200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    UGH. Talk about Food FAILURE!!! It started when I got to work and my manager brought in doughnuts nd bagels to celebrate someone's 15 year anniversary with the company. I had a bagel, even though I had already eaten breakfast.

    Then Mr. Reunion surprised me and took me out for lunch to Chick Fila. There goes another 700+ cals.

    Then I gave in to the doughnuts. 3 doughnuts. WTF is wrong with me??

    It's 3:30pm and I'm already over cals by 200. I have NO TIME WHATSOEVER to exercise today because of overtime.

    I'm ashamed of myself, but I know I have to confess to you guys. maybe I can sneak out for a walk this evening, if I can get my production in and if it doesn't rain....those are some BIG if's right now.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    UGH. Talk about Food FAILURE!!! It started when I got to work and my manager brought in doughnuts nd bagels to celebrate someone's 15 year anniversary with the company. I had a bagel, even though I had already eaten breakfast.

    Then Mr. Reunion surprised me and took me out for lunch to Chick Fila. There goes another 700+ cals.

    Then I gave in to the doughnuts. 3 doughnuts. WTF is wrong with me??

    It's 3:30pm and I'm already over cals by 200. I have NO TIME WHATSOEVER to exercise today because of overtime.

    I'm ashamed of myself, but I know I have to confess to you guys. maybe I can sneak out for a walk this evening, if I can get my production in and if it doesn't rain....those are some BIG if's right now.

    We all have bad days. Just make a conscious effort to make healthy choices for the rest of today and work hard to stay on track over the weekend. I'd kill someone for a donut right now
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I second what Rain said, there's no use stressing about what you've already eaten- just make good choices from here on out and drink tons of water to flush out the sodium. Also, stay the hell away from the scale tomorrow. And don't beat yourself up too bad over this. It happens to everyone. I can't say no to free food, even if I'm not hungry (I think it's my inner poor kid or something).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yes, I'm still alive. Still super busy with the work move, but wanted to post my weekly weight: 190.4, same as last. At least it isn't a gain, plus I'm changing my weigh-in days to Friday, and my last weigh-in was Tuesday morning, so it's only a couple of days.

    For yesterday:
    Ate 1475 / exercise calories 238 / over by 37. I'll take it!

    Considering we had a catered lunch at work, it's not too shabby,

    I'm going to read over the past 2 days posts and make sure I've caught all the newbies and if anyone's weighed in. Hope all is well with everyone!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    For the record, the hubby left the chips there, so he's fired! I can avoid the kitchen, as I'm honestly too lazy to get out of bed to get a snack! :o) This is why I tell him to not leave it there, but he failed me this week! LOL! Oh well, on to a new day...at least I took them back into the kitchen this morning, so they're gone! BUT, I was 216 this morning, so let's hope it sticks til Monday, yeah? :o) And I finally remembered to take the scale with me when I left the house, so it's on its way back so that I can get a new one! YAY! Cause I know the one at work is possessed!

    Lacey-my hubby is a "let's just wait & see what happens" kinda guy...drives me absolutely bat *kitten* crazy!:explode: I like to have back up plans for my back up plans at least 2 weeks in advance. Yet I haven't strangled him! I think it's some amazing restraint on my part. :o)

    Kerry-I like to read stuff I find online...and with my Iphone...means it's easier to get hooked & take it into my room instead of getting uncomfortable on the couch & realizing I need to go to bed. Less sleep NOT good for losing weight, I know. I love that we're a "big deal" and it's true...you ladies are a big deal in my life. You all keep me going! Thanks!!:flowerforyou:

    Amy-Gabe sounds like Aaron!! Only he wouldn't need the rain...just would have the mood hit him & he'd run around the house that way, maybe in less...well, til we had his sister, now we kinda try to keep him clothed with a girl around! LOL! Note the word TRY in that statement! Good luck with not losing any important stuff in the "move". My hubby complains I'm a packrat, then complains I fill the trashcan when I clean...I can't win! LOL!

