

  • Thank you! Thank you all. I knew this forum would help me see clearly. Thank YOU
  • Well yea! she weights as much as I do and the same size as me. Only difference is she lost 25 pounds in 21 days and she is lively and taking vitamins and seeing her nutritionist every 2 weeks. She was my chubby gym buddy for these past few months then loosing all this weight immediate makes me want it. Thats ALL! After…
  • I dont understand ! I am witnessing this guys! she is losing it. AND a nutrition recommended it! Technically I am obsessed. As for her metabolism she eats all her meals 8 x A DAY. it seems healthy.
  • Thank you all for your comments and advise. You are all right I need to enjoy my vacation and feel good about myself. I used to have so much confidence and “Swag” (the good one) and the more I gain the less I had. I will be starting Grad school soon and I will make sure I stay connected to this site and myself. In life…
  • OMG , so proud of you~~~ YOU GO GIRL!