

  • Absolutely,it was before I lost the weight and increased even more!!! Even more so being preggo now !
  • No weight gain from starting pregnancy weight as I lost quite a bit during the first trimester/second trimester. Have put on 6lbs since then at 31 weeks , hoping I can stay at a - weight gain and then once having the baby be even lower as I still want to lose 100lbs after having him. Giving myself 3-4 weeks before I start…
  • I live here in Colorado ,near Aurora and this is such a tragedy. Everyone wants to know why this man done any of this!! This was fully planned out down to the shooting starting around the same time as a shooting scene in the movie apparently. So many innocent victims died and so many injured . Hearing the accounts of what…
  • I have hypothyroidism due to hashimoto's and I'm currently on 375 mg mcg of levothyroxine , before I got pregnant I was losing very well on 200 mcg and hope that I continue to once I have our baby. Weight loss is harder but totally possible!!
  • Bologna, Hot dogs, ANYTHING off the pig except lean chops,,l ham or pork roast for pulled pork ( all my meat needs to be boneless with the exception of chicken wings), liver, tripe, oysters, calamari, rabbit (eww my gram tred to feed it to me), deer, snake, squid, any melon (allergic), Peanuts(allergic), Honey(allergic),…
  • I plan on going all natural, I went all natural for 30 plus hours induced labor with my son last year only to find out he turned breech lol and I ended up with a c-section. Trying for vbac this time and hoping my little guy cooperates. I'm on prednisone myself due to lupus, hopefully you can have a vaginal birth!
  • I bruise very badly, but I have lupus and alpha thalassemia. I hit my leg on the shopping cart last week and I have a bruise the size of a grapefruit , plus they last forever. I'd say get some blood work done just to make sure it is nothing medical. Editing today - could be vit d deficiency, I take 50,000 iuis a week for…
  • Hi there ! I have lupus, RA, and hashimoto's according to my rheumy they are all connected. I've been on prednisone since the begining of my diagnosis of just having adult still's which is RA, pred is a godsend but the devil at the same time. I have cushings from being on it so long and on various levels . I would say try…
  • I just posted the same topic on fb and ewww disgusting, I'm pregnant and I wouldn't try it!
  • Terrific job!! Add me if you would like~
  • Organic spring mix salad with cherry tomatoes,crab meat, cucumber and lemon juice with a side of cottage cheese. So good and soooo filling. It's my dinner tonight and has been my go to lately as it's been to hot to cook.
  • 21 weeks and no gain yet, dare I hope this continues ?
  • How much prednisone if you don't mind me asking ? I've been on anywhere from 3 mg daily to 20 mg and never got GD. I've been on prednisone now for 6 years . Doesn't mean you will get it , prolonged use can increase your risk though. I get a early glucose tolerance test which I passed and will get another at 24 weeks. I…
  • You are such an inspiration!!! You look amazing. Well done !
  • The people that said that are idiots, plain and simple ! I got crap about not having kids yet being married 7 years at the time, little did the disrespectful people whom felt they needed to know what was going on with my uterus know that I had suffered through 3 miscarriages and 1 stillbirth. I swear people should…
  • . ^^This !!!^^ My job had the worst women's bathroom , I'm talking pee and other gross stuff on the seats as well as girly used products on the floor. First day of work, I learned to use the coffeehouse next door restroom or the nice security guard would hold watch while I used the guy's bathroom.
  • I have 3 brothers , so yes I was taught look each and everytime. I have my own bathroom, thank you dh and I still look. The rare occasions I use public restrooms or friends restrooms, I look. You never know what someone else's habit is and it would be terrible to ASSume the seat is down , your likely to dunk your donut in…
  • I admire anyone I see running and even more so the bigger people, I think to myself you go! Don't worry about what others are possibly thinking because if they have a problem remember it is not YOUR problem but theirs . Get your running shoes on, your music in your ears and take off running with the wind in your hair.…
  • At least 6 times a week , sometimes more and dh would have it more but I need my sleep sometimes! Seriously people turn it down to play video games ??:frown:
  • LED!!!! I have a LED smart tv and I love it, I can get online to watch workout videos (to do lol) and anything else I want. Oh and the picture is AMAZING .
  • Based on what you have entered your estimated life expectancy is: 93 years Your largest modifiable risk factor is: None
  • They also make placenta tincture, apparently the placenta is placed in a mason jar with 95% drinking alcohol for 6 weeks or so. Then the rest of the placenta is strained out. You put several drops of it in water, to help with different hormonal imbalances . I say to each their own, I personally can't imagine trying it any…
  • I'm due October 12 th , this is our 6th pregnancy but our 2nd child. Our son is 10 months old and our little miracle. We had a stillborn daughter in March of 2010. Found out I had un-diagnosed lupus along with a blood clotting disorder at about 12 weeks during that pregnancy , sadly we lost her at 24 weeks. We are very…
  • I'm a good 90 or so lbs heavier than you and my doctor just said to me what's your weight gain goal, I said zero ...he said sounds good but if you gain you gain. I have lupus and I gain like crazy on my meds but hoping since my doses are lower it will help. I would probably get a new Dr , even obese your target weight gain…
  • Pretty awesome so many young couples married young and are still in love, going strong! Dh and I have been together for 15 years which would mean I was 13, he proposed when I was 18 and got married at 20 . Going on 9 years of marriage April 10th , had our first child last May and expecting our second in October!
  • Not only is it based on cultural differences but it can vary by state also. I'm puerto rican, black, white, italian, irish and native american.... I have no booty ( so sad I know ) , my hips aren't that wide but I gotta say I have a nice rack. Now I live in Colorado ,I've gotten hit on mostly by hispanics, latinos, and…
  • I read this story last night and was pretty livid with the mother. It's one thing to put your child on a "diet" but to exploit her and tell the story to millions is wrong. I mean seriously how is this helping anyone else ? She deprived her daughter meals at times , yet she admits to secretly stuffing her face with…
  • There is a program called Share, just type in Share food program with your state and something should pop up but I'll link an example here. These programs are not limited to anyone, so everyone can utilize this program. Each state's program differs a…
  • I have friends on both ends of the spectrum and it's not acceptable to make fun or judge either. My friends all know my views and if one of them spoke badly of another woman while we are out they know I will and have put them in their place. I have a very close friend I almost lost because ignorant people tortured her for…