200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Katie, you had me laughing with your reflections on the pros and cons of being a Lesbian. Although I married a man, I believe that he has also adapted to my cycle. Some months, his PMS is wayyyy worse than mine!
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    @rainvc: LOL wayyy funny!

    Just stumbled upon your group of awesomeness. The vibe in the group is so amazingly supportive! I have been using MFP for about a month now, lost ten pounds in the past six weeks, and tomorrow is weigh-in (nail-biting).

    I started at 234 lbs and now at 224 lbs. My short-term goal is 218 lbs (the weight I met my ex-boyfriend lol) then on to 197 lbs (below obese for me at 5'8"). My long term goal is 164 lbs, a 70 lb loss eventually!

    When you start the next 6-week challenge, I would love to be included!
  • hkallembach
    Karen: I love your profile picture! Adorable top! Hahahahaha, my work is full of "those" mothers. I feel so sorry for those children since their parents, not all, but certainly a lot don't pay attention to them. Thanks for the "good job" because it really made me feel I did the right thing. Police office? What do you do for work? IMapMyRun, is it free? What sort of phone/iPod do you have for your apps? See, I have an iPod touch and use that for my c25k app but then I have a droid x that I use for my MFP app. I feel like sometimes apps work better on one over the other. Yay for Casey and you doing it together!

    Amy: Ohhhhhh Mmmmmmmmm Ggggggggggg! I so want to tell a lot of people at work ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY OF EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND THEM! Sorry for the caps! When you talked about the whole "boniness" thing down south it had the thought cross my mind....how the h e l l do parents not let their children not hear them do the deed? I mean maybe they don't care but then again maybe some do. Hahaha, yeah I was slightly bored during warm-up for c25k. The Hubbs looks like an excellent toe nail skill painting sort of person!

    Kendal: I am sure "little Kendals" will be lucky to have you as a mother when the time is right!

    Katie: Hahahhahahahahaha, I day dream about tripping people in the pool but then I am sure I wouldn't be able to find a new over payed job for my age.

    Pam: Oh, I love, love, love getting a raise! I agree about teaching children NOT to be rude especially to other people out in public.

    Kerry: Thank you! How in the world have you lost 71 pounds!? I feel like I am stuck, any suggestions? Good job on will power for ideeli.com! What is it like to be married?

    Kristina: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am so excited to be at the U!

    Lacey: Thank you! When I was "running" it wasn't hardcore, hardcore but it was faster than my walk/job and it was put my arms at my side and pump it! Ha, that sounded slightly wrong.

    Nava: Hahahahhaha, gotta love the FUPA talks! I love how open and loving this group is!

    Annette: I am glad you popped in to say "Hi" to us!

    Ros: How do you like c25k so far? Good luck!

    Paxetamore: We ALWAYS welcome new people! Tell about yourself......married? single? children? weight loss goals? favorite foods? favorite books? Anything and everything you would like to share is always welcomed!

    As far as me............

    Who has read The Hunger Games? What is it about?

    **************************TMI ALERT**************************

    Ok, so my BM issues are back....*grumbles* Has anyone ever had their colons cleaned? Does it hurt? Does it help? Any other important information you'd like to share with me? I hate how I can't have a BM for a few days not matter how much I "try". My stomach feels all gross and bloatedish. I feel like when the BM is backed up it backs up the weight-loss.

    I forgot my scale this weekend so my official weigh-in is 251.8. *hangs head in shame*.....dudettes, I am seriously crying.

    I am spending the weekend at my grandparents house and they don't have a digital scale like mine. Ok, at dinner we had an "interesting" conversation. I AM NOT ON A DIET! I use MFP app and magic happens, duh. I love dark meat, drumsticks---the other stuff is too dry for my liking. My grandmother says something around the lines of: "dark meat is horrible to have while you're on a diet because it's so high in calories". Ironic she was having dark meat at that moment too.

    Also, Sunday....weather permitting me and my two best friends are going biking/roller balding on this epic trail.....12.1 miles. It is a state park trail between two towns. So, it'll be pretty rockin'. Plus I work all this weekend. Well, hopefully I don't have to work this weekend because of horrible weather. That'd be pretty rockin'.

    I really am enjoying personal training because he's genuine and pushes me to do my best. Plus, it's not awkward when I see him around the club....we actually say "hi" to each other. None, of the "hi" crap...we actually include our names!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Bumping to know where I am since you all are posting fiends.

