Alyx128 Member


  • You might want to try yoga. My mom is the same as you. She just builds muscle at the drop of a hat. She is also large boned. She used to run a lot and her legs were really big, pure muscle (I think it might be the Scottish and German heritage). My dad is actually the same way too. I am sort of like that I build muscle…
  • May I join. I know I am a little late. If so my weight today is 170 lbs.
  • Everyone should find what works for them. Having strict ideas about what you need to do for a workout, rather than finding something that they truly love to do, will often lead to failure. If you don't enjoy working out you will be much less likely to do it. When i was younger I thought sustained running is what you did if…
  • Duplicate post.
  • This is a fun discussion.
  • Bump.
  • Damn gurl!!! You look hot!!!
  • I have heard the same things. I am also trying to keep my calories to about 1,400, and 10% carbs, 50% fat, and 40% protein. Which means that i need to eat 35g carbs, 140 g of protein, and 77 g of fat. This works out pretty well since I am supposed to eat 15 grams of fiber leaving my net carbs at 20g. I found this really…
  • Well if you are constipated that could have something to do with your stalled weight loss. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. The Atkins site specifically not to weigh yourself every day cause you can really drive yourself crazy with the daily fluctuation. But if you are losing inches that is wonderful, that means…
  • Hey guys how many calories are planning to consume during Atkins? Still sticking with what MFP say? MFP says that I should consume1,200 net calories. But the Atkins web site recommends between 1,500 and 1,800. I am trying to consume my body weight in grams of protein (175), which is proving challenging. I find it is pretty…
  • Well today was my first full day on Atkins. It went well. I am trying to walk at least 2.5 miles per day as well. So here is to hoping that I can keep with it. No horrible cravings yet.
  • I am overweight, but I have never been obese. I am big enough to be considered chubby or thick by other people, but not so big as to be judged as self destructive or mentally unstable I used to eat HORRIBLY and not workout ever. I have had friends that were obese who ate less and had a higher activity level, but they…
  • Whoops posted twice!
  • Well I personally want to smack him, because looking at your profile you were never the least bit "chubby". Maybe not at the weight you feel most comfortable at, but miles from chubby.
  • I will get atleast 30 minutes of physical activity every single days this week. And I will drink 3-4 cups of green tea (no sugar).
  • I am interested in starting atkins, but I don't have the book or the money for ketone strips. I am a broke college student. I have found the information about what foods you can eat on each phase of the diet on the Atkins web site. I also found this little tool on the internet where you put your daily calorie count and it…
  • Rude! There are a lot of people that don't know about this. Even if it people have posted on this before, not everyone got the chance to read that before! There are god knows how many people of MFP there are bound to be redundancies.
  • I would love to join this challenge. However I may do a version with some dairy because I am allergic to beef and pork and this severely limits my protein choices, especially since I am on a tiny-tiney food budget. That being said, I have been doing this diet for about a week already (without dairy) and I love it, but I…
  • Thanks! Now i have a new term to use!
  • I am still at that place where I can't jog a full mile, and I can't wait to be where you are now. Great job! I can only imagine how wonderful you feel! You are an inspiration. BTW this is probably a stupid question but what does NSV stand for?
  • Bump!
    in Paleo Diet Comment by Alyx128 July 2011
  • Ooops! Sorry. You know I proofread the body of this post, but didn't even take a second look a the subject line. My bad. I will re-post under the correct subject now.
    in Pale Diet Comment by Alyx128 July 2011