200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • I am ready to cry. If the number for weigh-in this week is any indication of today then it will be ugly. End of story.
  • OMG I wanna do the challenge.PLEASE I need something to motivate my butt.

    Alittle about me. My name is Joann I am a mom of 2 teenagers and my hubby.lol. I work as a nurse for orthopedic surgeon.
    My goals are to lose weight of course but to be able to be out side playing sports with my teens
    My SW LAST March was 261 my weight now is 224 by the end of this 6 weeks I would love to be at least 10-20 pounds lighter.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Joann: I just had an orthopedic surgeon hack off a heel spur. I'm still on crutches. It sucked but the pain in my heel is already a gajillion times better than it was before surgery. Welcome to the group!

    Hailie: Take a deep breath and step away from the scale. You have a few days before you have to weigh in. Drink lots of water, cut back on the sodium and I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think. (((((HUGS)))))

    Sarah: Welcome, I think you're our 3rd Sarah.

    Victoria: Since I've been rubbing the scar on my chest, it has flattened out a lot. It's not totally flat yet, but at least I have hope that one day it will.

    Nava: Your description of rouladen seriously made me almost vomit. I gotta say that German food is not my favorite. I love their bread and pretzels but their meat and potatoes diet is icky. Thanks for the props for my chair aerobics. I have been sitting on my @ss for a week and it's driving me insane.

    Karen: Good luck with the new offer on the house. I hope that works out for u. I hope Melodie's bum gets better, she's been going through this for too long.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    lol, sorry Amy! I know it sounds like an odd concept, but it's tasty.

    I will say, when I lived in the Netherlands, the native diet was similar to that of the Germans, and I hated it. Pea soup called SNERT. Hello... it even sounds gross.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    I just have time to jump on, find the new thread, and bump! Things have been hectic, eating hasn't been great, and little to no exercise. I'm almost back to where I was at the beginning of the last challenge. Grrr. The nieces are still in town until Friday evening, then I'm watching my nieces Friday night and have friends staying with us for the weekend. AAAAHHHH!!!! I'm feeling more stressed and busy than when I was working. Haven't read anything, but I've been thinking of all of you. Hope things are going well.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy and Nava: I've had this recipe saved on foodgawker for WAY over a year and a half...I want some rouladen (minus the bacon, its not good) http://tastespace.wordpress.com/2009/11/01/a-german-thanksgiving-rouladen-aka-beef-rolls/

    I also had someone ask me to bring back Kervel soup for them from belgium..haven't looked it up yet.

    Snert soup huh? That just smacks of a three year old in wal-mart with green snotty nose. Gag. Barf. Will remember to stay away from anything called that in Europe!

    Katie - hi!!

    Welcome Joann.

    Hailie - get off the scale!!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Lacey, do eet! On a cheat day, obvi. My friend doesn't do the mustard though.

    I don't know about Kervel soup, but seriously, hit up Neuhaus chocolates in Belgium. Jeezum crow, it's the best. Also, never do the Brussels waffle. It's all about the Liege waffle. I once had one with nutella, bananas, and vanilla ice cream.

    Huh... wonder why I'm overweight. :grumble:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I knew that I would regret looking at that link. And...I was right. Now, I've never been big on meat (even when I did eat it) but the thought of eating beef stuffed with pickles is just gross. I looked up the kervel soup -it's mostly leeks, onions, potatoes and chervil. It sounds good. I also want to go to the chocolate museum in Bruges while we're there. Yay, chocolate!

    Katie: I'm glad you found us, I was wondering where you were.

    Nava: Snert is a weird word but Dutch is a freaky deaky language. I like their love of curry ketchup though.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: you and I posted at the same time. I am ALL about the Belgian chocolate. And what is it with Europeans and nutella??? I like nutella but they have a serious addiction to the stuff.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    I'm seriously so jealous that y'all are going to Bruges! It's straight out of fairytale gorgeous. I tried to find the little pub we went to when i went there. It's basement level and looks all medieval... I think it's this one: http://www.curiosa-brugge.com/English/geschiedenis.php but now it appears to be more of a restaurant than pub. Hrm. Oh, and you should totally do a canal tour because it's just so pretty. Oh oh! If you can rent a bike, do it. It's a great city for cycling around.

    Amy, the first place I had nutella was in France when I studied there. They are seriously obsessed. That's where I developed my love for the PB and nutella sammich.

    Also, I'd say smuggle in some Kindereggs, but they're (if you can believe it) illegal in the US. Huh... I just read an article saying they've been banned since 1997. I have totally broken some laws. I thought it was more recent. Whoops.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm seriously looking forward to going to the Grand Market in Bruges.

    That pub/restaurant looks good, I totally want to eat "•Cocktail of North Sea schrimps " Schrimps!

    I definitely want to check out some of the castles, churches in Bruges area too.

