New from Oregon - Type 2 diabetic

sapphyretwins Posts: 7
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I'm new here and have two main goals - controlling my diabetes and losing weight. I was diagnosed three years ago and was pretty much living in denial until about five weeks ago. I had a scary high blood sugar episode (almost 400) which made me feel like crap (physically AND mentally) and that gave me the kick in the butt to start taking control of my eating and attempting to lower my blood sugar level.

So I started low-carbing again, taking my medication and even throwing in some very light exercise a few times a week.

Currently, my blood sugar is ranging from 90 - 145 throughout the day and while the high end of that range would still be considered high for a non-diabetic, I think I've come a long ways and I do feel good about my success so far. Unfortunately, one side effect of my diabetes medication, glimepiride, is weight gain. I guess I should count myself lucky to have maintained my weight for the past month but I am already eating low carb and while I am sure I could "tighten up" the food intake, I feel that any weight loss is going to be extremely slow.

Right now, it's more important to me to get my diabetes under control than lose weight but I know that I need to do both! Often, the two go hand in hand and that's what I had been hoping for but it seems like I might have to put more effort into it. I know my health is worth it. MFP seems like a great tool to help me achieve my goals.


  • Wow, responding to my own post - how sad! It's a good thing I know a few people on this site already otherwise I'd be pretty lonely, LOL. :)

    Any other Type 2 diabetics here losing weight and getting their blood sugar level under control?
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there, I've only just joined two days ago. I'm not diabetic, but both my parents are type 2 diabetics. I was hoping to get my dad on to MFP, but wasn't sure if it was okay for him to use. Now that I've read your post, I will encourage him :).

    Thank you for that - and hello from New Zealand.

    Take Care

    N :)
  • sparrows7
    sparrows7 Posts: 59
    Hey, you're in a neighboring town to me. Heck I even went to high school in your town (for a while) lol I am pretty new here and think this site is pretty great for logging all of my food and exercise!!
  • Hi Nat - yeah this site seems like anybody can join. You just do your own thing; you can fully customize your nutrient goals (less carbs, more fat and protein).

    Sparrows - I am a transplant from San Diego (about 8 years ago). I much prefer the beautiful PNW! I think this site is great, too! I am amazed at the food database! It just has practically everything!

    Thanks to both of you for replying! :)
  • johnlich
    johnlich Posts: 6
    I'm new here too having been introduced to the site by a fitness fiend (who is also a friend!). I am also a Type 2 diabetic who is overweight and on two types of insulin and Metformin and I find watching what I eat is a big problem lots of sandwiches, take aways etc. since a normal working day starts with getting on a train to London (UK) at 06:02 and climbing off the train home at 19:21. I'm not moaning because I love my job but life gets hectic. And of course I have no willpower to speak of when it comes to rescuing a nice cake from the display in the local bakery and can't cook anything but pre-prepared dishes.

    I have created three new "foods" with zero calories for Levemir, NovoRapid and Blood Glucose so that I can keep a record along with my food intake. So I now have something to show my Health Professional.
  • John - good idea on the new "foods"! I have this app on my iPhone called Diabetes buddy that lets me track glucose readings (which you can see displayed in a chart or export), medication, activity, carbs, water, weight and BP. Right now I just use it for the glucose and the rest I do on MFP

    I hear you on how hard it is watching what you eat. I've found that it's really about the preparation. I've been making a quiche every weekend and I freeze individual slices to take to work every day. I also make a huge batch of lentil soup (which is great for the blood sugar) and freeze individual portions to take to work. Or I eat dinner leftovers for the next day's lunch. I find dinner the most challenging where I have to come home and actually cook for me and the kiddos. I like pre-prepared dishes, too. You can get some good things at Costco (well you might not have those in London, LOL) like chicken sausages or meatballs that are pre-cooked and pair them with frozen veggies (cooked of course) and that makes for a very easy meal completely under your control and low in carbs.

    Good luck!
  • johnlich
    johnlich Posts: 6
    What great ideas! Thank you for the advice and pointers. I have made a start with the salad bar in the local Supermarket where I bought a sufficient quantity and have divided it into side dishes for the next three days and have bought a ready made vegetable and goats cheese tart to divide into portions to take to work. I think that I will save money by not buying snacks and designer coffees while I'm in London. Must be more difficult for you having to cook for the kids while watching what you eat.
  • Well this site is working for me - I feel sooooo much better with my blood sugar under control and having lost some weight. Hooray for this site and the people on it.
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