200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Yay! Glad we are getting going! This week is going to be tough. It will be my first "real test" being out of my food planning normalcy. I've been at. An event today and did poorly. And I leave for business trip tomorrow. All I've been told is lots of eating and drinking. Let's hope all the dudes that planned this put fruits and veggies in our menu. Ill keep u updated if I can but ill be in the boonies til Sunday.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Bump for moment...sleepy & on phone! I know I didn't get to weigh in Monday, sorry! But I'm 220, so not too bad for a week off!! Not on chart, but will look goals up from last time (not sure I did so well)! Night
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It sounds like everyone has such good goals. Check-in for Tues 2908 burned, total fail on eating but I plan to log tomorrow, and ex 30 min hill running. NSV was having an old friend call to ask how to work up to 8 miles of walking by 9/09. She's already going 4. And I easily gave her a plan. I'm now a fitness expert (to my friends)... I need to het up and do some paperwork before my 7 am bike ride...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I looked up my goals from the last challenge. I had 2 and I failed both (train for the dash and get to 209). But to give myself a little slack, when I made those goals, I thought my foot was going to be healed.

    I have 2 vacations this month. A long weekend camping at the beach with my family and the next week Mr. Reunion and I are camping in the mountains. I found this AWESOME place to go in the mountains that has 2 lakes (with paddleboats and kayaks), a zip line, a climbing wall, a couple fields, a rec room, golf course (I doubt it's anything fancy), and lots of hiking trails. So yeah. Who's got two thumbs and is REALLY excited about that?!? <

    I don't think I posted it here yesterday, but if I did and I'm repeating myself, sorry! I'm going to meet Mr. Reunion's kids this weekend. We are going to a big water park cause I've never been to it and it's literally 15 minutes from my house.

    Speaking of Mr. Reunion, his birthday is coming up (9/1).....any suggestions on what I should get him???? I'm already kind of stressing about it.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ok, I'm checking in for yesterday. I ate around 1828 calories but I didn't wear my BMF so I don't know what my burn was. I'm wearing it today though, so I'm getting back on track. I had the awesomest PB&J sandwich for lunch. Just take 2 slices of whatever bread you like, spread some peanut butter/almond butter/ cashew butter and then slice up 2 strawberries and place the slices on the peanut butter. Sprinkle with some cinnamon and grill the sandwich in a pan with some cooking spray (I used butter flavored PAM). It was freaking awesome and had less sugar and calories than a regular PB&J because I used strawberries instead of jelly. Yum!

    Kendal: I'm jealous of all your camping adventures! I love camping. What is Mr. Reunion into? You could get him a gift card for a store he likes (or iTunes or whatever).

    Victoria: Remember that! Despite having a bit of a back slide, you are a fitness expert to a lot of people (me included).

    Megan: Good luck on your business trip!

    Sarah: You will make ONE-derland this time around.

    Lacey: Congrats on the loss of back fat!!!

    Pam: I agree that some more calories would maybe help you out.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for yesterday, like a good girl:

    1552 calories eaten / 845 exercise calories earned / 493 remaining

    I double worked out yesterday. I ran in the morning with Emma, but I didn't do the full three miles I should have. I was running late and was getting pretty hot, so crapped out at 2.5m, but close enough. That did give me the impetus to do something again after work when my friend asked me to work out with her. I did 30 min on the elliptical. Food was pretty good again. Had some chocolate at work that I didn't need, but it wasn't horrible. I made some really simple lentil soup, which turned out pretty dang yummy (just red lentils, unsalted veggie stock, an onion, some garlic, lemon, and spices, and voila!).

    Todays' my last day at my current office. Tomorrow will be a bit of a mess, so probably don't expect a post from me during the day. I have no idea where I'll be! I have some more packing to do today. Not a ton of stuff left to pack, but I'm trying to organize as I'm going. When I took over my position, I never really went over all of the stuff that my predecessor left, so now I'm going through things. She was a big paper copy gal, and my thing is, if it doesn't have an original signature on it, and I can scan it, it's being pitched! So that's just taking a long time. But I am looking forward to my new digs, I think. I won't have my own office anymore (boo), but my roomie won't be in the office much (yay), and I finally get a window (double yay!)

    I don't want to lose this post mid-typing, so posting here, and I'm about to respond to others now.
  • Kwick2010
    Kwick2010 Posts: 20 Member
    I'd love to join this challenge group if there's still room.