    Amy - super jealous of your hubby doing your toes. My gay friend in phoenix will do them but he lives to far away...

    Kendal - hunger games rocks and I really liked the help. Next month we are reading "Heaven is for Real" based on a true story of a 5 year old that dies and comes back to life.

    Megan - you are awesome. I sooooo wish I could sing but I can't. I'm also going to date vicariously through you. Thanks.

    Katie - I say go for it. I was a manager in healthcare for 10 years and hired/fired many. I too can offer advice on the resume. Killers for me were bad grammar, wrong spelling, spills on the resume, etc. Please try to type/computer print the evelope as well. Small details can make a big difference. The interview is key. Dress nice no matter what and do not take anyone to the interview with you... I had a mother show up, a child, and a spouse who wanted to sit in because her husband didn't speak good English. Dress nice (professionally) if you go in to drop a resume off. I know it might have been illegal, but our secretary noted the things on post its and forwarded the envelopes to the managers. If you get an interview, you need to be able to sell yourself. Double check with your personal and professional references. More than once, someone gave the person a bad reference. Most past managers only answer dates of hire and yes/no as to whether you'd re-hire the person. If I wasn't so busy, I'd do the cover letter and resume for you. Can you cone to Michigan and see my clients for a few days?

    Out of time ladies... Hope to check-in tomorrow.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Hailie-I'm a records clerk at the police department. So I see ALL the reports. Good, bad, & mostly stupid. :o) I have an Iphone. Not sure how well the IMapMyRun will work with the touch, b/c it might need the internet to measure how far you go. Hopefully it's available for your droid. There's a website that goes with the app though, so you can check there. :0) I can't personally sympathize on the BM issues, but my 2yr old can. Only in reverse. Maybe you could use some fiber or yogurt? Not sure which one does which. I think it's the combination of the two that keeps it from going either direction. As for kids not hearing "group cardio" time...you learn to be quiet or you don't get any! And you learn to be quick once they're no longer in a crib, just in case they get out of bed. LOL! And I just finished W2D1...blah! I'm blaming the cooler air on all of my huffing & puffing! Seriously! It wasn't that much more running! I didn't go that much farther, and I wasn't out there but maybe a minute longer!

    Pax-no need to wait!! We're getting ready to have our 2nd weigh in this weekend, so just jump right in & start replying away! We LOVE new people!! And these ladies just keep me going! They're awesome!!

    Katie-you are awesome!! Just thought you needed to know that! That is all! *HUGS* Oh, and go for it!

    Bobbie-I have the opposite issue...I'm the ONLY hormonal female in my house. I figure my daughter doesn't count, as she's 2 and temperamental regardless! LOL! So everybody pretty much has to bend to MY PMS...wait, why is this a problem again? LOL!

    OK, I'm crashing! *sigh* After I change Melodie....again.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Karen: I think that week 2 and 3 of C25K were the hardest for me. I don't know if it was a mental thing or what. You can do it!

    Victoria: The Hubbs doesn't do my toes regularly, it was sort of an "emergency intervention" as the crap they used on my foot for surgery dyed my toes oompa-loompa orange. I HAVE painted both The Hubbs' and The Kids' toenails (manly colors like black and blue - shhhh, don't tell that I told you).

    Hailie: I'll agree with Karen's answer about the group cardio with little kids in the house but now that The Kid is 8 and sleeps all night (and his bedroom is on a different floor of the house), it really isn't an issue. We lock the door and that's about it.

    pax: Welcome to the group! Great job on your weight loss so far!

    rain: I hear ya on the male PMS. Dudes can get pissy for no apparent reason. And I'm so sorry that your miserable week continues. It's the weekend now, so it's gotta get better - right? As for the waxing, I would have it professionally done once a month because if I did it more often than that, it caused some serious skin irritation.

    Bobbie: Are your girls going to be very far away while they are in college?

    qofsheba: Great loss this week!

    Katie: I am of the feeling that you should wear what you feel good in to the wedding but I'm not really an etiquette person so I looked it up for you. http://weddings.about.com/cs/weddingguests/a/guestattire.htm

    Jacquelin: Welcome to the group!

    Ros: I have done the EXACT grooming faux pas that you described. It was horrible. I have learned from my mistake though. THe smilies aren't working for me either. :(

    Kerry: Congrats on the 160's!!!!! You're almost not over weight anymore. That is SUPER-COOL! I think dinner in an old mental institution sounds like the plot of a horror movie (but fun - I like horror movies).

