200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    I'll catch up later, but here's my weigh-in for the week: 219.4. BOO!! High sodium and high sugar weekend combined with TOM is a bad combination.
  • sgc2005
    sgc2005 Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning all - just a quick post with my weigh in 208.6. It's been a busy week/weekend and i'm off to Chicago this afternoon for a business trip.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hey girls! Just popping in to say good morning and happy Monday! I woke up feeling so positive today, I'm ready to hit the calorie counting and working out super hard this week. Last week sucked. I'm craving the gym haha.

    I just finished my new favorite breakfast...a banana smothered in two tbsp. natural peanut butter. I'm absolutely addicted. Its a little on the high side calorie wise, but it gets me some extra protein, and is oh so delicous. And filling!!

    Determined to drown myself in water today...

    Oh and this afternoon I have a doctor's appt. Can't wait to see what the doctor's scale says and what my weight was when I was there last.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Ugggg, so my vacation was very nice...apparently too nice. My weigh in for the week is 281. That's right a big fat gain of like.....1000 lbs. Some days, I find it soo hard to even try. My friends wedding was just perfect. We were on the beach and there were alot of passers-by that stopped to check it out....as it was two women getting married. We ate out every day, I'm sure sodium, beer, and lack of real excercise are the main reason for my gain. It doesn't make the pill any easier to swallow though.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday to all of you. Weekend wasn't stellar (food and workout), but my actual weekend (socially) was great! The new boy is awesome!

    Even after eating and drinking this weekend, I was able to maintain Friday's weigh in number. This is the first time EVER since joining MFP that this has happened.

    Hope everyone is doing great! :)
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    PHEW! That was a very chatty weekend! I just caught up and have a post-it full of notes!

    Megan, Glad the new boy is working out nicely!

    Pam, did you update about the winery tour? Did I miss it? If not, how was it?

    Amy, I'd love to nutpunch (I love you for using that word) my scale, but it's honestly not it's fault. I've had zip zero motivation the last couple weeks! Yay for the stitches coming out!

    Rain, Don't worry about being a "downer" as we all have bad times and vent about it! That's why I love these ladies as they always have positive feedback and are very helpful. I'm bad about water intake too. Trying to up that, but I definitely lose sight over the weekends for sure. Ugh.

    Rosy, I think it's so cute that you have an excel spreadsheet to keep track of us!! That grooming nightmare sounded awful! I think I would have gone through with just ripping the other off. Then again, I've never done it myself.

    Katie, I wear black dresses to weddings all the time. In fact, if I can fit my fat *kitten* into it, I'll be wearing a black dress to a wedding this weekend. I have a pair of emerald green heels I wear with mine, but I loooove the red shoe idea.

    Hallie, I don't know about a colon cleanse, but I know if you have a colonoscopy, they tell you to have this over the counter liquid laxative to kickstart the cleansing. I forget what it's actually called, but it's in a little glass bottle usually and is kinda fizzy and tastes awful. I've had to use them before for that purpose and they work great. That being said, the last time I had BM issues, I bought one to kickstart my functions and I ended up barfing it right back up. Sooo... use your judgment there! Also, I can relate with the grandma stuff. Mine LOVES to pick at me. If she ever sees me with anything minorly unhealthy, she'll say "you know we have fruit..." but in the meantime, she's eating cookies and wondering why her blood sugar level spiked. Whatever, grandma. Also, she loves to try to have it both ways with the "don't eat that" but then if she thinks I didn't have enough for dinner it's the "did you get enough to eat? go get more." DUDE! You can't have it both ways!

    Victoria, the Dresden series is awesome! My boyfriend is blasting through them right now. I haven't read the latest one yet though as I'm trying to plow through Dance With Dragons. I'm just burned out on George RR Martin, methinks.

    Kristina, don't feel bad about ordering the pizza. It happens. Hell, my boyfriend and I made a pizza for dinner last night... at MY suggestion. I have no idea wtf is wrong with me!

    Bobbie, GO YOU on your goals! You're totally inspiring!