    Rain-woo hoo for 18's!! :drinker:

    LadyG-I 2nd Amy, again (told ya she has good advice! LOL). I try to get as close to my calories as possible w/out going over. Kinda like a game, but with a much better prize! :o) :happy:

    Kendal-you & I are having a day together! I got Burger King for breakfast...didn't think it would hurt. Then the girls ordered pizza...but I at least headed that off by getting one of the salads from the place. But I know I don't have an option but to eat out for dinner again tonight...*sigh* Soccer til 730 & a trip to the grocery store, which I'm not allowed to do while hungry...EVER! So I'm hoping Subway will sound good by then so that I'll manage an OK day, if not, I'm SOL. And right now I'm in an office, by myself, and the chocolate bowl is RIGHT THERE!!! 40 more minutes to resist!! Argh!! :sad: But seriously, BREATHE, it'll be OK. You know you've been doing AWESOME!! Just take it from the next meal, even if you're already over.

    And for the record...back to school shopping SUCKS!! :grumble: I'm not talking the clothes part, I'm talking the "list" of school supplies they make you buy. That you send off to school & never really see again. Last year, they made it nice...$20 & you had a bag of supplies available & you were done! But apparently not enough parents bought into it, so they didn't do it again. And I've had to go to 5...count them 5 stores to find flipping pencil top erasers!! And I STILL didnt' get the exact thing I was looking for, just something more expensive that was as close as it was gonna get, b/c I was DONE! OK, rant over. Back to your regularly scheduled MFP! :bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I think I got everyone's weight from this week so far. Just a reminder to everyone to get their weights in by Monday morning. I'll post a call out on Monday for those who I haven't heard from.

    I skimmed over the posts, so this is just from memory

    Amy&Lacey- loving all the dresses you ordered. Lacey, I especially like the beige one with the belt. Amy, love your dress, but two gals would pop out of that top in two seconds.

    Kendal- it's a day... just one day. Try and eat better at dinner, and then make sure you eat well this weekend.

    Victoria- how did your 9-miler go?

    Welcome to all of the new members! Just jump in and start posting. The thread can sometimes move quickly, but just post when you can!

    Along those same lines, Bobbie, like a couple others say, when I'm on my computer, I'll reply in a new window, so I can scroll through the old replies in the other window, to keep track of who to respond to.

    I'm thinking this weekend should be okay on the food front. Made it through a week getting my crap back together. Exercise isn't completely back to where it was (minus my two-a-day workout earlier this week). I should have done a 3-miler either yesterday or this morning, but I've really been struggling the past few mornings to wake up and get moving, so it just hasn't happened. I think I'll plan on running a 4 miler (my long run for the week) tomorrow morning before my walking group. I'm hoping if I set my alarm for the same time I normally do to go to work, by the time I eventually venture out of bed, I'll still have enough time to run.

    Hope everyone has a great (and healthy) weekend!!
  • msstillion79
    Hello my name is Nellie i have always struggled with my wieght i have resently was put into a deep depression and almost bipolar state due to a medication that was given to me for leg spasms so for the past two years i have been what i call checked out of my life but after going to a theripist and being taken off that drug i am alot better back to my old self and its time to get back health wise i am now a diabetic and still have the leg muscle issues to work on but my weight is the biggest issue cause that could and will help everything else i weigh 279 lbs I would love to join ur group if i can how do u guys do ur challenges do u set them urselfs or is there a certain thing u do I can use all the motivation and help i can get:smile:
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sorry i've been quietly lurking, but with being ill and everything this week i haven't really had a chance to get in and participate. I promise i will get around to it soon!

    This week i weighed in at 99.0kg (218.3lb), which is down by 800g or 1.7lb. I'm pretty happy with that!

    The weather around here has been atrocious recently, also making it hard to get much exercise in on days i wasn't ill, but i'll be trying harder this week.

    Having a look at my goals so far - I've been pretty bad with water a lot of this week, but again, i wasn't consuming much of anything for a couple of days there. I've done practically NO exercise, so once again that's not so great... But at least i'm well on my way to the 10lb loss goal, so that's at least a good thing.

