Thin In My Skin! (CLOSED GRP)



  • dmolnaraz
    dmolnaraz Posts: 127 Member
    Name/ real name: Dmolnaraz/Debi

    Current Weight: 204.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 190

    04/09: 204.2
    04/16: 201.5
    04/23: 200.0
    04/30: 197.9
    05/07: 195.8 <<<mini goal weight>>> 196
    05/14: 195.0
    05/21: 194.3
    05/28: 193.5
    06/04: 191.2 <<<mini goal weight>>> 190
    06/11: 191.7
    06/18: 189.9
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 185

    Finally met my second mini goal!! Yeah! I've now lost 25 pounds from my high. That is more than my daughter weighs. I'm reminded just how much I've lost everytime I pick her up. I tried on my skinny skinny jeans yesterday and they fit. That was a wonderful boost.

    I hope everyone had a good week.
  • jentarver
    jentarver Posts: 192
    Name/ real name: JennTarver
    Current Weight: 183
    Challenge Goal Weight: 175

    04/09: 191.6
    04/16: 191.6
    04/23: 190
    04/30: 188
    05/07:187..... <<<mini goal weight>>> 185
    05/14: 187
    05/21: 187
    05/28: 184.6
    06/04:184 <<<mini goal weight>>> 180
    06/11: 182.8
    06/18: 182... Not Sure what happened, but after my run, the scale is saying **180.8** :):):) (had a lot of sodium yesterday)
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 175
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    Name/ real name: kvonjohn/ Kristie
    Current Weight: 204.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 190. I'm shooting for 24 lbs. Aim high!
    04/09: 213.4
    04/16: 212
    04/23: 209.2
    04/30: 208.0
    05/07: 209.0<<<206>>>
    05/11: 206
    05/21: :ohwell:
    05/28: :ohwell:
    06/04: 205.6<<<198>>>
    06/11: 204.2
    06/18: 204.2
    07/02: <<<190>>>
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Thanks to all who posted their weight on time. :-) The chart will be here later this evening.

  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Mon 06/04/12 10:13 AM
    Name/Real Name - Alex/osualex
    Current weight - 166
    Challenge goal weight - 150

    04/09: 166
    04/16: 164.7
    04/23: 164
    04/30: 163.7
    05/07: 162.5 mini goal <<<160>>>
    05/14: 162
    05/21: 159.2
    05/28: 157.3
    06/04: 160
    06/11: -
    06/18: 157
    07/02: <<<150>>>

    back down again thank god!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member

    Because of the size of this chart, please do not quote this post.

    Comments a little later... :-)
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm sorry I never got to my "more comments" last week. My "extra family" ended up leaving today (instead of last Monday) and is coming back on Wed! So...

    judykay500 - I know what you mean about when the grandchildren are over... I get almost nothing done either (exercise, etc)!

    Shadowkitty22 - Good luck with your final leg tomorrow!

    Crystal - More later...

    caitlinlws - Another challenge... Probably. This one ends on 7/2. I have a lot going on that week so our next one will probably start on 7/9 and run through 10/8 (13 weeks).

    Jenniprr, Audrine & Mandamommy3 - I totally think you can reach your challenge goals!

    Mandamommy3 - Yay for being overweight!

    AmyByExample - You could start posting your weigh in on Friday, if that would help you.

    thurberj - Yay for better arms!

    carolemack - Hope you had fun shopping!

    Dmolnaraz - Fitting into your skinny, skinny jeans... Woo hoo!

    Congrats to all of this week's winners!

    Congrats to those who entered a new decade!

    A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the biggest, overall, losers... jgunn81 and legnarevocrednu!!

    Ksraider & Roni_M - Would you please give us a challenge for the week? Thanks!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Next challenge chart...


    Maybe a different challenge name, etc...
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    Looks great!! I'm so in. I'm still learning what it takes to maintain. It's tough.
    so, i'd love to do another challenge with you.


  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    new challenge looks good, i'm in, but will be more realistic with goals this time and try and achieve them!
  • surferfreak07
    surferfreak07 Posts: 221 Member
    Seeing my name in yellow has definitely made my day and its only 9:03 am :D I also love the look of the new challenge and hopefully will get a spot! Maybe I could reach my goal of 170lbs then, the day it finishes is my birthday so it would be the perfect day to make that weight!
    I hope you all have a good week, I'll be testing my willpower tonight at my stepdad's birthday meal. We're going to an indian restaurant so I have planned ahead and decided to have chicken tikka with salad :D
  • BLloudy
    BLloudy Posts: 35 Member
    Yippee!! I was so hoping there would be a "next challenge". Please count me in! :) I love the look of the new chart... you're so creative, Kristen!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Yea for the new challenge!! Count me in please!!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I am so excited that we are doing another challenge!! I am soooo in... I've lost almost 50lbs so far in Kristen's challenges!!

    There seems to be alot of frustration with the scales the last few weeks (which I completely understand!). It's so hard to stay focused on the positive changes we've all made. So I want everyone to post a NSV (non scale victory) that they have achieved since starting this challenge. This can be anything from a clothing size to a fitness goal. Feel free to post more than one if you want. Let's flood this challenge with some positive thinking!!

    I'll start...

    NSV - I went HIKING! Who would of thought that I could survive (and enjoy) hiking through the woods and I was actually able to keep up with my hubby! A year ago I wouldn't have even attempted it and if I did it probably would have involved a paramedic! =)
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    So happy there is a NEXT challenge! Please add me to the group. I have been struggling in this one but I know I need this. Finally feel like things are better....knees are healing, got some info (going to PT and a trainer) from the doctor and new meds. I am ready to stay focused and make my next challenge goal!!

  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    Would love to be included in the next challenge! Love the new chart!

    As for my NSVs
    -as I posted with my weigh in, I'm no longer Obese
    -I have been able to go to the park with my kids over the past month and been able to chase the 1 year old through the play sets and go down the slide with him, without fearing getting stuck on any of it.
    -I have more energy to keep the house clean, a good thing when you have 3 little ones.

    congrats to all the biggest losers! and I hope all those that are still struggling/trying their hardest keep at it, you'll get there eventually! :)
  • rainas25
    rainas25 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm in for the next challenge! Hopefully I will do better on the next one :)

    I guess mine would be sticking with it this time. I'm close to 6 months that I've been consistently using MFP. I had tried MFP and other things in the past and usually fizzle out after a few months. My progress has been slow and occasionally up and down, but I'm determined to stick with it this time. I keep telling myself that I can quit and I know what will happen....I will start gaining or I can stick with it and see what happens :)
  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    ah, feels good to be back in my green square...

    im in for the next challenge as well

    hmmmm...NSV would have to be that some of my work shirts used to be snug around the belly area, now I kinda feel like they're getting too big, also, I'm starting to fit back into some clothes I haven't been able to in a while.

    Good luck to everyone in these final two weeks, push hard!!
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    I'm in for the next challenge also. It leads up to right before my birthday and I want this birthday to be great. Looking better at 32 than I did at 30 will be so wonderful!
  • dmolnaraz
    dmolnaraz Posts: 127 Member
    The new challenge looks good. Kristen you do such a great job with the charts. It's a lot of work keeping track of all of us. Thank you for doing it. This is my first challenge and it has really helped keep me on track. I'm in for the next one as well.

    NSV - There are several of them I am really poud of.
    I can fit in my skinny skinny jeans. In fact I have to wear a belt with any other pants.
    I can run for 20 plus minutes without feeling like I'm going to die. I'm slow but I'm running.
    My working out and losing weight is starting to rub of on my husband. He isn't ready to join me but is getting closer.

    I hope everyone has a great week.