    Hosanna, careful with that knife! I was cringing reading that! I'm glad you had a great trip with the boy and dogs.

    KatheryneLynne, I'm reading the Kingkiller chronicles by Rothfuss too. I liked the first book, but it kinda felt like a whole lot of plot development and a whole lot of nothing significant. I'm hoping the second book will have more forward motion.

    And on the subject of books... Amy and Lacey, what was that witch series I think y'all had mentioned before? The one that you said you wish Dresden and that character could be a couple...?

    Okay, now that I'm caught up...

    Had a GREAT weekend. Not so much for eating, but it was a nice weekend with the boy and friends nonetheless. Friday, we went out for a friend's birthday. We went to this tex-mex joint known for having strong margaritas... I had 3 at dinner and was feeling no pain. 3 was probably a bad idea. Then we went to a karaoke bar and I got to sing some Adele, which was much fun, met some new people, slowed down the drinking, and had a great time.

    Saturday was birthday party for my friend's 1-year-old. Um... hello hot dogs and frito pie for food? UGH... But I love seeing the first cake dive. After that, as I was on the opposite side of town, one of my girlfriends invited me to come hang out with her fam for the rest of the day as Joe had to go to a bachelor party. After a day with her whole fam (and three boys under the age of 4... that was exhausting!) I went home and watched The King's Speech and started to watch the Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice, but fell asleep. Joe came home at about 7AM! SEVEN A. M.!!! I remember waking up and saying "you're late." and crawling into my actual bed.

    Sunday was really nice as Joe normally works, but had the day off and didn't actually sleep till 3pm like I'd imagined he would. He woke up and we went to lunch (crap), went and got snow cones (crap), went to the movies to see Crazy, Stupid, Love. which was so good I highly recommend it, then went to the store and bought food for the week, but also the makings of pizza for dinner and some fancy cheeses and crackers and wine (CRAP!).

    Am I sticking with that Friday weigh-in? You betcha.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Quick weigh in 215.2!! :o) Be back later to read & reply!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    There was a japanese food fiasco last night. It was fantastic but the scale gave me a reality check this morning. I should have made it myself but the thought didn't even cross my mind till this morning. Oh well. You live, you learn.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    It never fails, I start posting, forget to copy what I've typed thus far, and then my computer shuts down and I lose it all. Boo.

    Abbreviate version:

    Hailie, I agree with Amy, you should start tracking more than calories. I'd say sodium and fiber are the biggies. And I have no real secret for losing the 71 pounds. Just a lot of hard work... tracking cals all the time and working out like a fiend. As for being married - I'm sure its different for everyone, but for me, its fun. Chris is my absolute best friend. I'd rather spend time with him than anyone else in the world, and he gets me better than anyone else does. We both value the same things, and we pretty much just laugh a lot, which is really helpful in stressful times.

    Nava and Kristina, I also had pizza this weekend. Must have been in the water. Chris and I actually made BBQ chicken pizza on the grill at home. It was DELICIOUS, and super fun to make. (we did 4 personal sized pizzas and made the dough, bbq sauce, etc all from scratch. nom nom nom nom)

    Hosanna, it sounds like your weekend away was fantastic. I'm glad you had so much fun.

    Kristina, I think that if you are not feelin' running, don't run. Do whatever workout is going to make it the easiest for you to stay motivated, that way you're not dragging so much to get it in.

    Victoria, I will totally have a HumaLupaLicious for you. That's one of my all time favorite beers!

    Amy, how's the schoolwork coming? I don't envy you one bit for that. And that African Stew looks so yummy. I'll be printing that out and trying it once the weather is a little cooler. I LOVE garam masala. I've been mildly obsessed with this rice recipe lately:
    I'm bummed for you that the time with the hubbs at home is over, I'm sure that was fun. But that's awesome that your stitches are out!

    Rain, I agree that sometimes no gain is just as great as a loss, depending on the madness that life presents to you any given week. Keep it up!

    Ros, I also love the spreadsheet! Too cute! And I think we all get overwhelmed by the posting madness on here sometimes, so don't worry about "lurking" or anything. We all do it.

