

  • I have the same problem and I tried just going to bed earlier but all I can think of is food. I have found that eating supper a bit later helps and if I need a snack, I will have a little peanut butter on a spoon. Herbal tea is nice too.
  • ew, orange skin? lol I did'nt know you could eat that...learn something new everyday!
    in Juicing Comment by lfeltman50 July 2011
  • what the heck is the "bumping" about BTW? sorry, I am clueless about stuff like that :P
    in Juicing Comment by lfeltman50 July 2011
  • I don't know if I call it "juicing" really, more of a grinding it up thing lol but I love using my regular blender for berries, apples, carrots, and beets. I make speghetti sauce that way too so that my son will eat vegetables. I put carrots, mushrooms, peppers, the whole deal in the blender with spices and smooth it up. I…
    in Juicing Comment by lfeltman50 July 2011
  • oh yeah, I remembered what I really hate about them...the seeds. I got the flavor with pomagranite and there was insane amounts of seeds in it which made the last couple of sips kinda gross. Don't know how they could fix that though.
  • They are okay but I was upset that I had to buy juice to make them with. I prefer the yo-plait frozen smoothies best because I don't add anything extra except a little water if my blender doesn't want to grind it up well. For the most part, I like to throw some frozen fruit in the blender and be done with it.