

  • I am so with you!!!! Every time I finish a week I realize I have so many more to go! LOL. But we're supposed to be looking at this as a lifestyle change, right???:wink:
    in P90X Comment by ErinCatherine April 2010
  • Rcrews77 – I am with you…Almost done with week 4 and don’t see or feel much of a difference. I feel like I’m pushing hard and eating so much better and I think we just need to be more patient. I hate to say that cuz it is SOOOO hard to do. But I have read on other boards that many women don’t see a big change until into…
  • klouttit - I was sore after every single workout the first week! Actually I think the second and third week too... To me this is a good sign because it is proof you are working muscles in new and effective ways. From my experience with weight size, I decided that if I made it to 15 reps and wasn't at "failure," then I…
    in P90X Comment by ErinCatherine April 2010
  • I have to say that it has really helped keeping track of what I am eating on this site, and it has only been 4 days. I am WAY low on protein and that is with being conscious of it so I know I was totally off before. EVERY thing has carbs in it and they add up so fast... I switched to a whey protein that has twice the…
  • Okay, I have a few questions on this nutrition stuff. Some days I do my workouts in the morning as soon as I get up. Is it bad to do it on an empty stomach? I have not purchased the recovery drink so I make a shake with light vanilla soy milk and soy protein powder… but my boyfriend looked at the label and said it has too…
  • Oaker – thanks, I hope I make it all the way too! I am really loving p90x thus far. I was tired of doing the same classes over and over again at the gym and I think my body really was too. Chest and back is by far the most difficult workout for me. I have definition in my upper body and arms, but not a lot of strength. I…
    in P90X Comment by ErinCatherine April 2010
  • Wanted to add a few things... Love Kenpo and Plyo, not a fan of chest and back because push ups and pull ups are not my friend. Using a chair with the pull-ups and still cannot do even one without it. Sounds like a heart rate monitor would be a good investment for tracking calories burned... Agreed? Anyone's thoughts on…
  • Hello to all! On my first round of P90X - started out reading the other LOOOONG thread and was glad to see there is another that is shorter and less trafficked - I felt a little lost on there as well. It is SO wonderful to read about other people's experiences with this program Very very motivating. I just finished week 3…
  • Hello all... Hoping I am welcome to join this thread. I am new to the site and to online message boards altogether. No Facebook here! Anyway, I just finished week 3 of p90x Classic. Prior to starting this program I was averaging about 4 days a week at the gym, 60 to 90 minutes at a time, a combo of cardio and weight…
    in P90X Comment by ErinCatherine April 2010
  • OOOHHHH. Thats better, 1200 calories is not a lot for me! As for the P90X not working without the diet... I was afraid of that. Up until the past year or so I have generally been able to eat whatever and as long as I exercised didn't put on weight. I KNEW it would catch up with me eventually! :wink: I avoid scales at all…
  • Hi everyone...Just joined this site today. I also am doing p90x, today is the last day of my third week. I have NOT beein following the recommended diet although I would say in general my eating habits are about 75% healthy overall (lots of fruits and veggies, lean protein, whole grains). But I have a sweet tooth, and I…