    Katie, I don't think there's anything wrong with wearing a black dress to a wedding, especially with proper accessories. And I'm still chuckling at your pros/cons of being a lesbian. Adorable and funny, you are!

    Karen, I'm really sorry about all the house drama. That really sucks. Hopefully something happens soon and you can have the wonderful love/hate relationship that is home ownership all to yourself. :wink:

    Bobbie, that is AWESOME that you are going to hit your weight loss go early. Way to go! :drinker:

    Pam, I'm all kinds of jealous of your wine tasting fun. I'm glad you had such a good time.

    Ok, I'm posting this and then will hopefully come back for more later.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Weighed in at 204.0 this morning! Woohoo! BMI is now under 35 AND I just passed the halfway point. I'll catch up with the thread later as I'm posting from my phone right now.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: that series we were talking about is The Hollows by Kim Harrison and the main character is a kick @ss witch named Rachel Morgan.

    I'll respond to everyone else later, when I'm not on my iPad.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Guten Morgen Alle Zusammen. Still feeling like *kitten*. This period has just zapped me. I also spilled my smoothie this morning on the counter, and because the ingredients are freaking expensive (Green Vibrance and Spiru-tein powder) you can bet I swiped that thing up with a spatula and put most of it back in my glass to drink lol. I'm drinking it now.

    I got my ipad keyboard thing today in the mail at work, so am patiently waiting to upload the 20 app updates and the ipad update so I can try it...twiddles fingers. I would LOVE to never ever ever have to lug m lap top all over gods green earth when I travel. Crossing my fingers its going to rock for remote log in...but I've got to gfigure out a mouse siutation too I think.

    Okay thats all I got time and energy for..
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    can't wait to see everyone's results from the last week!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Random gripe: I hate when I'm $2 away from getting free shipping on amazon. Nothing is just $2.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    ok, i have a dilemma of sorts. kinda.

    Race for the Cure 5k here in LR is exactly 10 weeks away. I think I'd like to give it a shot by using the C25K program. BUT, i know that's not a long time to train, and my philosophy about running is "i don't run unless i'm getting chased." So my dilemma is if I pay the money to join the race since it's so soon even though I probably won't be able to do it?? (I also need to get a new pair of shoes because i can barely walk in the ones I have without every joint and muscle i have hurting after 5 minutes, so i know i'm already out that money this friday when i get paid.)

    My stamina is raised because I take step aerobics 3 days a week, but that's a totally different thing than running.

    Any advice?
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    I've got a big time case of the Mondays today. No motivation to work, and no motivation to drink the 50 million gallons of water I should be drinking today to flush out a weekend of sodium either. Plus TOM will be here any moment, so I'm all cranky too. Hope you all are enjoying your Monday more than I am. :smile:

    Megan, congrats on maintaining your weight this weekend! That's always a tough one for me too. As for the running, why not sign up? It will give you a goal to strive for, and if you wind up not being able to run the whole thing in 10 weeks, it's not a big deal, just run what you can. From what I hear the Race for the Cure races are very walker friendly, and I think just getting out there and trying your best at a race will make you feel pretty good. Plus 10 weeks is a long time; you might surprise yourself with what you can train for by then!

    Lacey, spilling stuff all over the counter always seems to happen to me on mornings when I'm the latest, trying to rush to get to work. It never fails. Hope your smoothie didn't taste too much like counter. :laugh:

    Sarah(thes), congrats on your loss and your BMI under 35! Rock on!

    Kerry, I love hearing love stories like that. I feel the same way about my bf, and I couldn't imagine being with someone who I didn't feel that way about. My parents have been married for 50 years and have always been each other's best friends, laughing their way through every day. On another topic, that rice you posted the recipe for looks awesome!

    Nava, the wine tour was a ton of fun. I drank waaaaaay too much wine, but it was very good wine. :smile: More importantly, the soon-to-be bride and groom both had a great time, so it was a big success. Sounds like you had a great weekend too! I want to go see Crazy, Stupid, Love too.