    Kendal: My contacts are kind of like that because I have astigmatism and the contacts are a bit heavier than regular contacts. It sucks and at some point I'll shell out the cash for eye surgery but not any time soon.

    So, I'm no longer on drugs and my stitches come out Monday and The Hubbs goes back to work on Monday so I guess my convalescent time is almost over...this means that I really need to get around to finishing up my last assignment for my nutrition class and take the final. So that's what I'm working on this weekend. I'll finish my last assignment and get to the final studying so I can get it over with. Have a great Saturday, ladies!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Amy: The girls will be about 3 hours away, so not too far, but far enough for me to go crazy during the adjustment period. I'm glad you are getting better and will soon be able to do things in a "normal" fashion.

    Hallie: I was always bad whenever I had BM issues because I knew the quickest way to fix them was to eat KFC. Within an hour I'd be back to normal. I know that didn't help with my weight, but it made my tummy feel better. Now I have the opposite problem as sometimes my medicine just makes me go go go. I know my sister used to have the problem you are describing and the doc told her to take fiber supplements twice a day. I would say try that and follow the directions on the bottle, as I'm not a doc and yours and her body composition are probably different. After about a week of that she was feeling better, and then she cut the amount down to just keep regular.
  • DeterminedMomNeb
    It's been a weird week for me but I am doing my weigh in drum roll please 220.8. My jaw dropped when I saw that. And I just want to say sorry if I have already pored this.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-admit it, even though you're no longer a complete invalid & enjoyed the Hubbs being around, you're ready to get rid of him for a few hours every day. Enjoy the school work. Part of me had contemplated getting a degree after Melodie got older, but now I'm not sure it's worth it. The position I can move up into at work would only be $1 an hour more once I had it, and now my employer only will do tuition reimbursement up to 50%. If it was still the 100, then yeah, I might have done it. But I calculated the extra $1 an hour, over the # of years I'd keep working, would exactly pay for school. Now, if I could get my hubby a city job before his GI Bill benefits run out...that'd be awesome! But I think it's not happening. And I'm rambling today! LOL! But on the C25K, Casey didn't run with me, so it'd probably be good for me to repeat that one anyway, just for his sake anyway. But I don't have to worry about that til Monday.

    Nebraska-woo hoo!! Somedays the scale plays nice! Glad it's working for you! *happy dance*

    And my step-dad, well, ex-step-dad, it's complicated, is on his way to get the boys to take them bowling for the day, so I'll have a bit of peace. Just me & my Melodie!! And her diapers. *sigh* I just want to hold her, but of course, she doesn't like being held & comforted, even when she feels badly. VERY independent little monkie. Have a great day ladies!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Karen: I'm still using my GI Bill benefits for my schoolin' otherwise it wouldn't really be worth it to me (mostly cuz I have no income these days). The Hubbs opted out of the GI Bill but he used the tuition assistance to get his bachelor's degree and is now working on a master's. I actually really like having The Hubbs around, so getting rid of him for a few hours isn't really something I look forward to (is that weird??)

    Nebraska: Great job!

    Bobbie: Is this your girls' first year away at school?

    Hailie: I took a look at your diary and I think that adding fiber into your diet would help your bowel issues immensely. You aren't currently tracking fiber in your diary, so I would recommend you start there. Foods that are rich in fiber include beans & legumes, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, & vegetables and fruit. It is recommended that you get at least 25 grams of fiber per day but if you are eating a lot less than that, then you should increase your fiber intake slowly or you WILL have some GI issues that you don't want. I'd eat like you have been for a couple of days and see how much fiber that is and then increase that amount by 5 grams for a week and then add another 5 grams for another week (and on and on) until you achieve at least 25 grams a day. Please don't jump from 10 grams of fiber to 25, it WILL suck for you. Also, you want to make sure that your water intake is adequate while you are upping the fiber or you might end up more constipated than you already were. I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.
  • hkallembach
    Victoria: What's your favorite part about The Hunger Games?

    Karen: Hahahahaha, I would get too distracted doing your job! Snooping through all the good, bad, and plain stupid documents of people! I pray Melodie gets better soon! Hahahahaha, I've never heard it called "group cardio" before....it must be amazing exercise! Nice job on W2D1! Do you stretch on the "off-days"? I am feeling so sore and I didn't run yesterday and on top of it I had personal training. Oh man, this whole life style change is a learning process each day.

