200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning! My family went out for my sister's birthday last night. We went to a local Italian place, and it took everything in me not to order pasta. I opted for the Crab au Gratin. Super cheesy, but good and just below 500 cals. I had steamed brocolli and salad with it and I refused the bread and crackers that lurked on the table gawking at me. Good eating day yesterday considering we went out! Oh, I didn't even have any birhtday cake!!

    Tonight we are doing burgers on the grill. Not super healthy, but I'm excited. It is probably one of the last few times we will grill as the weather is already turning cool. My mom said she wants to go to the gym with me this afternoon, so I didn't go before work this morning. She always says she wants to go then something comes up. We'll see.

    As for work, it sucks as usual. I hate my job. Blech.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Congrats on all of the losses!

    Yesterday I ate 2035 calories and exercised 322 calories, so my net was 1713. According to all of the "how many calories should I eat to lose weight" calculators I've tried (like this one: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm), I'm supposed to try to eat 1700 - 1800 calories per day, but I always find that hard to do, especially when I exercise. Yesterday I actually did it and the foods I ate were healthy and yummy, but it felt like A LOT of food to me. Guess what? I got on the scale this morning and it said I'd lost another pound! What?! Even though I've seen it happen to me more than once, I still can't seem to wrap my brain around the fact that eating more can mean losing more. It just seems wacky! I'll take it though. Now I'm going to try not to weigh myself again until my weigh-in day. :smile:

    This might seem like a crazy question, but what would you guys do in this situation -- it's evening, after dinner, and you're gearing up to exercise for the first time that day. Then you realize that you haven't eaten much that day, so if you exercise you will be way low in calories and you know you're not going to want to eat anything after you work out. Do you work out anyway? This has happened to me a couple of times, and sometimes I wind up not working out because I don't want my net to be super low (if my net goes too much under 1500 my loss seems to stall). It seems crazy to skip exercise due to low calories though! What would you do? Go ahead and exercise and "make up for it" by eating more calories the next day?
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Pam, excellent question!

    Personally, when I work out at night and have to chew up some calories, I utilize my friend the protein shake. If I have more calories to consume than what is in the protein powder, I might add it to skim milk instead of water, or mix in some fruits or peanut butter. My favorite shake is chocolate powder, 2tbsp peanut butter and a medium banana. Its good and healthy and of course, high in protein so its great for your muscles after a workout anyway.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies. Check in for yesterday: 2944burn/2292ate/652 deficit, and 10955 steps. I wore the thing on my arm when I slept and worked out and just wore it down on my leg when I was at work. Will do the same today.

    I kept waking up from a headache all night and still have it, so chugged three advil and am working with the lights off.

    I'm going out to lunch with Jeff today at a bar that has super good food. Some healthy and some not. Since my cal intake needs to be around 2300 I'm going to go middle of the road on the healthyness of it and enjoy it.

    I will get back on here later and reply..
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal - Lexi sounds cute. At least she doesn't wake you up at 6:30 on the weekends by headbutting you and whining until you get up and give her kitty treats. My cats don't get that weekends are for sleeping in...
    Lexi will wake me up early on the weekends cause she needs to go out. Sometimes, if I don't let her out close enough to bedtime the night before, she'll wake me up at 3am to be let out. It's not so bad cause I can sleep walk down the hall, let her out and go right back to sleep, but it still disturbs my sleep. lol But, I'd rather her wake me up than have to clean her pee or poop the next day.

    Rain- my mom is the same way about weight loss and exercise. She always believes the fad diets (which I was constantly on in middle and high school with her with no success) and she gives in to marketing ploys rather than reading the nutritional label for herself. Like the sandwich thin round things. She thinks they are SO MUCH BETTER than the regular wheat bread that I get. This weekend while camping together, she asked me about it and I made her sit there and compare the nutrition on the 2 labels. My wheat bread only has 20 cals more per serving, it has more servings in a loaf and its about $2 cheaper than her sandwich rounds.