    I'm really proud of myself in one way though - I struggle a bit with some mental health issues, which have reared their ugly head in the aftermath of the gastro this week, but i HAVEN"T turned to food to try and fix them! I ALMOST did last night, but was just too exhausted to get up and go to the pantry to get the chocolate i know is sitting there... Even though i could have easily had a square or two and still stayed within my calories for the day!!

    Nellie - Hi there and welcome! I'm sorry to hear about the side effects of the drugs... sometimes they can be worse in the long run than the original issue you are prescribed them for! Good on you for taking charge and making positive steps towards your health!

    Amy - I know i'm in late, but that dress is gorgeous!!

    Kerry - I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's marriage problems :( But kids can tell when their parents aren't happy together, and it's often better in the long run not to put them through having to witness it. That way they have the opportunity to see a proper functioning relationship if mum meets a good guy. Also, if they're practically growing up without a dad anyway, that sucks too!

    Lacey - LOVE the stripey dress!

    Kendal - Donuts are their own being... there is no way to resist them unless you are a superhero. They give off an aura of awesomeness unlike any other awesome-aura-giving thing ever... To resist is futile, and to give in is understandable.

    Well that's the best i can do for now... I think i've caught up pretty well!
    I'm working late-early this weekend... crappy way to spend the weekend, and also majorly depressing since my other half doesn't work weekends... It's so hard to relax before work knowing you have to go to work in four hours... three hours... two hours... time to get ready for work... argh.

    anyway, i'm gonna go and tidy the house... might count for a bit of calorie burning!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to all new faces!!!

    Missing my morning bike ride has put me behind for cals...
  • hkallembach
    Right now I feel like I am going into a shell. For me it seems to happen once a challenge for a certain reason. Sorry, I am not replying but I am creepin'. :smile:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone! Can I join you?
    I'm Ros, I live in the UK and I joined MFP in Jan 2011. I did really well for the first month when I was off sick from work and had time to concentrate on me, but since going back to work I have fallen off the MFP wagon, got back on, fallen off again...you get the picture. I'm married with 3 kids, a stressful job and I have a nasty habit of swallowing bad feelings down with buttered toast, chocolate or white wine.
    I'm hunting for my weight loss mojo and a six week challenge seems like a great idea to give me a kick up the backside. Plus you guys seem a really supportive bunch of people.
    I was 223 lbs when i weighed myself a couple of days ago, but I'll check in with a proper starting weight over the weekend.
    80 lbs to go...
    1. To log my food (ALL my food) EVERY day
    2. To do at least 300 cals of exercise at least 5 days a week.
    3. Only eat when I'm hungry

    Deep breath, and here goes
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal - Donuts are their own being... there is no way to resist them unless you are a superhero. They give off an aura of awesomeness unlike any other awesome-aura-giving thing ever... To resist is futile, and to give in is understandable.
    Thanks Hosanna. I needed that laugh :laugh:
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Kendal - Glad i could help :happy:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - have you forgotten, you are a superhero!!! All my powers ate yours!!!

    Welcome Rosy and all other new faces...

    Hallie - is it TOM issues? Big hug if so... Otherwise, snap it together and do your best!!! We are here for you...
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm also lurking. I keep starting to respond and then falling asleep (as in, nearly every night this week). Work's still crazy so I'm pulling long hours, and between that and getting up early for P90X I don't have a lot of energy in the evenings.

    I'll weigh in tomorrow. I was up this morning from all the sodium I ate at the work bbq yesterday afternoon but it seems to be mostly flushed out now.

    Hailie, I absolutely adore your new profile pic.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning Super Pals! Here's my check in for Friday: 2115 calories burned/ 1825 calories eaten/ 290 calorie deficit (it's a small deficit but I give myself some leeway on Friday so I don't go all bat *kitten* insane during the week).

    Sarah: I've been seeing you posting your P90X and I'm so proud of your butt-kicking-ness! It makes sense that you're tired. Make sure to get enough rest.

