starlight101 Member


  • I beg to differ, 30 mins walking every other day IS exercise, and so is belly dancing which you say you do on a regular picture. You also have a picture of yourself doing surf boarding which is a full body work out. So whether you realise it or not you exercise on a regular basis you just dont nessercarily do it in a…
  • i agree with your philosophy on weighing in! i've banned scales from my house and insted make regular appointments to my doctors (once a month) nd when I'm there I weigh in, sometimes more like 6 weeks. It keeps me from being OCD and I look for other ways to track my new life style, for example how many take aways i have…
  • You can do it martyn! :-) Good luck and welcome to the site!
  • I also love tea! I could drink it all day every day and i never need sugar with it like i feel i do with coffee. I recently discovered Rooibos tea. I love it as it taste better than the normal caffeinated and is non caffeinated. Yum yum! :D Lychee is also delish!