    I took half a day of PTO today and slept in. It. Was. Glorious. I'm wearing a cute sundress I bought MONTHS ago but couldn't wear because of the always-needed-to-wear-tennis-shoes thing. And a necklace I bought weeks ago but haven't worn yet, and earrings to match and my hair pulled back in a really cool do-dad that my mom got me. (Its an oval piece of leather-feeling material with a hole in either side that you slide a stick into to hold it in place.)

    And the weather is BEAUTIFUL.

    And I updated the gps I've had for 2.5 years so it finally recognized the new highway that I've been driving to work on for the past 3.5 years.

    Just a good day all around.
  • indpls2002
    indpls2002 Posts: 93 Member
    Chobani vanilla Greek yogurt, a banana and 1/2 serving natural peanut butter 285 cals and a delicious high protein breakfast.

    This sounds SOOO good!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: WTG wearing your BMF and keeping your calorie deficit yesterday! I hope your headache goes away. Enjoy your lunch.

    Pam: I agree with Rain that smoothies are a great and healthy way to get your calories in. As for your question, I don't let my calorie intake for the day dictate exercise. I keep to a healthy eating plan for weight loss but I do exercise for my health and sanity - the two aren't really all that connected to me. It sounds like you need to plan for a healthy snack or two during the day to make sure you are eating the right amount of calories (including exercise). Maybe you should throw some nuts or a granola bar in your bag and eat some to fuel your workout.

    Rain: Great job making healthy choices at your sister's birthday dinner!

    Megan: I think it's not fun to quit drinking entirely but you might want to cut back if it's affecting your weight loss.

    Rikki: Great job making good choices at dinner.

    Victoria: I'm leaving Gabe with The hubbs for 4 and a half days when I meet Lacey in Paris and, instead of just staying at home and doing normal routine type stuff, The Hubbs plans on taking The Kid camping because the thought of 4 boring days together drives him nuts. He would KILL himself if he had to be one-on-one with the kid for a month.

    Katie: I lived in Wichita, Kansas for a year. I have nothing good to say about that place.

    The Hubbs got a UFC Trainer video game for the XBox Kinect and I tried it out tonight - It. Was. Tough. Lots of ab work (grr.). It was fun too, I liked doing the speed bag and sparring. Not a terrible way to burn a couple hundred calories. AND I got to try it out FIRST because The Hubbs had to go to some coaching meeting for The Kid's soccer league (and I didn't) - petty, I know...but that's how I roll.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kendal - my mom does Weight Watchers, and it seems to work for her. But she goes on and off in cycles. And she never exercises. This week we were out shopping and she had my dad drop her off at the door of every store we went to. I know she just feels overwhelmed by the idea of working out. Liek she says "I will go to the gym with you, but I can't keep up with you." I tell her its not about keeping up with anyone. Just do what you can. Or I asked her to go in the morning with me (at 5 am) and she said that wasn't enough time for her to get up and have coffee. I told her drinking coffee right before a workout would probably make her queasy anyway. She said if she didn't drink the coffee, she'd have no energy to workout! Ugh! But I'm glad she is trying and that she is willing to spend time with me at the gym. I'm kind of excited about it!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rain: OMG, don't get me started on mothers. Mine is morbidly obese AND she has celiac disease but she refuses to cut out gluten and eat as her doctor instructed her (mind you, she has the disease, she isn't like all these weirdos who decided that they should torture themselves by cutting out gluten without any medical reason for doing so). I bought gluten free cookbooks, I peruse gluten free food blogs, I pass along every gluten free recipe that doesn't taste like dirt that I can find and STILL she won't do it consistently. It drives me NUTS. It's like a diabetic just deciding not to take insulin. She is purposely deciding to shorten her lifespan. And it makes me insane.

