200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hi again everyone! Looking forward to the next 6 weeks--I'll post goals when I get home from work!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    somehow we've lost Amber (dixiegirl) and Crystal! Where oh where did our friends go??
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in for yesterday, because clearly, this is what works. Must.log.everything.

    1195 eaten / 238 exercise calories / 243 remaining

    Only exercise yesterday was 2 Emma walks. Ate too little (which is a change for me). Was planning on a small snack last night, but my power went out, and I didn't want to open the fridge or freezer, as I didn't know how long it would be out. It was out for 4 hours, making for a sticky evening. I did not sleep well.

    So, I know what works for me. I need to log everything. It can be time consuming, but once it becomes habit, it's not bad. Even if I have a bad eating day, I need to keep myself accountable and write everything down.

    Weighed in this morning at 190.4, which is the same as two weeks ago. Frankly, I'm surprised I wasn't up more, so that'll be my starting weight for this challenge.

    Goals for myself:
    -Log every day, Post results every day <- y'all need to get on my case if I don't
    -Lose 7 pounds--- lofty goal for me, but I'm hoping as the weight put on quickly, it might come off not horribly slow?
    -Continue to half-marathon training. Run ALL my runs for the week, and do at least one day of cross training
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hosanna- welcome! This is a great group... just jump right on into the conversation! Congrats on your upcoming wedding! As for weighing in, people like to weigh in on different days, so I ask that you post your weekly weight sometime between Friday and Monday morning. I usually on Monday morning post a call out of those not weighed in yet, and then like to post a final weigh in chart for the week on Monday evening or Tuesday morning.

    Nava- I wasn't having trouble with exercises, but I kept on getting errors yesterday when I tried to click on my profile. It was fine this morning.

    Pam- water is HUGE. Keep up with the intake and you'll be feeling healthier, and it will help with the weight loss. Just be prepared to be by a restroom!

    Lauren- glad you're sticking around for another challenge! And yes, it's a 6-week challenge. Great weight goal-- I'm pulling for you!

    gonnadoitjenn- routine can be extremely helpful, so it sounds like things might get a bit easier for you when school starts. Loving your clothes incentive!

    Victoria- girl, I feel you. You need to log log log. You and I both know it. Even if you aren't eating fantastic yet, having to log everything will make you second guess what you put in your mouth, and it's important to see that number. I don't want you creeping up either hun! You've come so far! *cracks whip on both you and myself*

    Megan- glad you're staying with us!!

    Lacey- could I BE more jealous of your upcoming trip? My parents just got back from a two-week river cruise of Europe and I'm still seething with jealousy.

    Amy- I think for the next six weeks, you can't expect to get much in terms of exercise--- maybe work on some upper body stuff? Just be extra vigilant with the eating and continue to log... if you do so, you should have no problems at least maintaining if not losing some weight. Keep in mind, eating habits are the VAST majority of weight loss.

    k2quiere- great goals! keep us updated with how they are going!

    Kendal- just keep it up with the healthy eating. As I told Amy, the eating is most of the battle. You've got the Halloween goal ahead of you to look forward to. You've been doing well over the past few weeks. Think of how far you've come, and you're only a little over 10 pounds away from ONEderland... SO fabulous. Just think about inching closer and closer to it.

    Sarah- looking forward to hearing about your goals!

    Think I got everyone! I'm trying to be more invested and answer everyone this time around. It's always even more challenging at the beginning of the challenge with a massive amount of posts and people to keep track of at the beginning!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Okay, so... starting weight is 223.

    Goals... hmm.

    1. Drink more water - I have a bad habit of stretching one 16 oz Ozarka bottle to last all day at the office.
    2. Get back to working out at least 4 days a week - I think I'll focus on cardio for now. We'll see.
    3. The poundage goal, which I have yet to hit - 8lbs. The onederland goal by my birthday is totally not happening, but I'll keep it in my signature anyway.
    4. Bring lunch to work at least 4 days a week.

    On a completely different note... is there any way to eat a peach at the office without looking like a total idiot? Hello, fruit juice dribbling down my chin. Maybe I need to start slicing my fruits before coming to work.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Why is it when I try to be good, my family always makes other plans. I Packed a nice lunch and they decide that they're picking me up from work for lunch, and choose pizza hut. I honestly have to say I'm glad there really wasn't much good on the bar, but now I really have to go to the gym today!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning. Sore/tired body today. Kept waking up for some reason. Tonight is a walking night for me. I need to look at my map and see if I can somehow add on another half mile to make it a 3 mile walk instead of 2.5. That should take me right at an hour or a little less.