    Starting Weight: 235.2
    Current Weight: 232.4
    Six Week Goal Weight: 220
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145


    1. Drink more H2O.
    2. Exercise at least 3 days per week.
    3. Curb the carbohydrates - I'm a sugar and salt junkie.
    4. Find creative ways to deal with stress - I'm an emotional eater.
    5. Lose about 2lbs per week to reach my short term goal.

    I'm a disabled military veteran, single mother of two, and full time college student. My daughter just started preschool on August 1st, and my son starts third grade home-school on August 8th. Fitting in time for me to exercise is a bit challenging with our school schedules, and let's not forget the kid's ballet and karate classes that start in September! If I can reach at least three of the goals listed above, then I'm good. Every small goal is one step closer to my ultimate goal of being a happier, healthier mom that can keep up with my kids, and be a good role model.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Love that so many of you went back and addressed how you did with regards to your goals from last challenge. Let's just say, it was pretty much a big fail for me, but I will certainly have to post at the beginning of next challenge how I did with my goals this time around. Makes sense if you make the goals, to see how well you reached them.

    Nava- water water water! drink that water!

    k2quiere- sabateurs!! it totally happens at times. You're not always going to be able to plan what's coming ahead, but try and just do the best you can when you're thrown for a food loop.

    Lacey- hope your walk went well! Woot for no back rolls! I was there, and now they've semi returned, but doesn't it feel great. *twirls*

    Kerry- you're such a rock star. YOU'VE been an inspiration to me over the last couple of challenges. You've been doing fantastic, and I can't believe you've already whittled down to a loose size 12. I seethe with jealously, but also am elated for you. Can't wait to hear more about how your distance running goes! So proud of you--- I'm just hitting 4 miles again this weekend. And weekends are really tough for me as well. If you go out, try and eat well the rest of the day, and don't go completely overboard. As long as you don't go completely all out on the eating front all weekend, the work you do over the week will help you keep at it. And look at your results-- I say you're doing pretty dang well. And yay for being only 8 pounds away from your healthy BMI. That's so fantastic. 168 is my just OVERWEIGHT BMI level, so you must be considerably taller than me!

    Victoria- I think working out with your mom is a great goal. I know you used to do it a lot, and I loved to read about everything you did together. I thought it was so fantastic. It's great to have such an amazing support in her. This was a tough month for you-- log girl, log! Yay for being an inspiration and mentor to your friend. Doesn't that feel great? Hope you had a lovely bike ride this morning.

    Amy- log log log! I've never had those shakes. Glad they weren't too terrible. Hope you're feeling well! The pb&j sandwich sounds AMAZING. Must try.

    Hailie- you did amazing with your goals over this last challenge. Keep them up! School will be a big change for you, but the routine of going to class can sometimes help. And once you get to campus (yay UM!), if you ever want a workout buddy, let me know!

    Pam- for calories, I usually go with what MFP gives me, but don't always follow it completely closely. As with some members in the group, occassionally eating more calories (good food calories!-- like Kendal said!), can help bump up weight loss. I know some ladies in the group have monitors that help accurately gauge how many calories they are really burning in a day. Sometime you'd be surprised how much you can burn in a day without realizing it. I think that was the case with some peeps in the group, who were eating too LITTLE considering how many calories they were actually burning.

    Megan- business trips are the WORST! it's really easy to go overboard on them. Two things: try your hardest to not completely overindulge. Will you eat as well as you do at home? No, but that doesn't mean you need to use that as an excuse to eat whatever you want, cause you're screwed anyway. And secondly, just get back on track and on routine when you get home. That can also be difficult. Keep checking back in with us for motivation.

    Karen- welcome back! I'll put you on the chart again for this upcoming challenge. I think I left you on my spreadsheet anyways, so I'll just enter in your starting weight when I get home.

    Kendal- your trips sound fab! I'm totes jealous! And let us know how the meeting of the kids goes!

    *whew* I think I got mostly everyone since yesterday.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hi Kristi! (kwick2010)- welcome to the group! I hate to brag, but we're pretty much the best thing ever. Some of us have been around since this thread started in October 2009 so we're definitely here for the long haul. What are you going to school for? What kind of exercise do you like?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    These were my goal from last session:
    1. Keep up with P90X and get caught back up. - complete
    2. Keep up with eating good whole foods and stay on track. - for the most part
    3. Weekends - keep on track without going over cals. - meh...I'd say 50/50
    4. Post weight Monday mornings. - complete
    5. And if I'm going to weigh in I might as well set a weight loss goal as well...6 lbs, one for each week. -nada, bounced back and forth two pounds the whole time.

    My goals for this challenge is to keep up with P90X, walk when I can and eat right. I'm keeping it simple. I've got a lot going on and some major distractions coming up on the weekends and trying to plan for this trip in September so I'm good to go and the people doing my work will be okay and I need to stay focused on what I can control. Those three things I can control.

