

  • Sure is quiet in here...hope you are all well! I finished the Bulk phase today! I can't believe I have 4 weeks left of this program. Time has FLOWN and I love it. I'm really zeroing in on nutrition and hope to have some good results when I'm done. My back is slightly sore from yesterday, so I'm thankful for the rest day…
  • Hm, I take C4 and can't say it causes bloating... I love the stuff. I had to buy a new tub this weekend and bought "Mystery Flavor." I swear it tastes like Peaches and Cream, because it gives the water a milky look. I actually really like it! I've been enthusiastically responding to Sagi during my workouts this week, it's…
  • Hello to week 7 of Body Beast for me! :) Just finished Bulk Chest. That combo rotation set near the end always gets me. I don't think it's going to be so bad and before I know it, my arms are shaking and I'm struggling with the final 8. Feels awesome having it done. Great job ladies for sticking with it! ambrosiaspear, I'm…
  • I'm here and still going strong! I've got Bulk Back today and will do it when the baby is napping. I can't believe tomorrow I finish week 6, time is FLYING. I am also loving the changes I'm noticing. They're small, but they're definite. My arms are leaning out and my shoulders are rounding out, my calves are coming back…
  • Here you all are! LOL, I didn't understand why the last thread had died and worried I said something wrong. :) Glad to know everybody is still pushing play and getting beastly! Ok, so my 2 week diet plan flopped on day 2. This is no big surprise to me. One thing I have learned is I am not good at very restrictive plans. I…
  • Thank you for sharing about negative pull-ups! I'd never heard of them before. I have the chin up assist but have just been using the bands. I googled negative pull-ups and found some videos on youtube that demonstrate them. Next time we have to do pull-ups - I'm going to give this a shot. :) I started week 5 today - Bulk…
  • The Burn Intervals workout is from Chalean Extreme. I was in the mood to mix up the cardio that day and that specific one is a favorite of mine. She mixes tons of lightweight reps with plyo and kickboxing moves. If you give her a 10 out of 10, you'll be spent by the end. :) As for the Plyo on the Beast disc, do you mean…
  • Go for the Tempo workouts, it's worth it, imo. I lucked out and a friend had an extra disc so he gave it to me, but I'd pay the $30 in a heartbeat. Yesterday was cardio day and I did Burn Intervals. I just love that one so much. It always leaves me feeling accomplished at the end. Today I did Bulk Back, Hallelujah for 29…
  • Kel, congrats on almost being done with Bulk! That's fantastic! :) I agree, enjoy your vacation and don't obsess about being active, etc. That is what vacation is for anyway! We all need a flat out break now and then. Whenever I have a day that I want to do something not scheduled, I tend to throw in Burn Intervals. I just…
  • Melanie, thank you for the FitBit info! What is TDEE? Does the FitBit tell you how many calories you've burned daily? Does it also tell you how many you burned during a specific time, like a workout? I'd like to integrate something techy into my day but want to make sure it's worth it. I used to have a Bodybugg and it…
  • btw, does anyone use FitBit or know anything about it?
  • Hi ladies! So, I started Bulk phase yesterday and today I met Bulk Legs. AAAARGH! Now I know what all the fuss is about when it comes to Legs day. OMG. When I was done I was sweating and shaking and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest! When it came down to the last ten minutes I honestly wanted to…
  • Thx Kel! This is true, I've got to start somewhere. Problem is I've been starting and restarting a lot recently, so it feels SO GOOD to finally be into it and not wanting to look back. It's awesome. Today I have Chest/Tris and am going to do Tempo. I really like that one. Last time I did it I was shaking like Elvis! LOL…
  • Thank you! I did take pics and measurements. I don't notice much in the way of clothing fitting me differently or anything, but I do feel "tighter" within, if that makes any sense! :) This morning was Shoulders. Man, those 1, 1, 2's and the Sagi 6 are brutal. I feel like such a wimp because I lift so light, but I'm sore…
  • Hi ladies! I'm so happy to see a BB group here. I started week 3 of Build phase today. I AM LOVING THIS PROGRAM. It just may be my soulmate workout. :) I have a lot of weight to lose, especially in the midsection (I'm a total apple) but after trial and error with different workout dvds, I feel like I've finally found my…
  • Go for it. I am a HUGE CLX fan. I've done a couple rounds of P90X and can honestly say I've lifted heavier and had better results with CLX lifting than I ever did with P90X resistance days. On that note, I hybrid the program whenever I do it - so for example, Tues I'd do an Insanity workout, Thursday Yoga X or Fountain of…