

  • Redhead born and bred. Now going a bit grey and trying to find a red dye with blond instead of brown! Being a redhead is so much a part of my identity, I can't let it go and go grey. I have 4 kids and none are redheads *sigh* My sister is a brunette and she got 2 gingers. Looking around where I live, I don't believe we are…
  • At 33 lbs lost I have gone from a 34 GG to a 34 G. I could handle some more loss. Big cup bra a freakin' expensive!! If you order them online they are cheaper, but you never know if they are going to be the right bra for you, so I have to drive over 70 miles to get to a store that carries real bras and a range of sizes.…
  • I am with you in the curiosity. I bought the basic kind because I hadn't heard anything about the virgin vs regular debate. Our grocery store only had the regular kind. The kind I bought has no flavor at all, but says not to use it for deep frying. The kind my mom got online tastes very lightly like coconut, but was twice…
  • Me too! Height 5"5.5" SW 220.3 CW 188.7 GW 165 Stupid government charts say I should weigh 135. Not with bigger than an B cup thanks anyway. I am hoping to drop another 23 lbs by July. That is my one year anniversary with MFP
  • Buff Smoothie Recipe courtesy Alton Brown, 2009 Prep Time: 10 min Inactive Prep Time: 8 hr 0 min Serves: 24 ounces Ingredients 4 ounces plain, low-fat soy milk 4 ounces acai, grape, or pomegranate juice 4 ounces frozen banana 4 ounces frozen strawberries 4 ounces frozen blueberries 4 ounces frozen peaches Directions…
  • I don't understand why you would choose to eat oil instead of butter, unless you are lactose intolerant. Butter is not evil and it tastes a heck of a lot better. Canola is a man made food and vegetable oil is made from soy which is bad for all kinds of health conditions. Olive oil doesn't work as well for baking. I do like…
  • Everyone has their own path. Right now with the nasty weather, I am having issues getting my exercise in since I started in the summer and was doing it 100% outdoors, but I am keeping vigilant with my food. You have to lose weight your own way, or you won't lose at all. That is why there are so many methods. Good Luck!
  • EAT REAL FOOD!!! GO ahead and eat the egg the way it comes from nature. The less processed and separated your food is, the better off you are. Eggs are real food. Not like all those shakes and frozen food they add preservatives to and claim they are better for you. The healthiest countries on the planet are the places…
  • Thanks for sharing. It's so vital for others to know they are not alone on this journey and it can be done!
  • You could be eating the right amount, but not the right balance. You have to balance your carbs and proteins or your blood sugar would stay stable. My calorie goal is 1200. I eat 3 meals and then I plan in a snack at 10am and 3pm. Since I started doing that, I haven't had issues. Also, if you plan in snacks, you don't have…
  • I only weigh myself in the morning and only record it once a week. And when the Steelers are in the playoffs, all bets are off. We shall have to encourage each other to not binge to cover the pain of today's loss. Each day is a new start! We can do this!!
  • For some people, "You'd be more attractive if you were thinner" is exactly the point. I know a variety of woman who first started over eating as a defense mechanism because they were in too many bad relationships and they thought if they put on weight, men would leave them alone. Just another thing that makes you realize…
  • Great job! Thanks for posting to inspire others!!
  • I have 2 questions for you: 1) Why did you stop going before? and 2) If it worked before, why are you wavering this time? Personally, I am too cheap to pay someone for what I can do for free. I use the internet and local friends for support and I am honest with myself about my scale at home. I think learning to check…
  • Interesting piece of perspective: We are watching the I Love Lucy series on DVD. We just watched episode called "the Diet". Lucy wants to be in Ricky's show, but the costume for the part is a size 12. Lucy says she hasn't gained any weight since they were married. They get her on the scale and she weighs 132. She has to…
  • So much better than those pictures on a magazine in the checkout lane! All grouped together, so many stories, and you know they all did it for real. Also, you can actually TALK TO THEM! I can think of a few friends and family that I am sending to look at this thread.
  • Since I was asked, I have to say that: NO my grandfather did not say anything about my weight this Thanksgiving. He didn't say anything to me all day as a matter of fact. Ah well, his loss. You can't fix the jerks of the world, but you can sure show them up!!
  • Oops, got double posted
  • Just curious as to why you upped your intake. I have been at 1200 cal a day and walking up to 3 miles a day 5 months and have continued loosing. I did plateau for awhile, but 30 lbs down since July is way more than I thought I was going to do. I'm 5'4"
  • Wow. That is a lot of math and acronymns. I am cutting and pasting like crazy to work it out on paper. Intriguing.
  • Lost 0.3 lbs. Not much but a darn site better than gaining!!
  • When my grandmother worked at a limestone quarry, her boss was Mr Tree. His daughters were: (I kid you not!) Willow, Oak, Elm, and Maple. One of the drivers was named: Ted E Bear. The E did not stand for anything and Ted wasn't short for anything. My husband's best friend named his son" Kamren Issiah Lee Rasmussen. So his…
  • This is Thanksgiving week and I have to confess that I am rather looking forward to a meal with my grandparents and just waiting to hear if he will say anything after I've lost 30 lbs. If he can point it out when it's a negative, will he be honest enough to say something when it should be a positive.
  • My Grandfather: There was a community meal at our church and no one else from our family was there, so I walked over to make polite conversation with my grandparents who were new to the church. First thing out of Grandpa's mouth. "Mary, you've really put on some weight." I just stood there trying to think of something to…
  • After breastfeeding the 4th time around, I was at a 34H. Hard to find and not cheap! In all my pregnancy weight gains, I never gained a band size. I've lost nearly 30 lbs since July and just got a new bra. I went down to a 34GG. Not a huge difference. I'm really kinda doubting this will be an area of significant weight…
  • I brought a group of friends here and we were following my aunt. This is a great tool! Don't beat yourself up if you go slower than others, or if you miss a day. Your journey is your own. GOOD LUCK!
  • Every day is a new day. Having a few days that you let your diet slide is not going to take away the progress you have made! Yes, working out extra will help compensate for bad choices in foods, but more to the point, get back on track and forgive yourself. You aren't failing unless you stop trying.
  • Hmmm. For me that would mean 19.3lbs in 8 weeks? Seems like a lot, but when I broke down the math, that is 2.41 lbs a week. I have been averaging 2lbs a week since I started. Let's do this! Let's kick some butt!
  • Hmmm. For me that would mean 19.3lbs in 8 weeks? Seems like a lot, but when I broke down the math, that is 2.41 lbs a week. I have been averaging 2lbs a week since I started. Let's do this! Let's kick some butt!
  • I agree, it is like a pre-holiday slump is going around. Serious lack of motivation all around me. I have 3 friends who haven't logged in for a week. People are gonna start getting phone calls! I hurt my ankle awhile back and it laid me up for 2 weeks. Really sucked my momentum away. It set me 4 lbs back in my goal and I…