    I didn't walk last night, but stayed within cals: 2566/2078/488 deficit. I fell asleep at 9.

    Welcome Kwick!

    Kristina - good job on the double work out, and yeay for a window!!

    Amy - I used to love fried pb&js so that sounds pretty awesome!!

    Kendal - what about cooking a really nice dinner with candles everywhere and wine, etc?

    Victoria - that is cool about your friend calling for walking/running advice.

    Megan - I find that I do okay when traveling for work. Walk a lot and try to eat as many veggies and fruit as possible and you will be okay. Its pretty much a drinkfest any time I go too.

    Sarah - I like your goals!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I think focusing on what you can control is AWESOME. I have a problem doing that.

    Kendal: You crack me up! But I totally agree with you - we are the best group!! Also, I want to change my Mr. Reunion birthday idea to Lacey's idea. I think making a nice dinner with wine and candles and sexy time is the BEST idea!!!

    Kristina: Yay for your double workout! You rock!

    Kwick: Welcome to the group! I'm an Air Force veteran (my Hubbs is still in the Air Force) and I am homeschooling my 8 year old son while working on my Master's Degree. Jump on in the conversation. We talk about anything and everything.

    I have got to get back on my feet soon so I can resume control of my kitchen. The Hubbs is in charge of cooking and grocery shopping while I am all gimped out and he REFUSES to do it my way. He keeps buying non-organic dairy products which (aside from giving me the heebie-jeebies thinking about what kind of hormones and crap are in it) I am not supposed to eat (My doc told me several years ago to switch to organic for the fibromyalgia as I am overly sensitive to chemicals). His response, when I told him this, was "Do you know how expensive organic milk is?" Yes, I know. I've been buying it for years. It's priced like liquid gold. Do I care? No. Just do it my way dammit!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - that sounds something like Jeff would do. He's all about organic as long as he doesn't have to see the pricing. I wish more cheeses came organic, but there are just way too many good ones to eat that aren't organic to give it up unless it is.
    Also, does the shakeology mix well in water? How does it taste? I am pretty hooked on my spirutein/macro greens combo and am planning on bringing packets of both on my trip if only to keep my stomach in good repair with all the probiotics and digestive enzymes in both...but I've always wondered about the Shakeology because it seems to be both of my products combined if I remember right when I compared months ago.

    I felt hungry all afternoon yesterday. And this morning I am feeling the same way. I don't mind it, its not that nagging hungry feeling. It makes me wonder if its the fact that my metabolism is revving up finally? Or the fact that for over two days I've been eating vegetarian, etc? Anyways, 11 cannot come soon enough so I can eat the last portion of that veggie ricotta bake.

    Tonight I'm making bbq flavored tempeh and lentil hard tacos for dinner. They were so awesome last week, so I am looking forawrd to them tonight.

    Next Friday is girls spay day/night paid for by work. I am SO looking forward to going and getting a facial, mud bath and pedicure and eating super good food!! And then heading to Portland to see my bff and my other close girlfriend who should have had her baby by then. This weekend its camping almost four hours away. Don't relish the drive, but taking G camping so her grandpa can finally take her fishing is worth it. They've both been wanting to do it for a few years now.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: The Shakeology mixes well (I mix it with soy milk but it would mix well in water too). I haven't tasted the greenberry flavor yet but the chocolate one is VERY good (as far as protein powders go - no one is gonna confuse it for a milkshake). I'll bring some packets with me to Paris and you can try it out and see what you think.

    I just did 25 minutes of chair aerobics (can you tell I'm going through exercise withdrawal??) and it was actually a good workout! I was surprised (I did it in my jammies, that's how vigorous I thought it would be). But I got sweaty and burned 162 calories. AND I didn't put any strain or pressure on my foot! YAY!!!!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    I wanna be a loser too!!! (In a good way)

    I'm a 27 year old mother of two beautiful children. I've been married for almost 6 years and as awesome as being married and having kids is, it really takes a toll on your body. Why? Well, because mommy usually comes last.

    Highest weight at 9 months preggers 285
    SW: 276
    CW: 274
    1st Goal: 5% - 12 lbs
    2nd Goal: 10% - 27lbs
    3rd goal: 230 lbs (weight before I had my second child)
    4th goal: ONNDERLAND
    5th Goal: 175 (lowest adult weight)
    GW: 150

    I'm ready!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Welcome LadyG!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Well, I only had the goal of toning up my losses last time around...which lead to a gain last challenge! Blah! But of not quite 3 lbs, so I can take that! But I don't think I toned up anything! I sure did burn a lot of calories though! So I'm not sure what happened! LOL!