    As for chocolate...well. I could live with out it. Gasp!, I know right? My mom and I used to run an organic truffle factory for my cousin Tammy and we made so many truffles and whatever else we could think of to eat that honestly...could live without it. For a person who previously never ate fruit flavored candy or icecream, etc...I choose it every time now. But the museum looks good and I want to bring back some for peeps. We used to use chocolate shipped in from Belgium or Sweden or something. I can't remember what it was called right now, but it came in these enormous 10 lbs bricks. You can buy chunks of bricks at stores like Whole Foods for $8 for 1/2 lb or something.
    Apparently there is a chocolate festival in Bruges in April Amy!

    Amy do you not like pickles? I heart them. As long as they are dill. Otherwise its instant gagfest.

    Oh OH Nava - about six months ago I bought a thing of leige waffles from Costco. And hid them from Jeff and Gracie so I could eat them all. I cannot wait to have one warm fresh off the griddle there in Belgium! I am TOTALLY going to be all "when in rome" about the food...yes, i will try to watch it, but I'm eating the food because who knows when I will get to go back.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have mass cals left today. Was gonna have tempeh tacos, but am cravng a burger and fries. Am compromising with hubby for a bbq place. Definitely some garlic fries and some salad and who knows what else. Maybe nothing, maybe a bbq pork sand. Will stay away from alcohol damnit! No beer!

    And then either 3 mile walk or if I'm not busting at the seams my Shoulders/Bi/Ab Raper vid tonight when I get home.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    WOW, this thread is going off! It's so great to see, and i'm really excited about being involved with so many motivated and supportive ladies!

    Thought i should probably post some goals...

    - Lose at least 10lb (4.5kg)
    - Keep up water intake - i'm usually great with this, but it's good to have it as a goal anyway!
    - Exercise at least 3-4times a week

    Sorry i've not been around the last couple of days, i got struck down with a NASTY gastro bug which stuck around for 36 hours. I was one sick chook. The funniest thing though was i was laying in bed feeling sick and sorry for myself, and thinking "well, at least it's a great way to lose weight!!"

    I'm dreadful!

    Also, anyone who would like to add me as a friend, feel free to do so, i'd love some more motivation on my wall! (just let me know you're from this thread!)
  • Thanks anvy hope ur heel gets better a lot better soon.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Next Friday is girls spay day/night paid for by work.

    I know this is a typo, but I just had to discuss how I didn't think jobs had the right to determine anyone's reproductive status anymore??? LMAO
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I also work full time, and am a full time graduate student studying Secondary Education (English)

    Hi there, Sarah. Welcome to the group! As an English teacher (currently out of the classroom), I would say, if you have the opportunity, take a class or two in literacy or reading development. You will be surprised at the needs of some of your students and really feel incapable of helping them, although everyone will look to you as the English teacher to do so. The assumption is that every student should be able to read by the time they get to high school, but the reality is that they're not all prepared to read at the level necessary to be successful. Just an FYI. I just finished my Master's in Language and Literacy and was amazed at how much I more I could have been helping my students had I been offered any of the reading courses.

    Good luck on the weight loss and the teaching!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Oh my, all this talk about food and drinks and stuff...I wish someone would send me some of those schnapps filled chocolates. I had a friend whose family would send her some fairly regularly...so good!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome Sara(#3) & Joann!

    Amy-thanks for good wishes & yes, her bum has been going on for WAY too long! Whatever potty training we had accomplished is now out the window! *sigh* I just feel so badly for her. Glad to see that you're keeping motivated even when you can't walk! Love the chair aerobics! *high five*

    Lacey (& Amy) -I want chocolate...well, the TOM part of me wants it. So I'm SO jealous right now! And hungry. And glad I don't keep it in the house, just at work...where it's at least on someone else's desk!

    Katie-glad you found us!

    Hailie-back away from the scale slowly & nobody gets hurt (or just throw it like I wanna do mine)! *hugs*

    Kendal-I hear ya!! I was 2/3 way home from Indianapolis when mine hit Monday. Driving w/2 kids in car while cramping...NOT KOOL!!

    I am thinking of trying C25K a bit early. I wanted to get to 200 first so that I could be sure my knees could handle it, but I may give it a whirl & see. I never could run more than a 1/4 mile w/out being seriously out of breath before, so I'm hoping the interval part of it works! I'm just BORED with everything else & I want OUT of my house, heat or not! I figure if it's dark or early, I can hopefully get it in. Wish me luck!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Next Friday is girls spay day/night paid for by work.

    I know this is a typo, but I just had to discuss how I didn't think jobs had the right to determine anyone's reproductive status anymore??? LMAO

    BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    HA! I found you guys! i am on my fone...so just writing to save link for later. I have a ton to catch up on...and will do so in a coupla hours!