

  • Butter. I joke that I haven't given it up but only eat skimmed butter!
  • Well this site is working for me - I feel sooooo much better with my blood sugar under control and having lost some weight. Hooray for this site and the people on it.
  • What great ideas! Thank you for the advice and pointers. I have made a start with the salad bar in the local Supermarket where I bought a sufficient quantity and have divided it into side dishes for the next three days and have bought a ready made vegetable and goats cheese tart to divide into portions to take to work. I…
  • I'm new here too having been introduced to the site by a fitness fiend (who is also a friend!). I am also a Type 2 diabetic who is overweight and on two types of insulin and Metformin and I find watching what I eat is a big problem lots of sandwiches, take aways etc. since a normal working day starts with getting on a…