

  • I would agree with others and say it depends on how your body works. I know personally I would need to eat SOMETHING before a workout or else I would crash halfway through and just have zero energy. When I used to run a lot every day in high school I would make sure to eat a good-sized healthy snack (a bowl of cottage…
  • If you're getting sick of salads altogether, try a new combination of flavours to up the appeal. Awesome/delicious salad toppings: -strawberries, blueberries or raspberries -mandarin oranges - almonds - walnuts - crumbled feta cheese Some grocery stores even sell little pre-made salad kits that contain 3 or 4 toppings that…
  • 22 and looking to eat healthier and make general lifestyle changes. Hovering around 160lbs and would like to get to 150lbs. Feel free to add me! I've added a few of you here :smile: best of luck ladies!
  • That's so great that you are able to stick to that workout regimen (I find it difficult to even start...) but have you been adjusting your food intake in any way? Try eating more often (3 regular meals and ALWAYS 2 snacks in between) to boost your metabolism. Or try to eat foods high in fibre and protein but on the low…
  • I'm also new here! I got the app for my phone a few weeks ago, but then I did an update and it erased ALL my apps and I forgot to add MFP again. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you here and making some new friends feel free to add me and we can swap tips! :smile: