Holistic approach?



  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I'd highly look in to an alkalaizing diet. Mostly plant based greens. When your body is too acidic, it does whatever it can to keep the proper pH of your blood. If you get too acidic (as most people are) it starts to steal calcium from bones, magnesium from muscles. The cuprit is microforms in the body, such as candida(yeast), fungis, mold. These microforms waste is acidic. Some of these microforms feed on glucose (which is what carbs turn in to). This can explain your fibromayalsia. When the acid gets to great, it's dumped in to the tissue, this is where the lymphatic system has to deal with it. This can explain your lymphatic issue as well.

    Of course some would say this isn't how it works. This is how it works to Microbiologist Robert O. Young Ph.D with 30yrs experienece in the field.
  • speculardaisy
    Hi there

    I was diagnosed with Fibro about 14 years ago, and struggled for years with my weight, and inability to do any meaningful exercise....

    However, since joining MFP, I have found that exercise and clean healthy eating has improved my symptoms and increased my energy levels.
    I also take small doses of Amitryptiline at night (which is an antidepressant in higher doses), which act as a muscle relaxant, along with other painkillers.
    I know you want a holistic approach, and I have personally tried Acupuncture, Reiki, Alexanders Technique, Osteopathy, hydrotherapy to name a few!!
    The only thing that I know actually helps me is massage, or aromatherapy massage.
    However, Fibro affects every individual differently, and as such, you need to find what works for you. Its taken me about 10 years to realise the massage worked, and now i'm on here I know its alcohol and high fat foods that exacerbate my symptoms...
    Good luck and hope this helps a little
  • chiroGirl77
    You should look into going to a chiropractor. I am sure in your area you can find one that can help you with your conditions and generally just make you feel a lot better!

    You can use the American Chiropractic Association to find a DC in your area. This association is more apt to deal with a holistic approach to wellness. Many of them will also have massage therapist in their office and your health insurance will probably cover it! ;)

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