    Amy: Hahaha, locking the door is always smart......when my parents were married they NEVER locked the door and my room was right across the hallway. Talk about awkward/scared for life because every time I would hear moans, screams, etc., I would think of group cardio even if it wasn't going on. Thanks for looking at my diary. See, my problem is I only focus on my calories. I've never adjusted my sodium, fiber, diary, etc.--it's still on the standard setting. I do want to focus on all the other stuff instead of just calories alone, but I am like a lost puppy when it comes to it. Help?

    Bobbie: I've never understood why KFC does "fun stuff" to BM issues.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hailie: I liked The Hunger Games because it has action and a pretty kick-@ss heroine who does way more than fall in love with some dude. I'd say it's a pretty unique story but a Japanese author did pretty much the exact same story back in 2003 (it's called Battle Royale and it was quite good but more violent than The Hunger Games). I also think it is an interesting commentary on violent reality TV and governmental control but mostly I just liked the action-packed story. As far as tracking specific nutrients, you can change that in your settings. From "My Home" click on "Settings", click on "Diary Settings" and under the "nutrients Tracked" area pick whichever nutrients you want to track. I track Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein, Fiber and Sodium. Once you do that, the nutrients you chose to track will show up on your diary every day. I don't know what MFP is saying you should eat daily for fiber but if you want to change it yourself do this: From "My Home" go to "goals", click the "change goals" button at the bottom of the screen, click "custom" to manually adjust your goals, there you will be able to change anything you like. I'd just leave everything the way MFP had you set up and just bump your fiber up to 25 grams, then click "change goals" at the bottom of the screen and you're good to go. I never actually changed my fiber goal, I just make sure that my fiber intake is red at the end of the day (I eat between 30 and 50 grams of fiber a day but I always shoot for more than 25).
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I made this recipe for dinner tonight: http://peasandthankyou.com/recipage/?recipe_id=6000512&prev_term=african and it was amazing! It can be cooked up in a pot on the stove in about 30 minutes if a crock-pot isn't your style. It is full of protein & fiber and yummy curry-goodness.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello all! I've read everything you posted, but too much to catch up on! Thanks for everyone who has posted her weight so far. Keeping track on my chart!

    I had two pretty bad eating days in a row, but, I logged everything, which is progress. Only Thursday was really a major slip up on my part... I ordered pizza, darn it. What the hell was I thinking? I did throw out all the leftovers though, so I couldn't downfall again. Yesterday, it was just bad because I didn't work out enough, and ended up going out for lunch and dinner, which just adds up in calories. Needless to say, I'll be waiting until Monday probably to weigh in, so I can detox today and tomorrow.

    Went to the dog park this morning with Emma and walked the perimeter as she was frolicking, which she loved. I'm thinking about doing insanity again. I'm coming up with too many reasons not to run outside, and with having to do a certain amount of mileage a week, it's a fair bit of pressure to get it in. I"m sort of leaning towards still running, but when I want to, and following insanity. The 3 weeks I did a few months ago, I could feel myself tightening up and I think I can really use something that drops weight and makes me smaller quicker, so I think that's what I might do. We'll see.

    So, basically, I'm alive and still on the wagon!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Amy: They will be freshmen this year. I completely waver between proud and excited, and depressed and distraught...lol

    Hallie: I really think it has to do with all the grease that gets caught in the meat during the pressurized cooking.

    I was just looking back over my goals for this month, and I have a feeling I may hit my weight-loss goal by the middle of next week, if not Monday. I weighed-in yesterday, after two horrible calorie and sodium days at 329, and am down to 327 as of this morning with a little help from a major workout yesterday. My goal is 325 by 8/31. I think I'm going to change it to 315, and I won't in the least be disappointed if I don't make it. I started the month at 336, so I'm already happy with the loss I've seen so far.

    So, that whole long-winded paragraph was to say that I'm changing my weight-loss goal for this month from 325 to 315.
  • hkallembach
    I will make SMART food choice during Girls Night tonight! I will, I can, and I know I am able to do so!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hailie- try best you can!

