to near average levels could be making your body expect that direct intake, which stops it from stealing liquid from other places like your cells. You might try to add another glass or two to finish out the balancing process. It might also be a crave mechanism looking for whatever it is that you used to drink instead of water. I would say, though, that dry/cotton mouth is usually a sign of insufficient hydration.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kristina: That thrown together dinner sounds yummy. I love anything with brussel sprouts!

    Karen: So jealous that you spent the day in your pj's! We've had plans every weekend for a looong time now. Yesterday we had a family birthday party and today I have company coming from out of state. Super busy, but I like it that way. I never know what to do with myself when I have "free time."

    Pam: It definitely counts for something that you were able to push through the tired and icky feelings and workout. Keep at it girl!

    So, my check in for the week is.....241.2, Exact same as last week, and I'm actually thrilled with that. I"ve had so many obstacles this week. Hubby's surgery, TOM, eating all of hub's comfort foods, not being able to get to the gym because hubs couldn't watch Brody and a birthday party yesterday! I'm hitting it super hard this week. My big thing is that I've totally fallen behind on my water intake. Some days, I don't even finish an entire bottle of water. My husband is ALWAYS yelling at me, but I just don't ever drink a lot. I was doing really well for awhile, but this week I fell behind again. I will do it this week, every day!!! And hopefully, I can get back to the gym, or the rain will let up so I can at least put Brody in the stroller and go for a walk!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    rain: Congrats for staying the same even though you had a tough week. Sometimes maintaining is enough. I hope things ease up for you next week.

    qofsheba: Dry mouth is not normally a sign of adequate water intake. There are a number of medical conditions that dry mouth is indicative of. It can also be a side effect of medication. If the condition persists, you should see your doctor so they can check it out.

    Ros: Great loss this week!

    Victoria: You really have to watch Inception more than once (but you still won't know if he's dreaming or not at the end no matter what you do - it was left ambiguous on purpose).

    Hosanna: Your weekend sounds like it was super-fun!

    Pam: I'm working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition. WTG working out despite not feeling like it!

    Karen: Kettle bells are an awesome workout tool, you should totally try that workout!

    Kristina: Your dinner sounds delish! You should TOTALLY hit Insanity again.

    Hailie: How was girls' night?

    I've spent all day at my computer working on my nutrition assignments. I hate the words 'critical analysis' - they equal a pain in the @ss waste of a day. I did make a Greek "meatball" recipe (from this month's Vegetarian Times) for dinner using homemade seitan and it was so meat-like it was creepy. The Hubbs and The Kid loved it. Well...back to work...take it easy, ya'll.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    <----lurking. Just bumping the thread so I know where I've read up to
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hallie - Why I loved Hunger Games series... I'm a sucker for a love story esp if the lead is a strong female character. Plus the love triangle and devotion to family was great. The lead character just hit home with me and I dream of being like her... The underlying concept of fighting the government and triumphing is a plus. I just finished Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel and loved that too. I can't wait to finish that series. Why I haven't read it before is beyond me - my brother read the 1st book in high school (20 years ago)...

    Speaking of books, Audible is having a great buy 3 for the price of 2 on some series books. I will be getting the Jim Butcher Dresden Series that Lacey has talked about. Can anyone give me some other good series that they've read (esp if for sale on the list)?

    Bobbie -congrats on meeting and resetting your goals!!! You are doing FANTASTIC with your weight loss!!!

    Karen - love the new profile pic!!!

    Amy - so glad you are healing well.

    Kerry - 160s OMG you ROCK!!! Shorts is one of our favorite places to go. Have a Humma-luppa-licous for me.

    Pam - your weekend sounds fantastic. Glad you got to enjoy yourself.

    Kristina - are you giving up on the Detroit 1/2? My mom really wants me to go with her on an Eagle's vacation the next weekend - to the Saginaw area and I'd rather be with her so I've decided not to train for it. After my Sept 18th race, I'm dropping my runs back to 6 miles for the winter.

    Kendal - glad to hear things are going so well with Mr. Reunion... You DESERVE it!!!

    Hugs and my thoughts are with the rest of you. I wish we could add an hour a day just to be on MFP but real life interferes. I will be more active and supportive when winter sets in:) Unfortunately, it's right around the corner up here.

    My check-ins the last few days 2726 burned Friday and 2356 burned Sat. I'm charging the Bugg so today won't be accurate. Eating way over all weekend. I'll be back on track tomorrow.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi. I'm driving home. Just bad to pop on her real quick to say Ghost Stories just blew my. Mind. Wow
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I'll full on post tomorrow hopefully, but I just wanted ya'll to know that today I ran 6.1 miles in 62 minutes. ALMOST 6 miles an hour. Woot! My new shoes (or just not running whilst hungover) has sped me up! Plus, I ran for over an hour straight.

    I am happy and feel awesome. Love you all!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    RainSarah - Well done on maintaining this week despite hurdles!!

    Kerry - Way to go with the running! You must feel awesome!

    Well, Other Half and I went out for a walk tihs morning at about 7am before he had to go to work :smile: it was lovely! Our pups have come to expect walkies in the morning, and my walking friend is on night shift at the moment. It was so nice to walk down to and along the beach so early in the morning. There were a few people fishing, and the water was so calm. Great way to start the day! I now just have to make a shopping list and head out to the grocery store. I'm considering taking the pups and walking - the weekend has likely caused some damage - i was naughty and stepped on the scales to check this morning. But i'll get back onto the water intake (maybe try for a bit extra!) and be super good with my food choices... I may even sit down and sort out my night-shift snackage later... pre-pack so that i can just grab and go when the time comes. Oh it's so hard to eat well on night shift!!!!!
    Oh, and i nearly sliced the top of my finger off chopping onions yesterday. That part didn't bother me too much, the worst part was that it sliced through my nail... I've only just got to a point where i have lovely long nails!! (i was a nail biter my whole life until a year ago, and the urge still occasionally takes over!!)
    Anyway... time to go and be productive... and it's not even 8am!! :happy:
  • arg. my crappy lap top just deleated my entire post....

    sigh....here's an abreviated verstion, since I don't want to type it all out again.