    I will be back on here later..
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hi Girls! Yay for a new challenge!

    Kristina, I am SO happy to have you "back." Seriously, you have always been such an inspiration, and its going to be awesome to see you bust through your previous lowest weight. We are here for you, and I will harass you whenever needed to keep you in gear. (((HUGS!!!!)))

    Lacey, I really love that you are deciding what workouts work for you and sticking with it. I think that's awesome.

    k2quiere, I think one of my least favorite things about keeping track of what I eat is the lack of spontaneity in my life. Planning out every little thing I eat and thusly not being able to just grab lunch with anyone and go anywhere is hard. So I feel ya on the Pizza Hut incident.

    Nava, as a response to you from last challenge, your cupcake Halloween outfit is ADORABLE. Seriously, you look amazing in it! SO FUN.

    Kendal, I feel like you are a complete bad@ss who it just waiting to get out. I know your foot has thrown a big old wrench in your running/Warrior Dash plans, but I just want you to know that you CAN do all of this. You are such an amazing and strong woman, and don't let your fear of failure stop you from doing any of the incredible things that we all know you can do. Setting goals is scary, but GOOD. You got this, girl. We are all here and ready to support your beautiful self!

    Pam, you did amazing things last challenge! I am so proud of you for continuing to work so hard, and for recognizing the wonderful effect water has on your body! Go you!

    Victoria, ??? seriously, I had NO idea you had gained this last challenge. You always seem like you're out there busting your butt with either running/biking/landscaping. I guess I wish I would have thought to harass you a little on the food front. Just like I said to Kristina, you are a superstar and I KNOW that you will get back on track and start melting away again. LOG LOG LOG! :tongue:

    Sarah, I'm excited to hear what your goals are too. You have been really kicking bootie lately and I'm hoping you stick with it. I also wanted to say that I think its awesome how quickly you got back on the horse after vacation. Go you!

    Amy, DUUUDE. I can't even wrap my head around the picture of you just sitting on the couch watching movies. Its so... just... not you. I think you just have to do everything you can to take your focus/energy that you would normally put into working out and focus on what you are putting in your body and keeping it in check. Plus maybe you can find upper body workouts. (so you can have beefcake arms and itty bitty legs... lol). If I were you I think the hardest struggle would be adjusting my calorie intake to compensate for not working out/doing stuff all day. Because I LOVE food. So eating less sounds crappy. That's pretty much why I work out so much. I just like to have more calories to eat. :laugh: Anyway, don't push your foot or anything either, make sure you let it heal!

    Congrats to everyone on the losses from last challenge, especially Sarah(wiggle)!!! That is such an impressive loss! Way to go!!!

    As for me, and goals.... last challenge they consisted of:
    1. Distance Running - CHECK - considering this Saturday I'll be running 5 miles, I'd say I'm doing it.
    2. Allow myself breaks - CHECK - I'm saying I did this, considering I actually took days off this challenge
    3. Weekend control - FAIL. Seriously, I cannot help this. Life is just too d@mn busy and I have too many plans that involve beer. I can't help it.
    4. No booze for a week - FAIL. See above. lol.
    5. Weight of 17-something - CHECK! WOOT!
    6. Pants at a baggy 12 - CHECK(ish) as it still depends on where I bought the pants.

    Ok, so my new goals based on the above:
    1. RUN RUN RUN. 3 times a week, every week, with continuing to up my mileage.
    2. When I do take a rest day from working out, make sure I'm still stretching my oh so sore muscles and also not eating like total crap.
    3. I don't even know why I bother, but weekends. Just keep trying, just keep trying to get these under control.
    4. I looked at my calender and as of right now, I could potentially attempt to do no alcohol for the week of August 22-29, which will be right after I get back from a 4 day weekend up in Traverse City in which I will doing 5 brewery visits and probably 4 or 5 wineries. Yeah. I'll need a "cleanse" after that.:laugh:
    5. Reach a healthy BMI, which will be 166, so 8 pounds.
    6. Size 10 pants. We'll say a size 10 from Banana Republic, just so I have a way of determining if I have reached my goal.
    7, Get back to being more consistent about checking it with you beautiful women every day.

