

  • Oh! I also sometimes get a real burst of energy after dinner, and a workout at that time can be a lifesaver! Otherwise--as ridiculous as this must sound--I will resort instead to snacking in order to LOWER my energy level enough for sleep. I may bookmark this post so I can refer back to it if I ever wonder why I have such…
  • This is my most fragile time of day! For me, a late night snack can easily turn into a late night binge. If this isn't a problem for you, I think all the above suggestions are great. A bit of dry oatmeal is also a good one if you don't think it's weird to eat dry oatmeal :) I really like how consciously I have to chew it,…
  • Hi, Katie! We can do it! *high five* Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone in this :)
  • Thanks for sharing! There is SO MUCH diet advice out there, and so much of it is conflicting. It can make it hard to hear my own body. Getting back to MFP does feel like getting back to basics. The points bias in WW guided me towards their version of "good" foods, and away from their idea of "bad" foods, and it didn't…
  • Great suggestion! Thank you! I currently use Strava for tracking walks, hikes, and bike rides, but I don't think it integrates with MFP. I've been meaning to check out the Fitbit, though. Thanks for the reminder. Edit: Oops! Thought hitting "reply" would automatically include the user name that I was replying to. This was…
  • I try to balance it out with my snacks and meals for the rest of the week. That, to me, is more "real life" than trying to eat the exact same number of calories each day. So, for example, plan ahead by eating under by 200 calories on a boring old Monday so you can eat over by 200 calories at your BBQ. Or eat over at a more…
  • I have had far slower results with Points Plus than I had with the previous WW program. It's occasionally frustrated me to the point of tears. Yes, the old program had a very low daily points allowance if you were within sight of your goal, but that's why the weekly points worked so well. I ate every single one, every…