    Made a pretty yummy dinner considering I just took a bunch of stuff I had around the house... cooked some brown rice and let it cool, then threw it in a saute I had made with chickpeas, fresh spinach, diced tomatoes, and brussel sprouts, with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. yums!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-no, it's not weird to not want him gone. If mine didn't find joy in purposely pushing my buttons, I'd probably enjoy just hanging out with him too! LOL! I guess the only reason I'd really ever go back to school now would be to advance higher up at the job I have, or to have something for when I'm able to retire, which will be age 55, at least for the job I have. :o) Though I'm probably gonna work on getting my dream kitchen by then & being able to make my cakes. I LOVE making cakes & candies. Eating them too, unfortunately, but I've made them for friends & family some. Nothing too spectacular, but fun (there's an album on FB).

    Hailie-what Amy said on the fiber, but she said it better than I can!! I have to stretch several times a day as I can feel my body tightening up on me. I'm not as flexible as I should be anyways, so it's a good reason for me to do it regardless! :o) I'm currently checking out workouts I can do that are more strength type training for those off days, but I haven't found one I really like yet. So for now, just stretching. Though I am considering this workout....would probably kick my hiney!!


    Enjoy girls night!!

    Kristina-yay for being alive & on the wagon!! I've got the whip handy should you require assistance! :o)

    Bobbie-WTG for the loss!! And that's awesome that you're resetting that goal!!

    Nothing exciting since this morning. Boys had fun. Went bowling & to the park. I got a few things done around the house while Melodie took her nap. Esp most of the peppers & celery chopped up for easy to deal with for next week! :o) Now for a relaxing evening at home (we've got somewhere almost every Sat for the past 2 months!!). I think I'll enjoy the fact that I'm still in PJ's! :o)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Wine tasting was so fun! If only I could hire a driver to drive me around to different wineries every weekend....but that probably wouldn't be good for losing weight. I'm trying to fight off a cold and for some reason I wasn't sniffling and sneezing at all while I was drinking wine, so guess who drank a crap-ton of wine? Yes, I did go over my calories today. BUT even though I was tired and fighting a cold, I still worked out tonight! That should count for something...

    Kendal, enjoy The Hunger Games! I loved that series, so much that I convinced my boyfriend to read it and he's in the middle of the first book right now. :) He's making me want to go back and re-read the series.

    Kerry, level 3 of 30DS...HOLY CRAP is it hard. I just started it this week and even doing a modified traveling push up and modified walking plank, it still kicks my butt. I have reached the point of my working out with Jillian that she is getting very dirty looks from me every morning now. Those restaurants look super yummy!

    Ros, I had the exact same problem when I tried a home wax thing the first time. TERRIBLE! I don't know if it's because I got a different one or if I'm just getting used to the pain, but it's better now. :) I still can't help but think every time I do it that women (including me) must be a little nuts to do things like rip their hair out for beauty. I feel like it's one of those things that generations from now people will look back at and say "They did WHAT?!"

    Katie, that's great that you're getting editing advice. You're well on your way to a great job! About the black dress thing, it may have been a faux pas in the past but I really don't think it matters anymore. The last couple of weddings I went to I saw tons of black dresses, and I wore a black and gold one myself. I always thought how fun it would be I had a partner I could share my clothes with (double wardrobe!), but the dual TOM thing does seem like it wouldn't be any fun at all!

    Hailie, I hate that "diet" thing too. Like if you're eating well you can't ever occasionally have something that's not a perfect "diet" food? Puh-lease. I also think it's interesting when people ask if I'm on a plan to lose weight and when I tell them that I'm just eating better & exercising (and tracking my food & exercise on a website called My Fitness Pal), they almost seem disappointed, like they hoped I'd say something easier than good 'ole calorie counting. Have fun biking and roller blading!

    Karen, being a records clerk at a police department must be really interesting. I can imagine that you've seen just about every crazy thing you could ever hope to see. You probably don't get bored reading some of that stuff!

    Amy, good luck on the stitches coming out Monday and on finishing your assignment. Are you going for a degree in nutrition? That stew looks fantastic! I'm trying that for sure.

    Kristina, I'll be weighing in on Monday. Not sure how good it will be after today, but we'll see. :) I feel your pain on the pizza; I have a REALLY hard time saying no to it. When football season is in full swing the boyfriend and I always get a pizza to eat while we watch the game, so I'm not sure what to do this season....either start making homemade pizza or saving almost all of my daily calories for pizza to go with football, I guess!

    Bobbie, that's great that you have to adjust your goal because you reached it sooner than you thought you would! That's not a bad problem to have. :)

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Wow, three days away and there's a lot to try and catch up with! I'll do my best!

    Katie - It's good to see that the Wife is being supportive :smile:

    Amy - That top is adorable!!!