


  • Phillips28
    Phillips28 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just wanted to say hello! I'm new to this thread. I just got my P90X this week, so I have been reading your thread and seeing what I have in store for me!

    My friend let me borrow her DVD's for a week first so I could try them out before I got mine. I think I have been thru all of them except Plyo (which I'm nervous about that one!) and stretch. Ok, I attempted to do Yoga...but it was so slow, and I was really tired from my first attempt at running since about nine year ago...so I didn't finish the Yoga.

    I did Kenpo and AbX last night. Those two are my favorite! I am always just dripping with sweat when I am done. I am always amazed with Audra in Ab Ripper X, she does most of the moves the hardest way to do them...and makes it look easy. She must have some strong abs!

    I still don't have an HRM or pull up bar yet. I need to get on the ball. I have heard good things about the Polar F7. Which one do you all have? I was looking at the one on Beachbody...the bowflex one with the strap? Do any of you switch out the stretch or yoga dvd? Just wondering...I have heard some say not too because you'll need it or will look forward to it. But I heard others say they just run or do the elliptical instead. Any thoughts?

    I thought the libido comment was funny. My hubby and I were just agreeing with that comment. hahaha. I'm embarrassed admitting that...but it's true. :blushing:

    I haven't taken any before pictures yet, or figured out which program I'm doing. I think I'll do classic seems to be suggested by most. (Thanks AJCM for your advice) :flowerforyou: I'm just dreading the before pictures...I'll feel silly "posing" in front of the camera and showing skin. So I'm putting it off.

    After reading the nutrition guides, I'm just nervous about that part of it. Is anyone else feeling the same way? I'm kind of a picky eater....so there is no way I can follow the scheduled meals where they plan it out for you. But I'm hoping I can follow what they say by just picking good things that I like? Is anyone having trouble with that part of it?

    I'm so excited I was introduced to this website. My co-worker told me about it at the end of January and I've been counting calories and started working out for the first time since I had kids....I lost 22lbs so far...and I am hoping P90X will help me on that last 8-10lbs and that tummy pouch from having two kids!

  • WTJoyce
    WTJoyce Posts: 86
    I'm in week 5 of my second time around with P90X.

    I agree the nutrition is imporatnt, but I am sticking with my regular eating pattern, which is an every other day diet. Every other day I only eat approximately 750 calories, and the other day I eat whatever I feel like.

    Generally I eat a sound diet, whole grains, fresh veregetables and fruits, no soda, limited juices, lots of water, probiotic yogurt.

    It seems to be working out okay, I am still hitting the exercise routines with good intensity and I am dropping between 1.5 and 2 pounds a week.

    Last time I did P90 I also followed my own nutrition plan and lost a total of 35 pounds. I relaxed a little too much after the program and gaine back 25 in 10 months and that is when I started looking for a permamnent solution to my eating routine. After looking around at different things I settled on the every other day diet.

    Once I reach my goal weight I can up my off day calories to about 1000, but I am holding off on that until I get just below what my final weight was at the end of my first P90 cycle.

    And this time, when I complete the progrm I will continue to work out 5-6 days a week, just a little less intensely.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member

    I missed my cardio workout last night and I feel bummed! Life happens, I know, but what do I do? Should I do two workouts today? Can I count today's run as my "Cardio X" and then do my regular scheduled workout tonight?

  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    klouttit don't worry so much about missing an exercise. Look at this whole routine as a life change and that you will be doing some sort of exercise for a long long time, not just 90 days. I think everyone wants to get into great shape in the 90 days, but what about after that? Missing a few days over a couple years is nothing. I completed two rounds and a half round of insanity, quit for the most part and lost a lot of what I had worked so hard for. I wish I had kept going even if I only worked out a few times a week rather than take off for months. You will do great over the long haul and be and stay in great shape if are able to look at this from a lifetime perspective rather than 90 days.