    Kendal: Yay for a great day and DOUBLE YAY for no tennis shoes!!!!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Amy: I can sympathize with you. My mother suffers from severe migraines. They put her out of commission for days, literally. I have always suspected that the 2+ pots of coffee she drinks a day may have something to do with it...
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Amy: Also, feel free to pass along good gluten free recipes! My husband has PKU, while it isn't the same as celiacs, many gluten free recipes have much lower protein than "regular" recipes. I'm always looking for ways to lessen the amount of protein in a recipe and trick my husband haha.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rain: How much protein can your husband eat at a meal? I'll keep my eye out for recipes I can pass along to you (I love to look at and cook new recipes - The Hubbs says I'm looking at p o r n when I'm food gawking). I used to suffer from regular and very severe migraines too. I drank coffee and cola like whoa as well as took a ton of prescription meds with caffeine. Once I cut my caffeine way back (like one or 2 cups of coffee a day - max), my headaches and migraines improved a lot.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    OMG I know that part of this headache situation Ive been experiencing is sinus and part is probably pretrip anxiety (which I usually only get about a week before, not a month before lol) but some feels like straight up headache material..could it be from all the coffee I drink?
    I drink a regular coffee cup size when I am getting ready, a travel mugs worth on the way to work and probably once or twice during the work week a double shot latte..and then on the weekends about the same or more from the pot. And then there is iced tea.

    I've always said the one thing I couldn't bare to cut from my diet is coffee. That would be like serious serious effing tor-ture for me. I might seriously go postal if I can' thave mycoffee lol.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Do you think we could find moon cakes in Paris maybe? In a chinese/asian area? I want to try a mooncake but haven't been able to find them here...they looks sooo pretty and yummy.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I'm right there with you on the coffee. I SUPER-:heart: coffee. But it could be part of your headache problem. I had a doc back in Texas and one in California tell me that frequent headache/migraine sufferers often do themselves more harm than good by "self-medicating" with caffeine. They told me that all the excedrine/coffee/cola I took would restrict the blood vessels in my head and thus relieve my headache for a while but when the blood vessels went back to normal, the pain would come back and be worse than it was originally (search for "rebound headaches" online to get more info). The one thing I would tell you to do if you're gonna cut down your coffee intake is to NOT go cold turkey. Give up a cup a day for a week or two and then step down gently from there - otherwise you WILL be hurting..a lot. And it will suck. I've done it, it was HORRIBLE - I'll never do it again.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Have you had a moon cake before? I grew up in the SF Bay area and I can tell you that they taste NOTHING like they look. They are not very sweet and there's a freaking egg yolk in there (it's supposed to be good luck to get the piece with the yolk but it tastes not-lucky, IMHO)
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Amy: He's allowed around 11g a day. right now he goes over most days, and then has days where he will eat no meat whatsoever and really watch his protein intake.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    rain- what is PKU and why can't he have hardly any protein?
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kendal: PKU is short for Phenylketnuria. It is a metabolic disorder. In short, his liver doesn't produce the enzyme that the body uses to break down Phenylalanine, which is one of the main amino acids in protein. It also runs rampant in artificial sweeteners. If not detected, it causes permanent brain damage. Since his brain is done developing, he isn't at risk for retardation, but when he overdoes it it effects his memory, temper, and motor skills, to name a few. Its a very challenging lifestyle as there is no cure and really not much in the way of meds. There is a very new med on the market, which my husband has been a guinea pig for. It works wonders, but costs $55k / year. He gets it for free right now, and it basically allows him to eat a bit more protein without his PHE levels skyrocketing. He blood tests once a month. When he started, his levels were over 35 (way too high). They should be under 10. Recently, he goes anywhere from a 9 to a 15
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Chobani vanilla Greek yogurt, a banana and 1/2 serving natural peanut butter 285 cals and a delicious high protein breakfast.

    This sounds SOOO good!

    I tried to add some chocolate syrup over the weekend but it didnt hit the spot. Today I added 7 gr pure honey for 20 more cals and was drooling. It is really good and like having a banana split for breakfast.