    Ros: Welcome to the group! It's nice when we have people join who are almost in my time zone as I tend to be awake when a lot of US people are asleep or just waking up (depending on where they live). I live in Germany. I completely understand sticking with your diet and then slipping a bit and then slipping some more and then getting back on track and then slipping....it happens to everyone. These ladies here help keep my slipping to a minimum and I adore every single one of them!

    Hailie: I agree with Sarah - LOVE the new pic! Also, we miss you around here so make sure to pop in at least to say hi and talk about your tan. (I am tanning vicariously through you, you know)

    Victoria: I'm sorry you missed your bike ride. Was it weather related or due to something else?

    Hosanna: I'm sorry you're still feeling icky. I wish you a speedy recovery! I know how hard it is to go to work when your other half doesn't have to. It sucks. It makes it TONS harder just to get ready for work.

    Nellie: Welcome to the group. Our challenge is just weight loss based. We post our weigh in's any time between Friday and Monday and Kristina (akasullengal) posts a chart with how everyone did that week. Some of us post other accountability info (like whether or not we were under our calories for the day or whether we got exercise) but that's up to you. We are really here to support each other so do whatever helps you achieve your goals (for me that is to post here daily and stay involved with these gals' lives and to post whether I was over or under my calories every day).

    Kristina: I am not uber-endowed in the chestal region so I'm pretty sure the girls are gonna stay where they're supposed to in the dress. I think you are doing just great getting back on track. You rock!!!

    Karen: Back to school shopping sucks. Before we started home schooling Gabe I practically spent more money on pencils and Clorox wipes than on The Kid's clothes (he is, admittedly, cheap to clothe). Since we switched to home schooling, I actually buy LESS school supplies. I only buy what we actually use (we don't use those stupid pink chunks of eraser, etc) and it is awesome.

    I am 3 pounds away from catching up (down) to The Hubbs' weight!!! It's in sight, I'm almost there!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oy, in retrospect, I should have biked alone. My partner cancelled since her kids are in town. Check-in 2176 burned, 2546 eaten with no exercise.. Those 400 cals from the bile would have come in handy. Sighs. I'll have to make it up today...
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kristina - Ain't no shame in stayin' the same!

    Nellie: Welcome!

    Hosanna: Great job with the loss!

    Rosy: Welcome!

    Everyone else, hello and good morning! Taking my son to a birthday party at a bouncy house today. Surely, that will give me a workout. Also, may hit the gym later. Hoping to drink oodles of water as I had chinese food last night. I tried to choose healthy stuff, but the sodium still runs rampant in chinese food. Wish me luck, as I weigh in tomorrow morning!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I got up early, took Lexi to the vet (annual check up and her nails clipped), got my car inspected (something we have to do yearly in NC in order to get our license tags renewed), I just finished eating my turkey sausage and mozzerella omlette (only made it with 2 eggs and it still seemed huge). It's 9:45 and misty/rainy but I'm going to braid my hair in pigtails and take lexi for a walk. Then shower and then Mr. Reunion should be here and I will meet his kids. We're going to SciWorks (a science center place) and then roller skating. I'm hoping all this will make up for the almost 900 cals I was over yesterday. Yes, I said 900 calories. Hopefully I won't break my ankles skating. I used to LOOOOVE it when I was 11 and 12 and was actually really good. Then I hit puberty, gained weight, stopped skating so much and the last time I tried, it hurt. But Mr. Reunion's girls love it and I would like to try to get back into it. Anyways, thats all I got for an update. Sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone but know I'm here supporting you all!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in from yesterday:

    1525 eaten / 285 exercise calories / 40 OVER... again, not too shabby.

    Considering it was pastry-catered breakfast. I had half a muffin and half a pastry and lots of fruit, and had jimmy johns for lunch (no mayo!), it wasn't bad and MUCH better than my most recent Fridays, which have been bad food extravaganzas! Exercise was two Emma walks.

    Just got back from my clinic walking group. It's nasty sticky out there, but we powerwalked 1.5 miles, and always helps me feel accomplished first thing in the morning. Will plan for another dog walk tonight. Had thought about getting up this early and running, it was just SO humid. I need to get my tooshy in gear with that, asap.