

  • you look so awesome! if we didn't know you had a lil one, i don't think we could tell! way to stick to your resolution! mine was to loose 50 lbs this year and i'm less than 20 lbs away from reaching that goal!
  • yeah she's the trainer from the biggest looser...it is an awesome workout that will get you really sore in such a sort time!
  • wow i wish i looked half as good as you when i was 200 lbs! you look great and keep up the wonderful job!
  • I normally just say thank you and that i've been working hard so i'm glad i'm gettin results
  • Good luck! 80 is a lot to loose but you'll eventually get there if you stay motivated. August 2010 i was 215 after i had my youngest and by his 1st birthday i was back to 155, but i still have 35-40 more lbs i want to loose by my 26th birthday which is the first week of april.
  • jillian michaels 30 day shred is longer than 15 minutes but it's only about 25 minutes long and that's with a warm up and cool down. it's a great circuit workout to do when you are pressed for time and all you need are dumbbells
  • thank you! it seems like you've done a great job so far!