

  • Hi there I was diagnosed with Fibro about 14 years ago, and struggled for years with my weight, and inability to do any meaningful exercise.... However, since joining MFP, I have found that exercise and clean healthy eating has improved my symptoms and increased my energy levels. I also take small doses of Amitryptiline at…
  • HI Sarah I too have Fibro, and have had for last 14 years or so. Always struggled with my weight, but determined to do something about it... I have actually found that healthy eating and exercise has improved my symptoms, and happy for you to add me as a friend also :) Good luck with your journey :)
  • Oh my, I know this is an old post, but had to respond. I too have Fibro, and since joining up on MFP, I have noticed the exact same problem. Junk food and alcohol in particular, and my body gives up on me... The exercise and healthy eating has really made a huge difference to my condition, but the minute I eat junk or…