    Phew! As for me, I somehow set myself up to do Plyo yesterday and then run today. My legs haven't been as sore as they are today since, oh, the beginning of all this exercising. Its kind of awesome. For those of you who have done Plyo, I totally kept up with all the "double times"... jump knee tucks, rock star hops, Mary-kathryn lunges... all done double time. Running is doing awesome things for my leg strength. I'm loving it.

    On that same line, Chris and I went on a 14 mile big ride on Sunday, and he always has me be the "pace car" in the front, and he said that I'm so much harder to keep up with now! Yeah! I'm getting faster!

    Tomorrow my sister is spending the night at our house with my 2 nieces and my nephew. I'm leaving work at noon so we can either go to the zoo or the aquatic center. I'm super excited about it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My goals for the next 6 weeks - to survive this busy schedule, check-in several times a week, and cont with my biking and running. I looked at my cal burn the last 30 days and my ave has jumped to 2900+... I should set the goal of eating better by cooking more and eating out less but it's not realistic...

    I like that Kerry addressed her goals from the last challenge. I guess I survived but damaged (higher weight)... I did manage to check in with you ladies. My ave cal burn over last 30 days has dropped to 2700. I guess I realized that last challenge was going to be hard.

    I'd like to add another goal this challenge which involves getting back to working out with my mom 30 min a day, 6 days a week.

    Right now I'm wasting time at car dealership waiting to get the dangling spare tire off my SUV... it's been raining on and off today. I'm crossing my fingers that out clears up once this is over so that I can do some hill running!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: Let me just take a second to tell you how freaking awesome you are and how much you inspire me. Seriously, I LOVE having you in our group. You always have something nice to say to everyone and you are SOOO optimistic and positive. Thank you for being so awesome. Thank you for showing me that my goals can be achieved if work hard enough. You give me something to shoot for as you started around my starting weight and you're almost to goal weight (which is about the same for me as we are the same height). It has been awesome to watch you rock the weight loss.

    Lacey: Hiya! Let's make a pact to keep on each other for this challenge so we can look fabulous for Paris! It is gonna be seriously hard for me to keep to my calories this challenge as my exercise will be non existent (and I am all about eating exercise calories as I love food). So I could use all the prodding you can spare for me.

    K2quiere: I hate when I plan my day out and it all goes to hell when the Hubbs brings home junk food. He doesn't do it so much anymore (although he totally brought me a soft pretzel with butter from the German bakery down the street today).

    Nava: I used to pack a plastic knife with my fruit for work as I HATE getting juice all over the place when eating fruit. (I'd also get it all over my clothes, which looks sooo professional)

    Kristina: Yeah, I think I should be able to do some upper body stuff while my foot is out of commission. I'm already getting a pretty good triceps workout going up and down the stairs on my butt (yes, I look ridiculous, I'm ok with it). I will totally get on you if you don't post your accountability if you promise to do likewise for me. I've really let my discipline slide the past few weeks and it is apparent on the scale. I am staring logging EVERYTHING I eat (starting tomorrow as it's already 9pm). I'm also gonna put my Body Media Fit back on to get an idea of what I'm burning sitting around all day so I can adjust my calories accordingly.

    Kendal: You've never seen a Freddy or Jason movie?!?!?! I cannot wrap my head around that. I LOVED Nightmare on Elm Street when I was a kid (I was a bit of a gruesome kid). I totally think you can make it to ONE-derland soon. You can do it, you just gotta keep on keepin' on!

    Victoria: You know what, I think setting your diary to private is a good idea. I think I might do that too. I know that I think about what my friends think when I log junk food and if my diary were private, I might be more likely to log the junk without feeling like someone is gonna judge me. Good idea!

    Jenn: I would be so psyched to buy $300 worth of clothes on someone else's dime! That's freaking awesome!!!