    This time around, just gonna keep going. I'm in a blah kinda mode, so I need to simply keep motivated right now. Keep logging everyday & get in the exercise! Maybe not 3500 cal/week burn, but enough to make a difference, as that seemed to be too much?

    I've finished my week "off" & going back to my 1620 calories from the 2150. Let's see if it makes any difference! :o) Would like to get closer to onderland!

    Welcome to ALL newcomers! Wow, so many! I'll have to do better about keeping up! I only missed a week & I got all left out of so much cool stuff happening, including the switchover! :o) I try to leave comments on posts of those of you who have friended me...if you haven't yet, please feel free! :o)

    As for the house we're looking at now, we made an offer...the bank outright refused. No counter, nothing. So we've made a higher one & are waiting...again. *sigh* I'm so frustrated. And I'm not sleeping well at ALL! Might have something to do with it! I finally just took Melodie to the Dr for her hiney. He gave me a prescription & has me putting benefiber in her drink 2ce a day to make her go & hopefully clean out her system a bit so she'll stop getting irritated. Let's hope it works. She's so miserable! She never stays healed more than a day at a time!

    I hope everybody else it doing well! Trying to sneak in this time on here while I'm at work, so not much I can get done as far as personal responses! Will hopefully have pictures from this weekend on FB later tonight or tomorrow! :o) *hugs* to all !!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Welcome LadyG and Kwick! Be sure to let us know your first names!

    Blugh, today is a bad eating day. Had some folks come in for a meeting, then my boss suggested I take the group out for lunch. So... Chuy's it is. Belly full of Mexican food. Also, going to visit friends later tonight and they're making "rouladen" which is a delicious German dish involving flank steak with pickles, onions and bacon in the middle then rolled up and baked in its own juices. Crud.

    I did the forbidden get on the scale in the middle of the week thing, and the weight is going UP. Wah. fuh.

    Kendal, what are you looking to spend? Some things I've done for my bf... bought a bass guitar, special made a shirt for him with Shaun of the Dead references, ummm... for our anniversary I totally overspent and got him a PS3. Concert tix are always a nice thing if anyone worthwhile is coming to town. Also, WOW on meeting the kiddos! That's awesome. It's great that you're going to a place that will keep them well occupied too.

    Kristina, awesome double workout!

    Amy, I crack jokes on FB, but I'm totally in awe of you. After my surgery I was like "I am not moving from this couch. Ever." So yeah, you're awesome.

    Totally jealous of the camping trips going around. It's TOO HOT to do that down here. Although Joe mentioned a couple days ago that he wants to go camping in the fall. So yay!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to all the new faces!!!

    Kendal - I 3rd the idea of cooking for him. Maybe buy yourself a new sexy undies or get him a game the kids would like to play... Does he have a Wii, playstayion, or Xbox? Or a yard game like Bongo... Or passes to movie theater?

    Amy - I'm glad your foot is coming along. I have more coupons to send... How's the scar on your chest? Did rubbing it help? That PB&J sounds so good, I'm going to make it but with raspberries for dinner...

    Lacey - I don't know if I'm more jealous of spa day or Paris? Yeah, it's Paris...

    Kristina - run, girl, run!!! Not jealous of trying to move offices. Hope it goes well.

    Sorry everyone - I'm out of time... But, I am logging my food today. It really made me put a few things back in the cabinet when I doubled checked cal info.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hello TOM, you evil b a s t a r d. We meet again. I hate you. Go away.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    I'd really like to join you ladies, if you'll have me!

    My name is Sarah (no surprise, I see there is more than one Sarah here already!). I am 27 years old, I've been married for almost 5 years and I have a 2.5 year old son, Brody.

    I also work full time, and am a full time graduate student studying Secondary Education (English)

    About 2 months ago I decided I'd had enough and started my weight loss journey. I started at 255. My current weight is 242. I weigh in on Sunday morning.

    By the end of six weeks I'd like to be down to 230.
    I'm really struggling with water intake, so this is my big focus right now.
    I'm also doing c25k. Right now I'm on the last day of week 3.

    Some of my long term mini goals are:
    1. To get to my pre-pregnancy weight (240, huge, I know, but a milestone nonetheless)
    2. To weigh less than my husband (He is about 215, but he just started p90x, so he's going to make it hard on me lol)
    3. To get to ONEderland!!!

    I love MFP so far, and really need to just stay positive and motivated. I know I can do this!