    I love reading. I'll read just about anything I can get my hands on:

    Favorite authors/Suggestions

    Horror: early Stephen King

    Mystery/crime: anything by Kay Hooper (Hunting fear is my fav)
    OR: Tess Gerristen (start with The Surgeon, and then The Apprentence)
    OR: Kathy Reichs
    OR Erica Spindler

    Historical Romance: Stephanie Laurens

    Paranormal Romance: any Christine Feehan

    Science/Science Fiction: Early James Rollins (especially Amazonia and Deep Fathom)

    Historical Fiction: Carlos Luis Zafon's The Shadow of the Wind (Absolutely one of the best books I have EVER EVER read)

    Fantasy: The Kvothe Series by Patrick Rothfus (1st book is The Name of the Wind)--think Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings--epically excellent.

    I could go on and on, I have a big thing for biographies/histories too.

    ANYWAY-- This weeks weigh in is 280.8 UP .4. Not bad for a crappy eating week.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Howdy do! I had a great time Friday at the hotel/spa. I drank too much and ate too much rich food however and was on the toilet off and on all night because it all just went through me. So maybe four hours of sleep. And then my stomach was upset all day Saturday in Portland at my friends house. Today I started my period so it is like a twofer. I came home and took a nap with the fam and feel better but still run down and ick.

    Some of my dresses and that cute pair of shoes came in from Ideeli. Two of them worked and two didn't. The shoes came to me in a 36, which is like two european sizes too small, so I need to return the dresses and shoes that don't work. I'm hoping those shoes come up again because I'd like to get them in the right size. Or I will order them from endless maybe. I've got a pair to turn into them too.

    Anyways....goals for next week:
    1. P90X 5 days
    2. Eat right through next Saturday
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kerry- way to go with the 10K and the speed! You're putting us runners to shame!

    Victoria- i haven't officially given up on the 1/2, but it's increasingly unlikely

    I stepped on the scale this morning and it was up to 192, and I seriously said "what the f***?" I had two not very decent days of eating, but I had had a day's buffer, so was less than pleased. If tomorrow's weight is the same, I'll own it, but I'm hoping it was an anomaly, and I'm not going in the wrong direction.

    Made a batch of lentil soup for the week and a spicy rainbow rice and bean salad, which I took a nibble of before putting in the fridge and it's rather tasty (and colorful!). Recipe found here: http://ohsheglows.com/2010/12/29/spicy-rainbow-rice-and-bean-salad/

    My old roomie is in town for the night tomorrow, so we'll probably have a girl's night on the town, which I doubt will be super low calorie, so I need to be diligent the rest of the day, and try to get an insanity workout done before she's ready to go out.

    Lacey: i ordered two dresses from ideeli, but they've just shipped. I ordered a size 14, which I was, and am now not currently, so I'm using them as motivation, unless the style just doesn't work either and then they're going back. I ordered these two dresses (hope the links work):
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina both of those dresses are cute! I hope they work for you. The only bad thing about ideeli is that not everything is returnable and even if it is it isonly for "in store" credit. I'm sure you saw that but figured I'd mention it.
    Also I'm not weighing in this week.
    That rainbow recipe looks super tasty, might have to make some tomorrow night.

    Still feeling ick. Periods blow.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Checking in really quick. I weighed in on Friday at 308.9 which was down 2.6 lbs last week! I was PUMPED and even did my little happy dance! :)

    Well, then I had a retreat that I was at this weekend and didn't get to "choose" what I ate as it was provided. All of it was HEAVY in cream, oil, butter,etc. I did my best to watch the serving size and I even got some exercise in by swimming 45 laps on Saturday and then spending an hour in the pool the day before doing some treading water. :)

    I am going to weigh tomorrow morning and see where I am at so I can see what damage I did. I am going to work extremely hard this week to lose another 1.8 so that I can hit the 30lb loss mark!

    I'm working hard to NOT eat the ice cream that is currently in the freezer. It is sugar free but I don't need anymore calories, fat, sugar or ANYTHING today!

    Hope that everyone is doing well and that your weekends were great!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey all, haven't forgotten you. I'm planning to weigh in tomorrow as I'd been high on sodium all week and I think it's finally out of my system. Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good Monday morning, ya'll. I am stitch-free. I love that the Army health clinic makes a five minute procedure into an hour-long ordeal. Sheesh.

    Jenn: Great loss!

    Lacey: I'm sorry your period is attacking you. This is probably TMI but I often have GI issues along with the cramping so I am a nasty *kitten* during my TOM.

    Kristina: I hope those ideeli dresses work out for you, they're super-cute!

    Katheryne: I haven't read a single thing on your list, I'll have to look into them! Thanks.

    Hosanna: I'm glad you got to enjoy a morning walk with your man.

    Kerry: Way to run your butt off!!!!!

    Victoria: You'll enjoy the Dresden books, they're awesome.

    Kendal: Hiya!!! :flowerforyou:

    Not much to report on my end. Spent all weekend finishing up my nutrition class coursework and now I have finals in 2 weeks. Yay.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- yep, I was aware of the return policy. Made me think twice about some outfits. These are both returnable for credit if they don't work.

    It's that time! Monday morning call out. I have no gotten weights from these peeps (or have somehow missed):
    Sarah (I saw your note about weighing in today)
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