    So I tried my Shakeology shakes today. I was kind of scared after my horrid experience with the Vega shakes (soo...sooo..terrible) but the Shakeology was pretty freaking good! I also now have a fully functioning kitchen sink. The plumber came and 300 Euro later, it's fixed. Now I just have to get that money back from my cheap as hell landlord. Sigh.
  • hkallembach
    Kerry I am so stealing what you did to look back on your previous challenge's goals. :smile:

    Last Challege:

    1.)Add weights to my workout once/week (not including personal training) Fail, times ten million.
    2.)Add more fruits/veggies to my diet GOT IT!
    3.)DO NOT SKIP weigh-ins (considering I have TOM this week I shouldn't have a reason the rest of the challenge, I think.) GOT IT! BAM! I AM SUPER HAPPY WITH THIS GOAL!
    4.)Monday-Friday (i.e. days I'm at the athletic club) burn at LEAST 600 calories before I'm done working out Eh, sometimes. Sometimes I would jam my "teaching" calories together with my work out calories to get over 600.
    5.)Drink water, water, water, water BAM! GOT IT!
    6.)Only have soda in moderation (i.e. once MAYBE twice per week) I was more cautious of drinking soda, I was not having as much as soda as before.
    7.)Jog my entire drive way w/o stopping (ok, almost the entire way because of the evil dog at the neighbor's place at the end of the drive way) because it's a mile down and back Nope, not once. Urgh--fail!
    8.)Be accountable Heck yes, I was accountable with my calories and daily life in general.
    9.)Expand my horizons Heck yes AGAIN! I started eating new(er) foods.
    10.)Buy one item of clothing from Kohl's or Target and NOT FEEL ashamed Nope, fail. Still working on that one.

    Goals for this challenge:

    1.)Continue with my fruit/veggies goal.
    2.)Water is my best friend! (Sooooo, easy to drink over 8 glass/day while working.) I'll try drinking more water on non-lifeguarding days.
    3.)Walk, jog, run, something, crawl, whatever it takes. GET DOWN MY DRIVE WAY!
    4.)Stay active even with school starting up soon.
    5.)School related goal---study and not skim through school.
    6.)Check in more with this amazing group! :heart:

    Sarah(wiggle): Thank you! Hahaha, getting tan is one of the perks of being a lifeguard.

    Amy: Thank you! I agree about it doesn't suck to get paid and get tan! Hahaha, I so want to go to a nude beach to get ride of my "amazing" tan lines. TMI, sorry. Hope you are feeling better during your recovery!

    Victoria: Thank you! It was so hard to put those pictures up but I know you lovely ladies would be so supportive and non-judgmental. Hahahaha, funny thing is I am "tan" but compared to everyone at work I am albino.

    Nava: Rockin' the tan lines is what I do best! (Especially in a strapless dress, ha.) Gracias! Oh, ye ol' Facebook is too distracting. I decided to get "dolled" up as a "reward" for reaching the 20 pound loss mark. That's so cute about biting him in your sleep. Hahaha, I read how you bite him. It made me smile! :tongue: What do you do for work if you had audit dreams?

    Sarah(thes): Awww, thank you for the compliment! It made my day, week, month, this challenge! What do you consider tall? I think I am 5'6ish, maybe 5'7 if I am lucky. Congrats on your home gym being complete! So jealous of that!

    Jenn: It took a lot of will power! What is your retreat for? I say put on the suit and carry confidence, forget what other people say/think! Seriously, spas are pure greatness! :flowerforyou:

    Kerry: That is cool to hear you are getting faster!

    All right ladies, I will need loads of will power because I am going my cousin's 10th birthday party today. Godfather's pizza for dinner and I am sure some sort of cake. Good thing I worked out today, I can do this!

    Confession: Yeah, I worked out for the first time since last Tuesday. I am getting back on track!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ok, I guess I should examine how I did on my goals during the last challenge. Here they are:

    1) Lose 6 pounds - FAIL (I lost 4 pounds)
    2) Eat 5-9 servings of fruit & vegetables a day - I did good on that until the final week of the challenge when I got all depressed and mopey over my foot.
    3) Exercise 6 days a week - Again, I did great on this until the final week of the challenge
    4) Keep my eating healthy over the weekends - meh, I kinda suck at this all the time.

    Hailie: I like your goals. Good luck with your cousin's birthday party. Good job getting some exercise!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Okay, I'll keep the examining trend going...

    1. So in terms of real weight, I'd like to see 215. - Given that I've set this goal again, I clearly failed.
    2. Need to get back on working out. 3-4 days a week. - Didn't happen. Not even a little. In fact, I didn't work out for a solid month with business trips and surgery
    3. A bit of a silly goal: try to eat healthy while on business trips, work out at least 2 days a week while out of town. - Successful on my first business trip. While I didn't stereotypically work out, I walked about 2 miles at least 4 days of that week in England. Not so much in DC. It was so hot, I didn't want to do anything. And we all know what I ate over the weekend with my friend.
    4. Use the exercise ball I bought for ab exercises that is just sitting in the corner at least 5 days a week. - That *kitten* is still sitting in the corner, all blown up and nowhere to go.
    5. Only eat out once during the weekends. (This will prove DIFFICULT!!!) - HAAAA!