    Phillips28 don't worry so much about Plyo. Just modify your moves, take breaks when needed or push thru. You will find it gets easier and more enjoyable. In fact, you probably will quit doing Kenpo and replace that with Plyo. As far as Yoga (least favorite for many reasons), I did every routine my first round, but skipped most of it during my second round. Just took that day off and always did Stretch X. Also, don't forget to take pictures. You won't believe how your body changes in the 90 days or however long it takes. I didn't look at my first day picture until at least 180 days later and all I could say was who was that fat guy. Again about nutrition. This is very important. Keeps you energized while helping you build lean muscle. I had a very hard time doing the first 4-5 weeks with 50% protein. I was at the 2400 calories so that meant 300 grams of protein per day!!!!! Good luck with all that. Ended up eating a lot of meat and whey protein drinks. I think I only stayed there for 3 weeks but I always felt too full and usually didn't eat all my calories. Really lost the weight during that period. I think this website really helps with tracking all the protein, carbs and fat.
  • Hello all... Hoping I am welcome to join this thread. I am new to the site and to online message boards altogether. No Facebook here! Anyway, I just finished week 3 of p90x Classic. Prior to starting this program I was averaging about 4 days a week at the gym, 60 to 90 minutes at a time, a combo of cardio and weight training. Over the last year or so I've probably gained about 5 pounds, which is a lot for my frame. I'm having a real hard time getting it off and am a little discouaraged I am not feeling/seeing the results that some people are already. I do have to admit that I probably only followed the diet about half the days thus far. I think it will really help to track my food intake on this site and also to work on staying in the correct range for proteins, carbs, etc. I LOVE CARBS and I am definitely having a hard time cutting down. I've never had this hard a time toning up or shaking my "winter weight" - seems that since I turned 30 by body COMPLETELY changed. Anyway I am really just looking for a community of support and encouragement and advice along the way...Today is my Rest/Stretch Day and I start my first recovery week tomorrow. From what I've read and heard that does not mean it is time to take it easy. Good luck everyone!:smile:
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I just finished Day 10 of Lean and I feel so awsome! Go us!
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    ErinCatherine congrats on your progress so far. Hope you make it all the way. So what do you think of p90x and how does it compare to the gym? What's been the hardest routine for you? I ended up almost dreading Yoga but really liked Plyo. It is tough trying to eat a lot of protein the first few weeks. but diet is very important. Those last few pounds to lose always seem to be the toughest. When I got to my lowest wt, I still had what I thought was belly fat but it was just some loose skin. Anyhow, keep up the good work and keep us informed on your progress.
  • Oaker – thanks, I hope I make it all the way too! I am really loving p90x thus far. I was tired of doing the same classes over and over again at the gym and I think my body really was too. Chest and back is by far the most difficult workout for me. I have definition in my upper body and arms, but not a lot of strength. I used bands the first week for pull ups then I moved to the pull-up bar with a chair. I cannot do even one without the chair. I hit "failure" pretty quickly on the push ups as well. So I dread that day. Today I had Yoga and I tried to come into it with a better attitude…It worked! :tongue: I felt like I was working harder and was even able to hold Crane (for about 2 seconds)!

    Anyone have any guesses on how many calories are burned in Yoga X? I am thinking I need to just give in and buy a heart rate monitor so I really know.

    I did notice on here that some people do additional workouts, cardio, etc on top of p90x. I cannot imagine having the energy for that so “props” to all of you!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    I'm with ErinCatherine, I don't understand how anyone has energy to do other workouts! I have my pilates class 2 days a week, but if it weren't for the fact I'm taking it for a grade that I'd still go now that I'm doing P90X.:laugh: .. not just because I'm tired but also because my shoulders and wrists are taking a beating with so much planks, holds, pushups, etc.:ohwell: :frown: Especially since I spend so much time typing and writing for school, the wrists never get a break.

    Also to ErinCatherine-I feel your pain. I am a carb-atarian. Definitely a meat and potatoes girl, very hard to limit myself!!:flowerforyou:

    Klouttit, yay for you!! Keep up the great work!!:drinker:

    Oaker, my hubby and I do the same thing on Yoga days, either rest or do X Stretch, or I do one of my yoga videos I actually like. We don't like the Yoga X either, for several reasons (which sucks, because I love yoga) I'm glad to hear that worked for someone else because I've been nervous that that will seriously affect our results.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    thanks everyone, I have been debating whether or not to purchase this program and it sounds like everyone is getting results and enjoying it, sore muscles and all.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    ErinCatherine yoga is just plain hard and long. Glad you found something to make it thru. Don't worry about the pullups. I started using the chair ( I think I could do 2 without) but kept working toward doing more and more. Try pulling up normal then go back down slow. Also, I would do as many as I could til failure take a break and do it again. Had plenty of time cause failure did not take long. When I got better and could do them without, I hit pause to get as many as I could, then ran the dvd and did another set. I then hit pause again to try and recover. Got up to 14 reverse curls and 12 regular. Not many compared to the boys on the dvd, but I felt good from where I started. I used to use a heart rate monitor but not to track calories, just to see how high I could get it during plyo and insanity. I think I used to put down 100 to 150 calories for yoga and stretch X, but it was a guess.

