

  • It's been 14 days since having my Mirena removed. I had the first 7 years then the second only 2 years. I was feeling really good and perky with a nicer libido going on but the past two days have been blah! I don't know if this is what many women have reported as the "mirena crash" but maybe so. Having low energy and…
  • Continued: I continued to diet and excercise with really strict times to not so strict times, but I was working out much harder and more often and dieting more than I ever had and with little or no results, and several times even gaining a couple pounds! How frustrating! I went to my doctor with all my documentation and…
  • My story is a bit long, so I'll try to make a long story short! I got the Mirena IUD after the birth of my 3rd child (he's 10 now) and actually had it in for 7 years. All those first 7 years I loved it! What's not to love, no periods, no effect from hormones etc. I did not experience weight gain and my libido was still…
  • I love trader joes! You still have to read labels, but you can find things like almonds, low carb chips that are like soy and flaxseed etc. there a many foods that are specialized and healthy. Go browse and enjoy!
  • This does sound wonderful! Where do buy your firm tofu from?
  • It motivates me just seeing all the great progess everyone is making! Welcome to the site. It really is helpful. Hopefully it will help you stay on track. I think it makes it fun having friends on here going through the same challenges as we are. Good luck and happy calorie counting!!!!
  • this link may be even better. Jessica
  • there's a Dr. Oz article just out about his smoothie Diet and I looked at his smoothie recipes and they look delicious! try this link Good luck!
  • How wonderful! Congrats!!!!!!