    Okay, so one big, massive, mega-fail on my end. This challenge should be easier in terms of meeting goals now that I'm not traveling for a while, and am back to health post-surgery.

    Hallie, I'm a corporate compliance attorney, so I participate in quite a few audits. I need to quit having work dreams, though! Last night I was in Chicago for business and some thug kept trying to steal my laptop, and I couldn't get hold of either of my friends in Chicago to come hang out with me... BLEH. Work dreams suck.

    Starting to feel really stagnant at work. I need to quit and open up a bakery or something. Hot dog restaurant. SOMETHING.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hi all,

    I know I've been bad about catching up, and I do promise to do it soon! I have a quick question for you all though -- any advice on a number suggestion for my daily calories? I know that everyone is different and there are a lot of factors to consider, but I'm not consistantly losing weight and I'm thinking that maybe my numbers are off....

    My weight is 221.2. I have a desk job so I set my profile to sedentary, but I have been trying to work out twice a day, so I'm not sure if that's the right setting? I changed it to lightly active and it suggested 1550 calories per day instead of the 1400 for sedentary, if I want to lose a pound and a half per week. Other websites have told me that, given my weight and workout routines, I shouldn't go lower than 1750 calories. (I'm assuming that 1750 doesn't include extra workout calories?)

    Anyway, I'm a little confused as to what a good number might be....any thoughts? If you're around my weight or were around my weight, what do/did you have yours set to?

    Thanks much!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Pam- I'm currently around 212-214 but I was stuck at 216-218 for a LOOOOONG time. And I also have a desk job. Upping my calories finally broke that trend and got me over that 215 hump. I don't have a body bugg or anything, but from what I've heard these other ladies say, they realized they were not eating enough. When I was stuck at 216-218, I ate around 1400-1500 cals/day. I decided to jump up to 2000 cals and I started losing again. I haven't worked out since I bumped up my cals cause of my foot, but I would need to eat back my exercise cals on top of that base number. It's terrifying to eat more, especially at first, but once the scale starts dropping, you'll realize it's all good. The hard part is eating enough good cals and not giving in to the vending machine, knowing you have enough cals for the day. I had to set mfp settings to show I'm highly active to get it to account for over 1900 cals/day.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Pam - I weigh 209ish. On days I walk around at work a bit and work out, I burn between 2500-3100 calories using my bodymedia fit...so likely you need to increase your cals.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    O.M.F.G I just watched a trailer for the new Sherlock Holmes movie coming out this December...googly eyes, gawgly eyes. God I LOVE me some RDJr. If I could figure out how to post those funny photos in these threads, I'd totally find one that has eyeballs popping out of the smiley face head with hearts all over the background.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    OH! And ladies, a totally RAD NSV: I almost have no back rolls anymore. By the time I got to Europe, I will have a smooth backside. WOOHOO!!!!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Thanks, Kendal and Lacey! Looks like I might have to up my calories. I changed my setting to 1800 and just worked out...now it says I still have over 500 calories left at 9pm! Yikes. Better luck tomorrow, I guess...
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    So, my goals for this challenge:

    1. Onederland! I'm 8.4 lbs away (SO CLOSE), so provided I eat well and keep active on my vacation I should reach there towards the end of the challenge.
    2. Speaking of my vacation, stay active the whole time! Work out at least 4 days each week while I'm away, whether a formal workout or something fun like hiking or swimming.
    3. Finally get fully into a size 14. I am from some stores but not others (in fact, I suspect that from one store I'd probably fit their size 12).
    4. Finish the one hundred pushup challenge I started this morning.
    5. Start P90X after my vacation.

    Well, of all of the above I only met #5 so I have a 20% success rate going into this challenge.

    New goals:

    1. Onderland - I will do it this time!
    2. Keep on trucking with P90X. I'm scheduled to finish in late October and I *will* complete it on time!
    3. Finish transitioning into size 14. I've been on the verge for a couple of months now.
    4. Try to complete all reps for all exercises with Ab Raper.

    I think that's pretty good! Will respond to everyone else who posted in a bit.