    KaitieBug the biggest thing that will affect your results will be diet. Missing a workout here and there is nothing compared to binging for a few days. I still think everyone needs to look at this from the long haul and not 90 days. Granted you will be in great shape if you follow the diet and do every workout for 90 straight days, but what comes next? Do the program for 90 take a week or two off and begin again. Should be p90 yrs X.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I'm having some problems!

    1. My muscles sore after...should they be? I'm not very strong so I'm using 7lb weights for most exercises, the next size up that I have is 10lbs, is that too big of a jump? Should I move up?

    2. I'm getting sore knees after legs and back, is this my form?

    I feel like I'm not getting as much out of this as I can be...
  • klouttit - I was sore after every single workout the first week! Actually I think the second and third week too... To me this is a good sign because it is proof you are working muscles in new and effective ways. From my experience with weight size, I decided that if I made it to 15 reps and wasn't at "failure," then I needed to go up. The next time I did the workout I used a higher weight but had the other one available if I needed to go back down. I don't think 7lb to 10lb is too big a jump but I am not an expert there... as for the sore knees, it is possible that you are putting too much pressure on them in things like lunges and squats if your knee is extending out over your toes. if you haven't already, try using a mirror when you do these execises to make sure your form stays good.

    oaker thanks as always for the diet advice. I really think this is going to make a huge difference.

    KaitieBug - I'm with you on the wrists!!! Definitely during yoga and also with push ups my wrists are very sore. If anyone has any tips for this it would be appreciated!
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    klouttit being sore is just a part of the whole program. I remember the first week I could barely move parts of my body. I hurt for days but things got better. Even after I had completed my first round and was in the middle of my second, I did legs and back and really made a point to work the legs with deep squats and good form. Oh yeah, I was sore for the next 3 days. I think ErinCatherine is right about form during your lunges. Make sure the knee doesn't extend past the toe. Try and not go so deep and don't use weight for exercises that are hard on the knees. Just keep pushing play and keep up with the diet. You will get results but it takes time. Your body will get stronger. Take longer breaks if you need to but keep up the good work
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks Oaker, you are so right! :smile: Nutrition/binging isn't a problem for me. Granted I'm not following Tony's guide to a T, so I know I would get better results if I did, but I eat pretty healthy overall (especially compared to a year ago!!:laugh: ) so I'm not concerned about limiting what kinds of food groups I eat daily. When I was seeing one, my nutritionist told me not to limit my fruits and veggies anyway. Carbs, now, that IS problem for me! :wink: Not bad carbs, just too many, so I'm working on lowering the amount I consume every day. Next time I do the program, however, I intend to give Tony's diet guide a go!

    ErinCatherine, you can stretch your wrists, that's the only thing that helps me at all. It hasn't made the pain stop completely for me, but the pain's worse if I don't stretch them. If you google "wrist stretches" you can see pictures of some good ones and see if any work for you!
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Well! Color me embarassed! Not that this isn't glaringly obvious but the nutrition plan is there for a reason! I seriously need to revisit what I am eating because I just got my ___ handed to me by Kenpo X. I totally burned out and only made it half way though the thing!

    Hope everyone had a great workout today though!
  • I am new to this site, just started yesterday and I have purchased the p90x and am not meeting the minimum physical requirements. Does anyone suggest I start them anyways?
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    xxxstrikexxx: Are you able to do the minimum on some things but not others? I wasn't able to do a few things (like pull ups) but I started the program anyway and now I am definately noticing improvement.

    You can always try and if you can't do it, find a new routine to get you ready for P90X.
  • klouttitt: I can do very few of them but i can do some
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Alright I finished week one - however I skipped Kenpo and just did my regular gym (cardio and lifting) routine. I missed the gym. I didn't overly push myself for the first week, I wanted to learn how the flow went, especially with Yoga.

    I know its normal to fall behind trying to learn the ins and outs so I wasn't upset. Loved the Plyo - best work out I have ever done. I had to laugh at myself in the reflection of the entertainment center. I've played sports all my life, and was amazed that there were things I couldn't do "correctly" form wise. Knee Tucks and the rock stars I basically just jumped straight up and down with slight movement. Plus with feeling a little tired and sore was afraid I'd forget to extend my feet back down to land.

    Is it even possible within a week to notice changes? My only other concern is the pull ups. I do not have a door frame that I think I can secure the bar too, so I bought the bands, but I'm not exactly sure where to stick them to get the same effect/muscle usage.

    I'm glad to see you guys are sticking with it! I truly enjoy the work outs ... its a challenge and I want to complete it.

    Hope ya'll had a great Easter!
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