

  • water jogging, if there is a leasuire currant at your pool usually they are only about 3.5 feet deep, i see people walking with books. also water aerobics, start with something like a hinges based low impact shallow. I am doing both durning my very restricted movement pregnancy, and see several people who have to be…
  • I am 19 weeks pregnant (also due in January), I started this when i was about 12 weeks pregnant and starting to have complications. I have been over weight most my life and obese for at least 8 years. I have been working out regularly and eating when i am hungry and traking what i eat. I have lost 6 pounds since i started…
  • i'm 5'2" my long term goal (like a year and a half from now) is 125. I am currantly 250 and 15 weeks pregnant so I will be happy if i am at 225 in december/january when i deleiver, after that like i said much faster
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