

  • quaker has new cookies out.. they are really really good.. i also LOVE smart ones desserts in the frozen section. they taste good, and are healthy!
  • understand your frustration!! I have been eating healthy..cut out sodas, candy,chips... exercising..yet my weight has stayed the same..i actually gained a pound today...Makes me want to just give up and eat everything i see but I know thats not the answer. just keep on going!!
  • I am on weight watchers right now. I just started doing it. My boyfriends mom did it a few years ago and lost almost 100 pounds.. She gained a little back and is now doing it again.. Since January she lost 20 or 30 pounds and looks great. So I decided i should try it too. Trying to get to my goal so I can buy a cute…
  • Not sure when the zombie craze came about..I never cared all that much about zombies movies or anything until last year when my boyfriend made me start watching The WAlking Dead with him.. Now its my favorite show!!!! Im addicted!! lol
  • Drinks...not so much pop, but i could live off of iced tea.. And I have a problem with eating when im bored!
  • Heyyy. Im 21. Feel free to add. I need some girl friends!! --Christie