

  • Alex ~ don't look at as losing weight look at it as a change of life style, take as a positive instead of a negative. We can only do so much and right now you have a lot of negatives so number one set your mind on positive, If you are at a party lets say and they are serving cake allow yourself a half of piece the positive…
  • ...The toning stuff is working it's just that you may have reached a plateau of which means you need to increase either the time of your cardio or the intensity of it. The harder and the longer you workout the more fat is burned and increasing your weights will help too but aerobic cardio is the real fat burner.. If you…
  • Hi Becky; i had a trainer and have done weights for 20 yrs (I had to have neck surgery 5 yrs ago) now working on 10-15 lbs because of it. If you are just starting you can work all the muscles (a full body workout) 3 x a week. but if you have more time to do weights and can alternate that would be even better. Such as work…
  • False information, weight programs burn calories, muscle eats fat, a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. Only it looks alot nicer. Look at your hand fingers splayed open and relaxed now make the tightest fist you can make it this were your thighs which look would you rather have flabby or tight? Your diet is…