    LadyG, I feel your pain about weekend weight gain. My problem every weekend, even more than calories, is high sodium and lack of water. We eat out on the weekends so that means double the sodium, and I should be compensating by drinking more water but I always wind up drinking less. Ugh.

    Rain, I'm right there with ya -- I need to down the water like crazy today too!

    Jenn, great loss!!

    Kristina, mmmm, I love lentil soup. I love those dresses; super cute. Have fun with your girl's night out tonight!

    Amy, good luck on your studying these next couple of weeks. A master's degree in nutrition sounds like it would be really interesting. I'm one of those nerdy types who loves going to school. If someone would pay me to go to school my whole life I'd be happy as a clam, just earning degree after degree. So far no one has offered to do that yet though, so I just have the one degree (a B.A. in History). I think I may have to firgure out how to become rich so that I can do the perpetual student thing....

    Okay, I need to try to dig down and find some motivation to work and to drink tons more water!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Megan - my girlfriend works for the Breast Cancer people and arranges those races...there are many walkers. I'd sign up and run what you can and walk the rest!

    Pam - I'd also be a perpetual student if I could. LOVED college.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Weigh in this morning was a little bit less than yesterday, but still not where I wanted: 191.2, which is 0.8 up from last week. *grumbles* A bit frustrating that I ate pretty well except for a meal one day, and one, well, pretty much whole day. I think the big thing is exercise. Need to step it up this week. Those long walks with Emma aren't going to cut it.

    So other than girls night out tonight, should be good the rest of the week, I think. I'm traveling to Philadelphia Thursday evening and will return Friday night, for a one-day conference for an initiative I'm the project coordinator for. Always worried about food with those things, though apparently my boss made reservations at a restaurant that serves primarily vegetarian/vegan food, so i'm HOPING that won't be as bad as some places.

    Depending on when my friend is done with work, I'm hoping to get an insanity workout and an Emma walk prior to us going out. Definitely need all the butt moving I can do. I'm just really frustrated with the weight gain this week. I know it's neglegible, but it's still in the wrong direction. Boo. Hiss.

    i'll have the chart up later this evening, when I have the spreadsheet in front of me.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Managed to get to computer again today so a quick catch up (need to add at this point that my daughter has just called from the other room to tell me I 'looked like daddy' - gee thanks lovee!!!!!!)

    Have decided that ther is no way I will be able to catch up with all your posts - have skimmed through some to try and be able to relate at some point but you have all gone posting mad (and I love it).

    Couple of things:

    Kristina: so good to have you back and posting and weighing and logging - missed you being around.

    Hallie: hope you find some 'relief' soon. Would defintitely back the others on increasing fibre intake.

    Amy: Glad your stitches have gone - patience will be a good thing not to push yourself to quickly otherwise you may do more harm........Well done on your essay finishing. With your finals do you have to sit exam or just do final papers?

    Lacey: Hope you feeling better soon - read somewhere about 'baby/littlelaceys' - did I miss something????

    Kerry: you are wonderful - put me to shame but a total inspiration - don't know how much you have left to go to your goal but don't leave us, will you??????

    No, that's it, can't remember anything else but love to you all.

    As for me - went for a bike ride yesterday - 9miles there was great - all virtually down hill - coming back after consuming too much icecream was not soo good!!!!

    It is rapidly dawning on me that December is rapidly approaching - in the sense that I promised my daughter a flat stomach by the end of that month and as yet very limited progress made. Thinking of completing Shred through September - will it help - weight loss will (obviously) getting back on here with you guys regularly will (looking forward to that) panicking - as I am begining to now - will not..........Kerry - I need your will power - share please!!!!!

    Love to all xx
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Well. That's it.

    30day shred -
    Ordered (check),
    Dates planned (check) - September
    All I need to do now is do it!!!!

    Followed by: six pack in six weeks (or something like that)

    Ordered (check)
    Dates planned (check) six weeks from October to mid November.

    I make an official request to you guys to kick my butt a) into action and b) into oblivion if I do not do it.

    Thank you and good night xx

    PS: Going away for a few days Wednesday so not sure when I will be back on here, keep well all xx
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