

  • I love this web sight so far, it has really motivated me to make a change. I wish you lots of luck. :glasses:
  • To tell you the truth, I haven't really cut anything out of my diet. The only thing I have slowed down is my soda intake. I have a terrible sweet too, and I know if I cut it all out then I will binge and that is so not a good idea. I've just been watching the calories on everything, and working on portions. I will read how…
  • Thanks so much! :bigsmile:
  • Thank you!!! Good luck with your weight loss. I was 162 right before I got pregnant, I cannot believe it was only a year ago! Oh, I had a baby a year ago, and we gave him up for adoption. Forgot to mention! Thanks and I send you lots of weight loss fairy dust....or something haha
  • Hello all, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Cat and in the last year, I've grown an obsession with food. I was depressed and had growing PMS that turned into PMDD. It made me hungry all the time, it would not stop! I just recently got on birth control, to try and calm down the PMDD and now I'm trying to lose all the…