rainas25 Member


  • Really needed to read this thread today...thanks for posting and thanks for all the inspiration! One day at a time!
  • Great job everyone! Thanks again Kristin for all you do. Motivated to have a much better week this week!!
  • Ready to Rock It! Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 201.2 Challenge Goal Weight: 188.2 07/02: 201.2 07/09: 206 07/16: 07/23: 07/30: 08/06: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.2 08/13: 08/20: 08/27: 09/03: <<<mini goal weight>>> 192.2 09/10: 09/17: 09/24: 10/01: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 188.2 Week long road…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 202.6 05/21: 201.4 05/28: --- 06/04: 207.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 203.2 06/18: 203 06/25: 202.2 07/02: 201.2…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 201.2 Challenge Goal Weight: 189.2 07/02: 201.2 07/09: 07/16: 07/23: 08/06: <<<197.2>>> 08/13: 08/20: 08/27: 09/03: <<193.2>>> 09/10: 09/17: 09/24: 10/01: <<<189.2>>>
  • I'm in...I'm going to try to lose 12 lbs! Thanks so much for doing this again! rainas25/Raina
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 202.6 05/21: 201.4 05/28: --- 06/04: 207.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 203.2 06/18: 203 06/25: 202.2 07/02:…
  • I'm in for the next challenge! Hopefully I will do better on the next one :) NSV: I guess mine would be sticking with it this time. I'm close to 6 months that I've been consistently using MFP. I had tried MFP and other things in the past and usually fizzle out after a few months. My progress has been slow and occasionally…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 202.6 05/21: 201.4 05/28: --- 06/04: 207.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 203.2 06/18: 203 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 202.6 05/21: 201.4 05/28: --- 06/04: 207.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 203.2 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 202.6 05/21: 201.4 05/28: --- 06/04: 207.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>>…
  • We were camping this weekend and I missed the weigh-in. Ready to get back on track today! Congrats to everyone sticking with it!
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 202.6 05/21: 201.4 05/28: 06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 192.6
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 202.6 05/21: 05/28: 06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 192.6
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: 202.4 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 05/21: 05/28: 06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 192.6 Disappointed I…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 203.2 05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 05/21: 05/28: 06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 192.6 Finally a loss! I…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss) 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 204.6 04/30: 05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 05/21: 05/28: 06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 192.6 I can't believe that my…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 204.6 04/23: 04/30: 05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6 05/14: 05/21: 05/28: 06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 192.6 Got a little lazy after the end of the last…
  • Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina Current Weight: 204.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 04/09: 204.6 04/16: 04/23: 04/30: 05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 199.6 05/14: 05/21: 05/28: 06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 195.6 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 191.6
  • Name/ real name: Raina/rainas25 Current Weight: 219 Challenge Goal Weight: 205 01/02: 219 01/09: 215.2 01/16: 214.8 01/23: 213.2 01/30: 213.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 215--goal met! 02/06: 213 02/13: 209.6 02/20: 209.2 02/27: 208.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 211-goal met! 03/05: 207.8 03/12: 208.8 03/19: 206 03/26: 206 04/02:…
  • Name/ real name: Raina/rainas25 Current Weight: 219 Challenge Goal Weight: 205 01/02: 219 01/09: 215.2 01/16: 214.8 01/23: 213.2 01/30: 213.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 215--goal met! 02/06: 213 02/13: 209.6 02/20: 209.2 02/27: 208.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 211-goal met! 03/05: 207.8 03/12: 208.8 03/19: 206 03/26: 206 04/02:…
  • Thanks Kristen! I'm in for 12 lbs.
  • Name/ real name: Raina/rainas25 Current Weight: 219 Challenge Goal Weight: 205 01/02: 219 01/09: 215.2 01/16: 214.8 01/23: 213.2 01/30: 213.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 215--goal met! 02/06: 213 02/13: 209.6 02/20: 209.2 02/27: 208.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 211-goal met! 03/05: 207.8 03/12: 208.8 03/19: 206 03/26: 206 04/02:…
  • Name/ real name: Raina/rainas25 Current Weight: 219 Challenge Goal Weight: 205 01/02: 219 01/09: 215.2 01/16: 214.8 01/23: 213.2 01/30: 213.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 215--goal met! 02/06: 213 02/13: 209.6 02/20: 209.2 02/27: 208.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 211-goal met! 03/05: 207.8 03/12: 208.8 03/19: 206 03/26: 04/02: 04/07:…
  • Kristen-Thanks so much for doing another challenge! I'm in! I'll go for 12 lbs. The new chart is adorable! Christenehetz-I'm still relatively new to this, but I read the boards a lot. My only advice would be to make sure you're eating enough. You do a lot of exercise...do you eat your exercise calories? Most agree on the…
  • Great job everyone! Impressed with how much we've lost and proud of those of us that are still sticking it out! Sailingal-hope you feel better soon! Kristin-thanks as always for taking the time to update the spreadsheet and keep everything organized!
  • Name/ real name: Raina/rainas25 Current Weight: 219 Challenge Goal Weight: 205 01/02: 219 01/09: 215.2 01/16: 214.8 01/23: 213.2 01/30: 213.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 215--goal met! 02/06: 213 02/13: 209.6 02/20: 209.2 02/27: 208.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 211-goal met! 03/05: 207.8 03/12: 208.8 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07:…
  • Name/ real name: Raina/rainas25 Current Weight: 219 Challenge Goal Weight: 205 01/02: 219 01/09: 215.2 01/16: 214.8 01/23: 213.2 01/30: 213.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 215--goal met! 02/06: 213 02/13: 209.6 02/20: 209.2 02/27: 208.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 211-goal met! 03/05: 207.8 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07:…
  • Great job everyone! Sorry I haven't been very active on here, I'll try to work on that. This challenge has really helped me stick with it and be accountable and I really appreciate that. Ever think about making this a group? Or maybe if we do another challenge after this one...seems like it would be easier to stay up on…