

  • I, too, was gone for a long while. Time to get back at it and stick with it this time. Let's go!
  • I weigh myself once a week. I know it fluctuates and I stressed about those weeks when I hadn't lost a thing, then I realized that my clothes fit better and I felt better, so I quit stressing about weight. Now I'm only 1.8 lbs from my goal weight and my average weight loss was 1.5 lbs a week. I wasn't burning it up by any…
  • Me, too!! Except since using MFP I have quit stuffing myself. I hate being over in calories!!!
  • Stay the course & use their comments as motivation. You'll show them! And you know what? Honest work is honest work, no matter what you are doing or where you work. Be friendly, look people in the eye and speak to them. MOST people will respond positively. As for the others? Forget them. In the scheme of things they mean…
  • Wow! Great work, amynicole!
  • I have found that 6 weeks is the magic number. You are losing gradually, while building muscle. So while the needle won't move as quickly on your scale, muscle weighs more than fat, at the end of 6 weeks you'll suddenly notice that your clothes are fitting differently. Stay the course, ignore the scale for weeks at a time,…
  • Both! With that said, now you have to work on ways to manage your stress so you can't use it as an excuse. How about next time you're stressed and want to eat or smoke, take a short, fast, run or throw a few punches and kicks (at the air, of course!). Act as if you're fighting off an attacker. That will get rid of some…
  • I used to drink regular Pepsi. A LOT. When my doctor said to give up smoking or Pepsi, I also chose to stop smoking. That was 31 years ago this May. 2 years ago I was able to make the switch to Diet Coke, so at least I got rid of the calories.... However, I can't stop drinking Diet Coke! I have given it up for Lent twice,…
  • For two years I tried to motivate myself to workout. Last August I started bringing my change of clothes and shoes with me to work. At the end of every day, I changed into the clothes before leaving work. And (almost) every day I went to the little track near my house and walked/jogged. I did this through rain and snow and…
  • Wait! You'll drive yourself crazy watching numbers go up & down every day. Take a nice, slow, deep breath and repeat after me, "i'm eating the correct foods, i'm exercising, i'm doing what is right for my body. patience is a virtue." Yeah, i've seen very little weight loss in my 4 weeks. But I FEEL that my clothes are…
  • Make sure you are eating lean protein foods. They stay with you longer so you'll feel hungry less frequently. Fiber, too. Fiber will make you feel more full and, um, keeps things moving along. Remember that a lot of the hungry feeling is because your mind and body are used to being stuffed. Now you are eating less so your…